Am I only one who doesnt fuck with small talk?



Aug 22, 2023
Today i went to barber w my friend and the barber told my friends friend that im a pussy and im soft and dont speak

I mean im not shy i just dont fuck w people man i dont want to talk to you, Anyone else like this?
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Low inhib based barber, you need to talk more or you will be lonely in the future
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Low inhib based barber, you need to talk more or you will be lonely in the future
with everyone or just when neccessary.

true i just got annoyed when i heard he said i was a pussy
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with everyone or just when neccessary.

true i just got annoyed when i heard he said i was a pussy
With your friends and just to strangers aswell tbh, I was in the same boat. Now im always actively engaged in conversations and i get invited/have it easier to plan meets with friends. If you were hanging out with your friend and didnt say anything memorable he wont remember that as a good time and wont wanna hang out anymore. Also life is more fun when you can connect/have fun with most people.
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With your friends and just to strangers aswell tbh, I was in the same boat. Now im always actively engaged in conversations and i get invited/have it easier to plan meets with friends. If you were hanging out with your friend and didnt say anything memorable he wont remember that as a good time and wont wanna hang out anymore. Also life is more fun when you can connect/have fun with most people.
truee bro u acc helped me.

any tips on getting over this?
truee bro u acc helped me.

any tips on getting over this?
Just be overly friendly to any new person you meet. Like for example you described the person in your post as "your friends friend" why was he not just your friend? Its quite easy to get your friends friend as your own friend as long as you make a good first impression. Join their conversation then after it dies down casually just ask his name and dap him up. He will see you as a down to earth guy. Also im not saying you have to completly change your personality and talk all the time, Quiet people can also be popular just make sure the few words you do say are memorable.
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Just be overly friendly to any new person you meet. Like for example you described the person in your post as "your friends friend" why was he not just your friend? Its quite easy to get your friends friend as your own friend as long as you make a good first impression. Join their conversation then after it dies down casually just ask his name and dap him up. He will see you as a down to earth guy. Also im not saying you have to completly change your personality and talk all the time, Quiet people can also be popular just make sure the few words you do say are memorable.
i mean i said few words w thebarber but i was sleepy coudlnt be arsed to say anything
Just be overly friendly to any new person you meet. Like for example you described the person in your post as "your friends friend" why was he not just your friend? Its quite easy to get your friends friend as your own friend as long as you make a good first impression. Join their conversation then after it dies down casually just ask his name and dap him up. He will see you as a down to earth guy. Also im not saying you have to completly change your personality and talk all the time, Quiet people can also be popular just make sure the few words you do say are memorable.
Fuck ur hmm faggot nvm
Course on how to not be autistic in convos..? Ik its hard to answer cuz convos like improv tho
I dont know if this helps alot but one thing i did was completly distance myself from non NT media (Excluding this website) I made a new tiktok account so i stopped getting doomer shit and nazi posts. At first it felt cringe but it became better later.

I might make a huge thread on this as im problaby one of the only people on this site who managed to go from lonely aspie to NT generally liked guy. It will take a while tho.
i mean i said few words w thebarber but i was sleepy coudlnt be arsed to say anything
Get better sleep low sleep ruins your conversation skills alot
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Today i went to barber w my friend and the barber told my friends friend that im a pussy and im soft and dont speak

I mean im not shy i just dont fuck w people man i dont want to talk to you, Anyone else like this?
bro just wanted a haircut and suddenly he has to hear that he's too soft 😭😭
Hating small talk is an incel trait and is usually a quick road into isolation. People expect to only form the deepest friendships when they don't bother doing the bare minimum. Small talk is like a quick way you can sift through people. If they don't seem that interesting or genuine then it's easy to cut off the talk there and leave it as just "small talk", and on the flip-side pry in more if there's substance to a person. You'll never get to know someone if neither of you break the ice with something small.
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With your friends and just to strangers aswell tbh, I was in the same boat. Now im always actively engaged in conversations and i get invited/have it easier to plan meets with friends. If you were hanging out with your friend and didnt say anything memorable he wont remember that as a good time and wont wanna hang out anymore. Also life is more fun when you can connect/have fun with most people.

"we stole grandma's money, and took it to the gambling house with the big slot machines, and we lost almost all the money bro BUT we won it back at the last moment bro! so grandma could get her medicine and was ok and we had more money in the end than we started out with! fr bro!"

i'm so tired of these normoids telling these faggot fake stories irl

oversocialization was a mistake
"we stole grandma's money, and took it to the gambling house with the big slot machines, and we lost almost all the money bro BUT we won it back at the last moment bro! so grandma could get her medicine and was ok and we had more money in the end than we started out with! fr bro!"

i'm so tired of these normoids telling these faggot fake stories irl

oversocialization was a mistake
I get what you mean but im not one of those people

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