Androgen receptors down regulation (why blasting and cruising mogs)



Jun 17, 2024
Supporting Data 1;
Below here is a study that actually tested the androgen receptor expression from month 1 to month 6. As the study shows androgen receptor expression was over double during the first month of testosterone use and had basically returned to baseline come month 6.
“TE administration significantly increased skeletal muscle AR protein expression at 1 mo (P < 0.05), but AR returned to baseline levels at 6 mo. Figure 2 shows a representative autoradiogram of a Western blot for skeletal muscle AR from a subject receiving testosterone and a graph of the densitometry data from the treatment group. There was no correlation between the serum testosterone concentration at 1 mo and the change of AR expression from baseline to 1 mo for individuals. ”
“The return of AR expression to pretreatment values after 6 mo of continuous androgen administration indicates a steady-state adaptation to the treatment paradigm.”

Supporting Data 2;
Another snippet here from the study shows us an increased protein synthesis during the initial month again of testosterone use that returns to baseline when retested again at the 6-month mark. However, the benefit of reduced protein break-down is still seen even when androgen receptor content returns to baseline. A minor benefit at best in comparison to the increased AR content on hypertrophy and strength.

“The studies were performed at the General Clinical Research Center at University of Texas Medical Branch. Subjects received stable isotope infusions to determine skeletal muscle protein metabolism at baseline and after 6 months of treatment. ”
“Exogenous amino acids increased protein synthesis in both placebo and T groups, but to a lessor degree after 6 months of T treatment.”

Supporting Data 3;
And here we have some real-world applicable data with a study on the anabolic steroid oxandrolone, where the men had taken the drug for 12 weeks in total. But, the researchers had noted that the men had seen 90 percent of the strength and size gains during the first 6 weeks, and the rest of the 6 weeks only netting a 10 percent benefit in strength and size.
Now even if these were not bodybuilders on a typical bodybuilding diet, this study shows us how powerful anabolic steroids can be, and well magical in its effects on strength and size in normal people within 6 weeks. And yet, only to give disappointing results in the following 6 weeks netting a mere 10 percent more effects in size and strength for double the time on an anabolic steroid cycle. Why would you want to waste 6 weeks of your hard work and time for 10 percent extra results in strength and size when you could come off for a short period to then see those amazing benefits again.

“These changes were >90% of the gains in total and appendicular LBM (3.0 +/- 1.5 kg and 1.3 +/- 0.9 kg, respectively) after 12 weeks. Total thigh and hamstring muscle volume increased by 111 +/- 29 mm(3) (p =.001) and 75 +/- 18 mm(3) (p =.001), respectively, after 12 weeks. Maximal strength increased for the leg press 6.3 +/- 5.6% (p =.003), leg curl 6.7 +/- 8.6% (p =.01), chest press 6.9 +/- 6.5% (p =.001), and latissimus pull-down 4.8 +/- 6.3% (p =.009) with oxandrolone after 6 weeks; these increases were different than those with placebo (p <.001) and were 93%, 96%, 74%, and 94% of the respective gains at week 12. There were no improvements in functional measures. Treatment with a potent anabolic androgen may produce significant increases in muscle mass and strength after only 6 weeks in healthy older men. However, such treatment did not improve leg muscle power or walking speed.”

Supporting Data 4;
Here we have a study that was done on a long ester steroid, testosterone enanthate. Which showed that the peak increase in strength and size was seen by week 3. The increases in strength and size were still seen past week 3 of course, but it had already started to level off by just week 3 alone. Which goes against the popular myth that long ester steroids take 4 plus weeks alone just to kick. Which clearly isn’t true just by looking at the graph alone in the study.

Add to that countless anecdotes of newbies bodybuilders ect…..
in every study the participants see the most results see the most gains while the hirmone they use didn’t even attain optimal concentration levels yet

How to increase androgen receptors ?

“In summary, these data demonstrated that: 1) feeding after RE increased AR content, which may result in increased testosterone uptake, and thus enhanced luteinizing hormone secretion via feedback mechanisms; and 2) LCLT supplementation upregulated AR content, which may promote recovery from RE.”
“while the in vitro addition of testosterone or T3 or both hormones together augmented the ARs in the cytosol to a greater extent, resulting in an increase in their total (cytosolic and nuclear) content in the cells. The present data suggest that T3 down-regulates ERs and up-regulates ARs in peripuberal Sertoli cells. The additive effect of testosterone and T3 in up-regulating ARs could possibly involve a role for T3 in influencing the androgen responsiveness of the Sertoli cells during spermatogenesis.”

“The up-regulated genes also included nuclear receptor coactivator 4, a coactivator of androgen receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (Yeh and Chang 1996).”

