Am I balding/Norwooding ?

Deleted member 7173

Deleted member 7173

Virgin 6'2 Pretty boy Mogger (Look at AVI and see)
May 20, 2020
Here is my hair regularly-
Screenshot 20200621 133624

Here is my hair pulled back-
Screenshot 20200621 133515

Notice how my hair is higher in the middle than the sides... Am I reverse norwooding? I've never seen someone else who has more hair on the sides than the middle, so I don't know if this is normal or not.
No,looks good.Add minox to keep it that way.
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Seems like NW0 to me
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What changes did you do in the last time?
for me it happened because of weight loss and it's only temporary in my case
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Did you start taking any medication, lost weight, diet change etc... in the same time-frame it happened
Yeah I'm on accutane month 4 and my hair is thinning everywhere, like falling off 10x as much as normal. But I don't think it has affected my hairline.

Also, the accutane hair loss is starting to slow down since I stopped my 60mg dosage and went down to 30mg
how old are you - 15, 16? that's a childlike hairline
how old are you - 15, 16? that's a childlike hairline

I think my testerone and estrogen imbalance is giving me a female hairline. I guess I won't ever bald
Yeah I'm on accutane month 4 and my hair is thinning everywhere, like falling off 10x as much as normal. But I don't think it has affected my hairline.

Also, the accutane hair loss is starting to slow down since I stopped my 60mg dosage and went down to 30mg
It's obviously the accutane, it's a very common side effect and specially with 60mg lmao, and lower your dosage 20mg,

he did the same thing as you (60 mg, which is a huge amount and is only used with the worst cases) and got bald forever
It's obviously the accutane, it's a very common side effect and specially with 60mg lmao, and lower your dosage 20mg,

he did the same thing as you (60 mg, which is a huge amount) and got bald forever

Jfl fuckkkk. I'm never going on 60mg again, I'll stay on 30mg, or maybe even 15mg a day. Luckily the hairloss slowed down alot since I stopped 60mg
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Here is my hair regularly-
View attachment 468944

Here is my hair pulled back-
View attachment 468945

Notice how my hair is higher in the middle than the sides... Am I reverse norwooding? I've never seen someone else who has more hair on the sides than the middle, so I don't know if this is normal or not.

Whats your age. From the pic alone I can see your hair follicles are weak and I disagree with the forum. Part of your hairline is transition to NW1, while the rest is at NWO. Since I see your took a selfie, my right side or your left side of your head is distinctly patchy compared to the rest of the head. Your hairs in general they lack thickness and color. That is a big problem. Look at italian male model chads and the brock o hurn guy. They have robust thick colorful hair that covers the entire head in a symmetric fashion. To fix this do the following

1. Dont use the toxic normie shampoos use the organic ones without the toxic chemicals and shampoo no more then twice a week since your hair needs essential oils. This will help your hair return back to its vibrant color.
2. Then use mk-677 to help with the hair thickness aspect. Mk-677 increases gh secretion which has many beneficial properties. When I ran mk-677 I noticed improvements in my hair quality thickness and coloring
4. Apply minox to the patchy area to help make it more symmetrical.
5. Consider running Fin/Dust. If you don't think its that serious then run the experimental RU-58441 compound. Fin and Minox are the only FDA approved anti hairloss drugs with clinical proof. RU-58441 has a decent amount of anecdotal success so if your young you could consider trying it
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Don't take anything man, you are not balding.
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Whats your age. From the pic alone I can see your hair follicles are weak and I disagree with the forum. Part of your hairline is transition to NW1, while the rest is at NWO. Since I see your took a selfie, my right side or your left side of your head is distinctly patchy compared to the rest of the head. Your hairs in general they lack thickness and color. That is a big problem. Look at italian male model chads and the brock o hurn guy. They have robust thick colorful hair that covers the entire head in a symmetric fashion. To fix this do the following

1. Dont use the toxic normie shampoos use the organic ones without the toxic chemicals and shampoo no more then twice a week since your hair needs essential oils. This will help your hair return back to its vibrant color.
2. Then use mk-677 to help with the hair thickness aspect. Mk-677 increases gh secretion which has many beneficial properties. When I ran mk-677 I noticed improvements in my hair quality thickness and coloring
4. Apply minox to the patchy area to help make it more symmetrical.
5. Consider running Fin/Dust. If you don't think its that serious then run the experimental RU-58441 compound. Fin and Minox are the only FDA approved anti hairloss drugs with clinical proof. RU-58441 has a decent amount of anecdotal success so if your young you could consider trying it
The things that you wrote are true, but in his case it's just the accutane, nothing else

OP did you do it with a professional or you just bought it and treated yourself?
Don't take anything man, you are not balding.

