Amnesia what’s your life like dude



Aug 23, 2020
@Amnesia whats your life like dude you missed out on teen love n shit like that and you ascended at 30 and now your going out slaying college girls at 30. based off all your threads and replies it seems like your dopamine receptors r fried to oblivion and you don’t seem to care about shit do you have irl male friends wtf do you do all day bro. Also if your not MMAMAXING your wasting your life so get on that bru
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He’s an oldcel with a silicon face who get laid everyday but still come here to cry about his « shit life »
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I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
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Reactions: zeshama, Deleted member 21863, Deleted member 21550 and 37 others
I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
Ideal life imo. So is your source of income from the internet a stable one? Or you live life in compensation financially? Like, is the money you get enough and are you able to build up a fortune or save up enough?
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Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

this is brutal bro but i can relate
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  • JFL
Reactions: CursedOne and JizzFarmer
I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

ded srs nigga?
  • JFL
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, Dr. Greenberg, Luke LLL and 2 others
I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall

Wasting your looks man ffs.

You will regret it in old age. I am not saying to indulge in pointless hedonism as you seem over all of that.

At least join a meetup group and help uglies and incels socialise in bars and clubs and post pics and what you did on here for "lifefuel" for those on here.

You will get mad dopamine rush helping bros out.
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Reactions: subhuman incel, underwaterpipedreams, Luke LLL and 4 others
He’s an oldcel with a silicon face who get laid everyday but still come here to cry about his « shit life »
Stop using the French keyboard faggot
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I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
I can't believe you don't have any friends. Did you just lose touch with your buddies form school and uni?
ded srs nigga?

Wasting your looks man ffs.

You will regret it in old age. I am not saying to indulge in pointless hedonism as you seem over all of that.

At least join a meetup group and help uglies and incels socialise in bars and clubs and post pics and what you did on here for "lifefuel" for those on here.
Wasting? What should I be doing? This is the lifestyle I naturally gravitate to, I don't enjoy socializing just like some people don't enjoy black coffee.

I can't believe you don't have any friends. Did you just lose touch with your buddies form school and uni?

Yeah they all went to diff colleges or have moved away or have families now. I don't live in my hometown either anymore. That's one of the most brutal parts of life in general is losing childhood friends
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U should go to church and find hot deaf trad wife
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I hope I don’t end up like you, I’m still in the game

Wasting? What should I be doing? This is the lifestyle I naturally gravitate to, I don't enjoy socializing just like some people don't enjoy black coffee.

Yeah they all went to diff colleges or have moved away or have families now. I don't live in my hometown either anymore. That's one of the most brutal parts of life in general is losing childhood friends
What games do you play?
dream life, no?
No annoying boss. Make money from home or just relax. Smash Teenagers when you're horny
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Wasting? What should I be doing? This is the lifestyle I naturally gravitate to, I don't enjoy socializing just like some people don't enjoy black coffee.

Yeah they all went to diff colleges or have moved away or have families now. I don't live in my hometown either anymore. That's one of the most brutal parts of life in general is losing childhood friends

You are free to do as you please but no one chooses this secluded life they are ostracised/forced into it for being ugly/undesirable, you are voluntarily accepting this life when you have limitless opportunities.

like 99% on here want to live the "ascended" life, socialising without repercussions, traveling and meeting people, validation from women, opening a business etc.

if you need a dopamine rush as blue pilled as this sounds but helping others out with their problems is the best feeling dude, especially a good person in need.

like just go to a meet up event, find a the awkward nerd nice guy and just hang with him, he will remember you for years. seeing that you are blackpilled you can empathise with that dude.
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dream life, no?
No annoying boss. Make money from home or just relax. Smash Teenagers when you're horny

I am what MGTOWs aspire to be
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Reactions: Deleted member 3573, Deleted member 7079, CursedOne and 9 others
I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
Ngl, other than the fact I have many male friends, I relate to pretty much all of this. I know many of you want to ascend and do encourage it, but even with sex, life is overall pretty horrible. Pretty much once you reach 29, there isn't a whole lot more that changes other than maybe having kids, running a business and dying. Once you've gotten used to a lifestyle, especially in your 20s, you pretty much just live it out til you rope or die.
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Reactions: underwaterpipedreams, Deleted member 7079, RecessedPrettyboy and 3 others
I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
Don't you live in the US? The options for online poker are fucking terrible there tbh

