Alcochol won’t speed up aging



Jan 19, 2019
Not if you also keep on a healthy lifestyle and stay hydrated well as far as I know. My dad is 60,kinda an alcoholic,yet looks 40. He also gymcels,counts calories,and maintains a healthy diet though.
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So? he would look even younger if he didn't drink
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So? he would look even younger if he didn't drink

No he would not. This is bullshit.

Honestly the whole "healthy lifestyle" meme is horseshit. Just like everything else in life this stuff is determined by genetics.
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  • JFL
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No he would not. This is bullshit.

Honestly the whole "healthy lifestyle" meme is horseshit. Just like everything else in life this stuff is determined by genetics.

are you telling me that 25 year old crack heads look like they are 60 due to genetics?
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Reactions: Pendejo, satoshisacuck, make_it_to_the_top and 7 others
So? he would look even younger if he didn't drink
I am just trying to make high inhibcels fear less of alcochol. It’s a good way to make you more brave and talkative around foids (with moderation ofc)
  • JFL
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No he would not. This is bullshit.

Honestly the whole "healthy lifestyle" meme is horseshit. Just like everything else in life this stuff is determined by genetics.
That's right goy it's all genetics you can eat GMO cancer food and soy now :feelsuhh:
I am just trying to make high inhibcels fear less of alcochol. It’s a good way to make you more brave and talkative around foids (with moderation ofc)
True. It has a strong cultural side
And it's good for talking to foids
No he would not. This is bullshit.

Honestly the whole "healthy lifestyle" meme is horseshit. Just like everything else in life this stuff is determined by genetics.
Someone that eats healthy, drinks enough water and stays away from the sun will age better than if he did the opposite.
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are you telling me that 25 year old crack heads look like they are 60 due to genetics?

Are you telling me that there AREN'T 25 year old crackheads who DON'T look like they are 60? See how this goes both ways?

Someone that eats healthy, drinks enough water and stays away from the sun will age better than if he did the opposite.

This is bullshit cope. I mean if somebody's lifestyle is just massively degenerate then sure this will probably make them look like shit but that's a strawman.
  • JFL
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Are you telling me that there AREN'T 25 year old crackheads who DON'T look like they are 60? See how this goes both ways?

This is bullshit cope. I mean if somebody's lifestyle is just massively degenerate then sure this will probably make them look like shit but that's a strawman.
No its not a strawman cause you literally said that it's all determined by genetics u fucking retard loool
Show pics
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I've drank like 2 beers in my life. I'm 38 and look like a 60 year old zombie.
  • JFL
  • Woah
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Alcohol is one of the only things that calms down my anxiety and hand tremors, I practically need to drink it at this point.
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since when is alcohol bad for you????
a glass a day is suppose to be healthy no???
also some people tolerate stuff differently to others I'm sure
there are chain smokers who look good and live to an old age
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: SikKunt
Comicals me
Alcohol rubs me
since when is alcohol bad for you????
a glass a day is suppose to be healthy no???
also some people tolerate stuff differently to others I'm sure
there are chain smokers who look good and live to an old age
Red wine is aight, but pretty sure necking shots of vodka every night is not ideal
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I am just trying to make high inhibcels fear less of alcochol. It’s a good way to make you more brave and talkative around foids (with moderation ofc)
testosterone is better
since when is alcohol bad for you????
a glass a day is suppose to be healthy no???
also some people tolerate stuff differently to others I'm sure
there are chain smokers who look good and live to an old age
A glass or 2 of wine per week is supposed to be okay because of the Resveratrol content. Alcoholism will undoubtedly age you since glutathione is responsible for breaking down alcohol in the liver and glutathione is also the most powerful endogenous anti-inflammatory. You'd want to have it to fight normal oxidative stress instead of needing it to protect your liver because of over-drinking.
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I was a heavy drinker and my skin was and is 14 yo even tho im 20yo
Alcohol is one of the only things that calms down my anxiety and hand tremors, I practically need to drink it at this point.
Low dose GBH can be sustainable long term as an alcohol replacement. It's better in every way without all the sides. Cheaper, no liver damage, discrete (not on your breath all the time)

Ultimate low-inhib max.

Careful with doses or you can pass out or even die. Not even gonna recommend it due to those dangers, just saying it's an alternative that alcoholics often find better.

the agepill aged me
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  • Hmm...
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No he would not. This is bullshit.

