An evening with @realsurgerymax



Never Give Up
Oct 11, 2019

If I may, do you see patients happiness and wellbeing improve after they have had cosmetic surgery? Or do they return to their old selves? Or deterioate ?

Do you feel looks are as important as this site portrays?

What are your views on aesthetics and looks in society that you have observed?

What life advice would you give a young man who is physically not appealing.

Just interested to know your thoughts on lookism and surgical accension :)

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If I may, do you see patients happiness and wellbeing improve after they have had cosmetic surgery? Or do they return to their old selves? Or deterioate ?

Do you feel looks are as important as this site portrays?

What are your views on aesthetics and looks in society that you have observed?

What life advice would you give a young man who is physically not appealing.

Just interested to know your thoughts on lookism and surgical accension :)

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Bump @RealSurgerymax
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surgery is therapy
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wait is he a surgeon?

I'd also like to hear @Sergio-OMS thoughts on lookism and blackpill, I wonder if they get blackpilled after being here and if they ever go on offtopic out of curiosity.
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wait is he a surgeon?

I'd also like to hear @Sergio-OMS thoughts on looksim and blackpill, I wonder if they get blackpilled after being here and if they ever go on offtopic out of curiosity.
I'm pretty sure he is, probably just staying undercover

don't really see anyone obtaining detailed knowledge to that degree just for fun, he's gotta at least have some sort of medical background
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this nigga didnt come to his own evening smdh
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better than psychiatric treatment haha
depends on a case by case basis obviously but I'd argue that the average surgeon mogs the average therapist in terms of actually helping their patients improve

although there's bad among both groups

if you go to a therapist and he doesn't let you know that you look like ass then that's like ignoring the elephant in the room
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If I may, do you see patients happiness and wellbeing improve after they have had cosmetic surgery? Yes if it was the RIGHT surgery as to provide TRUE CORRECTION Or do they return to their old selves? Yes if they have narcistic personality disorder which many people here do. I am a believer in NPD which presents commonly and classically. I dont believe in Body Dysmorphic Disorder, at least in the way it is defined. . Or deterioate ? If given the wrong cover-up procedures

Do you feel looks are as important as this site portrays? Yes for the most part and this site has taught me a lot of that put it into words. Now I notice virtue signaling everywhere and see it as useless and even well-intentioned harm. It doesn’t help to invalidate someones valid concerns, it just SOUNDS nice.

What are your views on aesthetics and looks in society that you have observed? You are perceived through your physical body and especially your face. The way you are percieved is heavily influenced on things out of your control. You could do or say the same exact thing with the same mannerisms but ik a diffferent body or face it would be percieved totally different by others. So “it’s about whats on the inside” “changing how I look is unauthentic I would never do that” are just idiot statements all together. No one got to pick how they naturally look so theres nothing authentic or “you” about it.

What life advice would you give a young man who is physically not appealing. You have time. Everyone is in a rush to be this or that by a year or whatever. The time will pass anyway and before you know it - so make sure your doing SOMETHING to make progress toward your goals but its okay that they wont be realized overnight. Don’t give into the “rotting” and “over” side of this community. It’s not fair but no one ever said anything about fair. So the only thing that matters now is deciding how to move on and EVERY situation can be improved whether that is how you look, your living situation, relationships, school, etc. Also life is happening RIGHT NOW. Life doesn't start once you graduate, make a million dollars, buy a house, get married, get jaw surgery or hair transplant etc. So dont have that mentality. Even if you feel your situation isnt the best and the best is yet to come dont let this day go to waste... be present and dont forget to stop to smell the roses. You may be surprised years from now how nostalgic you are about times you hated then.

Just interested to know your thoughts on lookism and surgical accension :)

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better than psychiatric treatment haha
depends on a case by case basis obviously but I'd argue that the average surgeon mogs the average therapist in terms of actually helping their patients improve

although there's bad among both groups

if you go to a therapist and he doesn't let you know that you look like ass then that's like ignoring the elephant in the room

300 hours of therapy bandaid that ultimately will get people no where. Vs a 3 hours surgery that can truly be life changing.

In any bad situation causing people grief they have 4 options:
- Reach Acceptance (what the general public encourages everyone to do about everything)
- Refuse to accept their situation and try improve it (most people here)
- Refuse to accept their situation and stay in the depression/anger phase (some of the “doomers” in this community)
- Refuse to accept their situation and take their own life (usually never the best option especially as a rash decision)

But remember people accept horrible fates every day because they have no other choice. So anyone can. Some people have incurable cancer and will die soon. Or they sustain a horrible injury and their life is changed forever - they wont walk again, see again, or look normal ever again... and these people grieve their loss for a while and usually reach acceptance to be overall happy. They move on and make their life about something else.

