Am I a late bloomer, average or early bloomer?


Deleted member 6892

May 10, 2020
My voice cracked last summer when I just turned 14, and the growth spurt began fall-winter. My pubes started growing in my late 13. I am around 3/4 of the way towards tanner stage 4 rn at 15 and 0 months.

EDIT: was able to ejaculate at 12-13.
My voice cracked last summer when I just turned 14, and the growth spurt began fall-winter. My pubes started growing in my late 13. I am around 3/4 of the way towards tanner stage 4 rn at 15 and 0 months.
Average / VERY slight late bloomer. When did you bust your first actual nut?
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12.5 or 13 or so, pretty early.
Yeah average/ maybe a very little bit early bloomer. A true late bloomer would have it around 14 or up and early bloomer at like 11. You're fine lad
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Yeah average/ maybe a very little bit early bloomer. A true late bloomer would have it around 14 or up and early bloomer at like 11. You're fine lad
Is being a late bloomer bad or good though? Cause I heard some people saying they’re taller on average.
i started cumming at 10 yo, didnt know what it was for like 2 years.
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Is being a late bloomer bad or good though? Cause I heard some people saying they’re taller on average.
Somewhat taller yes and face will start properly developing a little bit later (incase you have a babyface) However late or average bloomer i'd suggest making the most out of pubety, sports diet etc and MOST IMPORTANT NTmaxx and get a good social circle, after summer im in my last year of highschool and i hate myself for being such a wanna be nonconformist autist, thank god i still have friends but i fucked myself over multiple when it comes to girls.
When did you stop growing in height and became mature facially?
15 stopped growing fml
facially never really became mature :lul: still babyface :cry:
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Somewhat taller yes and face will start properly developing a little bit later (incase you have a babyface) However late or average bloomer i'd suggest making the most out of pubety, sports diet etc and MOST IMPORTANT NTmaxx and get a good social circle, after summer im in my last year of highschool and i hate myself for being such a wanna be nonconformist autist, thank god i still have friends but i fucked myself over multiple when it comes to girls.
Yeah I’m noticing my face starting to become much better and more masculine right now. What would be a considered a good diet? I eat a lot of protein and trying to cut down on a lot of sugar/unhealthy stuff but I don’t eat a lot of vegetable. NT wise I’m definitely going to be trying to become much more active socially my sophomore year. I’m also going to start football so hopefully that helps.
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Yeah I’m noticing my face starting to become much better and more masculine right now. What would be a considered a good diet? I eat a lot of protein and trying to cut down on a lot of sugar/unhealthy stuff but I don’t eat a lot of vegetable. NT wise I’m definitely going to be trying to become much more active socially my sophomore year. I’m also going to start football so hopefully that helps.
Well first of all dont obsess too much over diet, eating some bad food if you're out with friends isnt that bad, remember moderation is key. But outside of that i'd say mostly just go for whole healthy foods and minimize processed foods, which is somewhat expensive these days but worth it if you have acne find out which foods break you and avoid them. supplements are good too but at you're age i'd mainly suggest, D, Zinc and magnesium for testosterone and Iron IF you're deficient.

Good that you're starting football, american football or do you mean soccer?
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my growth stopped at early 14 jfl
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JFL u could be an early bloomer and still grow at 15+ especially if ur high T
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Well first of all dont obsess too much over diet, eating some bad food if you're out with friends isnt that bad, remember moderation is key. But outside of that i'd say mostly just go for whole healthy foods and minimize processed foods, which is somewhat expensive these days but worth it if you have acne find out which foods break you and avoid them. supplements are good too but at you're age i'd mainly suggest, D, Zinc and magnesium for testosterone and Iron IF you're deficient.

Good that you're starting football, american football or do you mean soccer?
American Football.

Taking k2 MK4, d3 10000ui, 400mg of magnesium, 50mg of zinc (+ copper to offset the decline from zinc) already.
My voice cracked last summer when I just turned 14, and the growth spurt began fall-winter. My pubes started growing in my late 13. I am around 3/4 of the way towards tanner stage 4 rn at 15 and 0 months.

EDIT: was able to ejaculate at 12-13.
My voice cracked at 17 jfl.
You are average boyo
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