Approach more than 80 women and still got no slay


Deleted member 23558

God make my neurotransmitters great inc
Nov 3, 2022
Gonna run through the main points of the 3 nights out I went on, did many many approaches so can’t remember all of them so I will pick out the most important/key ones

Night 1:
-Warmed up by having 2 or 3 beers at mine then heading out to the pub
-In the pub I was at I approached a few guys in a plutonic manner just to warm me up talking to strangers
-After I felt suitably socially lubricated and had finished my beer we hit the club
-We entered the club and approached a pair of 18 year olds who were kinda cute- probably upper MTB , they were somewhat receptive but didnt seem like they wanted to dance or anything so I left them after a while and headed to the bar.
-Think I did a couple more approaches while waiting around the bar but none led to much
-Approached one group of girls with my friend who were standing in a line of about 4, he starts talking to one and then one of the others beckons me other and says hey, then I walk up to her say hi back and she says ‘you look gorgeous like a model’, I was very taken back and validated by this comment.
-Tried to get this girl away from her group then and started making out with her a lot, she was an alt girl probably low HTB- she asked my age and I warped 23 but am 26, she was surprised and said I had a babyfaced and looked 19-, which was also her age- she probs couldn’t see my slight skin fail in the club lighting.
-I asked if me being 23 was a problem and she said no and that she preferred me to be older than her.
-I made out with her for another 10-15 mins or so then she said her friends wanted to go outside for a ciggarrete so I joined them.
-Went to smokers with this girl and she had a subhuman 2/10 land whale friend who immediately began talking to me and basically interrogating me, she asked my age and I said 23- then she starts going ‘wtf what are you doing in *the club we were in* at 23’ and starts laughing etc- then asks me a few more questions etc - I could tell the land whale didn’t approve of me getting with her friend.
-The alt HTB I had been making out with started to show some disinterested body language after her land whale friend ridiculed me for my age and even slowly moved away from me and sat down by herself- seems its not enough for a girl to be attracted to you - you also must get the approval of all her cunt mates, at this point I realise its basically over with this girl so I say I have to go and find my friend and leave- didn’t see this girl again all night.
-So at this point I’ve got mixed feelings, was veery validated by the initial approach/IOI but frustrated it didn’t go further - I returned to the dance floor had another drink and entered sheer low inhibit mass approach mode, did a bunch of approaches where I was rejected, made-out with a couple of LTBs but I get bored quickly if they’re not high enough looks level so I just ditch them after a couple mins kissing. Got rejected a few more times, made out with a MTB curry.
-Then after a few more rejection s another HTB gives me a pretty obvious IOI and I start talking to her which I quickly escalate to her grinding on me and making out. This girl has just turned 18 and asks my age- I decide to larp 22 this time as the 23 age I warped before seemed a fail somewhat. I asked if that age was a problem and she says no the last guy I was with was 24 and im not into guys my own age teehehehe (lifefuel for oldcels).
-This girl was a bit more attractive than the other girls I made out with this night so I decided to commit to staying with her and her friend group in the hope of converting the slay.
-Final stats for the night were 25 approaches and 6 makeouts from those
-After about an hour she starts rounding up her friends to leave and is sitting on my lap outside and were making out some more
-There was also a scuffle outside the club between some oldcels , with 2 oldcels attacking another oldcels who had supposedly been gropemmaxxing and I intervened to protect the gropemaxxer from getting beaten.
-Get in the cab back to her place for after party , we hop in the backseat and start making out a lot and I try and slip my hands in her pants to finger her
-Get back to her place and its like 20 people at first but most of them fuck off quite quickly
-Then there’s just 6 of us and there’s two other guys who also pulled girls, all of them are sitting in her room and im hoping they’ll leave so I can be alone with my girl and get a slay.
-Was briefly alone in the kitchen with the girl I pulled but then she says nothing gonna happen tonight because she has a UTI supposedly
-One of the other ‘couples’ who was there go to the kitchen and end up slaying.
-Its 5:30am but I stay longer hoping persistence game will pay off and ill eventually get a blowjob or something, were laying in her bed cuddling and making out but there’s still others there who won’t fuck off and leave us alone
-At one point she says to me can I film a video of us making out and send it to my ex which I say yeah ok and she snaps a video to her ex who was saved as ‘cunt’ in her phone, then snaps pics of her kissing me to a few other guys.
-She also started showing me her nudes on her phone and her body was insane which felt like a giga cock tease considering she wouldn’t let me fuck her.
-Still there’s people in the room who won’t fuck off and are doing drugs etc so we never get left alone together.
-I stay until like 8:30am and there’s still people partying in the room etc and at this point I figure no slay is happening so I just give up and tell my girl im heading back and she should come over to my place tomorrow for pre drinks and bring her friends etc which she says she will do
-I texted her the next day but she said she was on a comedown and didn’t wanna come out
-I left my jacket and ID at hers she will have found out about my age lap, later in the week I tried to message her some more but she ghosted me- maybe due to my age warping
-The after party we ended up at was giga far from my house- hadn’t realised how far wed gone in the cab until I attempted to return in the morning at 9am, had to get the train back.

Night 2:
-Morale wasn’t quite as high this night after my near miss the previous night and it wasn’t until nearly 10pm we started drinking- we had slept in until 6pm that day.
-Deciced to return straight to club we were at last night
-This was a Friday so while the previous night had been mostly students (a Thursday) this night was a different vibe and the gender ratio didn’t seem as good.
-I began approaching at the bar, after about 4 or 5 rejections a LTB gave me and IOI and I decide to just takeout with her briefly for a confidence boost as my initial approaches that night tanked.
-A few more approaches and just rejections I see a HTB and MTB dancing together and I go to approach the HTB but then the MTB gives me and IOI and starts grinding on me straight away.
-I makeup with this girl for quite some time
-She was grinding on me saying I was we could fuck right now etc and grabbing my cock, she said we couldn’t fuck tonight because she was staying with her friend but shed meet me tomorrow.
-It got giga sexual we kept blowing our vapes into each others mouths and I was sticking my fingers in her mouth while making out.
-I swapped socials with her and she snapped me saying she can’t wait to fuck me tomorrow etc but then I messaged her the next day and she said she wasn’t gonna come out and was gonna spend time with her family instead.
-Did a handful more approaches, not much more notable happened but made out with one more LTB, ended the night 16 approaches for 3 makeouts.
-Probably the worst night of the 3

