About Autism (this gonna be one of those tl;dr things)



Nazbol Blackpilled Amoralist
Nov 27, 2018
mostly compilations of back and forths from various forums

"I get the impression the less autistic/aspie somebody is, the thicker the lid is on the cauldron.

For reason I never quite understood, the functional autistic/aspie types I knew offline were terrible at lying and had a hard time keeping their mouths shut. They seem to have an extreme impulse in always telling the truth (whether real or perceived). (This is the caricature of Sheldon Cooper).

Since many normies don't like to hear the truth about anything, such unfiltered autistic/aspie types are usually not invited back a second time. (Even at family gatherings, such autistic/aspie types are eventually not invited back or become isolated)"

something I said:

"this is true, went from Ancap to Nazbol pipeline after some foids I was dating ruined my job prospects. nevermind foids even in alt-right circles like to say nasty, catty things about me, most of which aren't even true. anything to smear my already damaged name I guess.

the issue many don't know is that autists that don't go full blue pill and become Chrischan types go hard the other way. Chrischan will never be the femoid he so desires to be, because most don't know that autists already carry a larger amount of potential testosterone in their bloodstream. likely the reason we'll never be a protected class considering we're dangerous if unhinged. worse if we have nothing to lose. my friend (and only IRL friend) was in the hospital last night. I was actually in tears (yes sometimes spergs do show emotions) he's a 42 year old lost cause. but he's ok now. I'm still trying to pay off the court fine I had because some sheboon couldn't keep her trap shut. but foids never do. they know damn well they're a protected class and never have to face consequences, until its too late."

I dislike Nick Land but this was interesting:


I looked up the term when someone mentioned on /doomer/ about how neoreaction works.
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Point of the thread?
Point of the thread?

its about how autism relates to relationships and the general outside world, more of a general blackpill theory thread than anything else.
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Adolf Stalin
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its about how autism relates to relationships and the general outside world, more of a general blackpill theory thread than anything else.

Interesting read I guess, your right about most people not liking autists though, I have an autistic friend who has me and maybe 1 other person
also wanted to add:

"Not surprising really.

Just about every person I've known offline who subscribes to non-mainstream extremist ideologies, religions, etc ..., were almost always individuals who had nothing to lose and were at "bottom of the barrel" in their social circles or society in general.

I've met very few "well adjusted" normies who were hardcore into extremist ideologies, religions, etc ... (If they were, then they were very good at hiding their true beliefs and didn't let anyone know about it)."
Adolf Stalin

that's nice, contribute to the thread or fuck your mother.
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also wanted to add:

"Not surprising really.

Just about every person I've known offline who subscribes to non-mainstream extremist ideologies, religions, etc ..., were almost always individuals who had nothing to lose and were at "bottom of the barrel" in their social circles or society in general.

I've met very few "well adjusted" normies who were hardcore into extremist ideologies, religions, etc ... (If they were, then they were very good at hiding their true beliefs and didn't let anyone know about it)."

that's nice, contribute to the thread or fuck your mother.
Joseph Hitler
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the issue with this forum is most people here are trying to do things to seek social acceptance. at my age, I couldn't care less. like Cioran said "you never really know a person's true nature until they've hit rock bottom"
I doubt most women are going to hit that point in our time, or they haven't yet. and probably never will.
one thing I've noticed is that women have either a) a hard time self-reflecting or b) simply are unable to, regarding bad decisions, and will often back one another up on said bad decisions but never really question whether those decisions were wrong or incorrect. an aspect of Maoism is that self-critique is important. how can something like Fascism or Communism blossom if women are incapable of doing that. men will ponder life constantly, hence why more men are philosophers. women live an eternal bluepill life, unaware of how destructive anything impulsive they do is to other people and esp. in the west a blind eye is turned or at worst, get rewarded for it.
autistic people are constant thinkers. I tend to think most of the philosophical cannon is full of spergs and schizos.
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Legit. I've noticed that when I don't tell people the truth and sugar-coating stuff, they take a better liking to me. I learned that from interacting with people in general.

When people talk about stuff, they don't want you to point out the shitty truth, they want you to validate them. This is feminine behavior, and as an autistic individual, it can be hard to understand why someone would rather want to hear something that perpetuates their dillusion rather than something that they need to hear. But keep in mind that us autists are more masculine-brained than normies, and as far as the average man trying to understand how the female psyche works, it's even harder for us.
Legit. I've noticed that when I don't tell people the truth and sugar-coating stuff, they take a better liking to me. I learned that from interacting with people in general.

When people talk about stuff, they don't want you to point out the shitty truth, they want you to validate them. This is feminine behavior, and as an autistic individual, it can be hard to understand why someone would rather want to hear something that perpetuates their dillusion rather than something that they need to hear. But keep in mind that us autists are more masculine-brained than normies, and as far as the average man trying to understand how the female psyche works, it's even harder for us.

Oh I know this all too well been saying for years
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Oh I know this all too well been saying for years
I've learned a lot about people from NTmaxxing.

