Andrew Tate will become muslim soon



Nov 17, 2019

  • JFL
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Reactions: currylightskin, Solidcoin, oldcelloser and 10 others
You in an alternate universe
You can’t be blackpilled and not a muslim
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Reactions: oldcelloser, Deleted member 19499, Scammer and 1 other person
Wow this guy is so based I’m going to subscribe to him right now
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Reactions: Baldingman1998

1:13 “get the rocks” should be a
meme on this forum
  • JFL
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Reactions: oldcelloser, Lygodactylus, Lmao and 1 other person
  • Hmm...
  • So Sad
Reactions: rand anon and Deleted member 16369
You converted back to islam or want it to take over because to put women in their place?
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser and Baldingman1998
You converted back to islam or want it to take over because to put women in their place?
Second option. We must fight degeneracy and jew propaganda at all costs.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 20679, Lygodactylus and Scammer
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Gestapo, alriodai, Deprived and 1 other person
@Blackmannnns aSq
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679 and oldcelloser
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Reactions: oldcelloser, Deleted member 16834, Baldingman1998 and 1 other person
Fight for what? Fight for women freedom and hypergamy and having 100 body count?
fight for it
im serious

fight for a free and opportunity to live your life to the fullest

progress is good
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16369, Baldingman1998 and BearBoy
fight for it
im serious

fight for a free and opportunity to live your life to the fullest

progress is good
Im not gonna fight for women rights you stupid fuck
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679, oldcelloser, Scammer and 1 other person
That nigga so cringe, if he’s not joking about his takes then…
  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Im not gonna fight for women rights you stupid fuck
fight when somebody tries to take them away

why are you against women that are whoring around? we need more hoes and cucks marrying them, as you said just fuck and have fun
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser
sexual liberty is a god gift for a male that is not low t cuck

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: oldcelloser, Elvisandreaa and Vermilioncore
fight when somebody tries to take them away

why are you against women that are whoring around? we need more hoes and cucks marrying them, as you said just fuck and have fun
Yes but i never said go out and fight for this shit, i simply dont give a fuck what happens to the world or to people.

I only care about myself, getting my dick sucked, fucking, drinking alcohol, stealing, killing and dying a real man at the end.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20679, oldcelloser and Deleted member 13332
Yes but i never said go out and fight for this shit, i simply dont give a fuck what happens to the world or to people.

I only care about myself, getting my dick sucked, fucking, drinking alcohol, stealing, killing and dying a real man at the end.
ye and baldingman1998 wants to take it away from you
so what you gon do to him :feelsgood:
Yes but i never said go out and fight for this shit, i simply dont give a fuck what happens to the world or to people.

I only care about myself, getting my dick sucked, fucking, drinking alcohol, stealing, killing and dying a real man at the end.
Damn sounds like me. Let’s go rape and murder a slut?
fight for it
im serious

fight for a free and opportunity to live your life to the fullest

progress is good
I will agree after you send me your a 10 female relatives for me to impregnate.
  • JFL
Reactions: BearBoy and Deleted member 13332
ye and baldingman1998 wants to take it away from you
so what you gon do to him :feelsgood:
Break open his balding head and piss in it, but if he doesnt wanna take it away we cool.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16369, Baldingman1998 and Deleted member 13332
Why does it matter bro just fuck, have fun and die a real man.
Because I care about the future of my kids (if I get any) and my race. If the culture is influenced by propaganda then everyone will racemix and become a mutt race like in America. The Jewish plan.
  • +1
Reactions: Scammer and BearBoy
Because I care about the future of my kids (if I get any) and my race. If the culture is influenced by propaganda then everyone will racemix and become a mutt race like in America. The Jewish plan.
Im gonna make children for my parents in my land and then just leave.

I dont care about a wife or children or the future bullshit, it all doesnt matter. All that matters is me. ONLY i matter in this world and how good and bad life is.
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Because I care about the future of my kids (if I get any) and my race. If the culture is influenced by propaganda then everyone will racemix and become a mutt race like in America. The Jewish plan.
and you lebanese wanna race mix with my sisters
  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998
controlling women is such cope lmfao. Its a good thing they were "freed" cause now we see them for what they really are lmao. Abrahaminc judeo-christian religion mixed patriarchal societal system gave rise to the lie that women are attracted to a man for his personality and his work ethic over his looks, when in reality a woman will cheat on her normie cuck betabuxx for some poor homeless chad simply due to basic sexual/physical attraction.