Night 3:
-Pre drinking with bottle of vodka this night, alcohol tolerance had built up over the 3 days but this was still the drunkest id felt on any of the nights.
-I messaged abut 100 tinder girls throughout the day trying to see if any decent ones would meet us for pre drinks or something but no luck
-Got to the club and my friend had brought an expired ID about by accident which was annoying so we had to return to mine to get his passport, this was pretty long so we got another 200ml vodka from the shop for the walk there and back and got even drunker
-When we finally entered the club I began ruthlessly approaching, saw a LTB give me an obvious IOI early on so made out with her for a minute for a little boost then moved onto to approaching the ‘bigger fish’ so to speak.
-Began on a pretty poor streak of luck, think I did about 10 approaches in a row all rejections before I made out with a high MTB.
-Went to the big upstairs room and made out with a few more MTB, then made out with a really good HTB/staceylite (rated by low trust for verfiation), got her instagram as a ‘trophy’ so to speak but she left after like 15 mins of us making out and dancing, maybe I could’ve tried pushing for her to stay but doubt it wouldve worked anyway. This was easily the prettiest girl I kissed this weekend.
-Felt very confident after this think I hit a few more rejections before I made out with another HTB and she was dancing giga sexually with me and I had high hopes I might be able to go home with her, especially since she only had one mate with her rather than a whole group of cunts who would undoubtley shit test the hell out of me.
-She said she needed to go to the toilet and to wait where I was.
-She came back after 5 mins or so and I approached her again and she basically ignored me and then started sniggeringh and laughing to her friend saying oh this is my girlfriend hehehehe.
-Left the club with stats of 35 approaches 7 takeouts.
-Did a few more approaches but nothing came of it so we left the club.
-Was about 430am by this point but we were in the city centre so there was still a reasonable amount of footfall around the main nightlife area.
-I did a couple of approaches just on the streets, was feeling very low inhib at this point, went up to one pair of girls and straight up asked one of them to kiss me and she laughed and said no but ill give you my instagram then she just wondered off cant really remember why.
-Tried the same approach asking for a kiss on another pair of girls and got shutdown.
-Did an approach outside McDonalds on a girl who was sitting by herself and she said she recognised me from hinge and we had already swapped instagrams from the app at some point.
-I chatted to her for a good 10-15 minutes and had decent banter with her and got her number, she replied to my first message the next day but ghosted me after that which was disappointing as I felt id been very NT in this interaction and invested quite heavily in it and actually chatted and flirted a lot rather than the usual nightclub instant makeout etc.
-After this we went we did a couple more approaches but nothing of note happened.

-Overally feel I got pretty close to slaying and got tons of makeouts but even at my lookslevel the effort:reward ratio of nightlife doesn’t feel worth it that much compared to online dating or social circle or potentially daytime (stay tuned for 100 daytime approaches thread)

-Went out 3 nights in a row a did a bunch of approaches, some were totally cold (most of them) and some I receieved obvious IOIs.
-Kissed loads of girls including some pretty hot ones
-Didnt manage to slay any of them and most of the girls who I swapped snaps/instas/numebrs with ghosted me shortly after (not much different to online dating).
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Zelenskyiv, Rimaxtis, lightskinmaxxer and 19 others
  • JFL
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: EverythingMattersCel, flippasav, fuckedupmanlet and 19 others
What do you have no face subhuman, I have bashed guys in my school with ease you projecting pre-pubescent crap weasel. I literally have thrashed a whole class room and wrecked it in a few minutes you pathetic weakling scumbag. I literally made a guy go back to his home half naked you weakling abomination.
  • JFL
Reactions: Growth Plate, Deleted member 30959, nigkook and 2 others
read every last word

IMG 2276
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, nigkook and Deleted member 23558
What do you have no face subhuman, I have bashed guys in my school with ease you projecting pre-pubescent crap weasel. I literally have thrashed a whole class room and wrecked it in a few minutes you pathetic weakling scumbag. I literally made a guy go back to his home half naked you weakling abomination.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Growth Plate, anthony111553, fuckedupmanlet and 11 others
The amount of alcohol it sounds like you're consuming makes it unsustainable. Condition yourself to approach while tipsy or even sober, not full blown drunk.
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, rileyma10, nigkook and 4 others
you are 26 approaching 18 year olds and lying about your age you are so weird
  • Ugh..
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, zeshama, Epola and 7 others
you are 26 approaching 18 year olds and lying about your age you are so weird
We all want to bang 18 year olds.20 year old men, 30 year old men, 50 year old men, 90 year old men. That's life.
  • +1
Reactions: Growth Plate, fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv and 22 others
We all want to bang 18 year olds.20 year old men, 30 year old men, 50 year old men, 90 year old men. That's life.
i disagree, yeah if you sit on incel forums all day you might get that impression but it just isnt true for all men.

even if we say that what you are saying is true, it doesnt make it not weird and predatory to lie about your age and prey on girls 8 years younger than you.

literally repulsive subhuman behaviour
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, zeshama and 11 others
i disagree, yeah if you sit on incel forums all day you might get that impression but it just isnt true for all men.

even if we say that what you are saying is true, it doesnt make it not weird and predatory to lie about your age and prey on girls 8 years younger than you.

literally repulsive subhuman behaviour
Na they are 18 and 8 years age difference is nothing.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, zeshama and 7 others
Gonna run through the main points of the 3 nights out I went on, did many many approaches so can’t remember all of them so I will pick out the most important/key ones

