Anyone had positive experiences with SSRI's?



Feb 16, 2019
I've always avoided meds, but this year (2020) I plan to not only get surgeries, but also want to tackle anxiety/inhibition to some degree.

I only slay when i'm drunk (cold approach) - There was a user on lookism who often sang the praises of SSRI's (zoloft in particular). Claimed over time it reduced his inhibitions and made him less anxious when talking to girls in the day time. (not being all stuck in your head and anxious etc)

I think in general SSRI's and meds in general aren't liked at all on this forum, but i'm wondering if anyone has given them a go and had good results?

I'm thinking about maybe just buying a load online (save me going to my GP!). IF I notice improvement, i'll go to my GP and request them.

If they don't help me, presumably i'll be able to wean off of them with no long lasting effects
my anecdotal experience:

one of the most profound effects SSRIs had on me when i was taking them was that it made it harder for me to cum so i was able to fuck like a pornstar for basically as long as i want, which was pretty cool. In fact I kept refilling my script not because they helped me mentally, but because it improved my sex life in that way. Mentally though, i actually hated the effects SSRIs have had on me, they made me feel like a zombie mentally and currently I have been off all meds for over a year and feel better than ever. But now my dick is WAY more sensitive so that took some getting used to.

my advice to anyone seeking out psych meds: get your blood drawn and analyzed, check your diet. Chances are you are deficient in something. A Balanced, nutrient-dense diet plus frequent exercise has been infinitely more helpful towards my mental health than any of the pills ever were.

edit: everyone will have different experiences, and a good friend of mine swears by a medication he takes which is an SSRI (i forget the specific one) but he says it works wonders for his anxiety. so it is probably worth a shot just to see how it affects you personally
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my advice to anyone seeking out psych meds: get your blood drawn and analyzed, check your diet. Chances are you are deficient in something. A Balanced, nutrient-dense diet plus frequent exercise has been infinitely more helpful towards my mental health than any of the pills ever were.

This. A good diet really works wonders.
Don't take ssri's unless you're legit suicidal. Not only are they addictive if you take them for a few years, but they can cause perminent mood issues later on. And of course they also have a number of sexual side effects like, erectile dysfuntion,delayed ejaculation, numb dick, and general decrease in sex drive.

As a matter of fact. I cheated with a married girl a few years ago, and her husband was on ssri's and they didn't have a sex life. dead srs. Not even joking.

Stay away from that poison if you can. If you have mild anxiety, you're better off with a low dose benzo every so often and staying away from psl related sites. Seriously.
they didn't do anything but break my dick. There is no reason not to try them though. They work for some people. Side effects are pretty brutal for the first week and when coming off but they are mostly just annoying. Nothing painful or anything.
They are shit

try Androgens
They are shit

try Androgens
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sure. copypasting my post from lookism.
* You will experience loss of libido by 50-80%, some people count this positively because it allows them to last longer. But it will quickly return after you stop taking them for 2+ days. Was suffering from low energy/social anxiety since the age of 14. Slowly it evolved into suicidal depression. Sports/good diet/yoga- 0 effect. Meditation is good but still not Nuff.

Lsd/shrooms also low effect long term. It just persuaded me that my problem is chemical and not psychological.
I started testing SSRIs and got a positive experience with them. The best one was on Lexapro- It worked on 2d day- depression lifted, sense of euphoria, probably the most deforming SSRI in terms of personality changes. Socialization becomes effortless. Social anxiety is gone. In terms of feel-good/empathy, I value this drug much higher than for example MDMA. After 7 months the effects became weaker so I decided to make a switch. Paxil/Zoloft/Prozac/mirtazapine and ext. They are good but nothing miracle. They narrow down your emotional view so you just feel normal. It also takes much more time for them to start working- 3-4 weeks. So overall lexapro>>>>>>>>>>> rest of SSRIs. *
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