Honestly the whole "healthy lifestyle" meme is horseshit. Just like everything else in life this stuff is determined by genetics.

Study on identical twins.
Study on identical twins.

That doesn't actually discredit my argument though. If they had genetic resistance to the effects of smoking then both would have turned out just fine. My original point was that how badly you lifestyle influences your looks is mostly genetics, which is true. And truth be told, the people in that image look barely any different anyway. Also just lol at thinking smoking is going to make a chad look like shit. He will still have his chad bones and facial structure.

EDIT: And the images are bullshit anyway since the later dude doesn't appear to have shaved which makes him look worse.

EDIT 2: These people also look like they are in their 50's or even 60's who fucking cares your live will be shit by then anyway.
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Look boyo, I drink too but let's not cope and start saying it's good for you. You're better off healthwise, and likely lookswise if you didn't drink.

We all need some copes to deal with being around normies or suffering through inceldom though, so I don't think drinking is bad as a overall 'lifemaxing' strategy.
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That doesn't actually discredit my argument though. If they had genetic resistance to the effects of smoking then both would have turned out just fine. My original point was that how badly you lifestyle influences your looks is mostly genetics, which is true. And truth be told, the people in that image look barely any different anyway. Also just lol at thinking smoking is going to make a chad look like shit. He will still have his chad bones and facial structure.

EDIT: And the images are bullshit anyway since the later dude doesn't appear to have shaved which makes him look worse.

EDIT 2: These people also look like they are in their 50's or even 60's who fucking cares your live will be shit by then anyway.
what a fucking delusioned idiot.

"My original point was that how badly you lifestyle influences your looks is mostly genetics"

Lol no that was not your original point
you went from "Healthy life style is all bullshit" to "it depends on the genetic resistance in some people",

so you are basically admitting that for many people smoking actually is harmful?


And who was talking about bones? You said that healthy life style doen't mean shit and I disproved your point.

Also lmao at the weak strawman edits, particulary this one:

"EDIT 2: These people also look like they are in their 50's or even 60's who fucking cares your live will be shit by then anyway. "
the people in that image look barely any different anyway
Don't you see all the pronounced folds in the skin? Are u blind nigga?
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Not if you also keep on a healthy lifestyle and stay hydrated well as far as I know. My dad is 60,kinda an alcoholic,yet looks 40. He also gymcels,counts calories,and maintains a healthy diet though.
Fucking retarded faggot. Oh your dad looks ok so it must be true! Kys.
  • +1
Reactions: SayNoToRotting and androidcel
Fucking retarded faggot. Oh your dad looks ok so it must be true! Kys.
Fuck off low T high inhib soy fan fat cunt. Bet you wrote this drinking soylent and you fear to crack open one single beer. You must be the white blackoutwhitein. Fuck outta my thread with your uglyass avatar and keep being a cuck while I fuck your mother
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Fuck off low T high inhib soy fan fat cunt. Bet you wrote this drinking soylent and you fear to crack open one single beer. You must be the white blackoutwhitein. Fuck outta my thread with your uglyass avatar and keep being a cuck while I fuck your mother
Motherfucker I will waterboard your whole family including your pussy ass papa with soylant. I hope you are diagnosed with fatal familial insomnia.
No he would not. This is bullshit.

Honestly the whole "healthy lifestyle" meme is horseshit. Just like everything else in life this stuff is determined by genetics.
what a fucking delusioned idiot.

"My original point was that how badly you lifestyle influences your looks is mostly genetics"

Lol no that was not your original point
you went from "Healthy life style is all bullshit" to "it depends on the genetic resistance in some people",

so you are basically admitting that for many people smoking actually is harmful?

View attachment 71362

And who was talking about bones? You said that healthy life style doen't mean shit and I disproved your point.

Also lmao at the weak strawman edits, particulary this one:

"EDIT 2: These people also look like they are in their 50's or even 60's who fucking cares your live will be shit by then anyway. "

Don't you see all the pronounced folds in the skin? Are u blind nigga?
This guy is a meme and literally every argument he makes gets debunked.

@disillusioned is a stupid retard that ignores every post that debunks his subsaharan IQ statements. He will probably literally not respond because he is too weak to fight back. How funny is that?

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