Accepting Impossibility hurts. Crime being Impossible Is unbearable. So c better at crime forever, with obvious dont overwhelm, instead regenerate and



C knowledge is enough to take over
Jul 15, 2022
Accepting Impossibility hurts.
Crime being Impossible Is unbearable.
So c better at crime forever, with obvious dont overwhelm, instead regenerate and outsource into subconscious or Not try consciously
Im good, all Others are evil, Life is scam proven by subhumans
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Not to mention IQ, destroy humanity, Money and Singularity are all falsified for many reasons
Reasons Things are falsified:

IQ: overwhelms, causes pressure in Body, Progress too slow, plateau
Singularity : destroy humanity will Happen sooner
Destroy humanity: crime is better to live in heaven
Money: i mean legal Money: impossible, Bet against it, would be too surprising

There are more reasons but im too dumb to Recall them now, anyway, Focus on "better at crime forever" this makes u feel best, and regenerate pause outsource Other c's ( c = conscious of) dont overwhelm etc, read my Other Posts i might get more into detail
Accepting Impossibility hurts.
Crime being Impossible Is unbearable.
So c better at crime forever, with obvious dont overwhelm, instead regenerate and outsource into subconscious or Not try consciously
Im good, all Others are evil, Life is scam proven by subhumans
Hardmax crime being at c crime forever, others subhuman potential while impossible crime C are good
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Am i too hard to Understand? Its Cuz of ma high aikju
The Beauty is that the Chance to succeed legally is Over Zero so there is even additional Hope, but as i Said u outsource IQ and other C's into Ur subconscious
Btw never overwhelm yourself, because u make more Progress when u regenerate when u feel overwhelmed than If u continued to Push through by focusing on better at crime forever

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