Age of consent is ridiculous

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019
First let's take a look at bluepilled wikipedia:

"The age of consent is the age below which a person is considered to be legally incompetent to consent to sexual acts.
Competence concerns the mental capacity and the mental condition a person must have to be responsible for his or her decisions or acts. Competence is an attribute that is decision specific. Depending on various factors which typically revolve around mental function integrity, an individual may or may not be competent to make a particular contractual agreement, to execute an effective deed to real property, or to execute a will having certain terms."

So basically girls younger than the age of consent can't consent because they "Don't have the mental understanding of what they're doing" JFL at this bullshit, they are assuming the premise that every girl's maturity will be accurately determined by her age. Which isn't true, a 14 year old girl can be much more ready to experience sex than an 18 year old in terms of being self-aware and knowing exactly what she's saying yes to. It comes down mostly to how the girl's upbringing was. I know a 14 year old girl who's had anal. Meanwhile I know this other 16 year old girl from a very strict and religious family that doesn't know shit about sex and says she doesn't even know what a penis looks like.

Just the fact that it varies so much from country to country is laughable:

Why is it okay (In California or example) for a consenting 18 year old girl to fuck a 50 year old man but illegal for a 18 year old guy to fuck a consenting 13 year old girl?
First is a 32 year difference, the other is just 5. Why does society automatically assume that the 18 year old guy took advantage of the 13 yo girls innocence to his pleasure and the 18 yo girl is just being a free woman?

I'm not saying pedophilia should be allowed to run rampant, of course that if a guy actually took advantage of a young girl who didn't understand what she was doing it's rape and it's wrong. I'm just saying that each individual case should be judged separately and the law shouldn't assume anyone's ability to give consent based on their age because it's just not accurate. JFL at the US especially, 18 year old guys literally go to jail for fucking a 17 yo girl who looks overage, acts overage, and is mature enough to know what she's doing.
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First let's take a look at bluepilled wikipedia:

"The age of consent is the age below which a person is considered to be legally incompetent to consent to sexual acts.
Competence concerns the mental capacity and the mental condition a person must have to be responsible for his or her decisions or acts. Competence is an attribute that is decision specific. Depending on various factors which typically revolve around mental function integrity, an individual may or may not be competent to make a particular contractual agreement, to execute an effective deed to real property, or to execute a will having certain terms."

So basically girls younger than the age of consent can't consent because they "Don't have the mental understanding of what they're doing" JFL at this bullshit, they are assuming the premise that every girl's maturity will be accurately determined by her age. Which isn't true, a 14 year old girl can be much more ready to experience sex than an 18 year old in terms of being self-aware and knowing exactly what she's saying yes to. It comes down mostly to how the girl's upbringing was. I know a 14 year old girl who's had anal. Meanwhile I know this other 16 year old girl from a very strict and religious family that doesn't know shit about sex and says she doesn't even know what a penis looks like.

Just the fact that it varies so much from country to country is laughable:
View attachment 70426

Why is it okay (In California or example) for a consenting 18 year old girl to fuck a 50 year old man but illegal for a 18 year old guy to fuck a consenting 13 year old girl?
First is a 32 year difference, the other is just 5. Why does society automatically assume that the 18 year old guy took advantage of the 13 yo girls innocence to his pleasure and the 18 yo girl is just being a free woman?

I'm not saying pedophilia should be allowed to run rampant, of course that if a guy actually took advantage of a young girl who didn't understand what she was doing it's rape and it's wrong. I'm just saying that each individual case should be judged separately and the law shouldn't assume anyone's ability to give consent based on their age because it's just not accurate. JFL at the US especially, 18 year old guys literally go to jail for fucking a 17 yo girl who looks overage, acts overage, and is mature enough to know what she's doing.
Cope but for pedos.
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>must be married


The ideal state. Instead of basing "ability to have sex" on age, we should do marriage instead. That way monogamy rises, and inceldom falls.

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Stop being a pedo OP
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here in the UK the AoC is only 16 but you'd probably get beaten up or murdered for fucking anyone below the age of 18 anyway.
strong bait, fbi. Really dedicated to putting lonely virgins behind bars. Should make a tv show where you just lure depressed men with a 20yo actress' affection and laugh at them having there life ruined on national tv. Srsly what the fuck mexico?
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  • JFL
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Brb going to Spain

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