another 10 years of capeshit probably



Apr 1, 2019
I really underestimated how juvenile normies have become. I thought this was a fad that was going to get exhausted any minute now and would reflect that in declining box office. But nope, every year they keep serving slop up and every year the pigs are at the trough getting fatter and fatter on it, and asking for more. They love this shit. Whoever is working at marvel film corp has got the lowest common denominators figured out down to a science.




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Reactions: Ritalincel, Insomniac, kobecel and 1 other person
Haven't watched a superhero film since iron man 2 and that was only because I was on a flight and had nothing better to do.
Sigh I feel so out of touch, I don't understand it at all, I thought superheros were something uncool that only geekcels were into.
100% agree bro. 100 fuckin percent. EVERYONE at work today was sperging about the movie. I got so tired of it I finally told them to fuck off and that it's a children's movie, which just made it more awkward. Jfl at this clown world
  • +1
Reactions: Blitz, Ritalincel, Krezo and 3 others
Those gifs are making me cringe
The dark knight mogs every marvel movie in existence
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1139, DeformAspergerCel, Hunter and 3 others
Lol look at the last one
i like shit repetitive movies from hollywood tbh, good copr
100% agree bro. 100 fuckin percent. EVERYONE at work today was sperging about the movie. I got so tired of it I finally told them to fuck off and that it's a children's movie, which just made it more awkward. Jfl at this clown world
Post a picture of you as a valetcel
  • JFL
Reactions: Insomniac

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