Which future will you think we adopt before the fall of looksmax culture?

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Apr 15, 2022
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According to Oswald Spengler, a civilization starts off like this.

  1. Ethnogenesis, a new ethnicity is created. These people share similar genetic, cultural, linguistic and environmental material and create a story about how they're one people. Often this forms in response to an antagonistic force (often another tribe, or nature, like rivers keep flooding so an ethnicity forms to fight it off)
  2. Culturogenesis and an emergence of a worldview. The newly created ethnicity forms a value system that deeply informs how to view the world. This is usually created by religion and spirituality, philosophy, environment, and their daily lives.
  3. Innovation. They invent art, advance their culture, technology, philosophy, and more. Massive development of all metrics.
  4. Peak. They reach the peak in all metrics, and they mass export themselves everywhere, establishing an empire, acquire vast amounts of territory and expand their genetic and cultural influence. Here, the cracks that appeared to form in the late stages in the innovation phase as the culture became successful begin to scale.
  5. Degeneracy and corruption. Their success removes incentives to maintain the traits that rose them to glory.
  6. Movements attempt to fight off degeneracy (never works). The place degenerates and prostitution, corruption, migrations (often en masse) of incompetent people, etc. forms.
  7. Fragility, weakness and decay. The state begins the process of rotting and the nation is ran by an incompetent authoritarian force.
  8. Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead.

I would expand Spengler's theory to the evolution of looksmax culture (history and future)

Let's presume Looksmax.org was a nation.


1. Ethnogenesis (early 2010s):
We'll drop ethnicity since this place is a massively ethnically diverse place. But we have a shared cultural, linguistic and environmental similarities. We all want to look better, speak English, and are in similar environments (the shared environmental conditions which forces us to looksmax). We also share a (broadly, moderately, and generally) right-wing culture.

2. Culturogenesis (middle 2010s to 2017): The environments we find ourselves in has caused us to congregate here and share similar views. The history of looksmax.org started with the PSL websites: Puahate.com (Pickup artist hate), Sluthate.com, and Lookism.net. These websites discussed anti-PUA and redpill content, the issues and antagonistic resentment of women (in response to not being attractive) and the emerging ideology focused on human aesthetic capital and its value.

These sites are the roots that created the culturogenesis of our ideology, such as the axioms that you take for granted, such as...
- Women are predominantly looks-driven
- Women rank features in men in this order: face > phenotype > dimorphic traits like height, frame, etc.
- Women treat uglies like a disease, normies with decency, and chads like a Messiah.
- You need to be of a certain PSL value to succeed in life and in dating
and much more...

We've also constructed out own subset of psychology (and maybe even biology) to not only understand what women want in men, but how to achieve that.

We have created and evolved our culture, language, worldview and basically everything really based on these fundamental axioms. We have a different dialect of English here in a certain way. Words like "coloringmax", "no height for your pheno", "truecel", "mogged", "looksminned", etc. are uniquely "Looksmax English" and not part of standard English. We even have our own suffixes, such as -max, -mog, -cel. We have a culture here that values looks and aesthetic dominance over everything else. After this is founded, it will be taken all the way through its logic, meaning the culture will manifest and evolve itself without deviation from its original axioms until it leads to its death.

3. Innovation (2017- 2021): After the forums started and developed its culture, we had the "Looksmax Golden Age" from Lookism and Looksmax.org respectively. If you don't know what lookism.net was, it was the forum that used to exist and discussed the same topics, and in many ways, users from there founded this forum. From about 2017 to 2021 was the "Golden Age" of looksmax.org. Most of the Golden Age's outputs were between 2017 and 2021. Anyone who has been a member during this time period is certainly lucky. We've compiled knowledge from vast amounts of disparate sources and constructed a canon of knowledge, we've learned many things about how to looksmax and have revealed it out to the community. We were at a certain time allegedly in a culture where everyone was sharing information all day and relatively very little rotting. If you look at the dates of the threads in BOTB, most of them were in the golden age years (2017-2021). Our cracks of degeneracy started forming in 2021, began to grow in 2022 and scaled in the middle of 2023. In the late stage of the innovation stage (2021-early 2023), we started to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and started to make YouTube Channels. Most blackpill-looksmax YouTube channels made videos during that time.

4. Peak (2022-2023): The peak is characterized mostly by our mass exportation of our culture to the youth of the West, its cousins (Eastern Europe, Latin America) and to the rest of the world to a lesser extent. We still had innovation but most of our focus was on expansion of what we have. Our peak is definitely in July of 2023 (Google Trend search for the term "looksmax"). We had a user boom, which master used that advantage to sell VIP and merch. Looksmax users and lurkers making TikTok and other social media channels and expanding our culture everywhere. We now hear people talking about looksmaxing and mogging and mewing in our everyday lives now. We lost our creativity and dynamism and the traits that allowed us to be successful.

5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-today): We became so successful in discovering looksmax methods that we've began degenerating and lost the incentive to maintain the traits that made us successful. The forum has nearly absolutely lost its creative energy, and the cracks of degeneracy have fully taken swing. All of the guides you see now are regurgitation or culturally insignificant to change the culture of looksmax.org. Contributors are shunned, rotters are praised, just like how rappers and degenerate celebs are praised nowadays in Western culture. People spam "didn't read" in high effort threads and don't rep it like its a cool thing to do and genuinely don't read it but some trash brainrot thread gets 100s of reps.

Writing a high effort thread no longer has any positive rewards because @ReadBooksEveryday or @Clavicular can post some thread that is funny and not intellectual and get 100 reps in 24 hours. The percentage of users who are rotters have increased significantly. These users contribute nothing to this forum. We've had a mass migration of what we call "tiktokcels" since our peak years. They've diluted the culture here. We don't necessarily hate TikTokcels, some have been a positive but the overwhelming majority has been a negative, since they're mostly clueless about things here and are consumers, not creators. 90% of the forum's activity is in Offtopic, and if there was ONE METRIC that would indicate the health of the forum, it would be the activity ratio between the Offtopic and the Looksmaxing sections. Users here are extremely negative, tell people to kill themselves, they post brain rot, pornography, gore, racebait hatefuel, and more. A society like this is basically primitive, freshly dead and is beginning to rot.

The rot is high, the creativity is low. There is barely new knowledge that grows. Oh, how is it so.

High effort, glorious threads that motivated you and guides that made you believe that you had a future are now antiquity, ancient, old. They will rarely occur in the future of looksmax.org. Those things are things of the past. Low effort, useless threads or brainrot are the new normal.


There are three paths we can take from here...


A mystery user, either a currently existing user or a user yet to have come starts a movement and becomes a cult leader, messiah or massively influential user which his influence sweeps through the entire forum, even to the administrators. This user is going to colonize the minds of people here in the span of a few weeks to months, pushing a neo-Renaissance that envelops the minds of everyone on the forum. This will push us back into a new innovation stage, where the threads this user writes about looksmaxing and how to do so will reinvent and will profoundly expand our culture, knowledge, looksmaxing techniques and personality.

This user's primary contribution will likely be a series of threads on a new paradigm of looksmaxing or something that profoundly inspires people (and changes their worldview) to actually reboot our culture to a renaissance (innovation) period.

The two most probable new paradigms that could emerge that could save the forum (the new paradigm):
  • A genetics-based paradigm A user highly skilled in genetic engineering invents cosmetic genetic enhancements and teaches people on this forum how to do so and sells genemods. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
  • A psychic-based paradigm: A user figures out a reliable path and method on how to alter their morphology and coloring (or anything really) with the power of their mind and other psychic techniques and demonstrates convincing proof. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
Designer 1

This will likely start with a coalition of people who team up and construct a grand plan on how to save the forum (likely emerging from the conflicts of FUOTY 2024 or FUOTY 2025). They will capture the minds of a minority of the people here and that radical, crazy minority will fight to takeover the cultural landscape by pumping out high effort regurgitation threads often and inspiring people and antagonizing rotters. They will hire greycels and other high status contributor types, and the rotters organize and hire high status rotters. Tensions will rise over months or even years it'll reach a critical mass one FUOTY where everyone will be forced to choose a side or else you'll be shunned. People will have what side they're on in their titles and their profile pictures.

The rotters will label their opposition as "cringe nerdy tryhards", while the contributors will label their opposition as "degenerate, filthy, subhuman losers"

Moderators and administrators WILL be forced to choose sides too.

One January, after the FUOTY Results have been posted, the losing side will launch a full scale war against the winning side, claiming its rigged and fighting for their ideological dominance over the forum, where people are trying to permaban as much of the other faction as they can. Moderators and administrators become ideologically motivated and try to permaban their opposition. Espionage into other people's group chats and other forms of cyberwarfare will prevail. That FUOTY will cause a forum war that will change the face of the forum forever, and it won't be a good one.

Should the forum be governed by rotters (the degenerate status quo) or "contributors" (who won't succeed since they'll just pump out water threads if they win everyday and talk about how their "utopia" is so good and how they "Made Looksmax Great Again", their leader will likely be incapable of actual governance and if it is autocratic, it'll last for like 5 years, if it's totalitarian, no more than a year.)

Once the war is waged, chaos and a forum cyberwar will ensue and a cleansing of the opposition will eventually be achieve in 2-5 months.


