Anabolic Aesthetics

Lev Peshkov

Lev Peshkov

High T
Apr 5, 2020
Understanding Aesthetic Results
So, you're a subhuman PSL 2 freak. Nice job! So one major part of becoming Chad / high PSL is a good body.


So the number 1 slayer body is the boyish, thuggish body. Known in the bodybuilding game as a warrior body.

Example : pitt from fight club

Screenshot 20200509 130042
Screenshot 20200509 125938
Screenshot 20200509 130001

OK so know you know the aesthetic that will be the best option for you we'll discuss how to get it

Water Retention

So as ever water retention is bad. It creates a puffy smooth look which isn't what you want. You want the chiseled, cut look.

Here's an example of the difference between the two.

Screenshot 20200509 130514

Dry (pure muscle) :
Screenshot 20200509 130544

I think its obvious which is better. The less water retention you have the more clean, cut and vascular your body becomes.

OK I get it water is wet etc.

You want to know how to get it

This is assuming you know how to get steroids and know all the bloodwork shit (I don't know about going to the doctors for them but you can get steroids from brands like mayer off the dark Web)

Which Steroid Should I Cycle?

Thats a great question! So for these amazing dry results there are 2 steroids that are reccomended (don't use simultaneously because death is a large possibility)

So the best options are : Tren, and Winstrol.

Tren Cycle

Most people who run cycles of Trenbolone Enanthate will do so for a period of eight weeks. Cycles can range from eight to twelve weeks but be careful of the side effects that can come with longer cycles. Testosterone is a must when running any steroid cycle and should be the base of the cycle. Those who have used steroids before but never Tren Enanthate can start with a dosage of 200mg per week for their eight-week cycle to assess their tolerance level. Again, the length of any steroid cycle is dependent on the individual, his/her goals and other steroids that are stacked into the cycle. Trenbolone enanthate stacks well with most, if not all, anabolic steroids. Testosterone is necessary for all cycles whether cutting or bulking. Along with tren enanthate and testosterone, two beneficial steroids to choose from are anadrol and dianabol. In fact, some advanced athletes and bodybuilders reported the use of nandrolone in an overlapping cycle with their trenbolone, but only with longer cycle periods up to sixteen weeks. During a cutting phase, testosterone is still used along with tren enanthate but in lower doses. Many experienced steroid users will recommend masteron, oral winstrol, anavar and primobolan. Keep in mind that in order to get the maximum results from any combination you choose, diet and training must be on point. Meals should be consistent, balanced and eaten every 3-4 hours. Protein shakes should be implemented throughout the day and training sessions at the gym should be intense and aggressive. If you aren’t willing to put in the work every day, you won’t like the end results of the cycle. When beginning the cutting cycle, your body fat should already be low (between 10-12%) in order for the cutting steroids to work properly. I always recommend Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after any steroid cycle although there are some who never choose to use PCT. Just remember that when you opt out of PCT, you put your body at a greater risk of side effects from the use of Tren Enanthate and other steroids. PCT drugs will help get your body back to where it was (not physically of course) and get you ready for when you want to run your next cycle. Most individuals will use Nolvadex for PCT rather than Clomid because it is less harsh on the body. Nolvadex does come with some side effects as well. The most common include headaches, upset stomach and hot flashes. Individuals will also try Clomid after one steroid cycle and Nolvadex after another cycle to see which they prefer. A typical Nolvadex or Clomid PCT cycle will last four weeks. Some bodybuilders and athletes will use both drugs at the same time but again this is all based on personal preference and experience with steroid use.