Which stakes do you play?
Don't you live in the US? The options for online poker are fucking terrible there tbh

Which stakes do you play?
Yeah after black Friday I thought about moving to Canada to keep playing since it was only source of income and it's from playing online poker through HS that I made the money to pay for my surgeries. Now I play on Ignition, 5/10 - 10/20 no limit cash games. Used to play 25/50 no limit cash games on full tilt and ultimate bet/absolute.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6867, Gazzamogga and Deleted member 6963
Yeah after black Friday I thought about moving to Canada to keep playing since it was only source of income and it's from playing online poker through HS that I made the money to pay for my surgeries. Now I play on Ignition, 5/10 - 10/20 no limit cash games. Used to play 25/50 no limit cash games on full tilt and ultimate bet/absolute.
Did you ever work a regular job? And what did you study man?
Yeah after black Friday I thought about moving to Canada to keep playing since it was only source of income and it's from playing online poker through HS that I made the money to pay for my surgeries. Now I play on Ignition, 5/10 - 10/20 no limit cash games. Used to play 25/50 no limit cash games on full tilt and ultimate bet/absolute.
Have you been beating them in current days? What do you do to keep your edge on the competition?
Did you ever work a regular job? And what did you study man?
No always been self employed, online poker then took my winnings and taught myself how to day trade and now just make money with my money. No college degree. Eventually I might start a hedge fund or just take my trading track record and try to get hired as a trader at a hedge fund

Have you been beating them in current days? What do you do to keep your edge on the competition?

My winrate isnt even half of what it was back in the golden age of online poker.The $1/2 games nowadays are harder than the 5/10 games of the past. It's just about game selection and only playing at a table when there is a clear fish. Never gunna win anything off the other regulars in the long run
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@Amnesia btw, what's your diet like?
@Amnesia btw, what's your diet like?
Chicken thigh, eggs, frozen blackberries and other fruit on a daily basis. I do indulge in other more "unhealthy" foods on occasion. However I do a gluten free diet cause I had a history of dry skin and eczema on my back and face and went to like 4 different dermatologists and did steroid creams, antibiotics, laser treatments and none of it worked. I finally did my own research and with the advice of a naturopathic doctor he told me I have an intolerance to gluten and gave it up and took a strong multi vitamin supplement too and the eczema completely went away and has been since.

Dietary cholesterol is GOOD for you, cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone and all the other hormones in your body.
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Reactions: RomanianZaddy, Deleted member 7079, CursedOne and 5 others
No always been self employed, online poker then took my winnings and taught myself how to day trade and now just make money with my money. No college degree. Eventually I might start a hedge fund or just take my trading track record and try to get hired as a trader at a hedge fund

My winrate isnt even half of what it was back in the golden age of online poker.The $1/2 games nowadays are harder than the 5/10 games of the past. It's just about game selection and only playing at a table when there is a clear fish. Never gunna win anything off the other regulars in the long run
Smart approach tbh but you're never getting a lot of volume in that way

I'm currently grinding pretty hard trying to get to highstakes MTT's on Stars, Party and GG
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Smart approach tbh but you're never getting a lot of volume in that way

I'm currently grinding pretty hard trying to get to highstakes MTT's on Stars, Party and GG
Nice. MTTs and SNGs are a good way to build a bankroll vs grinding lower stakes cash games. Lower stake cash games arent rlly worth it, the rake is so high in relation to the overall pot size. Rake eats all ur profits. I hope u watch some successful MTT streamers on twitch and see how they play and learn from them
  • +1
Reactions: CursedOne and Gazzamogga
Nice. MTTs and SNGs are a good way to build a bankroll vs grinding lower stakes cash games. Lower stake cash games arent rlly worth it, the rake is so high in relation to the overall pot size. Rake eats all ur profits. I hope u watch some successful MTT streamers on twitch and see how they play and learn from them
Most streamers on Twitch are fish tbh so I'm way past that level of being able to learn from them I think