The winning faction will ensue and the opposition will rule the forum. Whatever the outcome is, it won't be good since they're both degenerate and incompetent.
This is what usually happens in an attempted revival of a civilization, it fails on its promises but it actually kills off its opponents.
Designer 2

It is entirely possible that nobody may even have the energy to wage cyberwar or try to revive this site. If this is the route we take, then the forum will continue degenerating into a website that is about 90% dominated by Offtopic to 99% dominated by Offtopic over the course of the next few years.

From 2024 onwards, people will begin to leave looksmax.org since it no longer has any real utility. People will likely eventually realize that the culture is toxic and degenerate, and/or useless and dead. They may begin to focus on their own life, they may have kids and leave the forum, or a career or other life duties or realizations that pull them out of the website. The website lost the magic that allowed it to be successful and attractive in the first place.

The looksmax section may reach a point where it gets a new thread every 30 mins instead of the current 1 minutes or so, and it'll eventually get to 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, until the looksmax section has been practically abandoned for all intents and purposes.

The forum will begin to have less active users per day. The users who are there will be so poisoned by their content that their suicides could contribute to the exponentially dwindling amount of active users on this forum.

@Master, slowly facing a crisis in active users in the next few years, will slowly not be able to run the forum properly.
There will be long periods of forum downtimes, where looksmax.org is down, since he won't have the funding to continue the forum 24/7.
Maybe the forum operates every day but monday....
Then everyday but monday and tuesday...
...and so on until @Master posts the thread...


And the forum, will die just like that.
Examples of dead forums: https://www.longecity.org/forum/ (almost dead) or https://forum.biohack.me/ (died a few months ago)

And the final stage...
  • "Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead."


The full dissolution of Looksmax culture.
With this, people will leave and become a part of new cultures, live their own lives and/or deal with other things in life.

There may be people who try to revive looksmax culture but it's a dead organism. They can't revive looksmax culture since everything that they will do has been done and said by looksmax culture, defeating the point.

If they do try to "revive it", it would look very different from the original looksmax culture, it HAS to or else they're just regurgitating whatever the old culture said and that defeats the point.

People may use it to develop new ideas and things but they'll never try to revive the idea.
Looksmax culture is dead and forever dead. This is how all civilizations die.

The text applies Oswald Spengler's theory of civilization cycles to the evolution of Looksmax culture on Looksmax.org, detailing its rise and potential decline through several stages:

  1. Ethnogenesis (Early 2010s): A diverse community forms around the shared goal of self-improvement in appearance, united by cultural, linguistic, and environmental commonalities. This identity emerges in response to societal pressures and a desire for aesthetic enhancement.
  2. Culturogenesis (Mid-2010s to 2017): The ideology solidifies, influenced by anti-PUA and redpill forums. Key beliefs are established, such as the notion that women prioritize looks in men and the importance of "aesthetic capital." A unique dialect develops, incorporating terms like "coloringmax" and "mogging."
  3. Innovation (2017-2021): This period is heralded as the "Golden Age" of Looksmax.org, characterized by a vibrant exchange of ideas and knowledge about self-improvement techniques. However, early signs of degeneration begin to manifest by 2021.
  4. Peak (2022-2023): Looksmax culture reaches its zenith, significantly influencing Western youth and gaining mainstream visibility. While innovation continues, the community begins to lose its dynamism and creative energy.
  5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-Present): The forum suffers a marked decline, with contributions becoming repetitive and low-effort. High-quality discussions are overshadowed by negativity and superficial content, leading to a culture that increasingly praises mediocrity.
The text forecasts three potential futures for Looksmax culture: a revival led by a transformative user and their threads, a chaotic internal conflict (cyberwar that emerges from a FUOTY competition) that will lead to a decay, or a gradual decay into irrelevance and dysfunction, that eventually leads to the death of the forum as Master won't have money to keep it going and it gets entirely colonized by turbomegarotters and the amount of active users and lurkers dwindle significantly.

Certainly! Here are the three potential futures for Looksmax culture, as outlined in the text:

  1. A True Revival: A charismatic user emerges as a leader, inspiring the community and revitalizing the forum. This individual introduces innovative ideas or techniques—either in genetics or psychic enhancement—that profoundly reshape the Looksmax worldview. This revival reignites creativity and encourages high-quality contributions, leading the forum back into a new era of cultural and intellectual flourishing.
  2. A Fake, Failed Revival: A coalition of users attempts to take control of the forum, but their efforts lead to factionalism and internal conflict. Two opposing groups—one advocating for high-quality content and the other promoting low-effort contributions—clash in a cyberwar. Ultimately, this struggle results in chaos, with neither side effectively improving the culture, leading to a superficial victory and continued degeneration of the community.
  3. Direct Transition to Decay: The forum continues on its current trajectory of decline without significant intervention. Users become increasingly disengaged, with the Looksmax section becoming nearly abandoned. As the community grows toxic and less appealing, many members leave to focus on their lives outside the forum. This leads to dwindling activity, and the site may eventually face operational issues, culminating in its demise as a vibrant cultural space.
Dead forums examples: https://www.longecity.org/forum/ (almost dead) or https://forum.biohack.me/ (died a few months ago)

Ultimately, it argues that Looksmax culture is at a serious, probable risk of dissolution, unable to reclaim its former vibrancy or adapt meaningfully.
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@Clavicular @NumbThePain @Gengar @TechnoBoss @emeraldglass
Sticky, please! It's very insightful.
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According to Oswald Spengler, a civilization starts off like this.
View attachment 3191028View attachment 3191034View attachment 3191026

  1. Ethnogenesis, a new ethnicity is created. These people share similar genetic, cultural, linguistic and environmental material and create a story about how they're one people. Often this forms in response to an antagonistic force (often another tribe, or nature, like rivers keep flooding so an ethnicity forms to fight it off)
  2. Culturogenesis and an emergence of a worldview. The newly created ethnicity forms a value system that deeply informs how to view the world. This is usually created by religion and spirituality, philosophy, environment, and their daily lives.
  3. Innovation. They invent art, advance their culture, technology, philosophy, and more. Massive development of all metrics.
  4. Peak. They reach the peak in all metrics, and they mass export themselves everywhere, establishing an empire, acquire vast amounts of territory and expand their genetic and cultural influence. Here, the cracks that appeared to form in the late stages in the innovation phase as the culture became successful begin to scale.
  5. Degeneracy and corruption. Their success removes incentives to maintain the traits that rose them to glory.
  6. Movements attempt to fight off degeneracy (never works). The place degenerates and prostitution, corruption, migrations (often en masse) of incompetent people, etc. forms.
  7. Fragility, weakness and decay. The state begins the process of rotting and the nation is ran by an incompetent authoritarian force.
  8. Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead.
View attachment 3191043View attachment 3191048

I would expand Spengler's theory to the evolution of looksmax culture (history and future)

Let's presume Looksmax.org was a nation.

View attachment 3190819

1. Ethnogenesis (early 2010s):
We'll drop ethnicity since this place is a massively ethnically diverse place. But we have a shared cultural, linguistic and environmental similarities. We all want to look better, speak English, and are in similar environments (the shared environmental conditions which forces us to looksmax). We also share a (broadly, moderately, and generally) right-wing culture.

2. Culturogenesis (middle 2010s to 2017): The environments we find ourselves in has caused us to congregate here and share similar views. The history of looksmax.org started with the PSL websites: Puahate.com (Pickup artist hate), Sluthate.com, and Lookism.net. These websites discussed anti-PUA and redpill content, the issues and antagonistic resentment of women and the emerging ideology focused on human aesthetic capital and its value.

These sites are the roots that created the culturogenesis of our ideology, such as the axioms that you take for granted, such as...
- Women are predominantly looks-driven
- Women rank features in men in this order: face > phenotype > dimorphism.
- Women treat uglies like a disease, normies with decency, and chads like a Messiah.
- You need to be of a certain PSL value to succeed in life and in dating
and much more...

We've also constructed out own subset of psychology (and maybe even biology) to not only understand what women want in men, but how to achieve that.

We have created and evolved our culture, language, worldview and basically everything really based on these fundamental axioms. We have a different dialect of English here in a certain way. Words like "coloringmax", "no height for your pheno", "truecel", "mogged", "looksminned", etc. are uniquely "Looksmax English" and not part of standard English. We even have our own suffixes, such as -max, -mog, -cel. We have a culture here that values looks and aesthetic dominance over everything else. After this is founded, it will be taken all the way through its logic, meaning the culture will manifest and evolve itself without deviation from its original axioms until it leads to its death.

3. Innovation (2017- 2021): After the forums started and developed its culture, we had the "Looksmax Golden Age" from Lookism and Looksmax.org respectively. If you don't know what lookism.net was, it was the forum that used to exist and discussed the same topics, and in many ways, users from there founded this forum. From about 2017 to 2021 was the "Golden Age" of looksmax.org. Most of the Golden Age's outputs were between 2017 and 2021. Anyone who has been a member during this time period is certainly lucky. We've compiled knowledge from vast amounts of disparate sources and constructed a canon of knowledge, we've learned many things about how to looksmax and have revealed it out to the community. We were at a certain time allegedly in a culture where everyone was sharing information all day and relatively very little rotting. If you look at the dates of the threads in BOTB, most of them were in the golden age years (2017-2021). Our cracks of degeneracy started forming in 2021, began to grow in 2022 and scaled in the middle of 2023. In the late stage of the innovation stage (2022-early 2023), we started to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and started to make YouTube Channels. Most blackpill-looksmax YouTube channels made videos during that time.

