Americans think they're in a Disney movie



May 6, 2022
Something I noticed about normies in America / western countries is this prevalence of what I call the Disney worldview and it's what we are in constant conflict with when we talk to normies about blackpill topics.

Basically, this naive notion that everything has to have a happy ending, there is some cosmic balance which makes no suffering in vain, everything has to have some positive or motivational spin.

For example, I was once in a social setting talking about how if you are very fat and lose weight, you are still suffering for your past overindulgence with loose skin, which is why it's so important to never get too overweight to begin with since once you go too far, you can never look normal again.

This pissed women around me off a lot - why? It's not because I was wrong, was insincere or showed malice - my crime was simply not putting a happy ending on my point and used other people's mistakes as a warning.

In other words, what I was saying wouldn't fit into a Disney movie.

A lot of people in the west literally can't handle the idea of someone failing/fucking up without there being a positive or motivation spin on it. It's why we get combatted so hard on the blackpill. Saying a lot of your dating life is determined by genetics and that there are some natural winners and losers doesn't have feel good message to it and thus provokes normies on a primal level. You're challenging their entire worldview.

People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much, having 10s of millions of people being killed pointlessly in gulags with zero benefit or happy ending kind of dispels this naivety normies in the west have about life being fair.
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Some of them go to great lengths to live out these fantasies...


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  • JFL
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Bro how tf did u get that rep ratio
  • JFL
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People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much
I lived in Russia for quite a long time and I observed the same thing with them
  • +1
Reactions: twojei, capitulation and slavicpsycho
great thread i can see why your post/rep ratio is high af

i think the main reason why is predictive programming at a younger age, which influences what we do later on. i notice this behavior a lot in uni. i remember i went outside to go to class and it was valentines day. i kid you not every single foid was with another guy, with the guy giving some bs roses or chocolates or whatever and even some cards that some of the student org were giving out. when i saw this, i immediately realized that 95% of them were in some situationship since all of them recently were together. men still think their personality or their job or whatever is going to get the job done, when in reality the same foids are thinking about some better looking guy that they desire

and op did you just visit america and if so what places? a lot of the major cities are like this not so much in the countryside/rural areas/midwest where its more blackpilled
  • +1
Reactions: JeromeMorrow, UrGirlsMcm, looks>books and 2 others
but somehow those ppl are living the best life, maybe they think like that bcs they're always in the tip of the iceberg? idk
Something I noticed about normies in America / western countries is this prevalence of what I call the Disney worldview and it's what we are in constant conflict with when we talk to normies about blackpill topics.

Basically, this naive notion that everything has to have a happy ending, there is some cosmic balance which makes no suffering in vain, everything has to have some positive or motivational spin.

For example, I was once in a social setting talking about how if you are very fat and lose weight, you are still suffering for your past overindulgence with loose skin, which is why it's so important to never get too overweight to begin with since once you go too far, you can never look normal again.

This pissed women around me off a lot - why? It's not because I was wrong, was insincere or showed malice - my crime was simply not putting a happy ending on my point and used other people's mistakes as a warning.

In other words, what I was saying wouldn't fit into a Disney movie.

A lot of people in the west literally can't handle the idea of someone failing/fucking up without there being a positive or motivation spin on it. It's why we get combatted so hard on the blackpill. Saying a lot of your dating life is determined by genetics and that there are some natural winners and losers doesn't have feel good message to it and thus provokes normies on a primal level. You're challenging their entire worldview.

People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much, having 10s of millions of people being killed pointlessly in gulags with zero benefit or happy ending kind of dispels this naivety normies in the west have about life being fair.
Americans are blinded by the shit the media makes them believe. That’s why it’s a fucked country with crime rates of the nigger continent. Their whole culture revolves around burgers, trucks, fake Jesus Christ and LGBTQA liberal bullshit.
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Reactions: twojei, watah, UrGirlsMcm and 3 others
It’s because people today feel entitled that they HAVE to feel happy 24/7, when that’s impossible.

Being happy and joyful is their life goal, and they are obsessed with whatever they think will give it to them, constantly chasing a happy high. Pathetic way to live really and actually funny ash because the act itself of trying to be happy MAKES you unhappy, while trying to embrace pain as much as possible makes you happy.
Funny how it works.

The meaning of life is to accept what comes and enjoy it, pain or pleasure.
  • +1
Reactions: JeromeMorrow and niqfan625
least american obsessed eurocuck :
but somehow those ppl are living the best life, maybe they think like that bcs they're always in the tip of the iceberg? idk
That’s only on the outside, they’re no happier than a starving curry who got food for once, in fact the curry might be happier.
Good thread btw, I like when .org gets philosophical and theory shi, not just surgery and foids all day
Something I noticed about normies in America / western countries is this prevalence of what I call the Disney worldview and it's what we are in constant conflict with when we talk to normies about blackpill topics.

Basically, this naive notion that everything has to have a happy ending, there is some cosmic balance which makes no suffering in vain, everything has to have some positive or motivational spin.

For example, I was once in a social setting talking about how if you are very fat and lose weight, you are still suffering for your past overindulgence with loose skin, which is why it's so important to never get too overweight to begin with since once you go too far, you can never look normal again.

This pissed women around me off a lot - why? It's not because I was wrong, was insincere or showed malice - my crime was simply not putting a happy ending on my point and used other people's mistakes as a warning.

