Are AI’s necessary?

Incoming chad

Incoming chad

Aug 19, 2019
I started ExtraChromosomes’ method 2 peptide stack that has Cjc1295, mk677, huperzine A, and Aromasin. I don’t have the Aromasin but is it really necessary? Can’t you just do things that naturally lower estrogen like eat like no sugar and shit?
Those peptides/sarms are close to being useless for causing any significant hgh release. Mk is great at bloating you the fk up though. Lab tests don't lie. If you have money for all that useless hyped up bullshit why not get actual growth hormone. And suppressing estrogen long term comes with many downsides including a limp noodle and depression.
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Yes, a change in lifestyle and diet could result in naturally lowering your estrogen levels.
Those peptides/sarms are close to being useless for causing any significant hgh release. Mk is great at bloating you the fk up though. Lab tests don't lie. If you have money for all that useless hyped up bullshit why not get actual growth hormone. And suppressing estrogen long term comes with many downsides including a limp noodle and depression.
Useless? Have you done any research about them? Cjc dac and mk677 together can have a huge igf output. Like normal dose equal to 6-7 IUs
Useless? Have you done any research about them? Cjc dac and mk677 together can have a huge igf output. Like normal dose equal to 6-7 IUs
Listen kid I used CJC 9 years ago along with lots of other shit when I fell for all the marketing and hype. 6-7 IUs of pharma GH. That's a completely moronic statement. I'm guessing you got that from that sellout bitch more plates more dates who gets commission from morons who actually believe that shit. I have been on 5IU of pharma growth hormone. It causes severe carpal tunnel syndrome, edema, fat loss and in time helps to pack on some serious mass in combination with steroids.

None of that shit will give you anywhere close to 1IU max equivalent to real HGH. 110%. Nobody except the fuckers who sell and hype that shit actually use it. Those peptides usually get blunted by insulin(meals) and only peak for a few hours. I have used almost everything including all the hormones and done maybe up to 60 lab tests because I like to experiment and fuck around for bodybuilding purposes. I'm not gonna waste any time arguing but you can take my word for it or you can go in to waste your next 6-12 months on this shit without getting any actual results. UG hgh is not that expensive.

If that shit did anything I would be using it.
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You’re right I did get it from that website and that’s the only website I looked at lmao. But I’m trying to grow taller and you can find stories of how people grew taller from peptide stacks during puberty. And if there’s a chance that I works I’m gonna take it. But you got any links for real hgh I’m not trying to go to the doctor and get a prescription and shit
You’re right I did get it from that website and that’s the only website I looked at lmao. But I’m trying to grow taller and you can find stories of how people grew taller from peptide stacks during puberty. And if there’s a chance that I works I’m gonna take it. But you got any links for real hgh I’m not trying to go to the doctor and get a prescription and shit

Do you think bodybuilders have got a prescription for hgh? Figure it out.. Find a fellow that looks like a refrigerator
Those peptides/sarms are close to being useless for causing any significant hgh release. Mk is great at bloating you the fk up though. Lab tests don't lie. If you have money for all that useless hyped up bullshit why not get actual growth hormone. And suppressing estrogen long term comes with many downsides including a limp noodle and depression.
because real HGH costs 100$ a day
peptides cost 10-30$ a day and can increase you HGH level as well
Do you think bodybuilders have got a prescription for hgh? Figure it out.. Find a fellow that looks like a refrigerator
well you seem to know it all looks like I found someone?
because real HGH costs 100$ a day
peptides cost 10-30$ a day and can increase you HGH level as well

All bodybuilders must be rich then and you need similar dosages for growing taller.

You have a shitty source for both of them. $300 gets me 5IU per day of UG hgh. How do I know it works? Blood tests. I inject 10 IU of pharma gh get bloods and then inject 10 IU of ug hgh and compare. Sure there is shit being sold but that's the game you play and that's how you find the good stuff. Blood tests.
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Can someone just answer my fucking question?
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Can someone just answer my fucking question?
there’s plenty studies that’s show it delays growth plate maturation, just use it but 12.5 MG every other day

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