all of the things that generations before us got easily are becoming a pipe dream (gen Z cels gtfih)



𝕯𝖝𝕯 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖜 / victim of racemixing / low iq
Jun 11, 2024
things like finding a high quality wife that isn’t a whore, owning a house, retiring one day

only the top 10% will have all of this…

over for our futures :feelswhy:
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10% is very very optimistic
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  • So Sad
Reactions: RecessedBoss, vevcred2_0 and albanianblackguy
things like finding a high quality wife that isn’t a whore, owning a house, retiring one day

only the top 10% will have all of this…

over for our futures :feelswhy:
At this point, I’d be more worried about there not being a war. The way things are going, even sitting at home comfortably might soon be nothing but a pipe dream.
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Reactions: RecessedBoss, albanianblackguy, vevcred2_0 and 1 other person
At this point, I’d be more worried about there not being a war. The way things are going, even sitting at home comfortably might soon be nothing but a pipe dream.
i pray that war holds off for a while because i dont want to be fucking drafted and go fight for a bunch of elite politicians sitting in their nation’s capital getting rich off of my death

id try to dodge the draft as much as possible, modern men have no reason to fight, war is more cucked now than it has ever been in any point in history.
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Reactions: RecessedBoss, vevcred2_0 and emeraldglass
sitting at home comfortably might soon be nothing but a pipe dream.

I don't think the demographics of the people on this forum would be too upset if a drone flew to the window of the room they were rotting in and threw a grenade next to them, helping them speed up the respawnmaxxing process..

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Reactions: vevcred2_0, Alias!, emeraldglass and 1 other person
things like finding a high quality wife that isn’t a whore, owning a house, retiring one day

only the top 10% will have all of this…

over for our futures :feelswhy:
And on top of that wageslaving for a government that hates you.
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Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times created weak men, weak men create hard times
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At this point, I’d be more worried about there not being a war. The way things are going, even sitting at home comfortably might soon be nothing but a pipe dream.
Nothing ever happens
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When i finish my degree ngl my plan's yo just save up to buy some shitty land and build a small off grid cabin there

Won't be that cheap but will mog buying an alr existing house for 350k yk?
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Reactions: emeraldglass and superpsycho
And on top of that wageslaving for a government that hates you.
my life plan is wageslaving until i can afford surgeries, quit my job, cut ties with everyone i know, go NEET, live off the grid to escape to grasp of cuckciety

i really have nothing to lose in this incel life anymore so why not spend it how i want to instead of serving this faggot society?
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  • Hmm...
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When i finish my degree ngl my plan's yo just save up to buy some shitty land and build a small off grid cabin there

Won't be that cheap but will mog buying an alr existing house for 350k yk?
cute stacy on your avi
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Nothing ever happens
“nothing ever happens” because no major world events happen where you live. look around the world currently.
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When i finish my degree ngl my plan's yo just save up to buy some shitty land and build a small off grid cabin there

Won't be that cheap but will mog buying an alr existing house for 350k yk?
yea i wanna live off grid too
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Reactions: castizo_ascender and vevcred2_0
yea i wanna live off grid too
Same. Good thing's that there's a lot of ways to get water + sanitation+ power/heat off grid now. Makes that a much better long term option
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Over for gen Z
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my life plan is wageslaving until i can afford surgeries, quit my job, cut ties with everyone i know, go NEET, live off the grid to escape to grasp of cuckciety

i really have nothing to lose in this incel life anymore so why not spend it how i want to instead of serving this faggot society?
Yeah if you’re incel you need to always look out for yourself first.
  • +1
Reactions: castizo_ascender and superpsycho
Same. Good thing's that there's a lot of ways to get water + sanitation+ power/heat off grid now. Makes that a much better long term option
better than being an urban wagefag tbh.

