AI on DHT gel



Sep 21, 2023
Should I hop off Aromasin while applying 10% DHT gel?

I'm currently on a Mk+Aromasin stack

I know that DHT kills your estrogen, so is it pointless to use Aromasin?
Should I hop off Aromasin while applying 10% DHT gel?

I'm currently on a Mk+Aromasin stack

I know that DHT kills your estrogen, so is it pointless to use Aromasin?
You should be more worried about shutting down your endocrine system while on DHT gel. It will significantly reduce your T levels
You should be more worried about shutting down your endocrine system while on DHT gel. It will significantly reduce your T levels
what should i do to avoid that?
what should i do to avoid that?
Use HCG bro. I’m using 20% DHT gel and HCG together. Aromasin would probably be overkill, DHT gel definitely has been giving me strong anti estrogenic effects on its own.
Should I hop off Aromasin while applying 10% DHT gel?

I'm currently on a Mk+Aromasin stack

I know that DHT kills your estrogen, so is it pointless to use Aromasin?
lol, aromasin already increases DHT in the first place, DHT cream with aromasin is just gonna make u lose hair at a faster rate
lol, aromasin already increases DHT in the first place, DHT cream with aromasin is just gonna make u lose hair at a faster rate
yeah thats what i thought, thanks
Use HCG bro. I’m using 20% DHT gel and HCG together. Aromasin would probably be overkill, DHT gel definitely has been giving me strong anti estrogenic effects on its own.
You got your DHT gel from Alphagels, right? How long did it take for them to ship out your order? They ignored my emails lmao.
Use HCG bro. I’m using 20% DHT gel and HCG together. Aromasin would probably be overkill, DHT gel definitely has been giving me strong anti estrogenic effects on its own.
If you are shutting yourself down why not just use test?
I guess AI's don't exist anymore, besides DHT is also an aromatase inhibitor.
You cant just spike the shit out of your testosterone and blast an AI to get rid of the estrogen, this guy seems to be building his stack for heightmaxing purposes so in order to keep his estrogen in a range where it wont fuse his plates he would have to induce a really drastic T:E ratio during his testosterone cycle. The ratio specifically will have greater implications as it gets broader, ex 10 pmol/L of circulating estrogen will feel much different if the individual has say 600ng/dl of total t vs 1200ng/dl of total t. The ratio is totally relevant to the side effects and therefor if this guy is heightmaxing then test wouldnt be worth it.
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if your using dht for dick growth your probably gonna have to use something to compliment it for the rest of your life or maybe something like cialis
You cant just spike the shit out of your testosterone and blast an AI to get rid of the estrogen, this guy seems to be building his stack for heightmaxing purposes so in order to keep his estrogen in a range where it wont fuse his plates he would have to induce a really drastic T:E ratio during his testosterone cycle. The ratio specifically will have greater implications as it gets broader, ex 10 pmol/L of circulating estrogen will feel much different if the individual has say 600ng/dl of total t vs 1200ng/dl of total t. The ratio is totally relevant to the side effects and therefor if this guy is heightmaxing then test wouldnt be worth it.
Fair point, however I have seen some users on here, most notably skulldynamics, blasting supraphysiological doses of test+anavar while using an AI to keep his estrogen at 8 pg/nl. I'm sure he gets some brutal sides tho.
if your using dht for dick growth your probably gonna have to use something to compliment it for the rest of your life or maybe something like cialis
y is this? also would he need to inject test while on dht or could he just use test building supplements?
y is this? also would he need to inject test while on dht or could he just use test building supplements?
it would be hard maintaining erection when your normal dht and test levels are below, see people who used dht on gettingbigger hink bd both are using cialis and probably cant maintain a erection without it. honestly your dick might just shrink back to normal levels if you stop due to erection quality in all honesty. dont think anyone has gained over .5 inches of true length with dht
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it would be hard maintaining erection when your normal dht and test levels are below, see people who used dht on gettingbigger hink bd both are using cialis and probably cant maintain a erection without it. honestly your dick might just shrink back to normal levels if you stop due to erection quality in all honesty. dont think anyone has gained over .5 inches of true length with dht
what about using it for masculinizing the face?
it would be hard maintaining erection when your normal dht and test levels are below, see people who used dht on gettingbigger hink bd both are using cialis and probably cant maintain a erection without it. honestly your dick might just shrink back to normal levels if you stop due to erection quality in all honesty. dont think anyone has gained over .5 inches of true length with dht
I can still maintain a erection on dht gel
I could search this up but I don't feel like it. I don't believe DHT aromatizes into estrogen, and your natural testosterone production will be at least somewhat suppressed. Since testosterone is what is aromatized into estrogen and you have less of it, you probably shouldn't be taking an AI because you're risking crashing your E2 into unhealthy levels. IDK tho
I can still maintain a erection on dht gel
i said off, once you hop off it will be a more of a erection quality problem then dutasteride
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Meh, I don't feel any different from before
if you want to read up on it theres some good stuff on reddit since its super hard to find stuff on dht and dick growth

see hinks pinned comment most people saying they had growth were actually people from alpha gels so be careful about personal anecdotes.
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if you want to read up on it theres some good stuff on reddit since its super hard to find stuff on dht and dick growth

see hinks pinned comment most people saying they had growth were actually people from alpha gels so be careful about personal anecdotes.

Thanks, I've also dmed alphagels and they were very helpful
lol, aromasin already increases DHT in the first place, DHT cream with aromasin is just gonna make u lose hair at a faster rate
DHT doesnt cause hair loss. TGFb does. That’s why you take He Shou Wu Fo Ti.

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