A natural looking Rad 140 cycle



Apr 14, 2020
I’m thinking about doing a rad 140 cycle
However I’m afraid my friends or family will think my gains aren’t natural (they aren’t but I’d like them to think they are)
How much would you recommend dosing for my transformation to look natural. I’m thinking about doing 10mg a day for 10 weeks. Does someone have experience with this and will it look natural or would you recommend a different dosage or different sarms?
Will my gains go away if I stop the cycle? I have been lifting for about 3/4th of a year so I think I’m not at my natural limit yet.
I’ve also heard things about pct, however I don’t know what it is. Is it something I will need after my rad 140 cycle?
Thanks in advance for the comments,
  • JFL
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I’m thinking about doing a rad 140 cycle
However I’m afraid my friends or family will think my gains aren’t natural (they aren’t but I’d like them to think they are)
How much would you recommend dosing for my transformation to look natural. I’m thinking about doing 10mg a day for 10 weeks. Does someone have experience with this and will it look natural or would you recommend a different dosage or different sarms?
Will my gains go away if I stop the cycle? I have been lifting for about 3/4th of a year so I think I’m not at my natural limit yet.
I’ve also heard things about pct, however I don’t know what it is. Is it something I will need after my rad 140 cycle?
Thanks in advance for the comments,
Do 5mg LGD4033 for 8 weeks, and maybe add MK677 5mg to add more bloat and water weight, with the added hunger and sleep benefits as well as it also being anabolic. The reason these would work is cause you'll look more like a natty bulk with ideal genetics, in a 600kcal surplus you'll add 10lbs of pure muscle minimum, as well as about 2lbs of fat and 4lbs of water. You'll look great, but not unnatural.
RAD140 is dry as fuck,at 10mg you'll add 16-20lbs of dry muscle, no water, no bloat, maybe 2lbs of fat if that.
My only cycle was 10mg LGD4033, 10mg MK2866, 5mg MK677, this was after 45-50lbs gained over 2.5 years of on and off natty lifting (also gained 10cm in height). I gained 25lbs, maybe 2lbs fat, 4lbs water. At the peak I was at 184cm, 81kg, after PCT; 79kg.
In that time, I was rarely in a surplus, but when I was, it was 1000+kcal.
I'm starting 10mg RAD140 and 10mg LGD4033 on July 1st. Goal is very lean bulk (400kcal surplus), then followed by 8 weeks PCT of Nolva (2 weeks during week 7 and 8 of cycle, then 2 weeks post cycle (9 and 10th week), 10mg MK677 (week 8 to 16) then cutting down to god level shreds with RAD140 and MK2866 (both dry as fuck and preserve muscle and gain muscle in deficit).

Basically, run 5mg LGD4033 and 5mg MK677, this will give elite gains + make you look reasonably natty.
If you can get bloods, do so, if not, be safe and taper down in last 2 weeks from 5mg LGD4033 to 2.5mg (no need to taper down MK677, instead, do the 5mg for an additional 4 weeks; 12 weeks in total) and use 10mg Nolva from the start of the 7th week, until the end of the 10th week.

After that, don't do another cycle until 8 weeks has passed since your last dose of LGD4033, I recommend repeating the same cycle if it worked well.
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Basically, run 5mg LGD4033 and 5mg MK677, this will give elite gains + make you look reasonably natty.
If you can get bloods, do so, if not, be safe and taper down in last 2 weeks from 5mg LGD4033 to 2.5mg (no need to taper down MK677, instead, do the 5mg for an additional 4 weeks; 12 weeks in total) and use 10mg Nolva from the start of the 7th week, until the end of the 10th week.

After that, don't do another cycle until 8 weeks has passed since your last dose of LGD4033, I recommend repeating the same cycle if it worked well.

You seem like you know your stuff. I've been thinking about using sarms for a while. Sarms and nolvadex without a prescription is illegal here, but it seems like it would be easier to obtain sarms than nolva. Anyway, if I were to do that cycle with lgd and mk do I still have to use nolva as well even if I'm way past puberty (33 years old)? Or do I still risk permanently fucking up my hormones?
You seem like you know your stuff. I've been thinking about using sarms for a while. Sarms and nolvadex without a prescription is illegal here, but it seems like it would be easier to obtain sarms than nolva. Anyway, if I were to do that cycle with lgd and mk do I still have to use nolva as well even if I'm way past puberty (33 years old)? Or do I still risk permanently fucking up my hormones?
I know a little, just the basics really. At 33, I would honestly be thinking more along the lines of test. Either get TRT, tank your test before the bloods, then it'll come up as low test so they'll prescribe 200mg or so. Illegally, I would recommend an injection of 400mg every 5 days, watch this to get a better idea;
RAD gains will look natural cause it's a sarm, it's weak compared to test for example so you are safe when it comes to that.
I would recommend between 5mg and 10mg per day (you gotta do a 8-10 week cycle). Gains will mostly stay because they are minimal, like I said, it's just a sarm. You don't need PCT for sarm cycles.
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