A guy told me army "makes you a man"

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
The dude is a long midfaced bloated manletcel and he told me that army makes you more mature. kek. there are 14 year olds who get laid evey day and are more mature than i or him will ever be. these pseudo alpha losers are bigtime copers. i despise them more than anything rly. you are not macho or alpha if you are an incel subhuman.
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Reactions: currylightskin, GetShrekt, TUSSELEIF and 7 others
The dude is a long midfaced bloated manletcel and he told me that army makes you more mature. kek. there are 14 year olds who get laid evey day and are more mature than i or him will ever be. these pseudo alpha losers are bigtime copers. i despise them more than anything rly. you are not macho or alpha if you are an incel subhuman.
having a big dick makes you man nothing else
everything is cope if you are a dicklet
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  • JFL
Reactions: GetShrekt, n0rthface, Deleted member 15338 and 7 others
Yes goy, go risk your life for Isra...I mean America.
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  • JFL
Reactions: TUSSELEIF, n0rthface, Deleted member 15338 and 13 others
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  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: RichardSpencel, AspiringChad, Insomniac and 1 other person
Good morning i hate jews
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  • JFL
Reactions: TUSSELEIF, n0rthface, RichardSpencel and 4 others
Jfl at army cucks. There is a 100% chance your partner will cheat on you whilst you're deployed.
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Reactions: TUSSELEIF, RichardSpencel, AspiringChad and 1 other person
people who unironically think like this are arent men
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Reactions: ChoSeungHui and Hunter
yes and when they return from army they find their wifes slurping tyrones cum
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Reactions: TheChosenChad and RichardSpencel
UniformMaxxing is legit
I don't want to serve jews that took my foreskin

jfl at giving israel so much support, just let it burn
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Reactions: RichardSpencel, Insomniac and ChoSeungHui
I would take the training as long as it doesn’t affect my looks and the conditions are fine and it isn’t too long, bonus if I’m paid.
Wouldn’t it it would stop me from making money

I will never accept deployment or fighting for this
fight for freedom, freddom for women to fuck with chads

Or risking my life jfl
Kikes me to the depths of israel
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Reactions: ChoSeungHui and RichardSpencel
Dude probably didnt even fight. Just some support job for the chads who are the stars in all the movies and the faces on all the propaganda. He probably thinks having another grown ass man tell him step by step how to brush his teeth is manly.

Ya submitting to another mans authority and asking daddy for permission to piss will make you more mature.
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Reactions: n0rthface, kobecel, ChoSeungHui and 2 others
nuke the world tbh
in the sense that the army turns you into a worker bee, sure. Which is typically what people actually mean and want out of "mature" people: dont make problems for me, know your place and just do what you're told when you're told, thanks.

But yeah, army is full of incelsindenial that believed the marketing and propaganda and ran off to sign 3-5 years of their life away thinking theyd come out the other end with all their problems solved, patched over all their insecurities and women will be throwing their panties at them. Its a lot like being a gymcel though: its mostly men who will be interested in your service, women couldnt give a fuck especially if you're short. So if you want to risk dying in terror in the midst of an artillery barrage and then come home to a bunch of fat dorks asking you dorky questions about room clearing techniques and omg did you ever meet anyone from delta force while the women in the group stare a hole through your head imagining what life would be like if they hadnt fucked up with that rich guy they dated for 2.5 minutes in college, the military is a great choice. Of course, maybe you joined a non-combat role like 90% of the military, you tell them that, and watch the interest in the room vanish like vapors.

If one simply wants to experience combat and a sense of true adventure, which requires risk (e.g unlike tourism), there are plenty of conflicts around the world that welcome volunteers. Kurds in Kurdistan and Syria, The Karen rebels in Myanmar, The Kachin rebels in Myanmar, Mexican drug war, Ukraine, Colombia etc...
  • +1
Reactions: The Dude Abides
I'm sorry I don't wanna waste my time for jewish overlords in the middle east
Most soldiers are being cheated by their gfs/whifes, jfl
Nope dick makes you a man
air force is cooler
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Reactions: Pex1992
the military does make you a man?

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