Night 1:
-Warmed up by having 2 or 3 beers at mine then heading out to the pub
-In the pub I was at I approached a few guys in a plutonic manner just to warm me up talking to strangers
-After I felt suitably socially lubricated and had finished my beer we hit the club
-We entered the club and approached a pair of 18 year olds who were kinda cute- probably upper MTB , they were somewhat receptive but didnt seem like they wanted to dance or anything so I left them after a while and headed to the bar.
-Think I did a couple more approaches while waiting around the bar but none led to much
-Approached one group of girls with my friend who were standing in a line of about 4, he starts talking to one and then one of the others beckons me other and says hey, then I walk up to her say hi back and she says ‘you look gorgeous like a model’, I was very taken back and validated by this comment.
-Tried to get this girl away from her group then and started making out with her a lot, she was an alt girl probably low HTB- she asked my age and I warped 23 but am 26, she was surprised and said I had a babyfaced and looked 19-, which was also her age- she probs couldn’t see my slight skin fail in the club lighting.
-I asked if me being 23 was a problem and she said no and that she preferred me to be older than her.
-I made out with her for another 10-15 mins or so then she said her friends wanted to go outside for a ciggarrete so I joined them.
-Went to smokers with this girl and she had a subhuman 2/10 land whale friend who immediately began talking to me and basically interrogating me, she asked my age and I said 23- then she starts going ‘wtf what are you doing in *the club we were in* at 23’ and starts laughing etc- then asks me a few more questions etc - I could tell the land whale didn’t approve of me getting with her friend.
-The alt HTB I had been making out with started to show some disinterested body language after her land whale friend ridiculed me for my age and even slowly moved away from me and sat down by herself- seems its not enough for a girl to be attracted to you - you also must get the approval of all her cunt mates, at this point I realise its basically over with this girl so I say I have to go and find my friend and leave- didn’t see this girl again all night.
-So at this point I’ve got mixed feelings, was veery validated by the initial approach/IOI but frustrated it didn’t go further - I returned to the dance floor had another drink and entered sheer low inhibit mass approach mode, did a bunch of approaches where I was rejected, made-out with a couple of LTBs but I get bored quickly if they’re not high enough looks level so I just ditch them after a couple mins kissing. Got rejected a few more times, made out with a MTB curry.
-Then after a few more rejection s another HTB gives me a pretty obvious IOI and I start talking to her which I quickly escalate to her grinding on me and making out. This girl has just turned 18 and asks my age- I decide to larp 22 this time as the 23 age I warped before seemed a fail somewhat. I asked if that age was a problem and she says no the last guy I was with was 24 and im not into guys my own age teehehehe (lifefuel for oldcels).
-This girl was a bit more attractive than the other girls I made out with this night so I decided to commit to staying with her and her friend group in the hope of converting the slay.
-Final stats for the night were 25 approaches and 6 makeouts from those
-After about an hour she starts rounding up her friends to leave and is sitting on my lap outside and were making out some more
-There was also a scuffle outside the club between some oldcels , with 2 oldcels attacking another oldcels who had supposedly been gropemmaxxing and I intervened to protect the gropemaxxer from getting beaten.
-Get in the cab back to her place for after party , we hop in the backseat and start making out a lot and I try and slip my hands in her pants to finger her
-Get back to her place and its like 20 people at first but most of them fuck off quite quickly
-Then there’s just 6 of us and there’s two other guys who also pulled girls, all of them are sitting in her room and im hoping they’ll leave so I can be alone with my girl and get a slay.
-Was briefly alone in the kitchen with the girl I pulled but then she says nothing gonna happen tonight because she has a UTI supposedly
-One of the other ‘couples’ who was there go to the kitchen and end up slaying.
-Its 5:30am but I stay longer hoping persistence game will pay off and ill eventually get a blowjob or something, were laying in her bed cuddling and making out but there’s still others there who won’t fuck off and leave us alone
-At one point she says to me can I film a video of us making out and send it to my ex which I say yeah ok and she snaps a video to her ex who was saved as ‘cunt’ in her phone, then snaps pics of her kissing me to a few other guys.
-She also started showing me her nudes on her phone and her body was insane which felt like a giga cock tease considering she wouldn’t let me fuck her.
-Still there’s people in the room who won’t fuck off and are doing drugs etc so we never get left alone together.
-I stay until like 8:30am and there’s still people partying in the room etc and at this point I figure no slay is happening so I just give up and tell my girl im heading back and she should come over to my place tomorrow for pre drinks and bring her friends etc which she says she will do
-I texted her the next day but she said she was on a comedown and didn’t wanna come out
-I left my jacket and ID at hers she will have found out about my age lap, later in the week I tried to message her some more but she ghosted me- maybe due to my age warping
-The after party we ended up at was giga far from my house- hadn’t realised how far wed gone in the cab until I attempted to return in the morning at 9am, had to get the train back.

Night 2:
-Morale wasn’t quite as high this night after my near miss the previous night and it wasn’t until nearly 10pm we started drinking- we had slept in until 6pm that day.
-Deciced to return straight to club we were at last night
-This was a Friday so while the previous night had been mostly students (a Thursday) this night was a different vibe and the gender ratio didn’t seem as good.
-I began approaching at the bar, after about 4 or 5 rejections a LTB gave me and IOI and I decide to just takeout with her briefly for a confidence boost as my initial approaches that night tanked.
-A few more approaches and just rejections I see a HTB and MTB dancing together and I go to approach the HTB but then the MTB gives me and IOI and starts grinding on me straight away.
-I makeup with this girl for quite some time
-She was grinding on me saying I was we could fuck right now etc and grabbing my cock, she said we couldn’t fuck tonight because she was staying with her friend but shed meet me tomorrow.
-It got giga sexual we kept blowing our vapes into each others mouths and I was sticking my fingers in her mouth while making out.
-I swapped socials with her and she snapped me saying she can’t wait to fuck me tomorrow etc but then I messaged her the next day and she said she wasn’t gonna come out and was gonna spend time with her family instead.
-Did a handful more approaches, not much more notable happened but made out with one more LTB, ended the night 16 approaches for 3 makeouts.
-Probably the worst night of the 3