Potential Side Affects

Trenbolone itself carries a host of side effects and the Enanthate version is no exception. The side effects are real, and the tolerance level of each individual is different. Each person has a different body chemistry and will feel the effects differently as well. Some will feel more effects than others and some will either discontinue using the steroid or learn to cope with the effects. Estrogenic side effects Something amazing about Trenbolone is that it will not aromatize so there is no need to worry about estrogenic side effects. This includes both water retention and gynecomastia. These side effects can occur depending on what other steroids you are stacking during a cycle. Just be aware of how your body feels and if you notice any unwanted changes. Androgenic side effects Trenbolone is a highly androgenic hormone. What does this mean? There is a strong possibility that a user of Tren Enanthate will experience acne, rapid hair loss (for those with male pattern baldness) and oily skin. This may be the biggest risk to some users of this steroid. To combat such effects, keeping a good facial cleanser and anti DHT shampoo in your medicine cabinet can help to prevent bouts of acne and keep the oily skin to a minimum. If you are not prone to male pattern baldness than the chances of losing your hair will decrease. Individuals who experience these side effects will either learn how to cope with them or cut down on their dosages during a cycle. Cardiovascular side effects Cardiovascular strain and negative cholesterol are also things to be on the lookout for when injecting Tren Enanthate. In fact, this could be a great concern for those who do not live a fairly healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, healthy individuals who use this steroid are less likely to have these side effects. The length of cycle will also play a key role in whether the individual is at risk for these effects. Try to avoid foods high in saturated fats and make cardio a daily part of your routine to keep your heart healthy and your cholesterol levels down. Eating foods that are rich in omega fatty acids will help to keep your cholesterol down. Another option for those who are concerned about cholesterol levels going up is to take a cholesterol antioxidant supplement while cycling with Tren Enanthate. This steroid can also have a negative impact on blood pressure levels; however, this is not a significant concern for most individuals. What you can do before even considering the use of any anabolic steroid is get on a good cardio regimen and begin to workout consistently. You won’t get any benefits from the use of Tren Enanthate without working out. And you won’t get any healthier if you don’t workout. Just some food for thought. Some will have a tough time keeping up with cardio while using Tren Enanthate while others won’t notice any difference. Be your own judge and assess your tolerance level when it comes to the injections and how you feel when running on the treadmill or stepping it up on the stair master. Testosterone side effects The use of Tren Enanthate is no exception to the rule when we say that steroids suppress the body’s natural production of testosterone. Failure to properly run Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after a steroid cycle will also hinder the body’s natural production of testosterone. This could lead to more serious health conditions down the road for the user. Those experienced with steroids know that testosterone should be the base of any steroid cycle. Hepatotoxicity side effects For the most part, Tren Enanthate users will not have to worry about their liver when injecting this steroid. If the individual already has liver disease or inflammation, he/she may want to think twice before running a steroid cycle with Tren Enanthate. A steroid user who uses excessive dosages of this or any steroid over a very long period of time can eventually run into liver problems among many other problems down the road.


Winstrol for strength – 25mg every day for 8 – 10 weeks Winstrol for cutting – 50mg every day for 6 – 8 weeks Winstrol for bulking – 100mg every day for 4 weeks

However, winstrol can be combined with Testosterone. For building size and strength. The test is ideal. Winstrol is normally used in the early stages of a Test and Winstrol. To kick-start the process and get things moving. The key reason for this is because the Testosterone won’t actually start working its magic until around four weeks into the cycle anyway. To begin with, you will run around 50 – 100mg of winstrol per day for four weeks. In conjunction with 250mg – 500mg of testosterone enanthate. Or Test-E for short, every week. After 4 – 6 weeks, the winstrol will have served its purpose and it will be time for the test to kick in. Now you will simply run 250mg – 500mg of Test-E per week. Test- E is important during a test and winstrol because it has a long ester chain attached to it.

It's a good cutting steroid meaning you'll burn fat.

Risks: COMMON side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

A Condition In Which Women Develop Masculine Characteristics Called Virilism
Priapism, A Prolonged Erection Of The Penis

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

Bladder Contractions Causing The Need To Urinate Often
Breast Pain
Enlarged Breasts

INFREQUENT side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

Cancer Of The Prostate Gland
Enlarged Prostate
High Amount Of Calcium In The Blood
Liver Problems
Visible Water Retention

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

Altered Interest In Having Sexual Intercourse
Difficulty Sleeping
Irritation Of The Stomach Or Intestines
Leg Cramps
Swelling Of The Abdomen

RARE side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

A Heart Attack
A High Alanine Transaminase Level
A High Aspartate Transaminase Level
A Stroke
A Yellowing Of The Eyes Or Skin From Buildup Of Bilirubin Called Jaundice
Blood Clot Formation In Veins
Damage To The Liver And Inflammation
Excessive Fat In The Blood
Heart Failure
High Amount Of Bilirubin In The Blood
Inflammation Of The Epididymis Of The Testicles
Inflammation Of The Liver With Stoppage Of Bile Flow
Liver Cancer
Liver Tissue Death
Low Sperm Count
Microscopic Blood-Filled Cavities In The Liver

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

A Problem With Menstrual Periods
Aggressive Behavior
Darkening Of The Skin
Decrease In Size Of A Testicle
Decreased Appetite
Enlargement Of The Clitoris
Feelings Of Hostility
Low Energy
Over Excitement

Thanks for reading!
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: randomguy1235, Lorsss, GoMadAndSTFU and 4 others
Am I supposed to be seeing something ?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3795, FootLongDong and Lev Peshkov
Understanding Aesthetic Results
So, you're a subhuman PSL 2 freak. Nice job! So one major part of becoming Chad / high PSL is a good body.