In other words, what I was saying wouldn't fit into a Disney movie.

A lot of people in the west literally can't handle the idea of someone failing/fucking up without there being a positive or motivation spin on it. It's why we get combatted so hard on the blackpill. Saying a lot of your dating life is determined by genetics and that there are some natural winners and losers doesn't have feel good message to it and thus provokes normies on a primal level. You're challenging their entire worldview.

People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much, having 10s of millions of people being killed pointlessly in gulags with zero benefit or happy ending kind of dispels this naivety normies in the west have about life being fair.
based noticer
It’s because people today feel entitled that they HAVE to feel happy 24/7, when that’s impossible.

Being happy and joyful is their life goal, and they are obsessed with whatever they think will give it to them, constantly chasing a happy high. Pathetic way to live really and actually funny ash because the act itself of trying to be happy MAKES you unhappy, while trying to embrace pain as much as possible makes you happy.
Funny how it works.

The meaning of life is to accept what comes and enjoy it, pain or pleasure.
omg hi ultron!!!! <3

A lot of people in the west literally can't handle the idea of someone failing/fucking up without there being a positive or motivation spin on it. It's why we get combatted so hard on the blackpill. Saying a lot of your dating life is determined by genetics and that there are some natural winners and losers doesn't have feel good message to it and thus provokes normies on a primal level. You're challenging their entire worldview.

People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much, having 10s of millions of people being killed pointlessly in gulags with zero benefit or happy ending kind of dispels this naivety normies in the west have about life being fair.
There's a reason why US is a superpower
and Russia is collapsing
  • Hmm...
Reactions: twojei
The meaning of life is to accept what comes and enjoy it, pain or pleasure.

word. You know the phrase "emotional intelligence" get used in such a shitty copey way by girls, but I think this is emotional intelligence. It's like some people don't have the emotional tools to handle examples of life not being fair.
  • +1
Reactions: looks>books
The meaning of life is to accept what comes and enjoy it, pain or pleasure.
what a shit cope
if someone is starving to death they should just keep their head up? if their every move is controlled by a mexican cartel since the day they were born and get skinned alive at the age of 18 for trying to get out they should just enjoy it right? just as deluded as people op talks about
Something I noticed about normies in America / western countries is this prevalence of what I call the Disney worldview and it's what we are in constant conflict with when we talk to normies about blackpill topics.

Basically, this naive notion that everything has to have a happy ending, there is some cosmic balance which makes no suffering in vain, everything has to have some positive or motivational spin.

For example, I was once in a social setting talking about how if you are very fat and lose weight, you are still suffering for your past overindulgence with loose skin, which is why it's so important to never get too overweight to begin with since once you go too far, you can never look normal again.

This pissed women around me off a lot - why? It's not because I was wrong, was insincere or showed malice - my crime was simply not putting a happy ending on my point and used other people's mistakes as a warning.

In other words, what I was saying wouldn't fit into a Disney movie.

A lot of people in the west literally can't handle the idea of someone failing/fucking up without there being a positive or motivation spin on it. It's why we get combatted so hard on the blackpill. Saying a lot of your dating life is determined by genetics and that there are some natural winners and losers doesn't have feel good message to it and thus provokes normies on a primal level. You're challenging their entire worldview.

People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much, having 10s of millions of people being killed pointlessly in gulags with zero benefit or happy ending kind of dispels this naivety normies in the west have about life being fair.
what a shit cope
if someone is starving to death they should just keep their head up? if their every move is controlled by a mexican cartel since the day they were born and get skinned alive at the age of 18 for trying to get out they should just enjoy it right? just as deluded as people op talks about
Not enjoy it, but accept it and try to change it. Like if life sucks accept it, stop whining and saying “woe to me”.
Something I noticed about normies in America / western countries is this prevalence of what I call the Disney worldview and it's what we are in constant conflict with when we talk to normies about blackpill topics.

Basically, this naive notion that everything has to have a happy ending, there is some cosmic balance which makes no suffering in vain, everything has to have some positive or motivational spin.

For example, I was once in a social setting talking about how if you are very fat and lose weight, you are still suffering for your past overindulgence with loose skin, which is why it's so important to never get too overweight to begin with since once you go too far, you can never look normal again.

This pissed women around me off a lot - why? It's not because I was wrong, was insincere or showed malice - my crime was simply not putting a happy ending on my point and used other people's mistakes as a warning.

In other words, what I was saying wouldn't fit into a Disney movie.

A lot of people in the west literally can't handle the idea of someone failing/fucking up without there being a positive or motivation spin on it. It's why we get combatted so hard on the blackpill. Saying a lot of your dating life is determined by genetics and that there are some natural winners and losers doesn't have feel good message to it and thus provokes normies on a primal level. You're challenging their entire worldview.

People in Russia / the east don't share this Disney worldview as much, having 10s of millions of people being killed pointlessly in gulags with zero benefit or happy ending kind of dispels this naivety normies in the west have about life being fair.
This is a woman thing more than an American thing imo. She woman can’t stand discomfort, sadness etc. they are evolutionarily built to maintain constant safety and comfort as that’s the ideal enevrnemtn to raise little humans. Or the ideal motivation in a non-safe world (now in our very safe world, this tendency becomes toxic…)

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