A thread about dos & don'ts of Escortcelling for us Incels



Aug 11, 2018






As you can see articles which present a substantive amount of information.


PS rules for Incels sharing their experiences escortcelling...

1. Don't go rushed aka don't be flustered & flushed especially regarding location whereabouts. Also see points 16 & 17. Make sure you're relaxed & calm. Plan your journey before hand, what could go wrong etc.
2. Arrive with money but also some form of "gift" & activity so that your escortcelling gets reduced to nought but a "booty call" with an "old friend" so the Feds don't suspect shit. There's a reason why Escorts love "gifts" & other forms of "Trinkets" as well as to do other activities with their "clients". If the Feds move in then get ready to You tube it & broadcast that casual sex between heterosexual parties are getting impeded upon by Femistazi Dukes & Cuckservatives. PS Feds can't do shit even reading this... Also dating apps, snap chat, instagram etc are other ways to look for "pay for play" experiences... See @RoseAlliance's tweets about dating apps. Also a link I have given above regarding adult websites. Remember "casual heterosexual hookups are not illegal".
3. Watch out for surveillance cameras when approaching her residence or any "lurkers" spotting that could be Police if you live in a jurisdiction where criminalised. In effect you'll have to learn about "Spy Techniques" & "Guerrilla Warfare" to see Escorts where it is criminalised. Fucking stupid I know but that's the hysteria surrounding Sex Work though. You can wear hoodies or other forms of disruption for facial detection tools that feds use. Also hell you can even use fingerprint covers. Watch out for the Escort being an undercover Police Officer in the Vice Squad.
4. Regarding payment... this can be withdrawing money from your credit card but do keep tab of it. Credit card to cash transfer & withdraw cash over time after booking in advance or if a short stop then you do that over 2 days. Stagger it. Pay via crypto currency. If you do pay via cash then make sure your cash is an envelope & does not have your finger prints on either. Crypto Currency is preferred however you will learn how to use that & she will have to also. If she likes gift cards then all well & good via loading it up or any other form of transfer. Remember peeps... ALL these methods are what Normies use with their SO's. If the Feds try shit... They'll be fucking themselves over "Mai Lai Massacre" style... Trying to stop these interactions will be their "Soviet Afghan War" where they're the Soviets & you know what happened to the Soviet Union after they got their arse handed to them...
5. Don't ever share personal info with Sex Workers or if you do then you share the kind of trivial stuff that "Boyfriends & Girlfriends" share with each other. If they want screening then provide the bare necessity. I know this flies in the face of what Sex Workers want but it is for your safety regarding sting operations. If you need to then you use a phone recording app, burner phone number & ask her for "quid pro quo" information or have a recording device to your phone if on a cheap disposable phone. If need be very rarely if you haven't given her any pics which you should never do then remind her that revenge porn is criminal as is blackmail & extortion but that's in the UK though or other areas where Sex Work is illegal however having not mentioned money in your initial approach then it would come under blackmail & extortion for falsely stating you're soliciting her. Watch out for scammers. If you look for escorts on the web make sure you're not going to get cat-fished via Police or stung also see if she's on other websites & use a disposable cheap phone, cheap pay as you go disposable sim etc.
6. Only see English speaking ones only if you live in an English Speaking Country or your relevant Country & independent ones with their own websites or on websites listed with the occasional 1's being from an agency. If her English speaking is shaky then it's more than likely she'll have a hard time conversing with you after post coital interaction. Go for 2 hrs or 3 hrs initially after such a long absence or for your first time if that means you have to save up then so be it. Likewise be prepared for package details of 2-4 hour bookings that the Escorts use & conduct so that she gets to know you first in a neutral setting & then has sex with you afterwards so as not to raise suspicions with the feds. Don't go for anyone under 24 as the younger ones seem to be immature or well that was my experience at least.
7. Get rid of any thrush & fungi on your penis as that causes little cuts & will make your cock very sore especially when being inserted. Your "love muscle" has to be in tip top condition. Shave down below if need be & put aftershave or after cream on there so that it is soft & not prickly. Don't take anything that will make you drowsy like drugs or drink. Likewise don't take anything which makes you incapacitated even if it makes you high. Make sure you're clean shaven & smooth & soft facially wise. Also shower before, or at the very beginning.
8. Do more physical exercise that will make you fitter. Cardiovascular, lower back, arms. Any advice is much welcome. If you have any erectile issues then take real viagra either half an hour or an hour before you have sex. Make sure your desensitiser spray doesn't stop or prevent you getting an erection if you don't want to ejaculate quickly after having taken it.Take 2 viagras if that's the case.
9. If the Escort has heavily frauded her pictures & you find that out. You have the right to point blank refuse to see her or even pay her as fraud nullifies any agreement. Just like she can refuse you so can you refuse her. It might sound harsh but business is business.
10. If an Escort requires a deposit or cancellation fee. Then so be it. They're service providers first & foremost. They're your "Cope Dealers/Providers". If you don't like it then graciously move on.