So the number 1 slayer body is the boyish, thuggish body. Known in the bodybuilding game as a warrior body.

Example : pitt from fight club

View attachment 397963View attachment 397964View attachment 397965

OK so know you know the aesthetic that will be the best option for you we'll discuss how to get it

Water Retention

So as ever water retention is bad. It creates a puffy smooth look which isn't what you want. You want the chiseled, cut look.

Here's an example of the difference between the two.

Water:View attachment 397968

Dry (pure muscle) :View attachment 397970

I think its obvious which is better. The less water retention you have the more clean, cut and vascular your body becomes.

OK I get it water is wet etc.

You want to know how to get it

This is assuming you know how to get steroids and know all the bloodwork shit (I don't know about going to the doctors for them but you can get steroids from brands like mayer off the dark Web)

Which Steroid Should I Cycle?

Thats a great question! So for these amazing dry results there are 2 steroids that are reccomended (don't use simultaneously because death is a large possibility)

So the best options are : Tren, and Winstrol.

Tren Cycle

Most people who run cycles of Trenbolone Enanthate will do so for a period of eight weeks. Cycles can range from eight to twelve weeks but be careful of the side effects that can come with longer cycles. Testosterone is a must when running any steroid cycle and should be the base of the cycle. Those who have used steroids before but never Tren Enanthate can start with a dosage of 200mg per week for their eight-week cycle to assess their tolerance level. Again, the length of any steroid cycle is dependent on the individual, his/her goals and other steroids that are stacked into the cycle. Trenbolone enanthate stacks well with most, if not all, anabolic steroids. Testosterone is necessary for all cycles whether cutting or bulking. Along with tren enanthate and testosterone, two beneficial steroids to choose from are anadrol and dianabol. In fact, some advanced athletes and bodybuilders reported the use of nandrolone in an overlapping cycle with their trenbolone, but only with longer cycle periods up to sixteen weeks. During a cutting phase, testosterone is still used along with tren enanthate but in lower doses. Many experienced steroid users will recommend masteron, oral winstrol, anavar and primobolan. Keep in mind that in order to get the maximum results from any combination you choose, diet and training must be on point. Meals should be consistent, balanced and eaten every 3-4 hours. Protein shakes should be implemented throughout the day and training sessions at the gym should be intense and aggressive. If you aren’t willing to put in the work every day, you won’t like the end results of the cycle. When beginning the cutting cycle, your body fat should already be low (between 10-12%) in order for the cutting steroids to work properly. I always recommend Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after any steroid cycle although there are some who never choose to use PCT. Just remember that when you opt out of PCT, you put your body at a greater risk of side effects from the use of Tren Enanthate and other steroids. PCT drugs will help get your body back to where it was (not physically of course) and get you ready for when you want to run your next cycle. Most individuals will use Nolvadex for PCT rather than Clomid because it is less harsh on the body. Nolvadex does come with some side effects as well. The most common include headaches, upset stomach and hot flashes. Individuals will also try Clomid after one steroid cycle and Nolvadex after another cycle to see which they prefer. A typical Nolvadex or Clomid PCT cycle will last four weeks. Some bodybuilders and athletes will use both drugs at the same time but again this is all based on personal preference and experience with steroid use.

