anyone here try CBT therapy?



aesthetic ethnic
Sep 30, 2019
shitty NHS service has a Ludacris waiting list for any real help and I don't want to be going through online group therapy sessions.
I know I have a problem at this point and trying to solve my BDD through excessive looksmaxxing can only take me so far, so I've decided I need to fix myself on the inside before I can fix myself on the outside so I don't make the same aspie neurotic mistakes again...
but I'm going to need to fork over at least £50 an hour of my own money for CBT therapy, has anyone had it done and how did it help?
You can just buy a book on it. You don't need to spend that much money. CBT is basically coping with ur negative thoughts.
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CBT therapy
There is no "CBT therapy". The word therapy is already in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), so it's just CBT.

I think CBT is a good idea. But you could try it yourself. Just do many things that are uncomfortable for you, like asking people on the street weird questions. Maybe have some "safe mechanism", like a "wingman" who is with you or have someone secretly recording your interactions, in which case you can always say "It was just a prank" if they get mad.

I mean, if you do a CBT, you will have to do these things anyway, then why not make it without paying other people.
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