Anyone here good with autocad? I'm trying to develop a new revolutionary facepuller



Aug 17, 2019
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  • JFL
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yezh i can do some solidworks
I wish I could do that dude!
Your facepuller aint got shit on my facepuller, it's gonna have a titanium rod so it will withstand 128 kgs of force
  • JFL
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Get a patent ASAP before some subhuman shekel hoarder steals your ideas and ascends.
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Get a patent ASAP before some subhuman shekel hoarder steals your ideas and ascends.
Jewish bastards don't want incels to ascend. This is why they oblige dentists to fuck up faces
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Jewish bastards don't want incels to ascend. This is why they oblige dentists to fuck up faces
What do you mean, Dr. Goldenberg was the best orthodontist you could have, he only charges 10k for putting some wire in your mouth and pulling some of your goyim teeth out that he says you don't need while pulling your maxilla down and back, because who wants to look like an ape with a protruding midface?
  • JFL
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What do you mean, Dr. Goldenberg was the best orthodontist you could have, he only charges 10k for putting some wire in your mouth and pulling some of your goyim teeth out that he says you don't need while pulling your maxilla down and back, because who wants to look like an ape with a protruding midface?
He even referred you to his friend Doc Silverstein for a second opinion, and he agreed as well. Now, it doesn't matter that he made you pay $300 for his 10 minutes consultation.
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  • JFL
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He even referred you to his friend Doc Silverstein for a second opinion, and he agreed as well. Now, it doesn't matter that he made you pay $300 for his 10 minutes consultation.
Good goy, very good
  • JFL
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Bump for my highest iq broyo
I'll follow. Helping other people ascend > Money
Your facepuller aint got shit on my facepuller, it's gonna have a titanium rod so it will withstand 128 kgs of force
Just break your maxilla theory.
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He even referred you to his friend Doc Silverstein for a second opinion, and he agreed as well. Now, it doesn't matter that he made you pay $300 for his 10 minutes consultation.
What do you mean, Dr. Goldenberg was the best orthodontist you could have, he only charges 10k for putting some wire in your mouth and pulling some of your goyim teeth out that he says you don't need while pulling your maxilla down and back, because who wants to look like an ape with a protruding midface?

Dont talk shit about my brothers, goyim
Does facepuller affect the anterior parts of the skull ? (back of airways for example)
Do you have a degree in orthodontics? No? Then don't be an autist and get one before developing "revolutionary tools". This is cringe.
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Do you have a degree in orthodontics? No? Then don't be an autist and get one before developing "revolutionary tools". This is cringe.
Remove the sand from your vagina, it makes you an irritable bitch. If you don't have anything valuable to add, go shitpost in the offtopic section.
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Remove the sand from your vagina, it makes you an irritable bitch. If you don't have anything valuable to add, go shitpost in the offtopic section.
He has a reasonable point, though.
Remove the sand from your vagina, it makes you an irritable bitch. If you don't have anything valuable to add, go shitpost in the offtopic section.
Confirms I was right LMAO
He has a reasonable point, though.
I don't have either time or will to waste years of my life studying unrelated things just to get a paper that attests I'm qualified enough to build a device that is just comprised of a bar in front of your face opposing resistance to the rubber bands in your mouth.

The revolutionary part of the title refers to the mobility part, being able to move the head in every direction without having the device pressed on your forehead like Sandra Kahn's version. Indeed it's more of a matter of engineering than Orthondotia. A bitch like @OCDMaxxing would understand this, but the sand in her vagina is obfuscating her reasoning skills.
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I don't have either time or will to waste years of my life studying unrelated things just to get a paper that attests
Spoken like true low IQ normie. "Hurr, I don't have time for school, Bill Gates dropped out!"

I'm qualified enough to build a device that is just comprised of a bar in front of your face opposing resistance to the rubber bands in your mouth.
You are not, but hey...go ahead and prove me wrong. I want to see how one autist from looksmax forum will be smarter than praofesesional orthos who have spent decades studying this and developing face masks.