During the encounter:
11. If she doesn't kiss on the lips (DFK appreciated but not necessarily required) at least or allow you to to kiss her body its BS as part of Foreplay. If she doesn't allow licking & fingering down below than its BS as she does not want to get intimate or friendly in my experience. Likewise if it smells down below for her then you can ask her to wash. She should not be fucking you if she has her Boyfriends sperm there recently or uncleaned or any other Clients although she shouldn't have any other Clients as she should have been practising safe sex.
12.If its too hot above 22º than you cant perform I generally found.
13. I won't go into anymore detail regarding physical activities as you have the links above.
14. Don't talk any controversial stuff like politics, religion, hell even pushing the :blackpill: as many Escorts know that their Clients are Involuntary Celibates.

After the encounter:
14. Thank her for her time & effort, compliment her & either book your next appointment or graciously move onto another escort. If you like her then you can ask to tip her now & again or just keep in touch but not "hogging her time" as she is your Service Provider/Therapist/Cope Dealer... Not your GF or Oneitis.

PS CBC & FEDS (& all Leftist Media Rags & Socialist Tyrants Tools) you can read this thread & try & stop Casual (or even Contractual Casual) Hook Ups from occurring then you're signing your own Death Warrants & that's not a Threat. A Warning so to speak. You can back the fuck off for good, legalise & decriminalise Sex Work & stop demonising sad sorry arse :blackpill:ed Virgins aka Incels & stop targeting their "Cope Providers" aka Escorts.

Your call Mother Fuckers...

PS Incels... I regret nothing in either Escortcelling or posting this thread & will never do.
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Reactions: Boldandbeautiful, owlofathena, thecel and 8 others
step1: have it be legal in your country
step2:dont be shy
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2426, dogtown, Zeta ascended and 1 other person
step1: have it be legal in your country
step2:dont be shy

Step 1: Know your shit. What to do etc. Legality is bogus as many unjust laws were later overthrown. This one will be no different.
Step 2: Agreed & be respectful, polite, diplomatic & professional.
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown, 11gaijin, androidcel and 1 other person
What advice would you give a blackcel. Alot of escorts won't fuck blacks because some of them act like retarded animals and they don't pay them.
A a formal escortcel, I appreciate your high effort
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1464 and Littleboy
What advice would you give a blackcel. Alot of escorts won't fuck blacks because some of them act like retarded animals and they don't pay them.

1. See an escort who does
2. Ask them to be a reference
3. If they're a professional service provider they can't discriminate on looks, disability (as long as they can be accommodated to have sex), height & race.

Good luck amigo.
A a formal escortcel, I appreciate your high effort

  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and Zeta ascended
Not necrobumping but adding this here.

Goes without saying.
Make sure you get a refund if they're not going to provide you sex.

a whole essay on how to pay for sex.

its times like these i wish to be chad
  • +1
Reactions: Littleboy

a whole essay on how to pay for sex.

its times like these i wish to be chad

That's the only option I have I'm afraid.
Jfl, set up a date, pay, fuck and leave. Record audio with your mobile phone if you want fap material. Ideally start recording before entering her workplace or before she enters your house respectively. Keep your phone within range of sight.
jfl at this patheitc shit. Just go to the busiest place in town. ask a bitch go to some place fuck her and leave or if u have pity give her some money
Escortcelling in the U.S is by far the most retarded thing you can do

The prices some of these whores charge for 1 hour is batshit insane.

Only escortcel in europe
  • +1
Reactions: Littleboy

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