4. Peak (2022-2023): The peak is characterized mostly by our mass exportation of our culture to the youth of the West, its cousins (Eastern Europe, Latin America) and to the rest of the world to a lesser extent. We still had innovation but most of our focus was on expansion of what we have. Our peak is definitely in July of 2023 (Google Trend search for the term "looksmax"). We had a user boom, which master used that advantage to sell VIP and merch. Looksmax users and lurkers making TikTok and other social media channels and expanding our culture everywhere. We now hear people talking about looksmaxing and mogging and mewing in our everyday lives now. We lost our creativity and dynamism and the traits that allowed us to be successful.

5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-today): The forum has nearly absolutely lost its creative energy, and the cracks of degeneracy have fully taken swing. All of the guides you see now are regurgitation or cultureally insignificant to change the culture of looksmax.org. Contributors are shunned, rotters are praised, just like how rappers and degenerate celebs are praised nowadays in Western culture. Writing a high effort thread no longer has any positive rewards because @ReadBooksEveryday or @Clavicular can post some thread that is funny and not intellectual and get 100 reps in 24 hours. The percentage of users who are rotters have increased significantly. These users contribute nothing to this forum. We've had a mass migration of what we call "tiktokcels" since our peak years. They've diluted the culture here. We don't necessarily hate TikTokcels, some have been a positive but the overwhelming majority has been a negative, since they're mostly clueless about things here and are consumers, not creators. 90% of the forum's activity is in Offtopic, and if there was ONE METRIC that would indicate the health of the forum, it would be the activity ratio between the Offtopic and the Looksmaxing sections. Users here are extremely negative, tell people to kill themselves, they post brain rot, pornography, gore, racebait hatefuel, and more. A society like this is basically primitive, freshly dead and is beginning to rot.

The rot is high, the creativity is low. There is barely new knowledge that grows. Oh, how is it so.

High effort, glorious threads that motivated you and guides that made you believe that you had a future are now antiquity, ancient, old. They will rarely occur in the future of looksmax.org. Those things are things of the past. Low effort, useless threads or brainrot are the new normal.

View attachment 3191064

There are three paths we can take from here...

View attachment 3191130

A mystery user, either a currently existing user or a user yet to have come starts a movement and becomes a cult leader, messiah or massively influential user which his influence sweeps through the entire forum, even to the administrators. This user is going to colonize the minds of people here in the span of a few weeks to months, pushing a neo-Renaissance that envelops the minds of everyone on the forum. This will push us back into a new innovation stage, where the threads this user writes about looksmaxing and how to do so will reinvent and will profoundly expand our culture, knowledge, looksmaxing techniques and personality.

This user's primary contribution will likely be a series of threads on a new paradigm of looksmaxing or something that profoundly inspires people (and changes their worldview) to actually reboot our culture to a renaissance (innovation) period.

The two most probable new paradigms that could emerge that could save the forum (the new paradigm):
  • A genetics-based paradigm A user highly skilled in genetic engineering invents cosmetic genetic enhancements and teaches people on this forum how to do so and sells genemods. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
  • A psychic-based paradigm: A user figures out a reliable path and method on how to alter their morphology and coloring (or anything really) with the power of their mind and other psychic techniques and demonstrates convincing proof. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
View attachment 3191173

This will likely start with a coalition of people who team up and construct a grand plan on how to save the forum (likely emerging from the conflicts of FUOTY 2024 or FUOTY 2025). They will capture the minds of a minority of the people here and that radical, crazy minority will fight to takeover the cultural landscape by pumping out high effort regurgitation threads often and inspiring people and antagonizing rotters. They will hire greycels and other high status contributor types, and the rotters organize and hire high status rotters. Tensions will rise over months or even years it'll reach a critical mass one FUOTY where everyone will be forced to choose a side or else you'll be shunned. People will have what side they're on in their titles and their profile pictures.

The rotters will label their opposition as "cringe nerdy tryhards", while the contributors will label their opposition as "degenerate, filthy, subhuman losers"

Moderators and administrators WILL be forced to choose sides too.

One January, after the FUOTY Results have been posted, the losing side will launch a full scale war against the winning side, claiming its rigged and fighting for their ideological dominance over the forum, where people are trying to permaban as much of the other faction as they can. Moderators and administrators become ideologically motivated and try to permaban their opposition. Espionage into other people's group chats and other forms of cyberwarfare will prevail. That FUOTY will cause a forum war that will change the face of the forum forever, and it won't be a good one.

Should the forum be governed by rotters (the degenerate status quo) or "contributors" (who won't succeed since they'll just pump out water threads if they win everyday and talk about how their "utopia" is so good and how they "Made Looksmax Great Again", their leader will likely be incapable of actual governance and if it is autocratic, it'll last for like 5 years, if it's totalitarian, no more than a year.)

Once the war is waged, chaos and a forum cyberwar will ensue and a cleansing of the opposition will eventually be achieve in 2-5 months.

View attachment 3191206

The winning faction will ensue and the opposition will rule the forum. Whatever the outcome is, it won't be good since they're both degenerate and incompetent.
This is what usually happens in an attempted revival of a civilization, it fails on its promises but it actually kills off its opponents.
View attachment 3191215

It is entirely possible that nobody may even have the energy to wage cyberwar on this website. If this is the route we take, then the forum will continue degenerating into a website that is about 90% dominated by Offtopic to 99% dominated by Offtopic over the course of the next few years.

From 2024 onwards, people will begin to leave looksmax.org since it no longer has any real utility. People will likely eventually realize that the culture is toxic and degenerate, and/or useless and dead. They may begin to focus on their own life, they may have kids and leave the forum, or a career or other life duties or realizations that pull them out of the website. The website lost the magic that allowed it to be successful and attractive in the first place.

The looksmax section may reach a point where it gets a new thread every 30 mins instead of the current 1 minutes or so, and it'll eventually get to 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, until the looksmax section has been practically abandoned for all intents and purposes.

The forum will begin to have less active users per day. The users who are there will be so poisoned by their content that ttheir suicides could contribute to the exponentially dwindling amount of active users on this forum.

@Master, slowly facing a crisis in active users in the next few years, will slowly not be able to run the forum properly.
There will be long periods of forum downtimes, where looksmax.org is down, since he won't have the funding to continue the forum 24/7.
Maybe the forum operates every day but monday....
Then everyday but monday and tuesday...
...and so on until @Master posts the thread...

View attachment 3191262

And the forum, will die just like that.

And the final stage...
  • "Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead."

View attachment 3191299View attachment 3191301

The full dissolution of Looksmax culture.
With this, people will leave and become a part of new cultures, live their own lives and/or deal with other things in life.

There may be people who try to revive looksmax culture but it's a dead organism. They can't revive looksmax culture since everything that they will do has been done and said by looksmax culture, defeating the point.

If they do try to "revive it", it would look very different from the original looksmax culture, it HAS to or else they're just regurgitating whatever the old culture said and that defeats the point.

People may use it to develop new ideas and things but they'll never try to revive the idea.
Looksmax culture is dead and forever dead. This is how all civilizations die.[/SPOILER]

Skimmed it. Brutal doomposting
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Might read
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: watah, AlexAP, rooman and 12 others
all this can be fixed if we allow foids on the site
  • JFL
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No one gives a shit
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Reactions: Deleted member 95912, maarda, normie_joe and 2 others
holly shit this is one legit nobody is going to read
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Nirvana, maarda, ReadBooksEveryday and 4 others
definitely not reading this shit
  • +1
Reactions: normie_joe
- Women treat uglies like a disease, normies with decency, and chads like a Messiah.
Wrong. Women treat normies like a disease, chads with decency, and ugly people like a messiah. DNR after this point
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: It'snotover, rooman, Deleted member 94583 and 4 others
Other option:
  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, maarda, Deleted member 94583 and 3 others
Actually good and interesting stuff. Did read
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4362, iabsolvejordan, rooman and 6 others
F194ED25 0F1C 4596 A752 9717CBEEE380
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: johnypvpgod, Deleted member 4362, |Daddy_Zygos| and 24 others
  • +1
Reactions: d3m4g5, Gaia262, iabsolvejordan and 1 other person
This comment section proves Oswald Spengler's (and my) point lol
  • +1
Reactions: d3m4g5, Gaia262, elpapusupremo and 5 others
Thread music:

According to Oswald Spengler, a civilization starts off like this.
View attachment 3191028View attachment 3191034View attachment 3191026

  1. Ethnogenesis, a new ethnicity is created. These people share similar genetic, cultural, linguistic and environmental material and create a story about how they're one people. Often this forms in response to an antagonistic force (often another tribe, or nature, like rivers keep flooding so an ethnicity forms to fight it off)
  2. Culturogenesis and an emergence of a worldview. The newly created ethnicity forms a value system that deeply informs how to view the world. This is usually created by religion and spirituality, philosophy, environment, and their daily lives.
  3. Innovation. They invent art, advance their culture, technology, philosophy, and more. Massive development of all metrics.
  4. Peak. They reach the peak in all metrics, and they mass export themselves everywhere, establishing an empire, acquire vast amounts of territory and expand their genetic and cultural influence. Here, the cracks that appeared to form in the late stages in the innovation phase as the culture became successful begin to scale.
  5. Degeneracy and corruption. Their success removes incentives to maintain the traits that rose them to glory.
  6. Movements attempt to fight off degeneracy (never works). The place degenerates and prostitution, corruption, migrations (often en masse) of incompetent people, etc. forms.
  7. Fragility, weakness and decay. The state begins the process of rotting and the nation is ran by an incompetent authoritarian force.
  8. Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead.
View attachment 3191043View attachment 3191048

I would expand Spengler's theory to the evolution of looksmax culture (history and future)

Let's presume Looksmax.org was a nation.