This is all very cringe, because you remind me of that Facehacking idiot who didn't even learn the basics of physic when developing hiss dumb ass device and posting it on youtube and every ortho said he is a dumb shit. I think he removed his video of this magical "suggested device" after he understood he knows jack shit about orthodontics.

A bitch like @OCDMaxxing would understand this, but the sand in her vagina is obfuscating her reasoning skills.
Non argument
Spoken like true low IQ normie. "Hurr, I don't have time for school, Bill Gates dropped out!"

You are not, but hey...go ahead and prove me wrong. I want to see how one autist from looksmax forum will be smarter than praofesesional orthos who have spent decades studying this and developing face masks.

This is all very cringe, because you remind me of that Facehacking idiot who didn't even learn the basics of physic when developing hiss dumb ass device and posting it on youtube and every ortho said he is a dumb shit. I think he removed his video of this magical "suggested device" after he understood he knows jack shit about orthodontics.

Non argument
You absolute fucking faggot even Mike Mew praised my project and wants to give me credit -> Stop ridiculing yourself you single-digit IQ handicapped cunt.

As I said eralier, if you have nothing of value to add, go shitpost in the offtopic section, I don't have time to waste on retards of your caliber.
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I want to see how one autist from looksmax forum will be smarter than praofesesional orthos who have spent decades studying this and developing face masks.
How can you trust dentists who practise extractions to shorten the maxilla, braces to stunt facial growth and facemasks to make your chin more recessed?
(the orthodontic reverse pull headgear grows tje maxilla forward, but on the onther hand makes the mandible more recessed)
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Do you have a degree in Computer Science? No? Then don’t be an autist and get one before developing “revolutionary software”. This is cringe.
False equivalence, comparing dicks to apples.

Imagine if someone said that To Bill Gates. :feelstastyman:
Proving my point. Arrogant young idiots here think they will be next Bill Gates LMAO. You won't. He dropped out because he was ALREADY SUCCESSFUL, not because he was too lazy or low IQ to get a degree.

The arrogance of dumb youth is palpable "Hurr I don't need a degree to develop medical appliances".

How on earth do you think you will know more than people who have been developing these for 20+ years? HOW?
Do you even know how to calculate pressure?

Pessimistic and Low IQ amazing combo.
Realistic. I'm optimistic if you actually studied this instead of coming up with dumb shit like that facehaxxxing dude.

Return to ground.
You absolute fucking faggot
None argument (ad hominem), lost credibility there.

Oh, yes, Mike Mew, he absolute authority who got expelled from ortho association (inb4 they live in dark ages and don't want change) and who at some point suggested chiropractic methods of inflating baloons in your nose and claims he has Chad jaw from mewing when in fact he always had it (genetics) and whose results of mewing and only be observed in kids and teens and who himself says in adults this might not even work. HOW CREDIBLE! And I just love all the wonderful cope changes from mewing adult where they try hardest to change angles of jaw and take "After" pics in better light to show the wonderful placebo changes.

Stop ridiculing yourself you single-digit IQ handicapped cunt.
Ok, you lost more credibility here from your additional ad hominemming. Digging your grave I see.

As I said eralier, if you have nothing of value to add, go shitpost in the offtopic section, I don't have time to waste on retards of your caliber.
LMAAO, can't take someone seriously who ad hominems and doesn't have legitimate arguments that his methods work.
How can you trust dentists who practise extractions to shorten the maxilla, braces to stunt facial growth and facemasks to make your chin more recessed?
I don't trust those dentists. Most dentists don't do that anymore and don't suggest extractions. We are not living in 2005 anymore, mate, move on. Most orthos I talked with agree that you shouldn't extract and should practice proper oral posture, but they will not agree that mewing can do anything significant.
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False equivalence, comparing dicks to apples.

Proving my point. Arrogant young idiots here think they will be next Bill Gates LMAO. You won't. He dropped out because he was ALREADY SUCCESSFUL, not because he was too lazy or low IQ to get a degree.