It's interesting how we can look at society as a whole from a different objective viewpoint due to our autism. Everything just seems so predestined and pointless with people. Isn't human nature a funny thing?
I'm a compatibilist of the Aquinas variety so I dunno. It's too late to NT maxx for me now I'm old and don't give a Fuck if I hurt someones feelings. Who gives a Fuck anymore tbhtbh
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I'm a compatibilist of the Aquinas variety so I dunno. It's too late to NT maxx for me now I'm old and don't give a Fuck if I hurt someones feelings. Who gives a Fuck anymore tbhtbh
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Very interesting stuff. It's probably true to some extent, about not being liked. And I'm exactly like that. I often resort to saying some blunt uncomfortable truth because I don't know how else to have conversation, so it ends up with weird looks and unacceptance, I've improved a lot from that though, and now I know how to go from that blunt statement to something funny that keeps conversations going. And I also used to be very extremist in religious views, and I joined a cult once and even donated to them, and NOBODY I knew in real life was doing weird shit like that. Undiagnosed autism tbh tbh.
Very interesting stuff. It's probably true to some extent, about not being liked. And I'm exactly like that. I often resort to saying some blunt uncomfortable truth because I don't know how else to have conversation, so it ends up with weird looks and unacceptance, I've improved a lot from that though, and now I know how to go from that blunt statement to something funny that keeps conversations going. And I also used to be very extremist in religious views, and I joined a cult once and even donated to them, and NOBODY I knew in real life was doing weird shit like that. Undiagnosed autism tbh tbh.
prob aspie
Very interesting stuff. It's probably true to some extent, about not being liked. And I'm exactly like that. I often resort to saying some blunt uncomfortable truth because I don't know how else to have conversation, so it ends up with weird looks and unacceptance, I've improved a lot from that though, and now I know how to go from that blunt statement to something funny that keeps conversations going. And I also used to be very extremist in religious views, and I joined a cult once and even donated to them, and NOBODY I knew in real life was doing weird shit like that. Undiagnosed autism tbh tbh.

that's how I do, go from dark to funny. I tend to get along with my co workers and even some female ones (though the Stacy of the group despises me) I do have one friend at work whose a metalhead like me but his mom is suspicious of me and he's thinking about going MGTOW and I don't know what to tell him
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I think helicopter moms are to blame for making autism worse. You'd think mothers are better parents than dad's due to mothers actually carrying the kid but that's not always the case
I think helicopter moms are to blame for making autism worse. You'd think mothers are better parents than dad's due to mothers actually carrying the kid but that's not always the case
couldnt agree more
speaking of which this epithet has been thrown at me quite a few times

speaking of which this epithet has been thrown at me

Ethical solipsism is relative to Ethical egoism; however, the difference is in that while the ethical egoist thinks that others should abide by the social order while it is in his/her best interest to do what best suits him/her as an individual, the Ethical Solipsist is of the belief that no other moral judgment exists or matters outside of his own individual moral judgment.

yeah I know I'm an asshole but come on.
my opinion of Nick Land has changed since then. I enjoy him now but yeah point still stands.
What the fuck is this shit
i was (probably mis)diagnosed with autism as a kid and have no problem making friends and having LTRs, i get that i'm an outlier though, autism is mainly a social disability
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dn r but Nick Land went legit crazy with his stim abuse
only his early works are worth reading
transhuman chinese cyber prostitutes btw
Yes, us autists have an extreme impulse to tell the truth. That's why I love boards like this, as I assume many of you also do, it's a rare place we can be honest until @Sergeant is pressured to tone us down for the next ad shekel.

But, autists are also trained at a young age to shut their mouth and go with the flow. Which is why us autists end up hating all social situations, because we're forced to follow people we know are lying scum, and it's pure misery because we know when we do open our mouths, people hate us, and we hate them, and nothing good can possibly happen.

Of course, none of this matters when you're attractive and can say anything you want. Those people just don't get diagnosed with autism because it's irrelevant.
Yes, us autists have an extreme impulse to tell the truth. That's why I love boards like this, as I assume many of you also do, it's a rare place we can be honest until @Sergeant is pressured to tone us down for the next ad shekel.

But, autists are also trained at a young age to shut their mouth and go with the flow. Which is why us autists end up hating all social situations, because we're forced to follow people we know are lying scum, and it's pure misery because we know when we do open our mouths, people hate us, and we hate them, and nothing good can possibly happen.

Of course, none of this matters when you're attractive and can say anything you want. Those people just don't get diagnosed with autism because it's irrelevant.
So I could be an autist? I used to be a compulsive liar and m parents got so fed up with this that they kicked me out of the house at the age of 8. I had to sleep outside as an 8 year old child for a day because of my shitty parents. After that I only spoke truth. I also love telling people truth. I get pleasure from seeing people getting hurt by words. It's fun.
So I could be an autist? I used to be a compulsive liar and m parents got so fed up with this that they kicked me out of the house at the age of 8. I had to sleep outside as an 8 year old child for a day because of my shitty parents. After that I only spoke truth. I also love telling people truth. I get pleasure from seeing people getting hurt by words. It's fun.
You have to go to a psychiatrist or whatever doctor can diagnose you with autism. It's pointless to self-diagnose or anyone else to speculate.

There's only one thing to gain by knowing you have autism, NEETbux, and you need a legit diagnosis . There's no cure. Society hates autists. The mental health field hates autists. Nobody will help you, you become a lost cause.

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