Am i balding or what



Sep 8, 2022
So i dont know whether I am balding or not? My left corner looks nw0 but the right one looks kinda shady? Always had uneven temples(right higher), went to doc to examine scalp under trichoscope - no signs of balding. But still would like to hear your opinion.
Pictures of right temple - 2 years ago, 1 year ago, today.
Pictures of hairline - 1 year ago, today.


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looks fine
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So i dont know whether I am balding or not? My left corner looks nw0 but the right one looks kinda shady? Always had uneven temples(right higher), went to doc to examine scalp under trichoscope - no signs of balding. But still would like to hear your opinion.
Pictures of right temple - 2 years ago, 1 year ago, today.
Pictures of hairline - 1 year ago, today.
hop on finasteride asap if you didnt already. If you already are on fin and minox then just add one topical anti androgen like

Pyrilutamide. Looks like your recession is slowly starting in the corners bro. Its easier to maintain what you have than getting back lost ground.Good luck.​

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hop on finasteride asap if you didnt already. If you already are on fin and minox then just add one topical anti androgen like

Pyrilutamide. Looks like your recession is slowly starting in the corners bro. Its easier to maintain what you have than getting back lost ground.Good luck.​

Doesnt it look the same since 2 years though? I did not use any dht blockers.
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Doesnt it look the same since 2 years though? I did not use any dht blockers.
going by looks is bad. We have thousands of hairs. You only notice it when enough hair have fallen out. Like i said before the fight againts the norwood reaper consists of patience and prevention. Getting lost ground back via hairtransplant or minox is harder than keeping your baseline with finasteride and topical anti androgens. Finateride is fine for most people dont listen to the online fearmongering. If i was you i would talk to a dermatologist and hop on fin as prevention. DHT is a trash hormon and only does bad things after puberty.
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going by looks is bad. We have thousands of hairs. You only notice it when enough hairs have fallen out. Like i said before the fight againts the norwood reapers consists of patients and prevention. Getting lost ground back via hairtransplant or minox is harder then keeping your baseline with finasteride and topical anti androgens. Finateride is fine for most people dont listen to the online fearmongering. If i was you i would talk to a dermatologist and hop on fin as prevention. DHT is a trash hormon and only does bad things after puberty.
is DHT really useless after puberty?
is DHT really useless after puberty?
Yeah it only helps with erection quality. In the finasteride studies the only side effects that was found was erection quality but that side is extremly low. Since fin blocks 5alphareductase enzym that converts testosterone into dht blocking it would result in an increase in testosterone. Testosterone has been found to be more than enough to keep erection quality and all other androgen related activities in the body in tact. All the other supposed side effects like depression etc were added decades later after the internet was invented and people invented stuff. fin was approved 1992 and since then millions of men have taken it for 30 years and experienced no sides including me. Been on it for 2 years. It only benefited me by stopping my hairloss. Hair is life bro do whatever it takes to keep them. But yeah DHT is trash an old man hormone it only causes acne and hairloss after puberty. Testosterone is the important hormone not DHT and blocking DHT has been the best method so far in stopping the norwood reaper
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Yeah it only helps with erection quality. In the finasteride studies the only side effects that was found was erection quality but that side is extremly low. Since fin blocks 5alphareductase enzym that converts testosterone into dht blocking it would result in an increase in testosterone. Testosterone has been found to be more than enough to keep erection quality and all other androgen related activities in the body in tact. All the other supposed side effects like depression etc were added decades later after the internet was invented and people invented stuff. fin was approved 1992 and since then millions of men have taken it for 30 years and experienced no sides including me. Been on it for 2 years. It only benefited me by stopping my hairloss. Hair is life bro do whatever it takes to keep them. But yeah DHT is trash an old man hormone it only causes acne and hairloss after puberty. Testosterone is the important hormone not DHT and blocking DHT has been the best method so far in stopping the norwood reaper
Did fin really stop your hair loss completely? I saw that it either stops like 70% or 90% which still means norwooding a bit more is possible
Did fin really stop your hair loss completely? I saw that it either stops like 70% or 90% which still means norwooding a bit more is possible
for me it stopped it complety. Every case is different bro. For most people the gold standard combo fin and minox is enough to stop hairloss. If you still loose hair while doing both then you are severly balding and need a stronger stack. Upgrading from fin to dut could help because it blocks more dht conversion but its a slighty more dht blocking effect. You should then add topical anti androgens . I wouldnt recommend RU58841 because it was a research chemical that got abonded it the phase 2 clinical trials. That means it mostlikely had nasty side effects. There is a new topical anti androgen coming out soon its called Pyrilutamide. It seems promising so far. You can already get it on the black market. But only add stuff if fin and minox arent enough. Then you let your hair get analysed by dermatologist and he will tell you if your haircount decreased or not. Then you analyse the situation and add more topicals to the stack. Hope this helps you bro.

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for me it stopped it complety. Every case is different bro. For most people the gold standard combo fin and minox is enough to stop hairloss. If you still loose hair while doing both then you are severly balding and need a stronger stack. Upgrading from fin to dut could help because it blocks more dht conversion but its a slighty more dht blocking effect. You should then add topical anti androgens . I wouldnt recommend RU58841 because it was a research chemical that got abonded it the phase 2 clinical trials. That means it mostlikely had nasty side effects. There is a new topical anti androgen coming out soon its called Pyrilutamide. It seems promising so far. You can already get it on the black market. But only add stuff if fin and minox arent enough. Then you let your hair get analysed by dermatologist and he will tell you if your haircount decreased or not. Then you analyse the situation and add more topicals to the stack. Hope this helps you bro.

haha yeah it did help me i’ll just keep this for future reference I won’t need it for another 5+ years or so (or we’ll atleast I hope so) thank you 🙏
haha yeah it did help me i’ll just keep this for future reference I won’t need it for another 5+ years or so (or we’ll atleast I hope so) thank you 🙏
no problem m8
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