Silly advice. The best time to take action is when things are good. Most men that bald cope hard in the beginning by denying there balding only to realize when chicks show zero interest how bald they really are. At a certain point a hair transplant is the only way to go back to a proper hairline which is expensive as fuck.
What you wrote is true, but in his case it's just the accutane, nothing else

OP did you do it with a professional or you just bought it and treated yourself?
A professional. He prescribed my 40mg first month and has been prescribing me 60mg(absurdly high, as I found out) the past 3 months. I have been taking only 30mg a day instead of the 60mg, and I have not told him I am doing this. I do think my hair color got lighter on accutane, and strangely my hair got thicker the first 3 months. But this effect of my hair getting thicker was soon counteracted by my hair falling out faster at month 4.
A professional. He prescribed my 40mg first month and has been prescribing me 60mg(absurdly high, as I found out) the past 3 months. I have been taking only 30mg a day instead of the 60mg, and I have not told him I am doing this. I do think my hair color got lighter on accutane, and strangely my hair got thicker the first 3 months. But this effect of my hair getting thicker was soon counteracted by my hair falling out faster at month 4.
Sue this fucker, 60mg is rarely used
Silly advice. The best time to take action is when things are good. Most men that bald cope hard in the beginning by denying there balding only to realize when chicks show zero interest how bald they really are. At a certain point a hair transplant is the only way to go back to a proper hairline which is expensive as fuck.
The best time to take action is when you notice early signs of balding. This guy doesn't have any, he is just concerned.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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Here is another pic- You can see my hairline seems crooked??? But it has always been like this (I think), so I don't know if I should do anything to it @AscensionMan98 @AlphaDude @ItsNotADream
Screenshot 20200621 142354
Here is another pic- You can see my hairline seems crooked??? But it has always been like this (I think), so I don't know if I should do anything to it @AscensionMan98 @AlphaDude @ItsNotADream
View attachment 468991
I don't see anything tbh, your hair seems fine, but if it's falling then it will get to a point where it doesn't look good
I don't see anything tbh, your hair seems fine, but if it's falling then it will get to a point where it doesn't look good
Yeah, I am dreading when that will happen. I'm hoping that my lowered accutane dosage will fully stop the hairloss, I've noticed big improvements since I quit the 60mg. I'm taking 15mg a day (sometimes 30mg if my acne flares up)
Yeah, I am dreading when that will happen. I'm hoping that my lowered accutane dosage will fully stop the hairloss, I've noticed big improvements since I quit the 60mg. I'm taking 15mg a day (sometimes 30mg if my acne flares up)
Good, also sue the "professional" so you can moneymaxx
Good, also sue the "professional" so you can moneymaxx
I'm planning on it when I finish the treatment, dedsrs. The derm even told me before I started that "accutane hairloss is a myth", so he lied to me directly.
I'm planning on it when I finish the treatment, dedsrs. The derm even told me before I started that "accutane hairloss is a myth", so he lied to me directly.
Trusting doctors nowadays is fucking impossible, everyone lies, good thing that high IQ people like us can exploit this and sue them and gl
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Whats your age. From the pic alone I can see your hair follicles are weak and I disagree with the forum. Part of your hairline is transition to NW1, while the rest is at NWO. Since I see your took a selfie, my right side or your left side of your head is distinctly patchy compared to the rest of the head. Your hairs in general they lack thickness and color. That is a big problem. Look at italian male model chads and the brock o hurn guy. They have robust thick colorful hair that covers the entire head in a symmetric fashion. To fix this do the following

1. Dont use the toxic normie shampoos use the organic ones without the toxic chemicals and shampoo no more then twice a week since your hair needs essential oils. This will help your hair return back to its vibrant color.
2. Then use mk-677 to help with the hair thickness aspect. Mk-677 increases gh secretion which has many beneficial properties. When I ran mk-677 I noticed improvements in my hair quality thickness and coloring
4. Apply minox to the patchy area to help make it more symmetrical.
5. Consider running Fin/Dust. If you don't think its that serious then run the experimental RU-58441 compound. Fin and Minox are the only FDA approved anti hairloss drugs with clinical proof. RU-58441 has a decent amount of anecdotal success so if your young you could consider trying it
I'm really considering mk-677. Especially since I am beginning to gymcel. Are there any other side effects of mk-677 that I should know about? And do you have a good source for it
Should I even use it, I'm starting to think I'm Norwood 0.
I use it ngl but I definitely have some recession. I see slight results even after a month
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I'm really considering mk-677. Especially since I am beginning to gymcel. Are there any other side effects of mk-677 that I should know about? And do you have a good source for it

You from the states or europe.
I think you have worse things to worry about than your hairline such as your 2.5-inch punisher.
I think you have worse things to worry about than your hairline such as your 2.5-inch punisher.
True tbh. I'm trying to focus on things I can currently work on, because not many solutions for micro penis are readily available

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