Advice for aspiring roidcels GTFIH



Sep 27, 2018
stay natty till ur near ur genetic potential, FFMI of close to 21-22 atleast or something. Also get close to your genetic limit.

than run test and tren.

anything else is cope, if you do roids if ur under ur genetic potential, than it will make u uglier/more bloated.
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Isn't your natural potential (which takes a lot of years to reach) already capping the female benefits? Getting leaner and muscular, sorta like an athletic type of physique naturally signals good T, but I don't think going further for the 3D roid look necessarily makes it better. I could be wrong and there's surely some outlier with very-unique muscle insertions who look alpha roided up and really bad at natural potential, but from a pros/cons perspective roid really seems like a bad deal if you're only trying to get female attention. It'll def get you male attention though
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Isn't your natural potential (which takes a lot of years to reach) already capping the female benefits? Getting leaner and muscular, sorta like an athletic type of physique naturally signals good T, but I don't think going further for the 3D roid look necessarily makes it better. I could be wrong and there's surely some outlier with very-unique muscle insertions who look alpha roided up and really bad at natural potential, but from a pros/cons perspective roid really seems like a bad deal if you're only trying to get female attention. It'll def get you male attention though

takes 2-3 years lifting seriously tbh, like on a good program and diet. continues caloric surplus.

also jfl at lifting to attract women, you should do it for yourself and purely because you enjoy doing it.
takes 2-3 years lifting seriously tbh, like on a good program and diet. continues caloric surplus.

also jfl at lifting to attract women, you should do it for yourself and purely because you enjoy doing it.

Yeah, I agree you're gonna make majority of your gains first 2-3 years, but there's still ways to push it further naturally. It's just super slow and minuscule improvements. I also wasn't implying I'm lifting to attract women personally, but a lot of people do here from what I've seen.
I agree in a sense, but It wont take 2-3yrs i think more of 5-6yrs, most of the gainz are in the first two years, there many different factors, a lot of people i see take roids to reach the potential quicker, and surpass it, obviously having a good body and deformed face wont do shit, a lot of people do it for girls but for themselves also I wouldnt say solely just for woman. I hear of alotta people on gear it helps with Anxiety and shit since your confidence is higher then when ur natty, since lifting my confidence has gotten alot higher Im still nowhere near where I wanna by lifting wise etc.
@ZUZZCEL thought your new pfp was colonel.

disappointed tbh
stay natty till ur near ur genetic potential, FFMI of close to 21-22 atleast or something. Also get close to your genetic limit.

than run test and tren.

anything else is cope, if you do roids if ur under ur genetic potential, than it will make u uglier/more bloated.

Is there any roids or supplements to get you ripped, lower your appetite or suppress it & make you a lot more leaner & just more athletic & toned?
Whos that? His eye area broke his face tbh
Still not that bad. He has colored eyes and top tier harmony. It is all about collage boyo.
Still not that bad. He has colored eyes and top tier harmony. It is all about collage boyo.
He could’ve been an 8 with a normal eye area. Looking at that pic he‘s around 6.5
He could’ve been an 8 with a normal eye area. Looking at that pic he‘s around 6.5
Nah, his nose is pretty bad and his philtrum is a bit too long.
Your genetic potential takes longer to reach than 2-3 years natural.
Your genetic potential takes longer to reach than 2-3 years natural.
lmfao noyone wants to lift for 5-10 yrs to reach thier genetic potential.

you can get near your genetic potential in 2-3 years of lifting, being that your consistent with everything and on a prolonged caloric surplus.

you build the most muscle in the first 2 yrs of lifting, 3rd years slow down and slows down more and more etc.
lmfao noyone wants to lift for 5-10 yrs to reach thier genetic potential.

you can get near your genetic potential in 2-3 years of lifting, being that your consistent with everything and on a prolonged caloric surplus.

you build the most muscle in the first 2 yrs of lifting, 3rd years slow down and slows down more and more etc.
Well that’s fine if people don’t want to put in the work natural, I could care less. I look better than a decent amount of people who do use steroids and I don’t have to worry about losing it. That’s why I think natty is the way to go at least until you’re older.
Well that’s fine if people don’t want to put in the work natural, I could care less. I look better than a decent amount of people who do use steroids and I don’t have to worry about losing it. That’s why I think natty is the way to go at least until you’re older.

why walk if you can run? best time to do roids are in your prime srs. your younger etc.

but its not for everyone I guess. It just depends on how far u want to take it.
if you do roids if ur under ur genetic potential, than it will make u uglier/more bloated.

Elab on this tbh. How did you come to this conclusion?
Elab on this tbh. How did you come to this conclusion?
Only some roids will make you bloat ALOT, like tren etc, I'd never take tren because that shit is toxic af, plus theres no need unless ur competing etc, TEST E seems to be perfect yes you will bloat with water weight, with gaining like 20-30lbs of muslce/water in 3months. then just cut down lose that water affect, but generally your skin will become worse, acne is possible also.
Elab on this tbh. How did you come to this conclusion?
mainly cus test only is glycogen gainz and just makes u more fat and bloated/a overall estregenic mess, you can basically make the same gainz natty and look not bloated with twice the time of your your cycle if done natty. Your basically regressing if you come off as well thus making you demotivated to continue gymcelling, also fucks ur test/sides etc.

most gymcells run of 500 test but its really not all that. you need decca or tren to really see good results. but those have more sides etc.

overall its just better to stay natty to reach near your genetic limit, and if you start seeing slow gainz, than you can run test/roids etc and than progress.

i would just do peptides/sarms to help natty lifting till your ready to roid. wish iv done this before juicing imo.
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