"Any idiot can get a job." What THIS REALLY MEANS regarding WORK/LIFE


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
You've probably heard of some guy looking for a job and complained, to which someone replied, "Any moron can get a job. It's easy!"

Usually some out of touch boomer or such who thinks you just walk up to a store with a hiring sign and that's it -- you've got a fair paying job & good work. Your mom/dad -- AKA idiots -- probably told you that you're not working because "you're not trying to work."

In reality this ISN'T how it works ... I've applied directly to plaes saying they are hiring right now & they tell me they're not hiring ... It's bullshit. Then some random guy you've never seen apply to the job is seen working there ... He wasn't a stranger. Idiots get jobs when they know the idiots providing them. Everyone is "hiring" but everyone isn't working. It makes no sense until you read between the lines....

The truth is, "Any idiot can get a job," really means, "Some idiots have jobs." Sure there are a lot of idiots working, but maybe I/you am not an idiot ... Hm... Also, the smartest man on Earth will never get anywhere if all bridges are burned, or he has no connections. But other than that you not being an idiot could be your problem indeed. One is too smart that it makes them stupid rather than just following the rules.

If it takes an idiot to get a job, perhaps you are not the right kind of idiot ... Or are not an idiot at all. Idiots need other idiots to like them too, remember... Someone will call you stupid if you're too smart to not do the things that come easy to the stupider people justly.

Just like if it takes a smart person to be successful and you have a good IQ and are NEET, perhaps you're too smart ... In the wrong way. But it's all cope. If any idiot can get a job easily, what boomers mean is most people who have the "jobs" are idiots ... And this is correct.

But in reality plenty of smart people are broke, unhappy, or underemployed while loads of idiots just do what they're told to "move forward" in life.
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status and fortune are copes for subhumans to make up for what they lack in appearance.

chad still slays as neet.
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Go ER.
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status and fortune are copes for subhumans to make up for what they lack in appearance.

chad still slays as neet.

Even if not appearance it is a way to psychologically fulfill some late bloomers, dead ends or narcissists who can't NEET successfully.

I've known post-wall Chads who start working minimum wages to "feel useful" ... Yeah, once they're too old to have their mom pay bills, sure. If you gotta work to feel more useful then that's telling everyone you're useless ... And that's what hurts most to these coping fucks.

I wanna work to ASCEND and MONEYMAX/MOG ... Not to feel I'm a "good" or "better" person or shit like that, looks out of the scope.

But I see through the veil of BS ... It's all connections, stupidity, and lies ... Nobody is really "hiring" unless they're giving you the fucking job.
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Your resume is probably shit.

If you can’t even get job at Walmart it’s over.

How many jobs have you applied to?

So much context missing for such a faggot blanket statement post.
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Your resume is probably shit.

If you can’t even get job at Walmart it’s over.

How many jobs have you applied to?

So much context missing for such a faggot blanket statement post.

Found the nigga who works to "feel useful" because otherwise he'd be a Discord busta trying to show up his butt buddies & a burden on everyone. News flash: You "proud workers" are cucks who use their bare minimum capacity to earn a penny & pretend it's some crown of gold.
Found the nigga who works to "feel useful" because otherwise he'd be a Discord busta trying to show up his butt buddies.
Actually I work from home rn to make $80k out of uni and shitpost to NEETs like yourself
Actually I work from home rn to make $80k out of uni and shitpost to NEETs like yourself

Yeah, sure you do ... From crypto, right? Trading? Running websites? Yeah, all the checkmarks of a basement dwelling moron coper.

BTW, resume is BS ... I'm talking of entry level fucking work, not managerial/extra skilled shit that employers would want competence in. Even simple fucking "hiring" for cashiers and I get turned away, or get an "interview" (time wasted) & then they never call again. Keep coping.
The only people "regularly working" are sucking their bosses cock (or clit), or has some connection, or some bond/relationship, etc.

No place fuckin' hires anybody randomly, that's bullshit. They hire THE PEOPLE THEY LIKE, not the people WHO CAN DO THE DAMN JOB.

They won't hire you if you show an interest in work, they want to "screen you" to see if you're a good little boy who wants an ass fucking.

This is why NEETs are smarter in ways ... They don't put up with the BS to "make muh connections" or aren't lucky enough to have friends with jobs/able to provide jobs. Those who get work through connections ARE PRIVILEGED FUCKS ... I have zero connections so only skills.
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Actually I work from home rn to make $80k out of uni and shitpost to NEETs like yourself
What is your job?
What is your job?

Full-time Looksmax basement dwelling incel ... He can put that on his resume & see what random places will hire him as a nobody IRL.

Too many niggas here don't step out fucking side is the problem ... Only luck gets you work just like only luck gets you pussy or good looks.
Full-time Looksmax basement dwelling incel ... He can put that on his resume & see what random places will hire him as a nobody IRL.

Too many niggas here don't step out fucking side is the problem ... Only luck gets you work just like only luck gets you pussy.
Luck is essential, but it is about using your luck also! In my experience everyone gets lucky and unlucky many times, it is about noticing opportunities and seizing them.
  • Hmm...
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Financial Services and Technology Implementation Consulting, don’t want to give too many details for obvious reasons.

Might as well just say that this is your qualification:


Probably more of a laugh'd come from it & you'd have a better chance of not being a basement dweller who has to dream up fake jobs online.

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