I'm just studying by looking at sims and discussing them with other players that I respect as well as analysing my own database with my coach every 2 weeks

This is my graph atm
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Reactions: Amnesia and Deleted member 6867
Damn nigga that's a sad ass life ngl. Even my fucking life is better than that, aside the part from fucking random fwb.
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Reactions: Deleted member 3573, RecessedPrettyboy and Deleted member 7753
can you go for male modeling and give me some of the money you earn.
please Im ugly and I need to fix my face
can you go for male modeling and give me some of the money you earn.
please Im ugly and I need to fix my face
Easy way to make money find some picks off a girl make tinder account with them and charge old dudes money for pics and make sure the girl is some little know porn slut so there’s many different pics and videos that you can sell there was a thread about it on here look it up don’t beg people for money jfl
Easy way to make money find some picks off a girl make tinder account with them and charge old dudes money for pics and make sure the girl is some little know porn slut so there’s many different pics and videos that you can sell there was a thread about it on here look it up don’t beg people for money jfl
It was a joke afterall, I work 2 jobs but I still lack the money for surgeries
It was a joke afterall, I work 2 jobs but I still lack the money for surgeries
find the thread I was talking about takes no effort and is easy extra money can make like 50 bucks a day with minimal effort
I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
Why do you hate seeing your self in the mirror is it cause you got plastic surgery and for some reason you feel guilt about it or something like that what’s the reason bro.
  • +1
Reactions: RecessedPrettyboy
Why do you hate seeing your self in the mirror is it cause you got plastic surgery and for some reason you feel guilt about it or something like that what’s the reason bro.
yea I dont understand this neither
Amnesia lives in god mod
Ngl you sound like what many of us here wish to be. You ascended and can slay when you want and you just chill in your house and day trade and do what you like. I think I would wanna get married someday and I would definitely like to have some friends but your life seems relatively cozy
amnesia is a high iq slayer
What games? @Amnesia
Chicken thigh, eggs, frozen blackberries and other fruit on a daily basis. I do indulge in other more "unhealthy" foods on occasion. However I do a gluten free diet cause I had a history of dry skin and eczema on my back and face and went to like 4 different dermatologists and did steroid creams, antibiotics, laser treatments and none of it worked. I finally did my own research and with the advice of a naturopathic doctor he told me I have an intolerance to gluten and gave it up and took a strong multi vitamin supplement too and the eczema completely went away and has been since.

Dietary cholesterol is GOOD for you, cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone and all the other hormones in your body.
the fuck?! @cocainecowboy is double your bodyweight, double your height, better collagen than you and he eats only carbs and 0 cholesterol. take the @cocainecowboypill before you rope. seriously
No always been self employed, online poker then took my winnings and taught myself how to day trade and now just make money with my money. No college degree. Eventually I might start a hedge fund or just take my trading track record and try to get hired as a trader at a hedge fund

My winrate isnt even half of what it was back in the golden age of online poker.The $1/2 games nowadays are harder than the 5/10 games of the past. It's just about game selection and only playing at a table when there is a clear fish. Never gunna win anything off the other regulars in the long run
WTF, I thought you might just be probably running some mean reversion algo jfl. What have your returns been like? I'm just starting out in a finance career too
I work from home, trade stocks from my computer/ play online poker. Hit the gym, video games, podcasts. That's basically my daily routine. If I get horny I hit up a FWB I know or talk to a new girl from Tinder or Bumble. I don't go out and drink or go to clubs or bars or anything, I am pretty much a recluse. I used to work at a night club 2x a week before covid just as a way to force myself to be social but that's been shut down for a while now.

I don't have any IRL male friends, only real male bonding I do is when my brother visits (he lives far away.) Then we'll play video games together, drink, beerpong, go to a bar and pick up girls or something.

Otherwise my routine is the same daily, I have all the mirrors in my apartment covered or taken down cause I hate seeing my reflection or looking at myself, I have learned how to do all my hygiene related stuff without seeing my face almost like a blind person.

Pretty happy with my life ngl. The "depressed" posts I make from time to time here are simply an observation on life itself not me personally. I think the human experience is pretty horrible overall
I have a social circle, but I wish I had a brother

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