Night 3:
-Pre drinking with bottle of vodka this night, alcohol tolerance had built up over the 3 days but this was still the drunkest id felt on any of the nights.
-I messaged abut 100 tinder girls throughout the day trying to see if any decent ones would meet us for pre drinks or something but no luck
-Got to the club and my friend had brought an expired ID about by accident which was annoying so we had to return to mine to get his passport, this was pretty long so we got another 200ml vodka from the shop for the walk there and back and got even drunker
-When we finally entered the club I began ruthlessly approaching, saw a LTB give me an obvious IOI early on so made out with her for a minute for a little boost then moved onto to approaching the ‘bigger fish’ so to speak.
-Began on a pretty poor streak of luck, think I did about 10 approaches in a row all rejections before I made out with a high MTB.
-Went to the big upstairs room and made out with a few more MTB, then made out with a really good HTB/staceylite (rated by low trust for verfiation), got her instagram as a ‘trophy’ so to speak but she left after like 15 mins of us making out and dancing, maybe I could’ve tried pushing for her to stay but doubt it wouldve worked anyway. This was easily the prettiest girl I kissed this weekend.
-Felt very confident after this think I hit a few more rejections before I made out with another HTB and she was dancing giga sexually with me and I had high hopes I might be able to go home with her, especially since she only had one mate with her rather than a whole group of cunts who would undoubtley shit test the hell out of me.
-She said she needed to go to the toilet and to wait where I was.
-She came back after 5 mins or so and I approached her again and she basically ignored me and then started sniggeringh and laughing to her friend saying oh this is my girlfriend hehehehe.
-Left the club with stats of 35 approaches 7 takeouts.
-Did a few more approaches but nothing came of it so we left the club.
-Was about 430am by this point but we were in the city centre so there was still a reasonable amount of footfall around the main nightlife area.
-I did a couple of approaches just on the streets, was feeling very low inhib at this point, went up to one pair of girls and straight up asked one of them to kiss me and she laughed and said no but ill give you my instagram then she just wondered off cant really remember why.
-Tried the same approach asking for a kiss on another pair of girls and got shutdown.
-Did an approach outside McDonalds on a girl who was sitting by herself and she said she recognised me from hinge and we had already swapped instagrams from the app at some point.
-I chatted to her for a good 10-15 minutes and had decent banter with her and got her number, she replied to my first message the next day but ghosted me after that which was disappointing as I felt id been very NT in this interaction and invested quite heavily in it and actually chatted and flirted a lot rather than the usual nightclub instant makeout etc.
-After this we went we did a couple more approaches but nothing of note happened.

-Overally feel I got pretty close to slaying and got tons of makeouts but even at my lookslevel the effort:reward ratio of nightlife doesn’t feel worth it that much compared to online dating or social circle or potentially daytime (stay tuned for 100 daytime approaches thread)

-Went out 3 nights in a row a did a bunch of approaches, some were totally cold (most of them) and some I receieved obvious IOIs.
-Kissed loads of girls including some pretty hot ones
-Didnt manage to slay any of them and most of the girls who I swapped snaps/instas/numebrs with ghosted me shortly after (not much different to online dating).
not reading allat
  • +1
Reactions: Epola and Deleted member 56599
I thought you live in India. They dont have western culture here?
i disagree, yeah if you sit on incel forums all day you might get that impression but it just isnt true for all men.

even if we say that what you are saying is true, it doesnt make it not weird and predatory to lie about your age and prey on girls 8 years younger than you.

literally repulsive subhuman behaviour
go back to reddit faggot
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, TheBiggestIncelEver and 11 others
go back to reddit faggot
hate reddit much more than this forum, defending a predator your life is over.

2024 join date and you're saying this how easily impressionable are you?
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel and looksmac
hate reddit much more than this forum, defending a predator your life is over.

2024 join date and you're saying this how easily impressionable are you?
fucking 18 year olds is predator

you are mentally handicapped fag kys

no person ever would care about an older woman fucking 18 year old men, you are a whiteknight cuck
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, zeshama and 14 others
fucking 18 year olds is predator

you are mentally handicapped fag kys

no person ever would care about an older woman fucking 18 year old men, you are a whiteknight cuck
yeah if you're 26 LYING about your age to an 18 year old that is predatory:ROFLMAO: yes how are you disagreeing, he wouldn't feel the need to lie about his age if it wasn't an issue

you are easily impressionable you cant generate unique thoughts

they do actually plenty of people do including myself:lul: im an 18 year old male i think a 26 year old woman lying about her age and pursuing 18 year old men is predatory its highschool age
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet and looksmac
yeah if you're 26 LYING about your age to an 18 year old that is predatory:ROFLMAO: yes how are you disagreeing, he wouldn't feel the need to lie about his age if it wasn't an issue

you are easily impressionable you cant generate unique thoughts

they do actually plenty of people do including myself:lul: im an 18 year old male i think a 26 year old woman lying about her age and pursuing 18 year old men is predatory its highschool age
keep seething white knight

no difference between 23 and 26 anyways really jfl
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, zeshama and 9 others
i disagree, yeah if you sit on incel forums all day you might get that impression but it just isnt true for all men.

even if we say that what you are saying is true, it doesnt make it not weird and predatory to lie about your age and prey on girls 8 years younger than you.

literally repulsive subhuman behaviour
You're a foid 100%
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, zeshama and 9 others
yeah if you're 26 LYING about your age to an 18 year old that is predatory:ROFLMAO: yes how are you disagreeing, he wouldn't feel the need to lie about his age if it wasn't an issue

you are easily impressionable you cant generate unique thoughts

they do actually plenty of people do including myself:lul: im an 18 year old male i think a 26 year old woman lying about her age and pursuing 18 year old men is predatory its highschool age
All men wants to bang tight 18 years olds it's what nature intended to happen, if you don't you must have a combination of low t and fucked up dopamine receptors
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, zeshama and 5 others
All men wants to bang tight 18 years olds it's what nature intended to happen, if you don't you must have a combination of low t and fucked up dopamine receptors
im 18 of course i want 18 year old girls

just go for people your age that is what nature intended to happen
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, rileyma10, TsarTsar444 and 4 others
im 18 of course i want 18 year old girls

just go for people your age that is what nature intended to happen
Nature intended men to impregnate the most fertile females meaning teens and early 20's
  • +1
Reactions: anthony111553, fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv and 8 others
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, zeshama, greycel and 3 others
im an 18 year old male
Calm down son, your time will come, you'll get young girls too when you are our age. Us oldcels aren't taking all the girls.
  • +1
Reactions: zeshama and Deleted member 15778
dnrd, larp from mental asylum above the sewers of Mumbai
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, bloomercel and Deleted member 65825
India has pubs?! Astonishing ngl
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Zelenskyiv and the_nextDavidLaid
Typical cutecel problems
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, appeal, Mr Test and 1 other person
  • JFL
Reactions: laaltin
Gonna run through the main points of the 3 nights out I went on, did many many approaches so can’t remember all of them so I will pick out the most important/key ones