View attachment 3190819

1. Ethnogenesis (early 2010s):
We'll drop ethnicity since this place is a massively ethnically diverse place. But we have a shared cultural, linguistic and environmental similarities. We all want to look better, speak English, and are in similar environments (the shared environmental conditions which forces us to looksmax). We also share a (broadly, moderately, and generally) right-wing culture.

2. Culturogenesis (middle 2010s to 2017): The environments we find ourselves in has caused us to congregate here and share similar views. The history of looksmax.org started with the PSL websites: Puahate.com (Pickup artist hate), Sluthate.com, and Lookism.net. These websites discussed anti-PUA and redpill content, the issues and antagonistic resentment of women and the emerging ideology focused on human aesthetic capital and its value.

These sites are the roots that created the culturogenesis of our ideology, such as the axioms that you take for granted, such as...
- Women are predominantly looks-driven
- Women rank features in men in this order: face > phenotype > dimorphism.
- Women treat uglies like a disease, normies with decency, and chads like a Messiah.
- You need to be of a certain PSL value to succeed in life and in dating
and much more...

We've also constructed out own subset of psychology (and maybe even biology) to not only understand what women want in men, but how to achieve that.

We have created and evolved our culture, language, worldview and basically everything really based on these fundamental axioms. We have a different dialect of English here in a certain way. Words like "coloringmax", "no height for your pheno", "truecel", "mogged", "looksminned", etc. are uniquely "Looksmax English" and not part of standard English. We even have our own suffixes, such as -max, -mog, -cel. We have a culture here that values looks and aesthetic dominance over everything else. After this is founded, it will be taken all the way through its logic, meaning the culture will manifest and evolve itself without deviation from its original axioms until it leads to its death.

3. Innovation (2017- 2021): After the forums started and developed its culture, we had the "Looksmax Golden Age" from Lookism and Looksmax.org respectively. If you don't know what lookism.net was, it was the forum that used to exist and discussed the same topics, and in many ways, users from there founded this forum. From about 2017 to 2021 was the "Golden Age" of looksmax.org. Most of the Golden Age's outputs were between 2017 and 2021. Anyone who has been a member during this time period is certainly lucky. We've compiled knowledge from vast amounts of disparate sources and constructed a canon of knowledge, we've learned many things about how to looksmax and have revealed it out to the community. We were at a certain time allegedly in a culture where everyone was sharing information all day and relatively very little rotting. If you look at the dates of the threads in BOTB, most of them were in the golden age years (2017-2021). Our cracks of degeneracy started forming in 2021, began to grow in 2022 and scaled in the middle of 2023. In the late stage of the innovation stage (2022-early 2023), we started to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and started to make YouTube Channels. Most blackpill-looksmax YouTube channels made videos during that time.

4. Peak (2022-2023): The peak is characterized mostly by our mass exportation of our culture to the youth of the West, its cousins (Eastern Europe, Latin America) and to the rest of the world to a lesser extent. We still had innovation but most of our focus was on expansion of what we have. Our peak is definitely in July of 2023 (Google Trend search for the term "looksmax"). We had a user boom, which master used that advantage to sell VIP and merch. Looksmax users and lurkers making TikTok and other social media channels and expanding our culture everywhere. We now hear people talking about looksmaxing and mogging and mewing in our everyday lives now. We lost our creativity and dynamism and the traits that allowed us to be successful.

5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-today): The forum has nearly absolutely lost its creative energy, and the cracks of degeneracy have fully taken swing. All of the guides you see now are regurgitation or cultureally insignificant to change the culture of looksmax.org. Contributors are shunned, rotters are praised, just like how rappers and degenerate celebs are praised nowadays in Western culture. People spam "didn't read" in high effort threads and don't rep it like its a cool thing to do and genuinely don't read it but some trash brainrot thread gets 100s of reps.

Writing a high effort thread no longer has any positive rewards because @ReadBooksEveryday or @Clavicular can post some thread that is funny and not intellectual and get 100 reps in 24 hours. The percentage of users who are rotters have increased significantly. These users contribute nothing to this forum. We've had a mass migration of what we call "tiktokcels" since our peak years. They've diluted the culture here. We don't necessarily hate TikTokcels, some have been a positive but the overwhelming majority has been a negative, since they're mostly clueless about things here and are consumers, not creators. 90% of the forum's activity is in Offtopic, and if there was ONE METRIC that would indicate the health of the forum, it would be the activity ratio between the Offtopic and the Looksmaxing sections. Users here are extremely negative, tell people to kill themselves, they post brain rot, pornography, gore, racebait hatefuel, and more. A society like this is basically primitive, freshly dead and is beginning to rot.

The rot is high, the creativity is low. There is barely new knowledge that grows. Oh, how is it so.

High effort, glorious threads that motivated you and guides that made you believe that you had a future are now antiquity, ancient, old. They will rarely occur in the future of looksmax.org. Those things are things of the past. Low effort, useless threads or brainrot are the new normal.

View attachment 3191064

There are three paths we can take from here...

View attachment 3191130

A mystery user, either a currently existing user or a user yet to have come starts a movement and becomes a cult leader, messiah or massively influential user which his influence sweeps through the entire forum, even to the administrators. This user is going to colonize the minds of people here in the span of a few weeks to months, pushing a neo-Renaissance that envelops the minds of everyone on the forum. This will push us back into a new innovation stage, where the threads this user writes about looksmaxing and how to do so will reinvent and will profoundly expand our culture, knowledge, looksmaxing techniques and personality.

This user's primary contribution will likely be a series of threads on a new paradigm of looksmaxing or something that profoundly inspires people (and changes their worldview) to actually reboot our culture to a renaissance (innovation) period.

The two most probable new paradigms that could emerge that could save the forum (the new paradigm):
  • A genetics-based paradigm A user highly skilled in genetic engineering invents cosmetic genetic enhancements and teaches people on this forum how to do so and sells genemods. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
  • A psychic-based paradigm: A user figures out a reliable path and method on how to alter their morphology and coloring (or anything really) with the power of their mind and other psychic techniques and demonstrates convincing proof. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
View attachment 3191173

This will likely start with a coalition of people who team up and construct a grand plan on how to save the forum (likely emerging from the conflicts of FUOTY 2024 or FUOTY 2025). They will capture the minds of a minority of the people here and that radical, crazy minority will fight to takeover the cultural landscape by pumping out high effort regurgitation threads often and inspiring people and antagonizing rotters. They will hire greycels and other high status contributor types, and the rotters organize and hire high status rotters. Tensions will rise over months or even years it'll reach a critical mass one FUOTY where everyone will be forced to choose a side or else you'll be shunned. People will have what side they're on in their titles and their profile pictures.

The rotters will label their opposition as "cringe nerdy tryhards", while the contributors will label their opposition as "degenerate, filthy, subhuman losers"

Moderators and administrators WILL be forced to choose sides too.

One January, after the FUOTY Results have been posted, the losing side will launch a full scale war against the winning side, claiming its rigged and fighting for their ideological dominance over the forum, where people are trying to permaban as much of the other faction as they can. Moderators and administrators become ideologically motivated and try to permaban their opposition. Espionage into other people's group chats and other forms of cyberwarfare will prevail. That FUOTY will cause a forum war that will change the face of the forum forever, and it won't be a good one.

Should the forum be governed by rotters (the degenerate status quo) or "contributors" (who won't succeed since they'll just pump out water threads if they win everyday and talk about how their "utopia" is so good and how they "Made Looksmax Great Again", their leader will likely be incapable of actual governance and if it is autocratic, it'll last for like 5 years, if it's totalitarian, no more than a year.)

Once the war is waged, chaos and a forum cyberwar will ensue and a cleansing of the opposition will eventually be achieve in 2-5 months.

View attachment 3191206

The winning faction will ensue and the opposition will rule the forum. Whatever the outcome is, it won't be good since they're both degenerate and incompetent.
This is what usually happens in an attempted revival of a civilization, it fails on its promises but it actually kills off its opponents.
View attachment 3191215

It is entirely possible that nobody may even have the energy to wage cyberwar on this website. If this is the route we take, then the forum will continue degenerating into a website that is about 90% dominated by Offtopic to 99% dominated by Offtopic over the course of the next few years.

From 2024 onwards, people will begin to leave looksmax.org since it no longer has any real utility. People will likely eventually realize that the culture is toxic and degenerate, and/or useless and dead. They may begin to focus on their own life, they may have kids and leave the forum, or a career or other life duties or realizations that pull them out of the website. The website lost the magic that allowed it to be successful and attractive in the first place.

The looksmax section may reach a point where it gets a new thread every 30 mins instead of the current 1 minutes or so, and it'll eventually get to 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, until the looksmax section has been practically abandoned for all intents and purposes.

The forum will begin to have less active users per day. The users who are there will be so poisoned by their content that ttheir suicides could contribute to the exponentially dwindling amount of active users on this forum.

@Master, slowly facing a crisis in active users in the next few years, will slowly not be able to run the forum properly.
There will be long periods of forum downtimes, where looksmax.org is down, since he won't have the funding to continue the forum 24/7.
Maybe the forum operates every day but monday....
Then everyday but monday and tuesday...
...and so on until @Master posts the thread...

