anti immigration parties will not do anything. their just controlled opposition



I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul
Sep 24, 2023
giorgia meloni claimed she would lower immigration then suddenly became pro migrants. immigration doubled after. AFD, national rally, reform and many more are just controlled opposition.
jfl at this article
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giorgia meloni claimed she would lower immigration then suddenly became pro migrants. immigration doubled after. AFD, national rally, reform and many more are just controlled opposition.
jfl at this article
They tried but realised BBC and BAC is the only way to save Europe the irreligious shithole it is from dying off due to no kids.

You need mudslides and Christian BBCs to save you and your gay ass continent from atheistic secular extinction because ironically atheists are evolutionary failures OH THE IRONY
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They tried but realised BBC and BAC is the only way to save Europe the irreligious shithole it is from dying off due to no kids.

You need mudslides and Christian BBCs to save you and your gay ass continent from atheistic secular extinction because ironically atheists are evolutionary failures OH THE IRONY
They‘ll just become westernized and the degeneracy goes full circle again.
Religious denominations don‘t mean much nowadays.
They‘ll just become westernized and the degeneracy goes full circle again.
Religious denominations don‘t mean much nowadays.
True but unlike pinkoids Arabs and blacks are somewhat immune to becoming irreligious. In my life I can count the number of black and Arab atheists on two hands I have met (including my grandad) so I can say we may become more liberal but never to the extent of pinkoids who say we come from Monke 🐵 🙉 🙈🙉
People here are too dumb to understand this so don't waste your time.
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They tried but realised BBC and BAC is the only way to save Europe the irreligious shithole it is from dying off due to no kids.

You need mudslides and Christian BBCs to save you and your gay ass continent from atheistic secular extinction because ironically atheists are evolutionary failures OH THE IRONY
low birth rate is not as big as a problem people make it out to be. job shortages are due to poor education and low salaries. AS AI ADVANCES we will need less people in the work force anyway. ofc it still needs to be fixed
  • Hmm...
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They tried but realised BBC and BAC is the only way to save Europe the irreligious shithole it is from dying off due to no kids.

You need mudslides and Christian BBCs to save you and your gay ass continent from atheistic secular extinction because ironically atheists are evolutionary failures OH THE IRONY
they are motivated by muh gdp. they need to just stop spending and abolish 90% of the government, and kick out all the freeloaders or let them die(druggies and aids patients), then it won't be an issue
True but unlike pinkoids Arabs and blacks are somewhat immune to becoming irreligious. In my life I can count the number of black and Arab atheists on two hands I have met (including my grandad) so I can say we may become more liberal but never to the extent of pinkoids who say we come from Monke 🐵 🙉 🙈🙉
Bad habits get passed on through generations and children aren‘t raised by their parents anymore but by daddy government and their environment.
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Bad habits get passed on through generations and children aren‘t raised by their parents anymore but by daddy government and their environment.
And that’s why soon the only Christian’s will be blacks and the only other theists will be Muslims because unlike pinkies we know that religion is benifical for our survival. Meanwhile Bob the athiest dies alone lol :ROFLMAO: MUH dawin award

Europe deserves to be replaced for being secular faggots 0 sympathy from me

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