Anyone increased their height in their 20s?



Sep 18, 2020
Hi. Stuck in the 5'9-5'10 range. About 5'11 in high shoes
It's not bad but still sucks. Just curious if there're any exercises to give at least 1 inch or is saving 100K or more for LL for god knows how many years the only option
I'm aware face is important but it's only beneficial to have above average height
I'm hitting mid 20s with ok posture so not sure what's up on top of being early bloomer. Not looking for anything impossible as even 1 inch to take me to 5'10-5'11 barefoot unfrauded would be great. Even if I get LL it will only be 2" femurs anyway
Share your experiences if you succeeded via any measures after 20
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1 inch insoles
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1 inch insoles
Fair enough but I'd rather wear high shoes like Nike only and work on my body instead. Insoles are ok but not the biggest fan due to all the hustle frauding and temporal result
Hi. Stuck in the 5'9-5'10 range. About 5'11 in high shoes
It's not bad but still sucks. Just curious if there're any exercises to give at least 1 inch or is saving 100K or more for LL for god knows how many years the only option
I'm aware face is important but it's only beneficial to have above average height
I'm hitting mid 20s with ok posture so not sure what's up on top of being early bloomer. Not looking for anything impossible as even 1 inch to take me to 5'10-5'11 barefoot unfrauded would be great. Even if I get LL it will only be 2" femurs anyway
Share your experiences if you succeeded via any measures after 20
cope tbh
after 5'11 height doesnt matter much ( theres a lot of researchs that proves this )
just put 2inches lifts and its fine
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I went from 6'1 to 6'2+ in my 20s
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You can keep growing until 25 if you're a late bloomer with high DHT levels. It's likely to happen if you had a beard when you were young for example.

Otherwise I think it's over.
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Yes, and you can do it too.

By standing on a chair or hanging from a rope.

Jfl... LL or death boyo
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Yes, and you can do it too.

By standing on a chair or hanging from a rope.

Jfl... LL or death boyo
I feel like this should be the last "technique" quite literally haha 🤣🤣
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You can keep growing until 25 if you're a late bloomer with high DHT levels. It's likely to happen if you had a beard when you were young for example.

Otherwise I think it's over.
when did dht have anything to do with height
You can keep growing until 25 if you're a late bloomer with high DHT levels. It's likely to happen if you had a beard when you were young for example.

Otherwise I think it's over.
Source? I think it's the opposite. Started bearding srsly at 15, haven't grown a millimeter since then and I'm 22. My bones are well past fused, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't have any trace of growth plates left at this point. At 17 I only had a thin line.
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when did dht have anything to do with height
High DHT is antagonistic to estrogen, which makes the growth plates not shut down early. Hence the possibility of increased height.
Elevator shoes or lifts

No physical wayy to change ur height
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You can keep growing until 25 if you're a late bloomer with high DHT levels. It's likely to happen if you had a beard when you were young for example.

Otherwise I think it's over.
Its the opposite. I was early bloomer. Didnt grow an inch past 14.
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the latest i saw someone get a good increase in height was at 18
Get LL of like 2 to 3 inches, but I don't think u need it at ur height
I grew up till 23 but I had a late puberty
The only thing that gives hope for us manlets is LSJL at this point in time, if it would work like some claimed, maybe you could gain 2cm+. LL past 175cm is not worth it tbh
The only thing that gives hope for us manlets is LSJL at this point in time, if it would work like some claimed, maybe you could gain 2cm+. LL past 175cm is not worth it tbh

I gained near 2cm but it's questionable if it was LSJL + a heightmaxxing stack or if I'm one of those people who grow and develop into their mid 20's. I took a lot of aromatase inhibitors leading up to that timeframe which would help to slow down bone aging too so that would prolong the window to grow. I also improved my fWHR from mewing into my 30's, but my overall facial bone structure has really changed from 21 to now in ways that seem like I'm a late bloomer. So I really don't know if I'm a late bloomer, if the AI use prolonged my window of opportunity, and if that small height gain was a result of the LSJL or trying a heightmaxxing stack that might have only boosted my spine instead of my legs

Hi. Stuck in the 5'9-5'10 range. About 5'11 in high shoes
It's not bad but still sucks. Just curious if there're any exercises to give at least 1 inch or is saving 100K or more for LL for god knows how many years the only option
I'm aware face is important but it's only beneficial to have above average height
I'm hitting mid 20s with ok posture so not sure what's up on top of being early bloomer. Not looking for anything impossible as even 1 inch to take me to 5'10-5'11 barefoot unfrauded would be great. Even if I get LL it will only be 2" femurs anyway
Share your experiences if you succeeded via any measures after 20

Just get shoe lifts if you only want 1". Part of womens height demands has to do with them wearing heels so your height out in public and barefoot with her won't be a big deal