View attachment 3191262

And the forum, will die just like that.

And the final stage...
  • "Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead."

View attachment 3191299View attachment 3191301

The full dissolution of Looksmax culture.
With this, people will leave and become a part of new cultures, live their own lives and/or deal with other things in life.

There may be people who try to revive looksmax culture but it's a dead organism. They can't revive looksmax culture since everything that they will do has been done and said by looksmax culture, defeating the point.

If they do try to "revive it", it would look very different from the original looksmax culture, it HAS to or else they're just regurgitating whatever the old culture said and that defeats the point.

People may use it to develop new ideas and things but they'll never try to revive the idea.
Looksmax culture is dead and forever dead. This is how all civilizations die.

The text applies Oswald Spengler's theory of civilization cycles to the evolution of Looksmax culture on Looksmax.org, detailing its rise and potential decline through several stages:

  1. Ethnogenesis (Early 2010s): A diverse community forms around the shared goal of self-improvement in appearance, united by cultural, linguistic, and environmental commonalities. This identity emerges in response to societal pressures and a desire for aesthetic enhancement.
  2. Culturogenesis (Mid-2010s to 2017): The ideology solidifies, influenced by anti-PUA and redpill forums. Key beliefs are established, such as the notion that women prioritize looks in men and the importance of "aesthetic capital." A unique dialect develops, incorporating terms like "coloringmax" and "mogging."
  3. Innovation (2017-2021): This period is heralded as the "Golden Age" of Looksmax.org, characterized by a vibrant exchange of ideas and knowledge about self-improvement techniques. However, early signs of degeneration begin to manifest by 2021.
  4. Peak (2022-2023): Looksmax culture reaches its zenith, significantly influencing Western youth and gaining mainstream visibility. While innovation continues, the community begins to lose its dynamism and creative energy.
  5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-Present): The forum suffers a marked decline, with contributions becoming repetitive and low-effort. High-quality discussions are overshadowed by negativity and superficial content, leading to a culture that increasingly praises mediocrity.
The text forecasts three potential futures for Looksmax culture: a revival led by a transformative user and their threads, a chaotic internal conflict (cyberwar that emerges from a FUOTY competition) that will lead to a decay, or a gradual decay into irrelevance and dysfunction, that eventually leads to the death of the forum as Master won't have money to keep it going and it gets entirely colonized by turbomegarotters and the amount of active users and lurkers dwindle significantly.

Ultimately, it argues that Looksmax culture is at a serious, probable risk of dissolution, unable to reclaim its former vibrancy or adapt meaningfully.

Lowkey liked the "looksmax nation" it would be hella cool having a nation runned by incels
  • JFL
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Gaia262 and BrutalMogger
Wrong. Women treat normies like a disease, chads with decency, and ugly people like a messiah. DNR after this point
Ugly people like messiahs?
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262
  • +1
Reactions: johnypvpgod and Gaia262
Thread music:

According to Oswald Spengler, a civilization starts off like this.
View attachment 3191028View attachment 3191034View attachment 3191026

  1. Ethnogenesis, a new ethnicity is created. These people share similar genetic, cultural, linguistic and environmental material and create a story about how they're one people. Often this forms in response to an antagonistic force (often another tribe, or nature, like rivers keep flooding so an ethnicity forms to fight it off)
  2. Culturogenesis and an emergence of a worldview. The newly created ethnicity forms a value system that deeply informs how to view the world. This is usually created by religion and spirituality, philosophy, environment, and their daily lives.
  3. Innovation. They invent art, advance their culture, technology, philosophy, and more. Massive development of all metrics.
  4. Peak. They reach the peak in all metrics, and they mass export themselves everywhere, establishing an empire, acquire vast amounts of territory and expand their genetic and cultural influence. Here, the cracks that appeared to form in the late stages in the innovation phase as the culture became successful begin to scale.
  5. Degeneracy and corruption. Their success removes incentives to maintain the traits that rose them to glory.
  6. Movements attempt to fight off degeneracy (never works). The place degenerates and prostitution, corruption, migrations (often en masse) of incompetent people, etc. forms.
  7. Fragility, weakness and decay. The state begins the process of rotting and the nation is ran by an incompetent authoritarian force.
  8. Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead.
View attachment 3191043View attachment 3191048

I would expand Spengler's theory to the evolution of looksmax culture (history and future)

Let's presume Looksmax.org was a nation.

View attachment 3190819

1. Ethnogenesis (early 2010s):
We'll drop ethnicity since this place is a massively ethnically diverse place. But we have a shared cultural, linguistic and environmental similarities. We all want to look better, speak English, and are in similar environments (the shared environmental conditions which forces us to looksmax). We also share a (broadly, moderately, and generally) right-wing culture.

2. Culturogenesis (middle 2010s to 2017): The environments we find ourselves in has caused us to congregate here and share similar views. The history of looksmax.org started with the PSL websites: Puahate.com (Pickup artist hate), Sluthate.com, and Lookism.net. These websites discussed anti-PUA and redpill content, the issues and antagonistic resentment of women (in response to not being attractive) and the emerging ideology focused on human aesthetic capital and its value.

These sites are the roots that created the culturogenesis of our ideology, such as the axioms that you take for granted, such as...
- Women are predominantly looks-driven
- Women rank features in men in this order: face > phenotype > dimorphism.
- Women treat uglies like a disease, normies with decency, and chads like a Messiah.
- You need to be of a certain PSL value to succeed in life and in dating
and much more...

We've also constructed out own subset of psychology (and maybe even biology) to not only understand what women want in men, but how to achieve that.

We have created and evolved our culture, language, worldview and basically everything really based on these fundamental axioms. We have a different dialect of English here in a certain way. Words like "coloringmax", "no height for your pheno", "truecel", "mogged", "looksminned", etc. are uniquely "Looksmax English" and not part of standard English. We even have our own suffixes, such as -max, -mog, -cel. We have a culture here that values looks and aesthetic dominance over everything else. After this is founded, it will be taken all the way through its logic, meaning the culture will manifest and evolve itself without deviation from its original axioms until it leads to its death.

3. Innovation (2017- 2021): After the forums started and developed its culture, we had the "Looksmax Golden Age" from Lookism and Looksmax.org respectively. If you don't know what lookism.net was, it was the forum that used to exist and discussed the same topics, and in many ways, users from there founded this forum. From about 2017 to 2021 was the "Golden Age" of looksmax.org. Most of the Golden Age's outputs were between 2017 and 2021. Anyone who has been a member during this time period is certainly lucky. We've compiled knowledge from vast amounts of disparate sources and constructed a canon of knowledge, we've learned many things about how to looksmax and have revealed it out to the community. We were at a certain time allegedly in a culture where everyone was sharing information all day and relatively very little rotting. If you look at the dates of the threads in BOTB, most of them were in the golden age years (2017-2021). Our cracks of degeneracy started forming in 2021, began to grow in 2022 and scaled in the middle of 2023. In the late stage of the innovation stage (2022-early 2023), we started to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and started to make YouTube Channels. Most blackpill-looksmax YouTube channels made videos during that time.

4. Peak (2022-2023): The peak is characterized mostly by our mass exportation of our culture to the youth of the West, its cousins (Eastern Europe, Latin America) and to the rest of the world to a lesser extent. We still had innovation but most of our focus was on expansion of what we have. Our peak is definitely in July of 2023 (Google Trend search for the term "looksmax"). We had a user boom, which master used that advantage to sell VIP and merch. Looksmax users and lurkers making TikTok and other social media channels and expanding our culture everywhere. We now hear people talking about looksmaxing and mogging and mewing in our everyday lives now. We lost our creativity and dynamism and the traits that allowed us to be successful.

5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-today): The forum has nearly absolutely lost its creative energy, and the cracks of degeneracy have fully taken swing. All of the guides you see now are regurgitation or cultureally insignificant to change the culture of looksmax.org. Contributors are shunned, rotters are praised, just like how rappers and degenerate celebs are praised nowadays in Western culture. People spam "didn't read" in high effort threads and don't rep it like its a cool thing to do and genuinely don't read it but some trash brainrot thread gets 100s of reps.

Writing a high effort thread no longer has any positive rewards because @ReadBooksEveryday or @Clavicular can post some thread that is funny and not intellectual and get 100 reps in 24 hours. The percentage of users who are rotters have increased significantly. These users contribute nothing to this forum. We've had a mass migration of what we call "tiktokcels" since our peak years. They've diluted the culture here. We don't necessarily hate TikTokcels, some have been a positive but the overwhelming majority has been a negative, since they're mostly clueless about things here and are consumers, not creators. 90% of the forum's activity is in Offtopic, and if there was ONE METRIC that would indicate the health of the forum, it would be the activity ratio between the Offtopic and the Looksmaxing sections. Users here are extremely negative, tell people to kill themselves, they post brain rot, pornography, gore, racebait hatefuel, and more. A society like this is basically primitive, freshly dead and is beginning to rot.

The rot is high, the creativity is low. There is barely new knowledge that grows. Oh, how is it so.

High effort, glorious threads that motivated you and guides that made you believe that you had a future are now antiquity, ancient, old. They will rarely occur in the future of looksmax.org. Those things are things of the past. Low effort, useless threads or brainrot are the new normal.

View attachment 3191064

There are three paths we can take from here...