Night 1:
-Warmed up by having 2 or 3 beers at mine then heading out to the pub
-In the pub I was at I approached a few guys in a plutonic manner just to warm me up talking to strangers
-After I felt suitably socially lubricated and had finished my beer we hit the club
-We entered the club and approached a pair of 18 year olds who were kinda cute- probably upper MTB , they were somewhat receptive but didnt seem like they wanted to dance or anything so I left them after a while and headed to the bar.
-Think I did a couple more approaches while waiting around the bar but none led to much
-Approached one group of girls with my friend who were standing in a line of about 4, he starts talking to one and then one of the others beckons me other and says hey, then I walk up to her say hi back and she says ‘you look gorgeous like a model’, I was very taken back and validated by this comment.
-Tried to get this girl away from her group then and started making out with her a lot, she was an alt girl probably low HTB- she asked my age and I warped 23 but am 26, she was surprised and said I had a babyfaced and looked 19-, which was also her age- she probs couldn’t see my slight skin fail in the club lighting.
-I asked if me being 23 was a problem and she said no and that she preferred me to be older than her.
-I made out with her for another 10-15 mins or so then she said her friends wanted to go outside for a ciggarrete so I joined them.
-Went to smokers with this girl and she had a subhuman 2/10 land whale friend who immediately began talking to me and basically interrogating me, she asked my age and I said 23- then she starts going ‘wtf what are you doing in *the club we were in* at 23’ and starts laughing etc- then asks me a few more questions etc - I could tell the land whale didn’t approve of me getting with her friend.
-The alt HTB I had been making out with started to show some disinterested body language after her land whale friend ridiculed me for my age and even slowly moved away from me and sat down by herself- seems its not enough for a girl to be attracted to you - you also must get the approval of all her cunt mates, at this point I realise its basically over with this girl so I say I have to go and find my friend and leave- didn’t see this girl again all night.
-So at this point I’ve got mixed feelings, was veery validated by the initial approach/IOI but frustrated it didn’t go further - I returned to the dance floor had another drink and entered sheer low inhibit mass approach mode, did a bunch of approaches where I was rejected, made-out with a couple of LTBs but I get bored quickly if they’re not high enough looks level so I just ditch them after a couple mins kissing. Got rejected a few more times, made out with a MTB curry.
-Then after a few more rejection s another HTB gives me a pretty obvious IOI and I start talking to her which I quickly escalate to her grinding on me and making out. This girl has just turned 18 and asks my age- I decide to larp 22 this time as the 23 age I warped before seemed a fail somewhat. I asked if that age was a problem and she says no the last guy I was with was 24 and im not into guys my own age teehehehe (lifefuel for oldcels).
-This girl was a bit more attractive than the other girls I made out with this night so I decided to commit to staying with her and her friend group in the hope of converting the slay.
-Final stats for the night were 25 approaches and 6 makeouts from those
-After about an hour she starts rounding up her friends to leave and is sitting on my lap outside and were making out some more
-There was also a scuffle outside the club between some oldcels , with 2 oldcels attacking another oldcels who had supposedly been gropemmaxxing and I intervened to protect the gropemaxxer from getting beaten.
-Get in the cab back to her place for after party , we hop in the backseat and start making out a lot and I try and slip my hands in her pants to finger her
-Get back to her place and its like 20 people at first but most of them fuck off quite quickly
-Then there’s just 6 of us and there’s two other guys who also pulled girls, all of them are sitting in her room and im hoping they’ll leave so I can be alone with my girl and get a slay.
-Was briefly alone in the kitchen with the girl I pulled but then she says nothing gonna happen tonight because she has a UTI supposedly
-One of the other ‘couples’ who was there go to the kitchen and end up slaying.
-Its 5:30am but I stay longer hoping persistence game will pay off and ill eventually get a blowjob or something, were laying in her bed cuddling and making out but there’s still others there who won’t fuck off and leave us alone
-At one point she says to me can I film a video of us making out and send it to my ex which I say yeah ok and she snaps a video to her ex who was saved as ‘cunt’ in her phone, then snaps pics of her kissing me to a few other guys.
-She also started showing me her nudes on her phone and her body was insane which felt like a giga cock tease considering she wouldn’t let me fuck her.
-Still there’s people in the room who won’t fuck off and are doing drugs etc so we never get left alone together.
-I stay until like 8:30am and there’s still people partying in the room etc and at this point I figure no slay is happening so I just give up and tell my girl im heading back and she should come over to my place tomorrow for pre drinks and bring her friends etc which she says she will do
-I texted her the next day but she said she was on a comedown and didn’t wanna come out
-I left my jacket and ID at hers she will have found out about my age lap, later in the week I tried to message her some more but she ghosted me- maybe due to my age warping
-The after party we ended up at was giga far from my house- hadn’t realised how far wed gone in the cab until I attempted to return in the morning at 9am, had to get the train back.

