Am I the only only curry with POSITIVE experiences with curry women?



Lefort 4 patient in Sunil's back kitchen
Jan 19, 2023
It's like every single curry in here has had shit experiences with curry women. Did my area end up with a mystical batch of good curry women or what?

I see lots of you saying they don't date curry men, they are loud, stinky, entitled etc.

What's going on bhais? The poojas I've associated with (and also lost my virginity too) have been great women.
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Curry foids are now property of west African immigrants
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Curry women in curry countries are fine.

Curry women in western countries are the absolute worst. They mix liberal feminism with the benefits of traditional value. This is why you have curry foids demanding "provider" men (betabuxxes) but they also want to be independent.
  • JFL
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Curry women in curry countries are fine.

Curry women in western countries are the absolute worst. They mix liberal feminism with the benefits of traditional value. This is why you have curry foids demanding "provider" men (betabuxxes) but they also want to be independent.

TIL Canada is a not a western country.
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you are indian and call indian people curries? brutal

I can't stand hatred of slavs anymore ever since I decided to be chad again.

slavs aren't white, but not because slavs are inferior. But because white people are ugly cucks. Slavs mog whites into the dirt and therefore slavs should never be considered white.
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you are indian and call indian people curries? brutal

If I had a dollar for every time I get called Indian...

I'm south Asian, but not Indian.

And curry is the least offensive word I've heard; it's a literal food item. I'm not offended in the slightest bit at curry.

I call everybody gooks, nigs, pinkoids and what not.

I can't stand hatred of slavs anymore ever since I decided to be chad again.

slavs aren't white, but not because slavs are inferior. But because white people are ugly cucks. Slavs mog whites into the dirt and therefore slavs should never be considered white.

I'm not sure what slavs have got to do with this thread, but feel free to vent sir.
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It's a failo effect. Brown stinky pajeeta with a unibrow does nothing but evil, cute petite stacies are like angels.
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It's a failo effect. Brown stinky pajeeta with a unibrow does nothing but evil, cute petite stacies are like angels.

Sir if a Pajeet like you attract primarily these creatures, that means she's your looksmatch and a you issue.


I'm accustomed to curry women like her

  • JFL
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Curry women in curry countries are fine.

Curry women in western countries are the absolute worst. They mix liberal feminism with the benefits of traditional value. This is why you have curry foids demanding "provider" men (betabuxxes) but they also want to be independent.
Their just acting like all the other bitches except they want to settle down, while white women just wanna keep riding it and then will only start at 27-30
  • Hmm...
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I'm Preetlite.
I was offering a comprehensive explanation as to why South asians are repulsed by other South Asian females. Most resemble your first picture

Ah another self proclaimed .org Chadlite.

So many Chadlites in this forum, yet almost all are KHHV.

Such a perplexing mystery...
  • +1
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Ah another self proclaimed .org Chadlite.

So many Chadlites in this forum, yet almost all are KHHV.

Such a perplexing mystery...
It's what other people rated me, I rate myself MTN. Also regardless of looks I would be incel because I live in Atlanta
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Their just acting like all the other bitches except they want to settle down, while white women just wanna keep riding it and then will only start at 27-30
But even the ones who 'settle down'. White women are more likely to be full on feminists and in a sense more tolerable because they're consistent. In fact more and more white women would accept someone who earns less than them is increasingly acceptable. They ofc still want a guy who earns more but they're also breaking this "stigma".

A curry girl marrying someone who earns less than them is a damned sin.
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But even the ones who 'settle down'. White women are more likely to be full on feminists and in a sense more tolerable because they're consistent. In fact more and more white women would accept someone who earns less than them is increasingly acceptable. They ofc still want a guy who earns more but they're also breaking this "stigma".

A curry girl marrying someone who earns less than them is a damned sin.
Yea that part I can definitely see with foids that have the combo of feminism+ traditional mindset.

I would also add Arab foids to the list. A ton of them even now days are behind in education. Their only path to real financial success is a man.
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Not curry here,but I've noticed that curry women from curryland(immigrants)LOVE and pretty much only date other curry men.I don't think westernized 2nd gen curries are like this tho.
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Niggas here will complain about women judging for their looks and halo effect, yet somehow think the only nice women are the attractive white ones
  • Ugh..
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I don’t have bad experiences with them tbh they’re just ugly
Niggas here will complain about women judging for their looks and halo effect, yet somehow think the only nice women are the attractive white ones
Nearly every poojeeta I interact with treats me like shit but sure lemme just throw aside my first hand experience with them
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No offense,and I don't really care as I'm mulatto and not curry but a curry woman from curryland would make a good wife,while a westernized curry woman would not.not to say western girls can't make good wives,but all the bad aspects of curry culture+all the bad aspects of western culture mean a bad long term partner.

This is how ethnic(asian,latino,arab,african,desi it doesn't matter) girls in the west are,the bad parts of their native culture and the bad parts of western culture,don't ask me why this is such,IDK.Just something I have observed for 10+yrs across two continents of western nations(USA and europe,where my dad is from).

Meanwhile,every white woman in my dad's family are well rounded and overall good people.if you're in the west the best option is a white woman for ltr,but a ethnic foid from overseas is way superior to that.
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No offense,and I don't really care as I'm mulatto and not curry but a curry woman from curryland would make a good wife,while a westernized curry woman would not.not to say western girls can't make good wives,but all the bad aspects of curry culture+all the bad aspects of western culture mean a bad long term partner.

This is how ethnic(asian,latino,arab,african,desi it doesn't matter) girls in the west are,the bad parts of their native culture and the bad parts of western culture,don't ask me why this is such,IDK.Just something I have observed for 10+yrs across two continents of western nations(USA and europe,where my dad is from).

Meanwhile,every white woman in my dad's family are well rounded and overall good people.if you're in the west the best option is a white woman for ltr,but a ethnic foid from overseas is way superior to that.
Yeah but atleast us western curries also hve the good aspects of western culture, majority of Fob curries are nasty af 🤢 I could never

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