Try being 5'8" possibly the minimum acceptable height and too short to get away with frauding to 6' with lifts
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Hi. Stuck in the 5'9-5'10 range. About 5'11 in high shoes
It's not bad but still sucks. Just curious if there're any exercises to give at least 1 inch or is saving 100K or more for LL for god knows how many years the only option
I'm aware face is important but it's only beneficial to have above average height
I'm hitting mid 20s with ok posture so not sure what's up on top of being early bloomer. Not looking for anything impossible as even 1 inch to take me to 5'10-5'11 barefoot unfrauded would be great. Even if I get LL it will only be 2" femurs anyway
Share your experiences if you succeeded via any measures after 20
I did.
I gained near 2cm but it's questionable if it was LSJL + a heightmaxxing stack or if I'm one of those people who grow and develop into their mid 20's. I took a lot of aromatase inhibitors leading up to that timeframe which would help to slow down bone aging too so that would prolong the window to grow. I also improved my fWHR from mewing into my 30's, but my overall facial bone structure has really changed from 21 to now in ways that seem like I'm a late bloomer. So I really don't know if I'm a late bloomer, if the AI use prolonged my window of opportunity, and if that small height gain was a result of the LSJL or trying a heightmaxxing stack that might have only boosted my spine instead of my legs
For how long did you do LSJL and what was your routine like? And why did you stop or are you still doing it currently?
For how long did you do LSJL and what was your routine like? And why did you stop or are you still doing it currently?

I'm going to make a post about it when I'm done doing research on heightmaxxing. It was years ago so I don't remember exact dosages but it's coming back as I'm researching. I'm going to also relate what I did in comparisson to Strike's stack and what I would do differently now.
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Science says that you can't grow after your growth plates are closed
however I heard to many stories of people saying they grew after a time they got closed
when did dht have anything to do with height
Antagonizes estrogen can confirm i had a beard early but i ama 6’6 grew a bit at 19/20 i am still dht maxxing for broadershoulders
I'm going to make a post about it when I'm done doing research on heightmaxxing. It was years ago so I don't remember exact dosages but it's coming back as I'm researching. I'm going to also relate what I did in comparisson to Strike's stack and what I would do differently now.

Did you do any injectables? (HGH, ghrelin mimetic peptides, etc.)
I gained near 2cm but it's questionable if it was LSJL + a heightmaxxing stack or if I'm one of those people who grow and develop into their mid 20's. I took a lot of aromatase inhibitors leading up to that timeframe which would help to slow down bone aging too so that would prolong the window to grow. I also improved my fWHR from mewing into my 30's, but my overall facial bone structure has really changed from 21 to now in ways that seem like I'm a late bloomer. So I really don't know if I'm a late bloomer, if the AI use prolonged my window of opportunity, and if that small height gain was a result of the LSJL or trying a heightmaxxing stack that might have only boosted my spine instead of my legs

What was your height velocity leading up to that 2cm gain? Did you not grow for over a year beforehand?
And why do so many people prefer leg growth over spinal height growth? It is the most important one IMO since legs are attainable with LL or hypothetically LSJL. For me, if I had to choose I would only boost my spine since I have long legs.
What was your height velocity leading up to that 2cm gain? Did you not grow for over a year beforehand?
And why do so many people prefer leg growth over spinal height growth? It is the most important one IMO since legs are attainable with LL or hypothetically LSJL. For me, if I had to choose I would only boost my spine since I have long legs.

I didn't grow during the LSJL I grew after. I was expecting that the growth might not occur during the LSJL because inhibiting estrogen and VEGF would reduce growth velocity but would also allow the growth plates time to regenerate without prematurely fusing before anything substantial could be gained. I did not inject any peptides either so there was no reason for growth velocity to be significant. Immediately after the LSJL and height stack I took a 4 month DHT cycle with soft GH boosting methods which I expected to be the real moment where any growth would occur. I didn't measure during or right after this it was some time after I found out I was slightly taller. When all of the most active height forums all closed down I just decided to just do something and put height increase behind myself so I decided not to stress myself out measuring constantly.

I only PM'd one person on this forum the stack I used but my memory was off and I was missing some stuff. I'm going to make a post when I re learn this all with new research.

I don't plan to spend 100k on LL surgery just to grow only my tibia or femur only. LSJL I an work on both and get a more balanced growth. LL surgery isn't worth the cost to me. Spinal gains were temporary for everyone who tried.
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I didn't grow during the LSJL I grew after. I was expecting that the growth might not occur during the LSJL because inhibiting estrogen and VEGF would reduce growth velocity but would also allow the growth plates time to regenerate without prematurely fusing before anything substantial could be gained. I did not inject any peptides either so there was no reason for growth velocity to be significant. Immediately after the LSJL and height stack I took a 4 month DHT cycle with soft GH boosting methods which I expected to be the real moment where any growth would occur. I didn't measure during or right after this it was some time after I found out I was slightly taller. When all of the most active height forums all closed down I just decided to just do something and put height increase behind myself so I decided not to stress myself out measuring constantly.

I only PM'd one person on this forum the stack I used but my memory was off and I was missing some stuff. I'm going to make a post when I re learn this all with new research.

I don't plan to spend 100k on LL surgery just to grow only my tibia or femur only. LSJL I an work on both and get a more balanced growth. LL surgery isn't worth the cost to me. Spinal gains were temporary for everyone who tried.
can you explain exactly which LSJL method u did? and which dht cycle, just oxandrolone? Im 19 and have aromasin, hgh, oxandrolone and winstrol available
its very rare im guessing to have a growth spurt at 19-20 but it happens there was a soccer player called alexandrer pato who had a 8 cm growth spurt at 19 so it is possible

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