Night 2:
-Morale wasn’t quite as high this night after my near miss the previous night and it wasn’t until nearly 10pm we started drinking- we had slept in until 6pm that day.
-Deciced to return straight to club we were at last night
-This was a Friday so while the previous night had been mostly students (a Thursday) this night was a different vibe and the gender ratio didn’t seem as good.
-I began approaching at the bar, after about 4 or 5 rejections a LTB gave me and IOI and I decide to just takeout with her briefly for a confidence boost as my initial approaches that night tanked.
-A few more approaches and just rejections I see a HTB and MTB dancing together and I go to approach the HTB but then the MTB gives me and IOI and starts grinding on me straight away.
-I makeup with this girl for quite some time
-She was grinding on me saying I was we could fuck right now etc and grabbing my cock, she said we couldn’t fuck tonight because she was staying with her friend but shed meet me tomorrow.
-It got giga sexual we kept blowing our vapes into each others mouths and I was sticking my fingers in her mouth while making out.
-I swapped socials with her and she snapped me saying she can’t wait to fuck me tomorrow etc but then I messaged her the next day and she said she wasn’t gonna come out and was gonna spend time with her family instead.
-Did a handful more approaches, not much more notable happened but made out with one more LTB, ended the night 16 approaches for 3 makeouts.
-Probably the worst night of the 3

Night 3:
-Pre drinking with bottle of vodka this night, alcohol tolerance had built up over the 3 days but this was still the drunkest id felt on any of the nights.
-I messaged abut 100 tinder girls throughout the day trying to see if any decent ones would meet us for pre drinks or something but no luck
-Got to the club and my friend had brought an expired ID about by accident which was annoying so we had to return to mine to get his passport, this was pretty long so we got another 200ml vodka from the shop for the walk there and back and got even drunker
-When we finally entered the club I began ruthlessly approaching, saw a LTB give me an obvious IOI early on so made out with her for a minute for a little boost then moved onto to approaching the ‘bigger fish’ so to speak.
-Began on a pretty poor streak of luck, think I did about 10 approaches in a row all rejections before I made out with a high MTB.
-Went to the big upstairs room and made out with a few more MTB, then made out with a really good HTB/staceylite (rated by low trust for verfiation), got her instagram as a ‘trophy’ so to speak but she left after like 15 mins of us making out and dancing, maybe I could’ve tried pushing for her to stay but doubt it wouldve worked anyway. This was easily the prettiest girl I kissed this weekend.
-Felt very confident after this think I hit a few more rejections before I made out with another HTB and she was dancing giga sexually with me and I had high hopes I might be able to go home with her, especially since she only had one mate with her rather than a whole group of cunts who would undoubtley shit test the hell out of me.
-She said she needed to go to the toilet and to wait where I was.
-She came back after 5 mins or so and I approached her again and she basically ignored me and then started sniggeringh and laughing to her friend saying oh this is my girlfriend hehehehe.
-Left the club with stats of 35 approaches 7 takeouts.
-Did a few more approaches but nothing came of it so we left the club.
-Was about 430am by this point but we were in the city centre so there was still a reasonable amount of footfall around the main nightlife area.
-I did a couple of approaches just on the streets, was feeling very low inhib at this point, went up to one pair of girls and straight up asked one of them to kiss me and she laughed and said no but ill give you my instagram then she just wondered off cant really remember why.
-Tried the same approach asking for a kiss on another pair of girls and got shutdown.
-Did an approach outside McDonalds on a girl who was sitting by herself and she said she recognised me from hinge and we had already swapped instagrams from the app at some point.
-I chatted to her for a good 10-15 minutes and had decent banter with her and got her number, she replied to my first message the next day but ghosted me after that which was disappointing as I felt id been very NT in this interaction and invested quite heavily in it and actually chatted and flirted a lot rather than the usual nightclub instant makeout etc.
-After this we went we did a couple more approaches but nothing of note happened.

-Overally feel I got pretty close to slaying and got tons of makeouts but even at my lookslevel the effort:reward ratio of nightlife doesn’t feel worth it that much compared to online dating or social circle or potentially daytime (stay tuned for 100 daytime approaches thread)

-Went out 3 nights in a row a did a bunch of approaches, some were totally cold (most of them) and some I receieved obvious IOIs.
-Kissed loads of girls including some pretty hot ones
-Didnt manage to slay any of them and most of the girls who I swapped snaps/instas/numebrs with ghosted me shortly after (not much different to online dating).

tales from poodeep mumbai call centre
  • JFL
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet
Holy fuk I didn't realize this post was Brahminboss. Dude you're already ascending more than 99% of this forum by actually going out and cold approaching and getting makeouts in clubs.
  • +1
Reactions: Epola, rileyma10 and Deleted member 15778
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 65825 and st.hamudi but 6‘5
Interesting tag me next time bro.
Similar to my experiences.Close but so fr The girl being hornier af offering sex the next day to then flake is textbook shit,saw it a mile away hahaha.

Unironcally u are selling sex ,approaching and romancing foids.But like sales, if someone says “hmmmm i like it ill come back to tomorrow to check it out” the sale is lost. You probs havent really experienced it .Neither did i accept from once is that if you foid wants you its very apparent.She’ll leave with you almost immediately or she’ll gel extremely well with u and be by your side like your have been friends for years .Through her eyes you are a stack of hundreds dollar bills …and who the fuck leaves a stack of money at busy bar alone? You stuff that shit in your pocket with your hand on top.So if she isnt “lovestruck” she’s just entertaining herself with you as the so so normie guy that has good chat.

Helps to cut your losses super quick .In the modern age of promiscuous women,escalating to the idea of sex within 5 /10 minutes through NT joking and forward high t chad behavior.Is the only real way not be strung along for days with missed other opportunities.Like catcalling ,which only fails as normies cant pull of the chad halo.So in a club with booze and low inhib behavior it should be standard shit.

