abortion and dishonesty and statism.



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
Dudes this maybe the longest black pilled thread's I will ever right i will split it off into section's for ease of access.

First part dishonest foid's every foid I have met i have hated in some context or another they all lie to you all of them literally i was debating these pro abortion foid's and load's of comment's suggested female's should get sterilized code word for (chad only) teeeeheeee. one's that pissed me of the most though oh were female's should just go lesbian.And guess what I kept talking with these foid's but they have the same insult's your just a entitled incel. Few problem's with that i never said men with gun's come in and make you fuck me that is entitled no I merely wanted an explanation for the dishonesty and they all tell me to lower my standard's I've approached 3/10 and I still get rejected i'm not kidding you most incel's here have what more can we physically do why lie to us are we really that evil ?.I mean some of us support E.R just to sound edgy but none of us actually worship him we just do it to piss of foid's and their hippocracy. So why do they act surprised when we hate them were not asking for mandatory sex through rape were asking merely why don't you want to why can't you be honest that's all. I found out why cause female's know their privilege their not brainwashed most incel's need to accept the logical conclusion of the black pill we need to realize the exsistance of objective evil. Cause their is such a thing and female's are objectively evil I used to think no they are genuinely brainwashed by feminism but if that was true why do we see hyper-gamy in history why do we see manipulation in history ? no brainwashed people genuinely are consistent in what they believe female's are not. brainwashed people are honest what this proved to me is that female's are objectively evil their not brainwashed by feminism they have always been like this they aren't good they know their privilege and they know their power over us this should black pill in knowing not only are women not these being's of moral virtue cause I was raised on this i was from a cucked form of islam that believes in the old fashioned Victorian view of women. When i realized sex wasn't this transcendental thing that women were not moral beacon's of purity. I realized the black pill hit the hardest it hit even harder when you realize their even worse than men cause men are implicit victim's of female culture. Men today are a lot more feminine than yesterday so much so they abandon their brother's at a moment's notice. We saw this with yogi cuck i used to think he was pretty based but he just black pilled me into hell and back and I realized we are all we have we have No one else. society hate's us women blue pill us and knowingly do it. The government big brother is actively working against your best interests. your family will never truly understand they are just as blue pilled all your close friend's have a risk of back stabbing you.We are all we have.And this is the last black pill of this part. The standard of chad has changed it no longer is the masculine alpha fuck's no society is feminine as fuck the alpha chad's of today are really just good looking dudes who pander to women i mean where do we get the idea that women like bad boy's they like the look's and the look's slowly but surely know being promoted is femininty in men here is why it should black pill you even further the kicker is knowing women are all turning gay.

Next part abortion oh I hate the argument's these bastard's have they always try to frame this as a religious cause apparently non religious people can't be anti abortion but they alway's assume your religious cause they can't argue with a logical consistent atheist.When they try and say abortion dollar's don't fund abortion in the us their correct us dollar's don't fund abortion in the Us. however i'm not stupid we know how liberal foid's work we give them an inch they a take mile. We have heard these bitches say this what the next step action they will take is to make us fund for them fucking chad and us subsidizing. Cause it is 1 thing funding your own abortion but forcing us to fund it come on dude that is mentally fucked do we not have right to our money if it's my body my choice then my autonomy my choice. They they always claim I'M using a slippery slope fallacy problem that doesn't follow from premise. Here it is 1 female's are power hungry 2 new's media have advocated for state mandated abortion's from tax dollar's 3 as soon as the left gain's power they always have forced us to do thing's we don't want to do (1 example bake the cake) 4 their fore if we let them gain this upper-ground while their is a state they will use that to force us to pay for abortion's and none of them have a rebuttal cause they can't do the slippery slope is to say the conclusion follow's from a illogical premise. but this isn't a illogical premise we see women in society today they are all power hungry.1 thing i hate the most is the moral fagging they claim think of the suffering the women has to face raising the child usually in single mother household's but they never think of the child itself they alway's deflect the victim hood onto the foid never the child and i told them okay be consistent do you want right's to abortion get rid of goverment stop forcing us to subsidize tax dollar's which we pay to Jizzreal or to africa or reparation's to slavery. I mean i'm sorry slavery was a terrible thing but their is no such thing as ancestral sin why should a white man today feel guilt for something their ancestor's did. i hate this unnecessary race baiting of both sides why can we not judge a person on their merit rather than what my parent's accomplished. Cause i don't look my blood line as a collection of ancestor's. I look at my life as ending here in this life not in some abstract different reality I ain't a collection of my ancestor's i'm my own being with personal responsibility most people all look at children as some moral duty to reproduce to carry on their collection of ancestor's i don't what's the point of reproduction objectively ? in this current big brother 2.0 shit hole what is the point brother's.Anyway's back we should also stop our tax dollar's going to legalized child abuse single motherhood is objectively legalized child abuse I wonder how many women would be dick's to women if they were single mother's without the state i wonder how many incel's their were before the welfare state.

Statism the worst of all we had a gender black pill we just had abortion black pill let's try the blackest of black pill's statism it has caused every problem of inceldom I didn't believe the number's at first but were wage cuck's cause of tax dollar subsidies to big corporation's. Slave money I.E the petrol dollar.Regulation's causing a shortages of job's not automation in anything automation causes more than it destroy's single motherhood which increases the number of rapes the number of poor neighborhood's and poverty.It increases culture to support pro femoid culture. Their is a reason why feminine societies are more pro welfare state while masculine societies have always opposed it. Cause female's are objectively evil female's and the state work hand and hand together.I heard 1 bitch argue why don't you just get a job and whining it's your attitude problem with that their next to impossible to find tarrif's already killed half. some take miles to travel to try travelling to 1 state to another at 17 it's a bit difficult if this was a free society we would not only have sex robot's we would have cat robot waifu's while i'm not into that it's up to you what your into in a free society dudes in a volantarist society we would be living in incel heaven this entire shit hole is being run on lies and delusion's.

Final black/white pill crypto currency know this can go in 1 of 2 way's if we can truly create a fully 100% decentralized crypto system we will be stateless in the next 50 year's here that is the white pill their will be no power vaccum's this time normally when you overthrow a tyrant usually they have a different political group to back it up so they just replace it with a different this time their will be no power vacuum cause people will see how evil and inefficient the state is so this is a potential white pill.Know the blackest of all black pill's we could potentially literally create an Antichrist like figure if it goes wrong here is how it work's say a block chain technology a state controlled fiat crypto currency was to be established world wide by the banker's which they are trying their as we speak but say it was to be implemented this technology in every aspect of out lives this includes transaction's their could be no more deception's and if we are not careful 1 smart mother fucker will implent his system and he will become the world dictator know we know the stakes the card's are in our hand's but the cabal is also has it's card's.

If you have read this thank you i put a lot of time and effort into it.
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Not a single word. XD
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calm down
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Reactions: Deleted member 656
Not even one.
I never read this many words back in school and I'm sure as hell not gonna do it now
Jfl if you expect anyone to read that novel
I never read this many words back in school and I'm sure as hell not gonna do it now

Dude if you can't even read that's truly worrying seriously

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