[Alfa Mindset] your GF/Wife is not a virgin? It's ok, here is the mindset you should have.

Eduardo DOV

Eduardo DOV

Aug 1, 2019
I believe that this mentality that "the woman is my perfect princess" or "my property" or "I have to be the best for her" creates discomfort and very unpleasant complexes for the men in relationships.

This thread for example is what I want to say:

He says at the end of the thread:
I get myself so fucking mad when I think about this.

I've already had some heavy anger/anxiety attacks about this.

I totally identify with this, I thought like that until a few days ago, but I tried to investigate in my own mind why this happened, what was behind it, what were the premises in my mind.

The mindset I developed is this, read everything:
You shouldn't idealize a woman as a pure and perfect being or your property, just as a human being that is with you. Because idealizing her will make you feel kinda of an idiot if you remember that she fucked others:

If you idealize her as your property, your mind will remember that she fucked other men in the past and you will see it as a second-hand product. She is yours, but not a perfect property, thats my idea.
If you idealize her as a pure being, when you remember that she has already had sex with others, you will feel frustrated.

So just see her as a human being, we are not perfect.
I remember hearing as a child at school a joke that went like "remember he/she also shits" referring to famous people or a very pretty girl, I don't remember exactly. But the idea is the same, don't idealize the woman.

Also, you should see that the woman is also in the relationship to serve you, not only you to serve her. You are gaining her company, her affection, her sex, her help, your children.

Also, take the responsibility off your shoulders for her to see you as the biggest alpha on earth, maybe you're not the guy who fucked her the best, and that's okay.
This idea that you should be the best for a woman is a vaginocentric, romantic idea, and that's wrong.
Anyway, the number of guys she fucked before can be a redflag yes, of course.
Ideally you want a virgin, american stats say that, at least. But that's rare if she's not a teenager.
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  • JFL
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yes ur right, we gotta be down to earth, not black white thinking oh shes a slut and im a cuck, but ok I am here with her we enjoy this now, we accept each other, and if she continues being a bitch ok then ur going away, never too close, but also experiencing things in real life and not only playing battles in your mind is crucial
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Reactions: DeadTrees, Chadeep and Eduardo DOV
Virgin only no exceptions. Or sexzoned forever
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As an esteemed foid lover, I approve this.
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This is a very interesting take. I will ponder upon it. What I understand is that if u idealize her as being perfect and then she isn't u will see her ( Ur property something u prize highly) as being defected and imperfect. This would cause one to have less of an appreciation for their partner. because of this don't view her as Urs simply another human? I see the logic, but within it gives way to excuses and complacency within humans to not strive for what is best. Why shouldn't u try and be the best guy for her. Yeah, it may be gynocentric but why wouldn't I try and be the best.
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Reactions: Eduardo DOV
women that are not virgins are disgusting and should not be considered as human
cope more
cuck indian
rope asap
hope your mom get graped in mumbai communial showers
fuckin jew
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Reactions: theonewhocantascend
This is a very interesting take. I will ponder upon it. What I understand is that if u idealize her as being perfect and then she isn't u will see her ( Ur property something u prize highly) as being defected and imperfect. This would cause one to have less of an appreciation for their partner. because of this don't view her as Urs simply another human? I see the logic, but within it gives way to excuses and complacency within humans to not strive for what is best. Why shouldn't u try and be the best guy for her. Yeah, it may be gynocentric but why wouldn't I try and be the best.
because you cant
there will always be someone better that has access to your girl
take a virgin or your life is over
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Reactions: theonewhocantascend

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