Any teenagers who actually did roids?


Deleted member 439

what would jordan do?
Oct 20, 2018
anyone here actually did roids as a teenager? what were your experiences
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Not recommended if you're below 21
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Jfl You will lose all your collagen and look like a monster.
Atleast in many cases
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I'm gonna do SARMs when I turn 21
better alternative to steroids tbh
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@Intel.Imperitive started roiding at 17. Look at his old threads
Not recommended if you're below 21

Thats normie advice. The only downside which is different before 21 is that increased estrogen levels can cause premature growth plate closing. But the advantages are much higher also
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stay natty and start lifting until your early 20s then consider roiding.
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Thats normie advice. The only downside which is different before 21 is that increased estrogen levels can cause premature growth plate closing. But the advantages are much higher also
It could affect your hpta system for life. Your hpta system develops till your 23 or so i started juicing at 24. Hey if you want to do it do it.
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I heard his face became more androgenic because of it.
It could be but zyzz had a decent facial bones structure before roids it's a myth that roids change the facial bones structure it could change your facial muscles though a'd make them bulkier thus giving the illusion that the jaw grew bigger
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It could affect your hpta system for life. Your hpta system develops till your 23 or so i started juicing at 24. Hey if you want to do it do it.

okay sorry first of all, i didnt know you actually did roids, just thought you blindly repeat the common advice.
Either way I'm planning on doing around 400mg/week of test and thats it (obviously with AI and PCT), which wont have any permanent effects.
okay sorry first of all, i didnt know you actually did roids, just thought you blindly repeat the common advice.
Either way I'm planning on doing around 400mg/week of test and thats it (obviously with AI and PCT), which wont have any permanent effects.
If you're going to do 400 test enanthate/cypionate a week do this:10 week cycle/divide the weekly dose in half 200 mgs monday and 200mgs thursday to keep constant hormone levels/0.5 mgs of armidex every other day to control estrogen. When the cycle is over wait 2 weeks for the ester to clear up(enanthate/cypionate are long esters and they need two weeks to clear up from your system) then start pct with 20mgs of nolvadex daily for a month
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okay sorry first of all, i didnt know you actually did roids, just thought you blindly repeat the common advice.
Either way I'm planning on doing around 400mg/week of test and thats it (obviously with AI and PCT), which wont have any permanent effects.
x30001 is proud of you :lul:
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I don't believe it's just a myth that testosterone (or really any androgenic compound) changes facial bone structure. Sure, it won't turn Michael Cera into David Gandy in one cycle but it certainly will have an effect if you're taking it during developmental years.

Some examples of studies that prove this to be the case to some extent:
Study 1
Study 2
You're a kinda right but to a certain extent as you said a'd if u juice at 13/14 which will fuck up your height growth and hpta systel for life
I don't see the issue in relying on pinning the rest of my life. I don't want to have kids. I'm 190cm and I haven't grown in the last 6 months at all. I'm nearly 19. Does that give me the green light?
I guess yes if you really want to
Thats normie advice. The only downside which is different before 21 is that increased estrogen levels can cause premature growth plate closing. But the advantages are much higher also

There are many other downsides. It rapidly accelerates ageing. It is TEMPORARY and your hormones will never ever be as good as they were before you started, ie you will be throwing away your peak natty hormone years. You will almost certainly get at least one side from gyno, hairloss or acne. I used roids in the past and while it was fun at the time it was with hindsight a total waste of money that did nothing for my looks.

If I could go back in time to being 16 I would ignore all the bullshit health advice my school, doctors and parents told me and eat lots of meat, fish, eggs and butter. I'd not get into drinking alcohol or excessive partying. If I was short (I wasn't) I would find some way to get hold of HGH and failing that, MK-677.
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So let’s say I hop on 300 test with some sarms and at some point in the cycle I notice hair changes. Would I need to jump on fin or would getting off cycle be enough to prevent it? Because idk what will develop my face better. Five more years of natural androgens or a couple years boosted and then fin earlier? If I get fucked by my first cycle I’ll be stuck on fin and lose the natty development I would’ve had otherwise.
Chemically castrate yourself theory
roids or cuck
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If you're going to do 400 test enanthate/cypionate a week do this:10 week cycle/divide the weekly dose in half 200 mgs monday and 200mgs thursday to keep constant hormone levels/0.5 mgs of armidex every other day to control estrogen. When the cycle is over wait 2 weeks for the ester to clear up(enanthate/cypionate are long esters and they need two weeks to clear up from your system) then start pct with 20mgs of nolvadex daily for a month
eh that's alot of arimidex

better start too low and go higher than the other way around

0.25mg adex on monday and thursday to start is what i'd say. That would be plenty ai for me. And if I was also on proviron or mast it would be too much ai.
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Ill answer these questions bluntly.

1.) No steroid or amount of steroid will change the structure of your face once it's done growing

2.) Steroids as a teenager will create minimal change if that and the side effects which I cbf listing are not worth it

3.) Peptides won't do shit for you to grow taller even as a teen you need actual HGH

4.) Everything discussed around these topics for the most part by posters is inaccurate. Yes steroids and growth hormone will change bone density, subcutaneous fat stores, skin and collagen integrity HOWEVER that does not mean changing the underlying structure unless you are blasting a fuck ton of hgh and then the results are going to be disastrous.
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Ill answer these questions bluntly.

1.) No steroid or amount of steroid will change the structure of your face once it's done growing

2.) Steroids as a teenager will create minimal change if that and the side effects which I cbf listing are not worth it

3.) Peptides won't do shit for you to grow taller even as a teen you need actual HGH

4.) Everything discussed around these topics for the most part by posters is inaccurate. Yes steroids and growth hormone will change bone density, subcutaneous fat stores, skin and collagen integrity HOWEVER that does not mean changing the underlying structure unless you are blasting a fuck ton of hgh and then the results are going to be disastrous.
agree with this except peptides actually can be used instead of HGH, it's done all the time by bodybuilders. There is absolutely no difference as long as the peptides increase your HGH and IGF-1 levels as much as somatropin injections would
Only considerable if you are below 3 psl
Don't. it stunts growth
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