another way to check if ur ugly (or short)



Quality Posts Only
Sep 9, 2018
If you went through your school years (middle school + high school) without any girl being interested in u or better yet not get laid. You most likely are unattractive.

*Foids are at their highest peak in wanting sex. Around that time. They hit puberty ect.*

this one is brutal boys. get a big glass of water :feelsgah::blackpill:
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99% of everyone here can relate to this.
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late HS it happened.
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Started getting any female attention at all during last trimester of last year in hs jfl
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i wouldnt say that applies to everyone here, some were fat etc and have only lost the weight etc, Its amazing how ppl treat you different when ur fat v normal weight etc.
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i wouldnt say that applies to everyone here, some were fat etc and have only lost the weight etc, Its amazing how ppl treat you different when ur fat v normal weight etc.
facts. bodyfat is just fucken bad . We all can improve. Its not really over. (unless ur subhuman)
facts. bodyfat is just fucken bad . We all can improve. Its not really over. (unless ur subhuman)
yup lol legit worst decisions of my life and I will always look back being an obese cunt, although I never got bullied or any of that shit since I was a tall cunt, I blame alot the shit on being fat since it at least made me so bad at socializing, being scared to go out in public it legit is a death sentence, and is the MOST VITAL THING TO DO TO LOOKBETTER! I've lost alot of the weight since and still got a bit to go, im gonna cut down alot before bulking as to try and minimize the fat gain on the bulk. I have mild nasobial folds due to the weight loss which I intend on fixing next year, get some fillers for my jaw also. Honestly could have avoided this situation if I just lost weight earlier or never gain as much as i did.Its funny when you look in the past how much mistakes you made, but oh well I hope to ascend by 2020.
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yup lol legit worst decisions of my life and I will always look back being an obese cunt, although I never got bullied or any of that shit since I was a tall cunt, I blame alot the shit on being fat since it at least made me so bad at socializing, being scared to go out in public it legit is a death sentence, and is the MOST VITAL THING TO DO TO LOOKBETTER! I've lost alot of the weight since and still got a bit to go, im gonna cut down alot before bulking as to try and minimize the fat gain on the bulk. I have mild nasobial folds due to the weight loss which I intend on fixing next year, get some fillers for my jaw also. Honestly could have avoided this situation if I just lost weight earlier or never gain as much as i did.Its funny when you look in the past how much mistakes you made, but oh well I hope to ascend by 2020.
im low iq (i lose brain power quick) i only picked up a few sentences but i agree. Before anyone cries about not getting foids to like them . get rid of body fat first then find ur next issue.
im low iq (i lose brain power quick) i only picked up a few sentences but i agree. Before anyone cries about not getting foids to like them . get rid of body fat first then find ur next issue.
ah you're all good mane, I wouldnt really say im soley improving my self for foids either, you know im kinda doin this improve myself, be more socialable etc, while the blackpill is very harsh I try not to bring me down and keep improving and hopefully results will show. whats to lose really.
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i havent but im a massive sperg at the same time and i dont talk to anyone
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Legit forgot girls exist and suddenly im 19,i barely talked with my 1st cousin even tho we live in same house and are same age,went to same school,jfl if i only had this mindset then i would living such great life.
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ugly and mass shooter level mentally ill, its over for me
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I always attracted ugly girls and landwhales in high school and in middle school some girl call me handsome

But in PSL Im ugly
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I had girls act weird around me back then. I'm gonna pretend it's because they were spilling their spaghetti
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