Anyone on here actually 3PSL or lower?

Deleted member 1089

Deleted member 1089

Luv fightin and beer
Feb 22, 2019
No pics needed, but you can if you want to.
I’m just wondering, I usually feel like a PSL 3 but people tell me I am a 4 so I guess not.
I’m probably a 3 on bad days and in bad lighting though.
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Some people called me PSL 3 on here And others said im above average So here i am wondering
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There are a few below 3 but they're usually self-identified. People that low don't frequently share pictures, and those that are willing to aren't usually actually that low after all.
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Some people called me PSL 3 on here And others said im above average So here i am wondering

You can send me a pic if you want and I’ll tell you my honest opinion
There are a few below 3 but they're usually self-identified. People that low don't frequently share pictures, and those that are willing to aren't usually actually that low after all.

I agree
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im 3 psl
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From the right side profile i am 2.75 psl
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Probably tbh, low set flat cheekbones, facial bloat, high set eyebrows, NCT, feminine nose, downturned mouth, feminine jaw, recessed chin, black eyes, 5’8. I know my bones are shit bc im starving myself and still am shit bloated. My only joy is my friends and drinking so when i turn 21 or get access to unlimited alcohol im roping
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You can send me a pic if you want and I’ll tell you my honest opinion

I agree
Ive posted myself in motion in the rating section. If ur curious find the post
Lol if you're under 3psl
Yes if I ever posted my pic on psl forums I would get ANNIHILATED.
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Im something between 5'9 - 5'10. Im not even human boyo
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Face is your problem at that height, I can assure you.
6'1 is already becoming manlet tier, have you seen foids these days? All of them are like 5'8-5'10, mogging me.
Face is your problem at that height, I can assure you.

I'm an average guy. In everything basically. I'm the standard western guy, but slightly more retarded
6'1 is already becoming manlet tier, have you seen foids these days? All of them are like 5'8-5'10, mogging me.
I was just walking around a college campus and heightmogged a lot of guys at 5'9" and virtually every female (especially w/o their frauding heels/boots). To be fair, this is in the US which is a short country by Western standards.
I was just walking around a college campus and heightmogged a lot of guys at 5'9" and virtually every female (especially w/o their frauding heels/boots). To be fair, this is in the US which is a short country by Western standards.
I live in Chadifornia, sweaty.
I live in Chadifornia, sweaty.
You are vastly exaggerating the average height of Californians then. Not every girl is 5'8-5'10 lmao. You're just only focusing on the people your height or taller, all the short Mexicans, Middle Easterners and Asians are invisible to you.
Not every girl is 5'8-5'10 lmao.
Almost all of them are
You're just only focusing on the people your height or taller
short Mexicans
Middle Easterners
Not common but all of them were taller than me, my bully who threatened to kill me was some guy named Muhammad or Mohammed or whatever who at 13 was like 6'3
and Asians
They are either my height, a bit shorter, or taller. A lot of them are taller.
Almost all of them are



Not common but all of them were taller than me, my bully who threatened to kill me was some guy named Muhammad or Mohammed or whatever who at 13 was like 6'3

They are either my height, a bit shorter, or taller. A lot of them are taller.
I guess there was a eugenics program implemented since I was there in 2017...
I'm not in those counties, I'm like 3 hours away. Of course my experience would be different.
It couldn't be that much different... but perhaps you live in a rural area / smaller city with more white people than LA
2 PSL checking in
@Tony rated me like 2.1 psl
@dodt is sub1 PSL according to his BDD evaluation of himself
psl 3.25
post a psl 3 for reference tbh
High T 2.5psl slayer checking in
facially my front and 3/4 mog my subhuman side by like 3 psl points
Side is subhuman bc of shit maxilla and facial bloat, 3/4 is slayer tier on a good fay and front is ????
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I am. Others have rated me also that confirm my truecel status. I'm 2 out of 10 according to my own rating, though.
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