View attachment 3191130

A mystery user, either a currently existing user or a user yet to have come starts a movement and becomes a cult leader, messiah or massively influential user which his influence sweeps through the entire forum, even to the administrators. This user is going to colonize the minds of people here in the span of a few weeks to months, pushing a neo-Renaissance that envelops the minds of everyone on the forum. This will push us back into a new innovation stage, where the threads this user writes about looksmaxing and how to do so will reinvent and will profoundly expand our culture, knowledge, looksmaxing techniques and personality.

This user's primary contribution will likely be a series of threads on a new paradigm of looksmaxing or something that profoundly inspires people (and changes their worldview) to actually reboot our culture to a renaissance (innovation) period.

The two most probable new paradigms that could emerge that could save the forum (the new paradigm):
  • A genetics-based paradigm A user highly skilled in genetic engineering invents cosmetic genetic enhancements and teaches people on this forum how to do so and sells genemods. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
  • A psychic-based paradigm: A user figures out a reliable path and method on how to alter their morphology and coloring (or anything really) with the power of their mind and other psychic techniques and demonstrates convincing proof. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
View attachment 3191173

This will likely start with a coalition of people who team up and construct a grand plan on how to save the forum (likely emerging from the conflicts of FUOTY 2024 or FUOTY 2025). They will capture the minds of a minority of the people here and that radical, crazy minority will fight to takeover the cultural landscape by pumping out high effort regurgitation threads often and inspiring people and antagonizing rotters. They will hire greycels and other high status contributor types, and the rotters organize and hire high status rotters. Tensions will rise over months or even years it'll reach a critical mass one FUOTY where everyone will be forced to choose a side or else you'll be shunned. People will have what side they're on in their titles and their profile pictures.

The rotters will label their opposition as "cringe nerdy tryhards", while the contributors will label their opposition as "degenerate, filthy, subhuman losers"

Moderators and administrators WILL be forced to choose sides too.

One January, after the FUOTY Results have been posted, the losing side will launch a full scale war against the winning side, claiming its rigged and fighting for their ideological dominance over the forum, where people are trying to permaban as much of the other faction as they can. Moderators and administrators become ideologically motivated and try to permaban their opposition. Espionage into other people's group chats and other forms of cyberwarfare will prevail. That FUOTY will cause a forum war that will change the face of the forum forever, and it won't be a good one.

Should the forum be governed by rotters (the degenerate status quo) or "contributors" (who won't succeed since they'll just pump out water threads if they win everyday and talk about how their "utopia" is so good and how they "Made Looksmax Great Again", their leader will likely be incapable of actual governance and if it is autocratic, it'll last for like 5 years, if it's totalitarian, no more than a year.)

Once the war is waged, chaos and a forum cyberwar will ensue and a cleansing of the opposition will eventually be achieve in 2-5 months.

View attachment 3191206

The winning faction will ensue and the opposition will rule the forum. Whatever the outcome is, it won't be good since they're both degenerate and incompetent.
This is what usually happens in an attempted revival of a civilization, it fails on its promises but it actually kills off its opponents.
View attachment 3191215

It is entirely possible that nobody may even have the energy to wage cyberwar on this website. If this is the route we take, then the forum will continue degenerating into a website that is about 90% dominated by Offtopic to 99% dominated by Offtopic over the course of the next few years.

From 2024 onwards, people will begin to leave looksmax.org since it no longer has any real utility. People will likely eventually realize that the culture is toxic and degenerate, and/or useless and dead. They may begin to focus on their own life, they may have kids and leave the forum, or a career or other life duties or realizations that pull them out of the website. The website lost the magic that allowed it to be successful and attractive in the first place.

The looksmax section may reach a point where it gets a new thread every 30 mins instead of the current 1 minutes or so, and it'll eventually get to 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, until the looksmax section has been practically abandoned for all intents and purposes.

The forum will begin to have less active users per day. The users who are there will be so poisoned by their content that ttheir suicides could contribute to the exponentially dwindling amount of active users on this forum.

@Master, slowly facing a crisis in active users in the next few years, will slowly not be able to run the forum properly.
There will be long periods of forum downtimes, where looksmax.org is down, since he won't have the funding to continue the forum 24/7.
Maybe the forum operates every day but monday....
Then everyday but monday and tuesday...
...and so on until @Master posts the thread...

View attachment 3191262

And the forum, will die just like that.

And the final stage...
  • "Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead."

View attachment 3191299View attachment 3191301

The full dissolution of Looksmax culture.
With this, people will leave and become a part of new cultures, live their own lives and/or deal with other things in life.

There may be people who try to revive looksmax culture but it's a dead organism. They can't revive looksmax culture since everything that they will do has been done and said by looksmax culture, defeating the point.

If they do try to "revive it", it would look very different from the original looksmax culture, it HAS to or else they're just regurgitating whatever the old culture said and that defeats the point.

People may use it to develop new ideas and things but they'll never try to revive the idea.
Looksmax culture is dead and forever dead. This is how all civilizations die.

The text applies Oswald Spengler's theory of civilization cycles to the evolution of Looksmax culture on Looksmax.org, detailing its rise and potential decline through several stages:

  1. Ethnogenesis (Early 2010s): A diverse community forms around the shared goal of self-improvement in appearance, united by cultural, linguistic, and environmental commonalities. This identity emerges in response to societal pressures and a desire for aesthetic enhancement.
  2. Culturogenesis (Mid-2010s to 2017): The ideology solidifies, influenced by anti-PUA and redpill forums. Key beliefs are established, such as the notion that women prioritize looks in men and the importance of "aesthetic capital." A unique dialect develops, incorporating terms like "coloringmax" and "mogging."
  3. Innovation (2017-2021): This period is heralded as the "Golden Age" of Looksmax.org, characterized by a vibrant exchange of ideas and knowledge about self-improvement techniques. However, early signs of degeneration begin to manifest by 2021.
  4. Peak (2022-2023): Looksmax culture reaches its zenith, significantly influencing Western youth and gaining mainstream visibility. While innovation continues, the community begins to lose its dynamism and creative energy.
  5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-Present): The forum suffers a marked decline, with contributions becoming repetitive and low-effort. High-quality discussions are overshadowed by negativity and superficial content, leading to a culture that increasingly praises mediocrity.
The text forecasts three potential futures for Looksmax culture: a revival led by a transformative user and their threads, a chaotic internal conflict (cyberwar that emerges from a FUOTY competition) that will lead to a decay, or a gradual decay into irrelevance and dysfunction, that eventually leads to the death of the forum as Master won't have money to keep it going and it gets entirely colonized by turbomegarotters and the amount of active users and lurkers dwindle significantly.

Ultimately, it argues that Looksmax culture is at a serious, probable risk of dissolution, unable to reclaim its former vibrancy or adapt meaningfully.

I skimmed it and I think your point about Offtopic being more active than Looksmaxxing is for a pretty simple reason. There really isn't any new softmaxxes that can be done, so there's really not a point of posting there unless it's to discuss new discoveres or someone updating a progress thread, someone getting botched etc.
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Not a word

But to answer your question, .org will die very suddenly
That's because even tho the quality is lower, relative to what once was.. newgens are unaware of "what once was".

They don't see anything wrong with this site
And even if this results in a cesspit of regurgitation and low IQ shitposts.. they'd have nothing to compare it to

In their eyes this is what the site always was. Because even tho they'll have access to these older threads, us humans place a higher priority in following the mass opinion of the  now, than of whether the opinion now is even correct or not

Which is ironically a representative, on a macro scale, of society as a whole.
How we have normalised degeneracies, that at one point too were looked down upon

So if we live in a time period/ browse a site where the leniency of low quality has been normalised, it will attract a similar, if not more, amount of people (as this will be a social media of sorts, with no inherent purpose, so would appeal to a majority -- what we are already seeing with tiktokcels).

And the end of this site, alongside the time period humanity in... Both will not be slow, it will be a sudden change

Something very sudden. Perhaps Master dies. Maybe somebody went ER. Maybe a pedo released a large amount of something very bad

In any case, it will be in a blink of an eye, relative to the existence of this site
  • +1
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It's just a trend, I already grew out of it but unconsciously it still affects me
And no, looksmaxing is nothing new y'all just gave it a name to something already existed before
  • +1
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long wall of autism
  • JFL
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I skimmed it and I think your point about Offtopic being more active than Looksmaxxing is for a pretty simple reason. There really isn't any new softmaxxes that can be done, so there's really not a point of posting there unless it's to discuss new discoveres or someone updating a progress thread, someone getting botched etc.
I said that already but I'm glad and impressed you came to the same conclusion as me.
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  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262, iabsolvejordan and nofap
It's just a trend, I already grew out of it but unconsciously it still affects me
And no, looksmaxing is nothing new y'all just gave it a name to something already existed before
Not really.
We developed a lingo, a culture, a canon, methods, etc.
We didn't really make something that already existed.
The desire to look better is not new, but the effort and things we formed around it is definitely unique.
  • +1
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Culturogenesis (middle 2010s to 2017): The environments we find ourselves in has caused us to congregate here and share similar views. The history of looksmax.org started with the PSL websites: Puahate.com (Pickup artist hate), Sluthate.com, and Lookism.net. These websites discussed anti-PUA and redpill content, the issues and antagonistic resentment of women and the emerging ideology focused on human aesthetic capital and its value.
this sounds something out avatar. 'A long time, these 3 civilisations lived in perfect harmony until...'
  • JFL
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Something very sudden. Perhaps Master dies. Maybe somebody went ER. Maybe a pedo released a large amount of something very bad

In any case, it will be in a blink of an eye, relative to the existence of this site
This is probably the 4th future.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262, iabsolvejordan and greycel
Not really.
We developed a lingo, a culture, a canon, methods, etc.
We didn't really make something that already existed.
The desire to look better is not new, but the effort and things we formed around it is definitely unique.
It's not unique bro, it's just the take that's severely autistic because it was created by autistic niggas
To much words for me to understand
  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 94583 and enchanted_elixir
Not a word

But to answer your question, .org will die very suddenly
That's because even tho the quality is lower, relative to what once was.. newgens are unaware of "what once was".