The arrogance of dumb youth is palpable "Hurr I don't need a degree to develop medical appliances".

How on earth do you think you will know more than people who have been developing these for 20+ years? HOW?
Do you even know how to calculate pressure?

Realistic. I'm optimistic if you actually studied this instead of coming up with dumb shit like that facehaxxxing dude.

Return to ground.

None argument (ad hominem), lost credibility there.

Oh, yes, Mike Mew, he absolute authority who got expelled from ortho association (inb4 they live in dark ages and don't want change) and who at some point suggested chiropractic methods of inflating baloons in your nose and claims he has Chad jaw from mewing when in fact he always had it (genetics) and whose results of mewing and only be observed in kids and teens and who himself says in adults this might not even work. HOW CREDIBLE! And I just love all the wonderful cope changes from mewing adult where they try hardest to change angles of jaw and take "After" pics in better light to show the wonderful placebo changes.

Ok, you lost more credibility here from your additional ad hominemming. Digging your grave I see.

LMAAO, can't take someone seriously who ad hominems and doesn't have legitimate arguments that his methods work.

I don't trust those dentists. Most dentists don't do that anymore and don't suggest extractions. We are not living in 2005 anymore, mate, move on. Most orthos I talked with agree that you shouldn't extract and should practice proper oral posture, but they will not agree that mewing can do anything significant.
Nigga, you are the most retarded faggot by far I've had the displeasure to encounter on this site.

If you keep derailing the thread with your senseless rhetoric I'm gonna give you a warning for shitposting in the looksmaxing section, and why the fuck do you keep reporting my replies jfl? Why you're so butthurt that someone is trying to actually do things and improve their situations instead of ldaring.

Nigga, you are the most retarded faggot by far I've had the displeasure to encounter on this site.
Ad hominems are not a legitimate discussion tactic, you are taking away your credibility LMAO. Read this:

If you keep derailing the thread with your senseless rhetoric I'm gonna give you a warning for shitposting in the looksmaxing section, and why the fuck do you keep reporting my replies jfl? Why you're so butthurt that someone is trying to actually do things and improve their situations instead of ldaring.
I'm not. You just claim these things work as a guarantee, but when asked to provide proof you change the subject like a typical normie would do.
I'm not. You just claim these things work as a guarantee, but when asked to provide proof you change the subject like a typical normie would do.
I can see you're really really butthurt because you keep reporting all my responses like the good soy boy that you are. I don't have yet proofs from my personal experience because I'm just at the beginning of my path, I don't even have yet the mse installed.

I have already linked and posted countless times of orthodontic studies confirming what I'm claiming. I'm sick and tired of lazy fuckers like you that want to be spoon-fed. There's a search bar to the top right corner, use it, you can find all the studies you're looking for in my 2.5k messages here.
I can see you're really really butthurt because you keep reporting all my responses like the good soy boy that you are.
This isn't lookism or sluthate, so if you don't know how to converse and debate like an intellectual person, you will get reported for ad use of ad hominems.

I don't have yet proofs from my personal experience because I'm just at the beginning of my path, I don't even have yet the mse installed.
So if you have no proof you can't put this as a claim that this WILL WORK. Many members are under this impression. You claim this WILL fix their maxilla and not, but it has not yet been proven. You are endangering member. And by using ad hominems when a logical rebuttal is necessary you are only putting up more red flags.

I have already linked and posted countless times of orthodontic studies confirming what I'm claiming.
Those studies did not use your device. And you linked to study on chimps.

If this is so effective why are no big orthos using your device yet? You will say:" Cuz they dumb", yeah, some teen on looksmax body dysmoprhia forum will be smarter than collective wisdom of thousands of professionals. Sounds like youth maximalism and arrogance to limit.