But if you COULD do something about it, lets say an early stage skin cancer that can easily be removed and wont be any problem... wouldn’t that be so foolish to say “No thank you. I will just accept my fate” waiting for it to metastasize and kill you?
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Answered in text

Amazing, I agree with you completely.

Just one last question have you seen the life trajectory of a patient change after "ascending"

For example a guy who was destined to live a generally bad life down to his looks.

Be completely turned around after completing their surgical plan, now they are accepted every where by society, friends, family, partners and can live a "good life" with ample opportunities

Have you seen this happen? Its basically the dream outcome of everyone here to just live a life.

Or are the changes minor and the overall life improvements minor?

Similar to this video.

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Amazing, I agree with you completely.

Just one last question have you seen the life trajectory of a patient change after "ascending"

For example a guy who was destined to live a generally bad life down to his looks.

Be completely turned around after completing their surgical plan, now they are accepted every where by society, friends, family, partners and can live a "good life" with ample opportunities

Have you seen this happen? Its basically the dream outcome of everyone here to just live a life.

Or are the changes minor and the overall life improvements minor?

Similar to this video.

Yes possible but usually a 2 stage approach consisting of skeletal correction (orthognathic) and then 2nd stage being the aesthetic fine-tuning on top of the new and improved foundation
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Yes possible but usually a 2 stage approach consisting of skeletal correction (orthognathic) and then 2nd stage being the aesthetic fine-tuning on top of the new and improved foundation

Thanks so much, i still refer to your post you made on lookism, my surgical plan mimicks it almost exactly (see my signature). Im having it all in one surgery.

Hoping for an August 2021 surgery, just waiting for the orthodontics to be completed.

Screenshot 20210503 070551 Chrome

Post in thread 'a lesson in pain: guy who wasted 30k on implants is now going for jaw surgery'
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Reactions: RealSurgerymax
Thanks so much, i still refer to your post you made on lookism, my surgical plan mimicks it almost exactly (see my signature). Im having it all in one surgery.

Hoping for an August 2021 surgery, just waiting for the orthodontics to be completed.

View attachment 1119495

Post in thread 'a lesson in pain: guy who wasted 30k on implants is now going for jaw surgery'
Yes I remember that post I still think its the best way to put standardized facial improvement planning. Have I seen your face?
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Yes I remember that post I still think its the best way to put standardized facial improvement planning. Have I seen your face?

I don't think so, just pm'ed you :)
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300 hours of therapy bandaid that ultimately will get people no where. Vs a 3 hours surgery that can truly be life changing.

In any bad situation causing people grief they have 4 options:
- Reach Acceptance (what the general public encourages everyone to do about everything)
- Refuse to accept their situation and try improve it (most people here)
- Refuse to accept their situation and stay in the depression/anger phase (some of the “doomers” in this community)
- Refuse to accept their situation and take their own life (usually never the best option especially as a rash decision)

But remember people accept horrible fates every day because they have no other choice. So anyone can. Some people have incurable cancer and will die soon. Or they sustain a horrible injury and their life is changed forever - they wont walk again, see again, or look normal ever again... and these people grieve their loss for a while and usually reach acceptance to be overall happy. They move on and make their life about something else.

But if you COULD do something about it, lets say an early stage skin cancer that can easily be removed and wont be any problem... wouldn’t that be so foolish to say “No thank you. I will just accept my fate” waiting for it to metastasize and kill you?

Absolutely based blackpilled surgeon response :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, subhuman incel, CursedOne and 3 others
Thanks so much, i still refer to your post you made on lookism, my surgical plan mimicks it almost exactly (see my signature). Im having it all in one surgery.

Hoping for an August 2021 surgery, just waiting for the orthodontics to be completed.

View attachment 1119496

Post in thread 'a lesson in pain: guy who wasted 30k on implants is now going for jaw surgery'
Who is doing your Malar-Infraorbital Rim implants?
Dr Ramieri custom peek. €5k
Should be fine if the Infraorbital Rim Implant is done separate from Bimax right? My surgeon doesn't do implants.
Should be fine if the Infraorbital Rim Implant is done separate from Bimax right? My surgeon doesn't do implants.

This is an issue im having because im having a rhinoplasty (crooked nose) he is saying doing the infraorbital part cant be done. But can do like an extended malar.

I need to see the plan which i get in a few weeks time.

You can get a bimax and infra at the same time.
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This is an issue im having because im having a rhinoplasty (crooked nose) he is saying doing the infraorbital part cant be done. But can do like an extended malar.

I need to see the plan which i get in a few weeks time.

You can get a bimax and infra at the same time.
Also why can't the infraorbital rim implant be done?

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