Looksmaxing is all done when u are in public or its been stretched to its limits so frequency is the key as you already know. But moral is also. So 5/10 mins to know yeah convo is alway better then holding at for a girl the next day.
  • +1
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet, Zelenskyiv, stamaster21 and 1 other person
Sperged out a lil
Gonna run through the main points of the 3 nights out I went on, did many many approaches so can’t remember all of them so I will pick out the most important/key ones

Night 1:
-Warmed up by having 2 or 3 beers at mine then heading out to the pub
-In the pub I was at I approached a few guys in a plutonic manner just to warm me up talking to strangers
-After I felt suitably socially lubricated and had finished my beer we hit the club
-We entered the club and approached a pair of 18 year olds who were kinda cute- probably upper MTB , they were somewhat receptive but didnt seem like they wanted to dance or anything so I left them after a while and headed to the bar.
-Think I did a couple more approaches while waiting around the bar but none led to much
-Approached one group of girls with my friend who were standing in a line of about 4, he starts talking to one and then one of the others beckons me other and says hey, then I walk up to her say hi back and she says ‘you look gorgeous like a model’, I was very taken back and validated by this comment.
-Tried to get this girl away from her group then and started making out with her a lot, she was an alt girl probably low HTB- she asked my age and I warped 23 but am 26, she was surprised and said I had a babyfaced and looked 19-, which was also her age- she probs couldn’t see my slight skin fail in the club lighting.
-I asked if me being 23 was a problem and she said no and that she preferred me to be older than her.
-I made out with her for another 10-15 mins or so then she said her friends wanted to go outside for a ciggarrete so I joined them.
-Went to smokers with this girl and she had a subhuman 2/10 land whale friend who immediately began talking to me and basically interrogating me, she asked my age and I said 23- then she starts going ‘wtf what are you doing in *the club we were in* at 23’ and starts laughing etc- then asks me a few more questions etc - I could tell the land whale didn’t approve of me getting with her friend.
-The alt HTB I had been making out with started to show some disinterested body language after her land whale friend ridiculed me for my age and even slowly moved away from me and sat down by herself- seems its not enough for a girl to be attracted to you - you also must get the approval of all her cunt mates, at this point I realise its basically over with this girl so I say I have to go and find my friend and leave- didn’t see this girl again all night.
-So at this point I’ve got mixed feelings, was veery validated by the initial approach/IOI but frustrated it didn’t go further - I returned to the dance floor had another drink and entered sheer low inhibit mass approach mode, did a bunch of approaches where I was rejected, made-out with a couple of LTBs but I get bored quickly if they’re not high enough looks level so I just ditch them after a couple mins kissing. Got rejected a few more times, made out with a MTB curry.
-Then after a few more rejection s another HTB gives me a pretty obvious IOI and I start talking to her which I quickly escalate to her grinding on me and making out. This girl has just turned 18 and asks my age- I decide to larp 22 this time as the 23 age I warped before seemed a fail somewhat. I asked if that age was a problem and she says no the last guy I was with was 24 and im not into guys my own age teehehehe (lifefuel for oldcels).
-This girl was a bit more attractive than the other girls I made out with this night so I decided to commit to staying with her and her friend group in the hope of converting the slay.
-Final stats for the night were 25 approaches and 6 makeouts from those
-After about an hour she starts rounding up her friends to leave and is sitting on my lap outside and were making out some more
-There was also a scuffle outside the club between some oldcels , with 2 oldcels attacking another oldcels who had supposedly been gropemmaxxing and I intervened to protect the gropemaxxer from getting beaten.
-Get in the cab back to her place for after party , we hop in the backseat and start making out a lot and I try and slip my hands in her pants to finger her
-Get back to her place and its like 20 people at first but most of them fuck off quite quickly
-Then there’s just 6 of us and there’s two other guys who also pulled girls, all of them are sitting in her room and im hoping they’ll leave so I can be alone with my girl and get a slay.
-Was briefly alone in the kitchen with the girl I pulled but then she says nothing gonna happen tonight because she has a UTI supposedly
-One of the other ‘couples’ who was there go to the kitchen and end up slaying.
-Its 5:30am but I stay longer hoping persistence game will pay off and ill eventually get a blowjob or something, were laying in her bed cuddling and making out but there’s still others there who won’t fuck off and leave us alone
-At one point she says to me can I film a video of us making out and send it to my ex which I say yeah ok and she snaps a video to her ex who was saved as ‘cunt’ in her phone, then snaps pics of her kissing me to a few other guys.
-She also started showing me her nudes on her phone and her body was insane which felt like a giga cock tease considering she wouldn’t let me fuck her.
-Still there’s people in the room who won’t fuck off and are doing drugs etc so we never get left alone together.
-I stay until like 8:30am and there’s still people partying in the room etc and at this point I figure no slay is happening so I just give up and tell my girl im heading back and she should come over to my place tomorrow for pre drinks and bring her friends etc which she says she will do
-I texted her the next day but she said she was on a comedown and didn’t wanna come out
-I left my jacket and ID at hers she will have found out about my age lap, later in the week I tried to message her some more but she ghosted me- maybe due to my age warping
-The after party we ended up at was giga far from my house- hadn’t realised how far wed gone in the cab until I attempted to return in the morning at 9am, had to get the train back.

Night 2:
-Morale wasn’t quite as high this night after my near miss the previous night and it wasn’t until nearly 10pm we started drinking- we had slept in until 6pm that day.
-Deciced to return straight to club we were at last night
-This was a Friday so while the previous night had been mostly students (a Thursday) this night was a different vibe and the gender ratio didn’t seem as good.
-I began approaching at the bar, after about 4 or 5 rejections a LTB gave me and IOI and I decide to just takeout with her briefly for a confidence boost as my initial approaches that night tanked.
-A few more approaches and just rejections I see a HTB and MTB dancing together and I go to approach the HTB but then the MTB gives me and IOI and starts grinding on me straight away.
-I makeup with this girl for quite some time
-She was grinding on me saying I was we could fuck right now etc and grabbing my cock, she said we couldn’t fuck tonight because she was staying with her friend but shed meet me tomorrow.
-It got giga sexual we kept blowing our vapes into each others mouths and I was sticking my fingers in her mouth while making out.
-I swapped socials with her and she snapped me saying she can’t wait to fuck me tomorrow etc but then I messaged her the next day and she said she wasn’t gonna come out and was gonna spend time with her family instead.
-Did a handful more approaches, not much more notable happened but made out with one more LTB, ended the night 16 approaches for 3 makeouts.
-Probably the worst night of the 3