The blackpill is about exposing the the truth and the reality of the world and just how animalistic humans really are, even though they pretend not to be.

As a blackpiller you should unironically be rooting for more feminist shit, because normie bluepilled cucks (90% of men) will not listen to their blackpilled brothers about women, and therefore can only become blackpilled through hard life experiences, and the more and more gynocentric society becomes, the more comfortable women will become when it comes to exposing themselves for the true homo sapiens they really are.
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  • +1
Reactions: KING REIDYZ, oldcelloser, Gestapo and 1 other person
controlling women is such cope lmfao. Its a good thing they were "freed" cause now we see them for what they really are lmao. Abrahaminc judeo-christian religion mixed patriarchal societal system gave rise to the idea that women are attracted to a man for his personality and his work ethic over his looks, when in reality a woman will cheat on her normie cuck betabuxx for some poor homeless chad simply due to basic sexual/physical attraction.

The blackpill is about exposing the the truth and the reality of the world and just how animalistic humans really are, even though they pretend to not be.

As a blackpiller you should unironically be rooting for more feminist shit, because normie bluepilled cucks (90% of men) will not listen to their blackpilled brothers about women, and therefore can only become blackpilled through hard life experiences.
You fail to realize that if women can do whatever they want society will collapse and all the comforts which it provides will be gone with civilization. Women were always controlled by men. And there is a reason for that.
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679, oldcelloser, Scammer and 3 others
You fail to realize that if women can do whatever they want society will collapse and all the comforts which it provides will be gone with civilization. Women were always controlled by men. And there is a reason for that.
t society will collapse and all the comforts which it provides will be gone with civilization.

Good, in anarchy id finally be able to forcefully snuggle foids the same way my low smv ancient predecessors had to. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20679 and Baldingman1998
Good, in anarchy id finally be able to forcefully snuggle foids the same way my low smv ancient predecessors had to. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
It's not that simple actually. If everything went back to tribal ages most men would kill each other for pussy. Then they winners would get most pussy
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser
It's not that simple actually. If everything went back to tribal ages most men would kill each other for pussy. Then they winners would get most pussy
im ok with the thought of death, obviously i would like for it to be as quick and painless as it can possibly be, but i legitimately would not give af if i could not wake up tommorow because i died in my sleep.
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679, Deleted member 18159 and Baldingman1998
He already looks arab, what's his ethnicity?
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
cheat is actually made up, in nature there is no cheating it's called a dual mating strategy which has been well documented in other animal species and humans are no exception

to put it simply, they go to the "Chads" to get pregnant and then go to the "Incels" to take care of them and raise children
alpha fuxx-beta buxx theory essentially which we see in modern day western society. Girl gets knocked up by a young tyrone or chad and then the old rich sugar daddy wifes her up and takes care of the kids and whenever she needs to satisfy her sexual desires she visits chad or tyrone again.
  • +1
Reactions: CFW432
fight for it
im serious

fight for a free and opportunity to live your life to the fullest

progress is good
Unironically true to some extent.
cheat is actually made up, in nature there is no cheating it's called a dual mating strategy which has been well documented in other animal species and humans are no exception

to put it simply, they go to the "Chads" to get pregnant and then go to the "Incels" to take care of them and raise children
alpha fuxx-beta buxx theory essentially which we see in modern day western society. Girl gets knocked up by a young tyrone or chad and then the old rich sugar daddy wifes her up and takes care of the kids and whenever she needs to satisfy her sexual desires she visits chad or tyrone again.

And all of this is only possible because we live in a settled society with artificial man made laws. In the jungle and in nature low smv males would simply rape as many foids as they could and just move on.
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679, Deleted member 19499, oldcelloser and 1 other person
Islam will conquer the feminist woman. :feelsgood:
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser
inshallah brother......may allah smite the unbelievers
allahu akbar
  • JFL
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Причем здесь эти мусульманы?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13332
I love this dude

He's a Chad but he's high IQ as fuck
He's very ugly
  • WTF
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