i know i talk about not passing on my poor subhuman genes, but honestly in theory if i can find a woman who is a virgin, and i can find good land off the grid, i wouldnt hate the idea of raising a family there whatsoever. my kids would grow up eating 0 goyslop whatsoever and they’d live the most natural life possible and they’d grow up to mog me :feelsokman: ideal life tbh.
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Reactions: castizo_ascender
Yeah if you’re incel you need to always look out for yourself first.
that goes for everyone. especially with who u associate with.

have one eye on your enemy, but have two eyes on your friends. you always know your enemy’s intentions, but you will never know the true intentions of your friends.
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Yea your right there’s no brotherhood
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Nothing ever happens
Nothing ever happens immediately, that’s true. But They’ll scare you falsely nine times so that on the tenth time you are caught off guard thinking it’s just another false alarm. They want you to become accustomed to the state of affairs they endlessly discuss on TV and in the media, making it seem normal. They’ll instill in you the feeling of being in a Cold War, mentally torturing you as you wait for that inevitable day, whenever it may come, and it will most definitely come. When the alarms finally sound, most will be caught unprepared, unable to believe it happened in our lifetime.
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Reactions: superpsycho and cpedy
Nothing ever happens immediately, that’s true. But They’ll scare you falsely nine times so that on the tenth time you are caught off guard thinking it’s just another false alarm. They want you to become accustomed to the state of affairs they endlessly discuss on TV and in the media, making it seem normal. They’ll instill in you the feeling of being in a Cold War, mentally torturing you as you wait for that inevitable day, whenever it may come, and it will most definitely come. When the alarms finally sound, most will be caught unprepared, unable to believe it happened in our lifetime.
“Nothing Ever Happens” kids aren’t going to like it when their land is getting raided by a foreign country…
better than being an urban wagefag tbh.

Way better. Esp since it's now possible to get shit like power, heat, water, and fucking satellite internet if you still want to rot on .org. All without having to serve the jews.
i know i talk about not passing on my poor subhuman genes, but honestly in theory if i can find a woman who is a virgin, and i can find good land off the grid, i wouldnt hate the idea of raising a family there whatsoever. my kids would grow up eating 0 goyslop whatsoever and they’d live the most natural life possible and they’d grow up to mog me :feelsokman: ideal life tbh.
Same bhai. If i get a cute hmtb and live with her off grid it'd be based. Kids would mog me hard bc they would live eating unprocessed hunted meat and garden vegetable, as well as drinking unfluorinated and unpolluted water
Yeah if you’re incel you need to always look out for yourself first.
I mean im more volcel/normie than an actual truecel and i still would prefer to not serve this shit society

Since im hmtn-lhtn i could just bow down to the jews, become a normie cuck and secure a ltr with some whore who's my looksmatch. But that's just so cucked/low t and i refuse to go down to that level. Living off the grid on my own accord would be so much better
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I mean im more volcel/fakecel than an actual truecel and i still would prefer to not serve this shit society

Since im hmtn-lhtn i could just bow down to the jews, become a normie cuck and secure a ltr with some whore who's my looksmatch. But that's just so cucked/low t and i refuse to go down to that level. Living off the grid on my own accord would be so much better
incel or not, its still cucked to serve society. i am going to live life how it was meant to be lived once i graduate from cuck(high)school
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things like finding a high quality wife that isn’t a whore, owning a house, retiring one day

only the top 10% will have all of this…

over for our futures :feelswhy:
Owning house is easy, buy used
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Reactions: superpsycho
Owning house is easy, buy used
Yeah people do overestimate it. When i finish my studies i'd probably be able to afford some 350k house in redneck country or the suburbs

But i'd rather just live off grid. Buy some less expensive undeveloped land and not be bound to jewish urban utilities.
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Reactions: AustrianMogger and superpsycho
  • Hmm...
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“Nothing Ever Happens” kids aren’t going to like it when their land is getting raided by a foreign country…
This generation is fucked, bro. If you have to win a war with them on your side, you'd be better off shooting yourself and skipping the whole process of war PTSD before you lose anyway.
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