Anyone else got a gigaoneitis?



Jan 19, 2019
The worst type of shit
Someone that you know for a very long time and is unforgettable.
I've got one,and can't let her go no matter what,for sure.
Not even just that,but I hurt her so bad that she promised she won't talk to me anymore.
This was 2 months ago,and I still miss her everyday. When we were friends we used to hang out almost everyday. Knowing the fact that I am dead to her is my everyday blackpill. There are a bunch of girls besides her I'm attracted to but nobody will ever replace her. I feel like if I just lost a family member. It's been 4 years since we know eachother and it's enough for me to hear just one song that I listened to back in the day when we hanged out and she gets in my mind instantly. Everytime I miss her,I feel totally lost
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dn red go er
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i dont understand how you can still have oneitis after blackpill tbh
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Yes i do unfortunately.
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i haven't had an actual oneitis in years.

Tho i will never forget my first love i had when i was 15/16, literally miss those times until this day. It might sound stupid bcs we were young but she and i literally promised eachother to spend the rest of our life together. Unfortunately i am a completely different person now and can never go back to being that innocent.

So yes i still have a girl i miss.
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The worst type of shit
Someone that you know for a very long time and is unforgettable.
I've got one,and can't let her go no matter what,for sure.
Not even just that,but I hurt her so bad that she promised she won't talk to me anymore.
This was 2 months ago,and I still miss her everyday. When we were friends we used to hang out almost everyday. Knowing the fact that I am dead to her is my everyday blackpill. There are a bunch of girls besides her I'm attracted to but nobody will ever replace her. I feel like if I just lost a family member
No, but i do always jerk off to the same girl ik from time to time
i dont understand how you can still have oneitis after blackpill tbh
It's uncontrollable
After discovering the black pill didn't matter that much since she told me she is into my looks and finds me extremly cute. But my mentalcel side took over,I became jealous of some guys she hangs out with,and I scared her far away from me. Our friendship is lost forever. I'm the definition of a gigamentalcel
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I don't know anyone
I Did For The 3 Years Of Middle School Then After Puberty And Redpill I Never Had Crushes Ever Again Just Hoes I Wanna Fuck
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I do. I even dated her in Highschool, we were eachother's first gf/bf. We dated for 10 years, had 2 kids together, were engaged to get married. She left me last month.

You're lucky, dude. I think about roping every day, and hoping that if I get surgery she'll want me back and I can feel her again. Call me a cuck idgaf
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Ya haven't seen her in 3 yrs. Deleted Facebook to get away from her completely in may. I have a girl rn who I'm dating but the gigaoneitis lives rent free. It's over
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no cunt
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No, I stopped having a oneitis a long time ago.
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i dont understand how you can still have oneitis after blackpill tbh
You can't. OP and anyone with an oneitis is still a bluepilled cuck.

Every time I meet a girl that seems like she might be perfect for me any positive feelings I might have for her instantly turns to extreme hatred because there's a good chance she only has eyes for a gigachad or gigatyrone who is probably an asshole.
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it goes away over time
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Being blackpilled and having a oneitis seems like a paradox
I haven’t had a oneitis since middle school.
Giphy 1
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Because all women are lying thots who will monkey branch upon finding something better. A woman will never truly love you.
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i have gigaoneitis on 3 girls at same time.
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  • JFL
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now that i think about it ive never had a oneitis, ive always wanted to pump and dump or ltr for the grade and leave.

imagine having a oneitis jfl
You know you havent ascended yet, or even gotten close when you still have a oneitis

I noticed myself that I had oneitis when I was younger due to lack of female attention, but the one girl who gave it to me who looked kinda cute received all my attention

Once I got my surgery and had a sharp jawline I started receiving alot of female attention, this nonstop validation is addicting and you will start feel superior to all women as tho none of them are good enough for you

Thus oneitis = you are average or below average looking so any one female that gives you some attention is a like a fish caught on a hook

I now understand how a Chad, or even women, can easily fuck somebody then cast them aside due to the abundance of options
I use to have on one ugly foid. I didn't even thought about sex itself just laking to her and cuddling. No wi just have normal oneits not giga ones
I guess I have one

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