Show proof it works, do the scans, do the objective NON-FRAUD pics in same light and head position. Then talk the talk.
So if you have no proof you can't put this as a claim that this WILL WORK. Many members are under this impression. You claim this WILL fix their maxilla and not, but it has not yet been proven. You are endangering member. And by using ad hominems when a logical rebuttal is necessary you are only putting up more red flags.
You are definitely trying to maliciously twist my words.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doctor, I'm not an orthodontist, I'm just a random guy on the internet with a slightly recessed maxilla. You're personally responsible for your choices, actions and results, this guide is for informational purposes only.

In this post I will explain how easy and cheap it is to effectively pull your maxilla forward/upward with a homemade device, obtaining so a more aesthetic facial structure.

Those studies did not use your device. And you linked to study on chimps.
I'm not claiming my method works because I thought about it, I'm claiming it works because it's based on the same identical concept of the studies that had a successful bone displacement in the sagittal plane.
My only variation is that instead of being anchored on the teeth by eventually tipping them. It goes around the alveolar bridge and uses the upper palate as anchor point.


If this is so effective why are no big orthos using your device yet? You will say:" Cuz they dumb", yeah, some teen on looksmax body dysmoprhia forum will be smarter than collective wisdom of thousands of professionals. Sounds like youth maximalism and arrogance to limit.

Show proof it works, do the scans, do the objective NON-FRAUD pics in same light and head position. Then talk the talk.
Because the business of jaw surgeries is a worldwide multi-billion business?! I wonder why should a surgeon renounce to +$10.000 for cutting you up and moving your bones a few measly mm in a couple of hours when you can do it in a non-invasive way without spending thousands.... Just that question alone proves me you have near room temperature IQ.

Here's one of the many studies that you are so lazy to search, proving sagittal maxilla displacement with a facepuller-like device is successful:
Six models of maxillary protraction were developed: conventional facemask (Type A), facemask with dentoskeletal hybrid anchorage (Type B), facemask with a palatal plate (Type C), intraoral traction using a Class III palatal plate (Type D), facemask with a palatal plate combined with rapid maxillary expansion (RME; Type E), and Class III palatal plate intraoral traction with RME (Type F). In Types A, B, C, and D, maxillary protraction alone was performed, whereas in Types E and F, transverse expansion was performed simultaneously with maxillary protraction.
Type C displayed the greatest amount of anterior dentoskeletal displacement in the sagittal plane. Types A and B resulted in similar amounts of anterior displacement of all the maxillofacial landmarks. Type D showed little movement, but Type E with expansion and the palatal plate displayed a larger range of movement of the maxillofacial landmarks in all directions.
The palatal plate served as an effective skeletal anchor for use with the facemask in maxillary protraction. In contrast, the intraoral use of Class III palatal plates showed minimal skeletal and dental effects in maxillary protraction. In addition, palatal expansion with the protraction force showed minimal effect on the forward movement of the maxillary complex.

And you keep mentioning youth here and youth there, my only response to that is OK boomer!
Because the business of jaw surgeries is a worldwide multi-billion business?! I wonder why should a surgeon renounce to +$10.000 for cutting you up and moving your bones a few measly mm in a couple of hours when you can do it in a non-invasive way without spending thousands....
I was not talking about jaw cutting, I was talking about orthos who already make these devices. Don't to full conspiracy mode, there is plenty of money to be made from these devices and they are commonly used. So why are they using different kinds of devices and not your concept?

Just that question alone proves me you have near room temperature IQ.
Ok, more ad hominems, more proof you are wrong.
I was not talking about jaw cutting, I was talking about orthos who already make these devices. Don't to full conspiracy mode, there is plenty of money to be made from these devices and they are commonly used. So why are they using different kinds of devices and not your concept?

Ok, more ad hominems, more proof you are wrong.
You completely disregarded the study I just linked to you. I have nothing more to say, you're a butthurt boomer.
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Do you have a degree in orthodontics? No? Then don't be an autist and get one before developing "revolutionary tools". This is cringe.
Orthodontics is cope. How come every fucking skull they dig out from 10'000 years ago has perfectly aligned teeth.

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