Also their is study showing high volume high reps heavy lifting or hiit could increase androgen receptors
And also your testosterone and dht actually increase the ammount of androgen receptors

Bonus : you can see this video

Conclusion : if you wanna get the most out of your cycle You should keep your cycle short like 6 weeks max then you can either
Go cold turkey who tf thinks pct is worth it in 2024 (exept if uou used 19 nors then I’ll highly recommend to implement hcg and clomid)
Or you could just blast steroids and then get off everything and be on trt (just to maintain your gains their are a lot of anecdotes saying you don’t need that much to maintain muscle)

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  • +1
Reactions: TitusA, |Daddy_Zygos|, Jonas2k7 and 4 others
6 weeks blast 6 weeks cruise
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed, elemanzelvadre and 20/04/2008
@MA_ascender can you link me the thread that talk about hgh desensitization
  • Hmm...
Reactions: MA_ascender
@MA_ascender can you link me the thread that talk about hgh desensitization
Layl3n tabon mok a W9 🥰🥰🥰😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
bookmarked + read every molecule
Treatment with a potent anabolic androgen may produce significant increases in muscle mass and strength after only 6 weeks in healthy older men. However, such treatment did not improve leg muscle power or walking speed.”
I don't really understand this part. It increased muscle mass and strength but not "leg muscle power"?
Supporting Data 4;
Here we have a study that was done on a long ester steroid, testosterone enanthate. Which showed that the peak increase in strength and size was seen by week 3. The increases in strength and size were still seen past week 3 of course, but it had already started to level off by just week 3 alone. Which goes against the popular myth that long ester steroids take 4 plus weeks alone just to kick. Which clearly isn’t true just by looking at the graph alone in the study.
So why 6 week blast and not 3 week blast? And wouldn't crusing on test still downregulate the ARs?
Only these two for optimization of ARs? I already have good levels of T3/T4 (was on the upper end of the limit)
bookmarked + read every molecule

I don't really understand this part. It increased muscle mass and strength but not "leg muscle power"?

So why 6 week blast and not 3 week blast? And wouldn't crusing on test still downregulate the ARs?

Only these two for optimization of ARs? I already have good levels of T3/T4 (was on the upper end of the limit)
1)test doesn’t have any significant effect on that
2)Ar adapt to the dose
Example :
You blast 600 mg for 4-6 weeks (you Ar downergulate)
If you continue your gains whil keep regressing
Or you can run 200 mg for 4-6 weeks just the tile for your Ar to adapt
Then boom schock he miscle like arnold said
Just look at levrone in 2016 (myonuclei did help him tho)
3)Sennd bloodss
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  • +1
Reactions: Jonas2k7
LGD-4033 should right or Anavar?

What do you want to know? Only T3/T4?
Nigga lgd is cope
And even if you wanna run lgd you wanna use thhe injectable form
Like stick to the basics why overcomplicatd it just use test and var + ai
  • +1
Reactions: Jonas2k7
Cardarine and Epo 😭😭😭
Cardarine is only good for cardiovascular stuff nigga

My T3/T4 is 3.86/11.05 (I can't remember the units fr might have been pg/ml)
Nigga lgd is cope
And even if you wanna run lgd you wanna use thhe injectable form
Like stick to the basics why overcomplicatd it just use test and var + ai
Nigga I can't use any injectables I can't punch my parents in the face and tell them "I'm going to roid and you can't do anything about it"

I just wanna use the safest + best oral compound to be 80kg and then maintain this weight lean
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  • +1
Reactions: 20/04/2008
Cardarine is only good for cardiovascular stuff nigga

My T3/T4 is 3.86/11.05 (I can't remember the units fr might have been pg/ml)

Nigga I can't use any injectables I can't punch my parents in the face and tell them "I'm going to roid and you can't do anything about it"

I just wanna use the safest + best oral compound to be 80kg and then maintain this weight lean
Halo nigga
Halo is the fucking answear go read some studies
Supporting Data 1;
Below here is a study that actually tested the androgen receptor expression from month 1 to month 6. As the study shows androgen receptor expression was over double during the first month of testosterone use and had basically returned to baseline come month 6.
“TE administration significantly increased skeletal muscle AR protein expression at 1 mo (P < 0.05), but AR returned to baseline levels at 6 mo. Figure 2 shows a representative autoradiogram of a Western blot for skeletal muscle AR from a subject receiving testosterone and a graph of the densitometry data from the treatment group. There was no correlation between the serum testosterone concentration at 1 mo and the change of AR expression from baseline to 1 mo for individuals. ”
“The return of AR expression to pretreatment values after 6 mo of continuous androgen administration indicates a steady-state adaptation to the treatment paradigm.”