Night 3:
-Pre drinking with bottle of vodka this night, alcohol tolerance had built up over the 3 days but this was still the drunkest id felt on any of the nights.
-I messaged abut 100 tinder girls throughout the day trying to see if any decent ones would meet us for pre drinks or something but no luck
-Got to the club and my friend had brought an expired ID about by accident which was annoying so we had to return to mine to get his passport, this was pretty long so we got another 200ml vodka from the shop for the walk there and back and got even drunker
-When we finally entered the club I began ruthlessly approaching, saw a LTB give me an obvious IOI early on so made out with her for a minute for a little boost then moved onto to approaching the ‘bigger fish’ so to speak.
-Began on a pretty poor streak of luck, think I did about 10 approaches in a row all rejections before I made out with a high MTB.
-Went to the big upstairs room and made out with a few more MTB, then made out with a really good HTB/staceylite (rated by low trust for verfiation), got her instagram as a ‘trophy’ so to speak but she left after like 15 mins of us making out and dancing, maybe I could’ve tried pushing for her to stay but doubt it wouldve worked anyway. This was easily the prettiest girl I kissed this weekend.
-Felt very confident after this think I hit a few more rejections before I made out with another HTB and she was dancing giga sexually with me and I had high hopes I might be able to go home with her, especially since she only had one mate with her rather than a whole group of cunts who would undoubtley shit test the hell out of me.
-She said she needed to go to the toilet and to wait where I was.
-She came back after 5 mins or so and I approached her again and she basically ignored me and then started sniggeringh and laughing to her friend saying oh this is my girlfriend hehehehe.
-Left the club with stats of 35 approaches 7 takeouts.
-Did a few more approaches but nothing came of it so we left the club.
-Was about 430am by this point but we were in the city centre so there was still a reasonable amount of footfall around the main nightlife area.
-I did a couple of approaches just on the streets, was feeling very low inhib at this point, went up to one pair of girls and straight up asked one of them to kiss me and she laughed and said no but ill give you my instagram then she just wondered off cant really remember why.
-Tried the same approach asking for a kiss on another pair of girls and got shutdown.
-Did an approach outside McDonalds on a girl who was sitting by herself and she said she recognised me from hinge and we had already swapped instagrams from the app at some point.
-I chatted to her for a good 10-15 minutes and had decent banter with her and got her number, she replied to my first message the next day but ghosted me after that which was disappointing as I felt id been very NT in this interaction and invested quite heavily in it and actually chatted and flirted a lot rather than the usual nightclub instant makeout etc.
-After this we went we did a couple more approaches but nothing of note happened.

-Overally feel I got pretty close to slaying and got tons of makeouts but even at my lookslevel the effort:reward ratio of nightlife doesn’t feel worth it that much compared to online dating or social circle or potentially daytime (stay tuned for 100 daytime approaches thread)

-Went out 3 nights in a row a did a bunch of approaches, some were totally cold (most of them) and some I receieved obvious IOIs.
-Kissed loads of girls including some pretty hot ones
-Didnt manage to slay any of them and most of the girls who I swapped snaps/instas/numebrs with ghosted me shortly after (not much different to online dating).
What city in Italy was this ?
As a coldapprochcel who is even older than you and who goes for 18 year olds, I read every word.

Where do you live?

Sounds like you're a very good looking dude so i'm kinda surprised you didn't get laid, but you'll get laid a tonne once your luck is in if you keep approaching loads
dnrd but this shows how fucked up hypergamy is these days
  • +1
Reactions: Epola and Deleted member 15778
  • +1
Reactions: Epola
dnr but probably over
Crazy read ngl, thanks for sharing (y)
keep seething white knight

no difference between 23 and 26 anyways really jfl
just white knight or female babble talk, people lie about their age in dating along with height all the time. Notice he/she tries to bring up highschool, when were talking about 18+ legal aged adult. This is a tactic to link 18+ year olds with minors in highschool. If you were 40 and the women was 25 he/she wouldn't bring up that predator talk. Predator talk is just code-word for pedo talk because the people involved are legal adults. Because you will never say a 60 year old man who dates a 27 year old women a predator. This is just people upset about large age gaps mainly when its a man and younger women.

They can't call you a pedo since the person is of adult age so they use the word predator, and bring up some talk about morals.
  • +1
Reactions: goblinamaxxer and Zelenskyiv
Interesting tag me next time bro.
Similar to my experiences.Close but so fr The girl being hornier af offering sex the next day to then flake is textbook shit,saw it a mile away hahaha.

Unironcally u are selling sex ,approaching and romancing foids.But like sales, if someone says “hmmmm i like it ill come back to tomorrow to check it out” the sale is lost. You probs havent really experienced it .Neither did i accept from once is that if you foid wants you its very apparent.She’ll leave with you almost immediately or she’ll gel extremely well with u and be by your side like your have been friends for years .Through her eyes you are a stack of hundreds dollar bills …and who the fuck leaves a stack of money at busy bar alone? You stuff that shit in your pocket with your hand on top.So if she isnt “lovestruck” she’s just entertaining herself with you as the so so normie guy that has good chat.

Helps to cut your losses super quick .In the modern age of promiscuous women,escalating to the idea of sex within 5 /10 minutes through NT joking and forward high t chad behavior.Is the only real way not be strung along for days with missed other opportunities.Like catcalling ,which only fails as normies cant pull of the chad halo.So in a club with booze and low inhib behavior it should be standard shit.

Looksmaxing is all done when u are in public or its been stretched to its limits so frequency is the key as you already know. But moral is also. So 5/10 mins to know yeah convo is alway better then holding at for a girl the next day.
i agree 5 min convo max, try to exchange numbers, and get the women back to your place to fuck and let it be known low key your about smashing some cheeks. Its better to go full-out and lose then to waste time holding out for some girl the nexy day or days later.
  • +1
Reactions: Ascend_forever
i disagree, yeah if you sit on incel forums all day you might get that impression but it just isnt true for all men.

even if we say that what you are saying is true, it doesnt make it not weird and predatory to lie about your age and prey on girls 8 years younger than you.

literally repulsive subhuman behaviour
cope you cuck
Didn’t read all of that honestly but seems you are getting some good results. I can’t even get past the initial hi hello shit when I go cold approachin.

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