They don't see anything wrong with this site
And even if this results in a cesspit of regurgitation and low IQ shitposts.. they'd have nothing to compare it to

In their eyes this is what the site always was. Because even tho they'll have access to these older threads, us humans place a higher priority in following the mass opinion of the  now, than of whether the opinion now is even correct or not

Which is ironically a representative, on a macro scale, of society as a whole.
How we have normalised degeneracies, that at one point too were looked down upon

So if we live in a time period/ browse a site where the leniency of low quality has been normalised, it will attract a similar, if not more, amount of people (as this will be a social media of sorts, with no inherent purpose, so would appeal to a majority -- what we are already seeing with tiktokcels).

And the end of this site, alongside the time period humanity in... Both will not be slow, it will be a sudden change

Something very sudden. Perhaps Master dies. Maybe somebody went ER. Maybe a pedo released a large amount of something very bad

In any case, it will be in a blink of an eye, relative to the existence of this site
But I do think it's going to be gradual and exponential. If the site can't make revenue, @Master will have to close the site.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Gaia262, iabsolvejordan and greycel
It's not unique bro, it's just the take that's severely autistic because it was created by autistic niggas
Even if the only thing that made it unique was its autism, it still is unique because that made it unique.
  • +1
Reactions: terachadfr and Gaia262
But I do think it's going to be gradual and exponential. If the site can't make revenue, @Master will have to close the site.
What I was saying tho is that this site will always make sufficient revenue
It will be sudden.
What I was saying tho is that this site will always make sufficient revenue
It will be sudden.
Why is that?

My position:

Traffic and revenue are correlated, he runs this site based on revenue from VIP and Google Ads.
My prediction says that traffic will decline and that will put a stress on @Master's revenue.

Master even says that he struggles to pay the forum costs and uses his own money once (before the peak)

He's thriving now but things are in decay right now so his revenue will be plummeting in the future
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262, iabsolvejordan and greycel
Did bro just lost so much time for posting thread about looksmax history jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Why is that?
Traffic and revenue are correlated, he runs this site based on revenue from VIP and Google Ads.

So if we live in a time period/ browse a site where the leniency of low quality has been normalised, it will attract a similar, if not more, amount of people (as this will be a social media of sorts, with no inherent purpose, so would appeal to a majority -- what we are already seeing with tiktokcels).
It has lost its value of being purely looksmax and focuses more heavily on the blackpill culture surrounding it.
Similar from lookism to early .org.

But in exchange it appeals to a larger number of people. Itd a combination of not only less resistance but also more familiarity

People use this site now to constantly talk about them not being able to find a girl.

In any case, Master will have sufficient income from this. Until it happens
  • +1
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Can I get sticky, someone?
  • +1
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why do you think cyberwar?
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  • JFL
Reactions: Gaia262, Xangsane and aspiringexcel
Thread music:

According to Oswald Spengler, a civilization starts off like this.
View attachment 3191028View attachment 3191034View attachment 3191026

  1. Ethnogenesis, a new ethnicity is created. These people share similar genetic, cultural, linguistic and environmental material and create a story about how they're one people. Often this forms in response to an antagonistic force (often another tribe, or nature, like rivers keep flooding so an ethnicity forms to fight it off)
  2. Culturogenesis and an emergence of a worldview. The newly created ethnicity forms a value system that deeply informs how to view the world. This is usually created by religion and spirituality, philosophy, environment, and their daily lives.
  3. Innovation. They invent art, advance their culture, technology, philosophy, and more. Massive development of all metrics.
  4. Peak. They reach the peak in all metrics, and they mass export themselves everywhere, establishing an empire, acquire vast amounts of territory and expand their genetic and cultural influence. Here, the cracks that appeared to form in the late stages in the innovation phase as the culture became successful begin to scale.
  5. Degeneracy and corruption. Their success removes incentives to maintain the traits that rose them to glory.
  6. Movements attempt to fight off degeneracy (never works). The place degenerates and prostitution, corruption, migrations (often en masse) of incompetent people, etc. forms.
  7. Fragility, weakness and decay. The state begins the process of rotting and the nation is ran by an incompetent authoritarian force.
  8. Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead.
View attachment 3191043View attachment 3191048

I would expand Spengler's theory to the evolution of looksmax culture (history and future)

Let's presume Looksmax.org was a nation.

View attachment 3190819

1. Ethnogenesis (early 2010s):
We'll drop ethnicity since this place is a massively ethnically diverse place. But we have a shared cultural, linguistic and environmental similarities. We all want to look better, speak English, and are in similar environments (the shared environmental conditions which forces us to looksmax). We also share a (broadly, moderately, and generally) right-wing culture.

2. Culturogenesis (middle 2010s to 2017): The environments we find ourselves in has caused us to congregate here and share similar views. The history of looksmax.org started with the PSL websites: Puahate.com (Pickup artist hate), Sluthate.com, and Lookism.net. These websites discussed anti-PUA and redpill content, the issues and antagonistic resentment of women (in response to not being attractive) and the emerging ideology focused on human aesthetic capital and its value.

These sites are the roots that created the culturogenesis of our ideology, such as the axioms that you take for granted, such as...
- Women are predominantly looks-driven
- Women rank features in men in this order: face > phenotype > dimorphic traits like height, frame, etc.
- Women treat uglies like a disease, normies with decency, and chads like a Messiah.
- You need to be of a certain PSL value to succeed in life and in dating
and much more...

We've also constructed out own subset of psychology (and maybe even biology) to not only understand what women want in men, but how to achieve that.

We have created and evolved our culture, language, worldview and basically everything really based on these fundamental axioms. We have a different dialect of English here in a certain way. Words like "coloringmax", "no height for your pheno", "truecel", "mogged", "looksminned", etc. are uniquely "Looksmax English" and not part of standard English. We even have our own suffixes, such as -max, -mog, -cel. We have a culture here that values looks and aesthetic dominance over everything else. After this is founded, it will be taken all the way through its logic, meaning the culture will manifest and evolve itself without deviation from its original axioms until it leads to its death.

3. Innovation (2017- 2021): After the forums started and developed its culture, we had the "Looksmax Golden Age" from Lookism and Looksmax.org respectively. If you don't know what lookism.net was, it was the forum that used to exist and discussed the same topics, and in many ways, users from there founded this forum. From about 2017 to 2021 was the "Golden Age" of looksmax.org. Most of the Golden Age's outputs were between 2017 and 2021. Anyone who has been a member during this time period is certainly lucky. We've compiled knowledge from vast amounts of disparate sources and constructed a canon of knowledge, we've learned many things about how to looksmax and have revealed it out to the community. We were at a certain time allegedly in a culture where everyone was sharing information all day and relatively very little rotting. If you look at the dates of the threads in BOTB, most of them were in the golden age years (2017-2021). Our cracks of degeneracy started forming in 2021, began to grow in 2022 and scaled in the middle of 2023. In the late stage of the innovation stage (2021-early 2023), we started to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and started to make YouTube Channels. Most blackpill-looksmax YouTube channels made videos during that time.

4. Peak (2022-2023): The peak is characterized mostly by our mass exportation of our culture to the youth of the West, its cousins (Eastern Europe, Latin America) and to the rest of the world to a lesser extent. We still had innovation but most of our focus was on expansion of what we have. Our peak is definitely in July of 2023 (Google Trend search for the term "looksmax"). We had a user boom, which master used that advantage to sell VIP and merch. Looksmax users and lurkers making TikTok and other social media channels and expanding our culture everywhere. We now hear people talking about looksmaxing and mogging and mewing in our everyday lives now. We lost our creativity and dynamism and the traits that allowed us to be successful.

5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-today): We became so successful in discovering looksmax methods that we've began degenerating and lost the incentive to maintain the traits that made us successful. The forum has nearly absolutely lost its creative energy, and the cracks of degeneracy have fully taken swing. All of the guides you see now are regurgitation or culturally insignificant to change the culture of looksmax.org. Contributors are shunned, rotters are praised, just like how rappers and degenerate celebs are praised nowadays in Western culture. People spam "didn't read" in high effort threads and don't rep it like its a cool thing to do and genuinely don't read it but some trash brainrot thread gets 100s of reps.

Writing a high effort thread no longer has any positive rewards because @ReadBooksEveryday or @Clavicular can post some thread that is funny and not intellectual and get 100 reps in 24 hours. The percentage of users who are rotters have increased significantly. These users contribute nothing to this forum. We've had a mass migration of what we call "tiktokcels" since our peak years. They've diluted the culture here. We don't necessarily hate TikTokcels, some have been a positive but the overwhelming majority has been a negative, since they're mostly clueless about things here and are consumers, not creators. 90% of the forum's activity is in Offtopic, and if there was ONE METRIC that would indicate the health of the forum, it would be the activity ratio between the Offtopic and the Looksmaxing sections. Users here are extremely negative, tell people to kill themselves, they post brain rot, pornography, gore, racebait hatefuel, and more. A society like this is basically primitive, freshly dead and is beginning to rot.