Supporting Data 2;
Another snippet here from the study shows us an increased protein synthesis during the initial month again of testosterone use that returns to baseline when retested again at the 6-month mark. However, the benefit of reduced protein break-down is still seen even when androgen receptor content returns to baseline. A minor benefit at best in comparison to the increased AR content on hypertrophy and strength.

“The studies were performed at the General Clinical Research Center at University of Texas Medical Branch. Subjects received stable isotope infusions to determine skeletal muscle protein metabolism at baseline and after 6 months of treatment. ”
“Exogenous amino acids increased protein synthesis in both placebo and T groups, but to a lessor degree after 6 months of T treatment.”

Supporting Data 3;
And here we have some real-world applicable data with a study on the anabolic steroid oxandrolone, where the men had taken the drug for 12 weeks in total. But, the researchers had noted that the men had seen 90 percent of the strength and size gains during the first 6 weeks, and the rest of the 6 weeks only netting a 10 percent benefit in strength and size.
Now even if these were not bodybuilders on a typical bodybuilding diet, this study shows us how powerful anabolic steroids can be, and well magical in its effects on strength and size in normal people within 6 weeks. And yet, only to give disappointing results in the following 6 weeks netting a mere 10 percent more effects in size and strength for double the time on an anabolic steroid cycle. Why would you want to waste 6 weeks of your hard work and time for 10 percent extra results in strength and size when you could come off for a short period to then see those amazing benefits again.

“These changes were >90% of the gains in total and appendicular LBM (3.0 +/- 1.5 kg and 1.3 +/- 0.9 kg, respectively) after 12 weeks. Total thigh and hamstring muscle volume increased by 111 +/- 29 mm(3) (p =.001) and 75 +/- 18 mm(3) (p =.001), respectively, after 12 weeks. Maximal strength increased for the leg press 6.3 +/- 5.6% (p =.003), leg curl 6.7 +/- 8.6% (p =.01), chest press 6.9 +/- 6.5% (p =.001), and latissimus pull-down 4.8 +/- 6.3% (p =.009) with oxandrolone after 6 weeks; these increases were different than those with placebo (p <.001) and were 93%, 96%, 74%, and 94% of the respective gains at week 12. There were no improvements in functional measures. Treatment with a potent anabolic androgen may produce significant increases in muscle mass and strength after only 6 weeks in healthy older men. However, such treatment did not improve leg muscle power or walking speed.”

Supporting Data 4;
Here we have a study that was done on a long ester steroid, testosterone enanthate. Which showed that the peak increase in strength and size was seen by week 3. The increases in strength and size were still seen past week 3 of course, but it had already started to level off by just week 3 alone. Which goes against the popular myth that long ester steroids take 4 plus weeks alone just to kick. Which clearly isn’t true just by looking at the graph alone in the study.

Add to that countless anecdotes of newbies bodybuilders ect…..
in every study the participants see the most results see the most gains while the hirmone they use didn’t even attain optimal concentration levels yet

How to increase androgen receptors ?

“In summary, these data demonstrated that: 1) feeding after RE increased AR content, which may result in increased testosterone uptake, and thus enhanced luteinizing hormone secretion via feedback mechanisms; and 2) LCLT supplementation upregulated AR content, which may promote recovery from RE.”
“while the in vitro addition of testosterone or T3 or both hormones together augmented the ARs in the cytosol to a greater extent, resulting in an increase in their total (cytosolic and nuclear) content in the cells. The present data suggest that T3 down-regulates ERs and up-regulates ARs in peripuberal Sertoli cells. The additive effect of testosterone and T3 in up-regulating ARs could possibly involve a role for T3 in influencing the androgen responsiveness of the Sertoli cells during spermatogenesis.”

“The up-regulated genes also included nuclear receptor coactivator 4, a coactivator of androgen receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (Yeh and Chang 1996).”

Also their is study showing high volume high reps heavy lifting or hiit could increase androgen receptors
And also your testosterone and dht actually increase the ammount of androgen receptors

Bonus : you can see this video

Conclusion : if you wanna get the most out of your cycle You should keep your cycle short like 6 weeks max then you can either
Go cold turkey who tf thinks pct is worth it in 2024 (exept if uou used 19 nors then I’ll highly recommend to implement hcg and clomid)
Or you could just blast steroids and then get off everything and be on trt (just to maintain your gains their are a lot of anecdotes saying you don’t need that much to maintain muscle)


Well id heard this theory about the muscle gain benefits lessing over time. For me the main focus was the initial mental benefits becoming big negatives though. So yh I think blast and cruise (real cruise not 300mg test) is the way forward. I also considered this on the off chance I ever ran tren again. 3 weeks blast of acetate with 400mg test for another month so solidify gains and down to trt of 180mg or so.

I might be missing soething since I had to scan through it pretty quick say if I did

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