Potential Side Affects

Trenbolone itself carries a host of side effects and the Enanthate version is no exception. The side effects are real, and the tolerance level of each individual is different. Each person has a different body chemistry and will feel the effects differently as well. Some will feel more effects than others and some will either discontinue using the steroid or learn to cope with the effects. Estrogenic side effects Something amazing about Trenbolone is that it will not aromatize so there is no need to worry about estrogenic side effects. This includes both water retention and gynecomastia. These side effects can occur depending on what other steroids you are stacking during a cycle. Just be aware of how your body feels and if you notice any unwanted changes. Androgenic side effects Trenbolone is a highly androgenic hormone. What does this mean? There is a strong possibility that a user of Tren Enanthate will experience acne, rapid hair loss (for those with male pattern baldness) and oily skin. This may be the biggest risk to some users of this steroid. To combat such effects, keeping a good facial cleanser and anti DHT shampoo in your medicine cabinet can help to prevent bouts of acne and keep the oily skin to a minimum. If you are not prone to male pattern baldness than the chances of losing your hair will decrease. Individuals who experience these side effects will either learn how to cope with them or cut down on their dosages during a cycle. Cardiovascular side effects Cardiovascular strain and negative cholesterol are also things to be on the lookout for when injecting Tren Enanthate. In fact, this could be a great concern for those who do not live a fairly healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, healthy individuals who use this steroid are less likely to have these side effects. The length of cycle will also play a key role in whether the individual is at risk for these effects. Try to avoid foods high in saturated fats and make cardio a daily part of your routine to keep your heart healthy and your cholesterol levels down. Eating foods that are rich in omega fatty acids will help to keep your cholesterol down. Another option for those who are concerned about cholesterol levels going up is to take a cholesterol antioxidant supplement while cycling with Tren Enanthate. This steroid can also have a negative impact on blood pressure levels; however, this is not a significant concern for most individuals. What you can do before even considering the use of any anabolic steroid is get on a good cardio regimen and begin to workout consistently. You won’t get any benefits from the use of Tren Enanthate without working out. And you won’t get any healthier if you don’t workout. Just some food for thought. Some will have a tough time keeping up with cardio while using Tren Enanthate while others won’t notice any difference. Be your own judge and assess your tolerance level when it comes to the injections and how you feel when running on the treadmill or stepping it up on the stair master. Testosterone side effects The use of Tren Enanthate is no exception to the rule when we say that steroids suppress the body’s natural production of testosterone. Failure to properly run Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after a steroid cycle will also hinder the body’s natural production of testosterone. This could lead to more serious health conditions down the road for the user. Those experienced with steroids know that testosterone should be the base of any steroid cycle. Hepatotoxicity side effects For the most part, Tren Enanthate users will not have to worry about their liver when injecting this steroid. If the individual already has liver disease or inflammation, he/she may want to think twice before running a steroid cycle with Tren Enanthate. A steroid user who uses excessive dosages of this or any steroid over a very long period of time can eventually run into liver problems among many other problems down the road.


Winstrol for strength – 25mg every day for 8 – 10 weeks Winstrol for cutting – 50mg every day for 6 – 8 weeks Winstrol for bulking – 100mg every day for 4 weeks

However, winstrol can be combined with Testosterone. For building size and strength. The test is ideal. Winstrol is normally used in the early stages of a Test and Winstrol. To kick-start the process and get things moving. The key reason for this is because the Testosterone won’t actually start working its magic until around four weeks into the cycle anyway. To begin with, you will run around 50 – 100mg of winstrol per day for four weeks. In conjunction with 250mg – 500mg of testosterone enanthate. Or Test-E for short, every week. After 4 – 6 weeks, the winstrol will have served its purpose and it will be time for the test to kick in. Now you will simply run 250mg – 500mg of Test-E per week. Test- E is important during a test and winstrol because it has a long ester chain attached to it.

It's a good cutting steroid meaning you'll burn fat.

Risks: COMMON side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

A Condition In Which Women Develop Masculine Characteristics Called Virilism
Priapism, A Prolonged Erection Of The Penis

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

Bladder Contractions Causing The Need To Urinate Often
Breast Pain
Enlarged Breasts

INFREQUENT side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

Cancer Of The Prostate Gland
Enlarged Prostate
High Amount Of Calcium In The Blood
Liver Problems
Visible Water Retention

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

Altered Interest In Having Sexual Intercourse
Difficulty Sleeping
Irritation Of The Stomach Or Intestines
Leg Cramps
Swelling Of The Abdomen

RARE side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

A Heart Attack
A High Alanine Transaminase Level
A High Aspartate Transaminase Level
A Stroke
A Yellowing Of The Eyes Or Skin From Buildup Of Bilirubin Called Jaundice
Blood Clot Formation In Veins
Damage To The Liver And Inflammation
Excessive Fat In The Blood
Heart Failure
High Amount Of Bilirubin In The Blood
Inflammation Of The Epididymis Of The Testicles
Inflammation Of The Liver With Stoppage Of Bile Flow
Liver Cancer
Liver Tissue Death
Low Sperm Count
Microscopic Blood-Filled Cavities In The Liver

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

A Problem With Menstrual Periods
Aggressive Behavior
Darkening Of The Skin
Decrease In Size Of A Testicle
Decreased Appetite
Enlargement Of The Clitoris
Feelings Of Hostility
Low Energy
Over Excitement

