Age pill scares me more than death



Jan 27, 2019
I just had a small panic attack. I was trying to fall asleep when images started popping in my brain.

Very soon I'm gonna be old, wrinkly and bald. I already wasted 20 years and it doesn't seem like it's gonna change for better.

Theres surgery for everything except YOUTH
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before and after agepill
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I feel the same way (I just turned 20). I saw videos on 30+ year old guys who were virgins/squandered they're youth time flies honestly. Fuck even my 16th birthday doesn't even seem that long ago.
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  • Woah
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I’m having a midlife crisis at 25. I’ve wasted everything and there’s nothing I can do but rot.
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Reactions: Mewton, Highrise, rockndogs and 2 others
so many old people coping with their meaningless lives. faking happiness and wageslaving for their 2 week vacations JFL
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I feel the same way (I just turned 20). I saw videos on 30+ year old guys who were virgins/squandered they're youth time flies honestly. Fuck even my 16th birthday doesn't even seem that long ago.
30 year old virginity is so suicidal inducing, gotta thanks god i already lost it before hitting 30
That's the "didnt take care of self pill". If he loses weight, he will look good again. Still has good collagen
What collagen lol. He will never look even remotely as good as he did on first pic
Maybe it's just me, but as I got older, what used to seem like "old" to me didn't seem as old.

For me, I mean. Someone else being 35, ooooh, yikes, they're 35. But to think of myself as 35? Hey! Being 35 is pretty hot!
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I’m having a midlife crisis at 25. I’ve wasted everything and there’s nothing I can do but rot.
Turning 25 very soon and I feel like I've squandered my youth away focusing on all the wrong things (rotting) and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it at this point. Stuck in my shit town in the middle of nowhere in my shithole country, bald and ugly as sin. It's truly over~
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I already look like shit young, I don't want to get older
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The physical aspect of getting old is not even that scary compared to ending up all alone. That way you're old, way past your prime AND alone. You have no one to come home to, nothing to look forward to, no one to share your life and laugh with. You go to bed alone, you wake up alone. You spend holidays and your birthdays alone and then you die alone in a dirty hospital bed surrounded by people who don't even see you as a human being but rather a number on their file. Imagine spending your last moments pondering everything you could've done, the person you could've been, everything you could've achieved. It's truly horrifying brah. We better get our act together before it's too late
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Because is just another form of death.
Its death from within as opposed to outwardly physical death
33 year old virgin here

My only solace is that one day it will be over, it's like I am doing a prison sentence.

I wish I could bring myself to rope but I can't.
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Only strong facial bones can hold the age pill

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how to cope?

I go through different phases of trying to self improve and just LDARing, usually in 3-4 month cycles. But ultimately once you hit a certain age the desire to just rope gets stronger and stronger, antidepressants don't work on me anymore.
Rope is inevitable.
holy fuck reading this thread gave me a new appreciation of life
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hairs me
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hairs me
hairs me hairs me
hairs me hairs me
hairs me hairs me
hairs me hairs me
hairs me hairs me
hairs me hairs me
hairs me hairs me

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As a newly turned 18 year old, this scares me.
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It’s over for oldcels, not only do their looks start fading, they start norwooding and their body starts breaking down slowly. Before you know it you’re 35 and can’t chug several beers like in one night like you used to be able to.
Youth = everything.
im 17 and im already dead dropped out of school no future ahead of me already bordeline suicidal because of dick and inceldom and propably wont make it to 20 the fact that im a genetic dead and my dick wont naturally grow kills me inside its been a short and not fun ride lads
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Major cope
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Racepill scares me even more
I just had a small panic attack. I was trying to fall asleep when images started popping in my brain.

Very soon I'm gonna be old, wrinkly and bald. I already wasted 20 years and it doesn't seem like it's gonna change for better.

Theres surgery for everything except YOUTH
if you workout and use retin-A weekly you can look 10 years younger when you reach 40s

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