The rot is high, the creativity is low. There is barely new knowledge that grows. Oh, how is it so.

High effort, glorious threads that motivated you and guides that made you believe that you had a future are now antiquity, ancient, old. They will rarely occur in the future of looksmax.org. Those things are things of the past. Low effort, useless threads or brainrot are the new normal.

View attachment 3191064

There are three paths we can take from here...

View attachment 3191130

A mystery user, either a currently existing user or a user yet to have come starts a movement and becomes a cult leader, messiah or massively influential user which his influence sweeps through the entire forum, even to the administrators. This user is going to colonize the minds of people here in the span of a few weeks to months, pushing a neo-Renaissance that envelops the minds of everyone on the forum. This will push us back into a new innovation stage, where the threads this user writes about looksmaxing and how to do so will reinvent and will profoundly expand our culture, knowledge, looksmaxing techniques and personality.

This user's primary contribution will likely be a series of threads on a new paradigm of looksmaxing or something that profoundly inspires people (and changes their worldview) to actually reboot our culture to a renaissance (innovation) period.

The two most probable new paradigms that could emerge that could save the forum (the new paradigm):
  • A genetics-based paradigm A user highly skilled in genetic engineering invents cosmetic genetic enhancements and teaches people on this forum how to do so and sells genemods. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
  • A psychic-based paradigm: A user figures out a reliable path and method on how to alter their morphology and coloring (or anything really) with the power of their mind and other psychic techniques and demonstrates convincing proof. This will fundamentally change people's paradigm of looksmaxing and profoundly inspire them with possibility.
View attachment 3191173

This will likely start with a coalition of people who team up and construct a grand plan on how to save the forum (likely emerging from the conflicts of FUOTY 2024 or FUOTY 2025). They will capture the minds of a minority of the people here and that radical, crazy minority will fight to takeover the cultural landscape by pumping out high effort regurgitation threads often and inspiring people and antagonizing rotters. They will hire greycels and other high status contributor types, and the rotters organize and hire high status rotters. Tensions will rise over months or even years it'll reach a critical mass one FUOTY where everyone will be forced to choose a side or else you'll be shunned. People will have what side they're on in their titles and their profile pictures.

The rotters will label their opposition as "cringe nerdy tryhards", while the contributors will label their opposition as "degenerate, filthy, subhuman losers"

Moderators and administrators WILL be forced to choose sides too.

One January, after the FUOTY Results have been posted, the losing side will launch a full scale war against the winning side, claiming its rigged and fighting for their ideological dominance over the forum, where people are trying to permaban as much of the other faction as they can. Moderators and administrators become ideologically motivated and try to permaban their opposition. Espionage into other people's group chats and other forms of cyberwarfare will prevail. That FUOTY will cause a forum war that will change the face of the forum forever, and it won't be a good one.

Should the forum be governed by rotters (the degenerate status quo) or "contributors" (who won't succeed since they'll just pump out water threads if they win everyday and talk about how their "utopia" is so good and how they "Made Looksmax Great Again", their leader will likely be incapable of actual governance and if it is autocratic, it'll last for like 5 years, if it's totalitarian, no more than a year.)

Once the war is waged, chaos and a forum cyberwar will ensue and a cleansing of the opposition will eventually be achieve in 2-5 months.

View attachment 3191206

The winning faction will ensue and the opposition will rule the forum. Whatever the outcome is, it won't be good since they're both degenerate and incompetent.
This is what usually happens in an attempted revival of a civilization, it fails on its promises but it actually kills off its opponents.
View attachment 3191215

It is entirely possible that nobody may even have the energy to wage cyberwar or try to revive this site. If this is the route we take, then the forum will continue degenerating into a website that is about 90% dominated by Offtopic to 99% dominated by Offtopic over the course of the next few years.

From 2024 onwards, people will begin to leave looksmax.org since it no longer has any real utility. People will likely eventually realize that the culture is toxic and degenerate, and/or useless and dead. They may begin to focus on their own life, they may have kids and leave the forum, or a career or other life duties or realizations that pull them out of the website. The website lost the magic that allowed it to be successful and attractive in the first place.

The looksmax section may reach a point where it gets a new thread every 30 mins instead of the current 1 minutes or so, and it'll eventually get to 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, until the looksmax section has been practically abandoned for all intents and purposes.

The forum will begin to have less active users per day. The users who are there will be so poisoned by their content that their suicides could contribute to the exponentially dwindling amount of active users on this forum.

@Master, slowly facing a crisis in active users in the next few years, will slowly not be able to run the forum properly.
There will be long periods of forum downtimes, where looksmax.org is down, since he won't have the funding to continue the forum 24/7.
Maybe the forum operates every day but monday....
Then everyday but monday and tuesday...
...and so on until @Master posts the thread...

View attachment 3191262

And the forum, will die just like that.

And the final stage...
  • "Breaks up and new ethnicities, cultures, states and kingdoms form. The uniting force collapses into its separate parts since the state is laughably weak, incompetent, decayed and oppressive. The founding ethnicity and culture will never reach their former glory every again. The organism is dead."

View attachment 3191299View attachment 3191301

The full dissolution of Looksmax culture.
With this, people will leave and become a part of new cultures, live their own lives and/or deal with other things in life.

There may be people who try to revive looksmax culture but it's a dead organism. They can't revive looksmax culture since everything that they will do has been done and said by looksmax culture, defeating the point.

If they do try to "revive it", it would look very different from the original looksmax culture, it HAS to or else they're just regurgitating whatever the old culture said and that defeats the point.

People may use it to develop new ideas and things but they'll never try to revive the idea.
Looksmax culture is dead and forever dead. This is how all civilizations die.

The text applies Oswald Spengler's theory of civilization cycles to the evolution of Looksmax culture on Looksmax.org, detailing its rise and potential decline through several stages:

  1. Ethnogenesis (Early 2010s): A diverse community forms around the shared goal of self-improvement in appearance, united by cultural, linguistic, and environmental commonalities. This identity emerges in response to societal pressures and a desire for aesthetic enhancement.
  2. Culturogenesis (Mid-2010s to 2017): The ideology solidifies, influenced by anti-PUA and redpill forums. Key beliefs are established, such as the notion that women prioritize looks in men and the importance of "aesthetic capital." A unique dialect develops, incorporating terms like "coloringmax" and "mogging."
  3. Innovation (2017-2021): This period is heralded as the "Golden Age" of Looksmax.org, characterized by a vibrant exchange of ideas and knowledge about self-improvement techniques. However, early signs of degeneration begin to manifest by 2021.
  4. Peak (2022-2023): Looksmax culture reaches its zenith, significantly influencing Western youth and gaining mainstream visibility. While innovation continues, the community begins to lose its dynamism and creative energy.
  5. Degeneracy & Corruption (2024-Present): The forum suffers a marked decline, with contributions becoming repetitive and low-effort. High-quality discussions are overshadowed by negativity and superficial content, leading to a culture that increasingly praises mediocrity.
The text forecasts three potential futures for Looksmax culture: a revival led by a transformative user and their threads, a chaotic internal conflict (cyberwar that emerges from a FUOTY competition) that will lead to a decay, or a gradual decay into irrelevance and dysfunction, that eventually leads to the death of the forum as Master won't have money to keep it going and it gets entirely colonized by turbomegarotters and the amount of active users and lurkers dwindle significantly.

Certainly! Here are the three potential futures for Looksmax culture, as outlined in the text:

  1. A True Revival: A charismatic user emerges as a leader, inspiring the community and revitalizing the forum. This individual introduces innovative ideas or techniques—either in genetics or psychic enhancement—that profoundly reshape the Looksmax worldview. This revival reignites creativity and encourages high-quality contributions, leading the forum back into a new era of cultural and intellectual flourishing.
  2. A Fake, Failed Revival: A coalition of users attempts to take control of the forum, but their efforts lead to factionalism and internal conflict. Two opposing groups—one advocating for high-quality content and the other promoting low-effort contributions—clash in a cyberwar. Ultimately, this struggle results in chaos, with neither side effectively improving the culture, leading to a superficial victory and continued degeneration of the community.
  3. Direct Transition to Decay: The forum continues on its current trajectory of decline without significant intervention. Users become increasingly disengaged, with the Looksmax section becoming nearly abandoned. As the community grows toxic and less appealing, many members leave to focus on their lives outside the forum. This leads to dwindling activity, and the site may eventually face operational issues, culminating in its demise as a vibrant cultural space.

Ultimately, it argues that Looksmax culture is at a serious, probable risk of dissolution, unable to reclaim its former vibrancy or adapt meaningfully.

Read every molecule, i remember when i made a thread asking 100 foids out and my china vlog about phenos and people of NEA becausr im a gookologist, i got like 50 low IQ dalits spamming DNRD in those:lul:

Edit: keep in mind, i put over 30 creepshots just in the china thread alone
  • JFL
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Read every molecule, i remember when i made a thread asking 100 foids out and my china vlog about phenos and people of NEA becausr im a gookologist, i got like 50 low IQ dalits spamming DNRD in those:lul:
Thank you for reading!
Yeah, few people appreciate high effort threads nowadays.

They prefer brainrot and entertainment instead.
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