Thanks for reading!
good thread but its retarded to blast roids, brad pitt's and ronaldo's bodies are achievable natty
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
good thread but its retarded to blast roids, brad pitt's and ronaldo's bodies are achievable natty
Not neccasarily. Lots of people here have really bad frames and just won't allow their genetic potential. Plus if you do steroids it does give you more workout hours due to motivation which you wouldn't usually have. I'd agree with that though. If youre prone to male pattern baldness or have heart conditions I wouldn't cycle it however the heart conditions can be minimised by cardio and cholesterol anti oxidants but the hair loss may be a bigger issue for people prone to male pattern baldness
There is nothing after "which steroid should I cycle ?"
Umm, I think I wrote it in white JFL you might wanna use dark mode
Not neccasarily. Lots of people here have really bad frames and just won't allow their genetic potential. Plus if you do steroids it does give you more workout hours due to motivation which you wouldn't usually have. I'd agree with that though. If youre prone to male pattern baldness or have heart conditions I wouldn't cycle it however the heart conditions can be minimised by cardio and cholesterol anti oxidants but the hair loss may be a bigger issue for people prone to male pattern baldness

Umm, I think I wrote it in white JFL you might wanna use dark mode

Just highlight it all and change the color
  • +1
Reactions: MentalistKebab and Lev Peshkov
umm where is the rest of the post?
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
not a single word
  • JFL
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Piece of shit you're ruining the world and making naturals seem underaverage because you ARE FUCKING RISKIN YOUR LIFE ILLEGALLY TO GET SOME MUSCLES YOU CHEATING CUCK

see you later at 40 without hair and with heart issues
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Lev Peshkov and Good_Little_Goy
I appreciate the time you spend but cant we just use test + aromasin to get a great body ?

Does all these drugs (and their side effects) seriously needed ?
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
I appreciate the time you spend but cant we just use test + aromasin to get a great body ?

Does all these drugs (and their side effects) seriously needed ?
Lmao the side affects aren't in every person. They are mainly rare. The only side affects most of you will see is acne.
Piece of shit you're ruining the world and making naturals seem underaverage because you ARE FUCKING RISKIN YOUR LIFE ILLEGALLY TO GET SOME MUSCLES YOU CHEATING CUCK

see you later at 40 without hair and with heart issues
Shut up ugly ass currycel. Idk why u haven't roped yet. See me at 40 JFL you won't live to see 23
Lmao the side affects aren't in every person. They are mainly rare. The only side affects most of you will see is acne.
Yeah but wouldnt test alone will be way cheaper than these and would give you like 95% of the benefits ?
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Yeah but wouldnt test alone will be way cheaper than these and would give you like 95% of the benefits ?
I'm not sure about test.I know it takes about 4 weeks to kick in. If you could dm me a test cycle I'd be happy to look
  • +1
Reactions: MentalistKebab
I see, do you get amazing dry gains? And like also a benefit of Tren is you don't feel like shit when you come off. You get that with Test cuz it fucks up your natural test a lot. Tren reduces it for a bit bit PCT restores it quicker
I havent take any yet. And I am planning to start gh like peptides or mk677 first when I have money (real objective is height gains but it should definitly develope my frame at my age)
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
I havent take any yet. And I am planning to start gh like peptides or mk677 first when I have money (real objective is height gains but it should definitly develope my frame at my age)
I never liked the idea of HGH, could you give me the run down. I may use it after I get my surgeries to boost my 6ft frame to maybe 6'1 6'2 is ideal. Is it androgenic? Heart side affects? Affects on the face (this is under talked. Look a hgh jaw.)
I never liked the idea of HGH, could you give me the run down. I may use it after I get my surgeries to boost my 6ft frame to maybe 6'1 6'2 is ideal. Is it androgenic? Heart side affects? Affects on the face (this is under talked. Look a hgh jaw.)
Yeah I am also started to learn about it more from heightmaxxing in puberty threads.
Increasing hgh and igf-1 levels in body should increase the lenght of body parts that hasnt fused yet. So both frame and face would definitly grow even in early 20s.

But unfortunately I will never have the money to buy pharma grade hgh.
So I was looking at other ways to replicate its effects with peptides etc.
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
Yeah I am also started to learn about it more from heightmaxxing in puberty threads.
Increasing hgh and igf-1 levels in body should increase the lenght of body parts that hasnt fused yet. So both frame and face would definitly grow even in early 20s.

But unfortunately I will never have the money to buy pharma grade hgh.
So I was looking at other ways to replicate its effects with peptides etc.
Makes sense

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