Are DMT spiritual experiences legit / worth doing



Nov 20, 2020
I've never done drugs though and probably won't, I don't know how to buy drugs jfl
Buy on the black market, don't know about DMT as I've never tried it
One day I definitely will I've heard a lot of good stories about it
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Buy on the black market, don't know about DMT as I've never tried it
One day I definitely will I've heard a lot of good stories about it
For one life-changing trip story, you get one horror trip stoy as well, basically
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For one life-changing trip story, you get one horror trip stoy as well, basically
It's not addictive at least, which is good.
I've done dmt but I didn't breakthrough.
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its the most potent psychedelic known to men,not addictive and the trip only lasts about 20 min,i would try it if i had it tbh
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I've never done it but Tales from the Trip on youtube is interesting, there's one about a guy having a purple girlfriend that's pretty crazy.
dmt is like 5-20 mins of hard as fuck tripping, i prefer shrooms tho they are easier to get
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I'm scared to take a legit psych trip as I've never trusted anyone enough who would do it with me and be cool with everything if it got weird

I took half a tab once years ago but I don't count that as it didn't really fuck me up as I anticipated
Its amazing. Checkout "the spirit molecule" documentary.
I've done dmt but I didn't breakthrough.
Elab? I can imagine that being a very unnerving experience tbh, how long does it last and what is it like, seeing the world fucked up if you aren’t sounds weirder than full breaking tbrough
Yes, but get a trip sitter. Psychedelics are the only drugs you can take that may help you get your life together
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Worth doing for what?
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Not falling for that trick again :lul:
Plug that shit and have visions of the eternal light coming in and out of your anus, with each inhale and exhale from your breath, feel it flow through your body, until you can feel your rectum exploding into pieces, each of them being and infinite mirror of you in the Universe, and the Universe in you, following an infinite pattern, from the single microscopic Consciousness, to the universal macroscopic awareness and back, over and over again, in an infinite spiral of Light
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Buy on the black market, don't know about DMT as I've never tried it
One day I definitely will I've heard a lot of good stories about it

Youve tried datura what did you experience?
Plug that shit and have visions of the eternal light coming in and out of your anus, with each inhale and exhale from your breath, feel it flow through your body, until you can feel your rectum exploding into pieces, each of them being and infinite mirror of you in the Universe, and the Universe in you, following an infinite pattern, from the single microscopic Consciousness, to the universal macroscopic awareness and back, over and over again, in an infinite spiral of Light
I'd like my anus left undisturbed this time, no more sniffing unknown substances for me
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I'd like my anus left undisturbed this time, no more sniffing unknown substances for me
Doesn't matter which way you take it, on DMT you'll have visions of being abducted by Aliens anyway
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Doesn't matter which way you take it, on DMT you'll have visions of being abducted by Aliens anyway
Is there a reason why they are fascinated with the inner workings of my colon?
Doesn't matter which way you take it, on DMT you'll have visions of being abducted by Aliens anyway
If on DMT, you get visions of gay sex interactions, with real-life male friends for example, above all don't suppress the thoughts, just let them flow pleasantly, and let it make you aware that you're secretly gay
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tripping on DXM in 2017 was a huge psychological trauma for me.
I can't even smoke weed or get drunk because I'm too afraid of experiencing partially depersonalization
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Yes but have a clean intention and make sure it's aligned with what you want to do. You will forever open to a world you never knew existed. Also possible to achieve this without any drugs. Many people do benefit from them though. Almost like steroids vs natty lifting but still a few shades off.
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Yes but have a clean intention and make sure it's aligned with what you want to do. You will forever open to a world you never knew existed. Also possible to achieve this without any drugs. Many people do benefit from them though. Almost like steroids vs natty lifting but still a few shades off.
Legit? PM me if possible
opening a portal for demons to enter into you and trick you into doing dumb shit?

worth it 100% its like super trippy bro you see elves :soy::soy::soy:
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Shrooms are easier to get & same type of shit
someone got raped by the devil on a bad trip and it lasted a really long time be careful
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At least I'll throw away the V-card
usually in a bad trip chances are nothing of that sort will happen but you should be mentally prepared for a bad trip because other bad things happen and people become mentally ill sometimes, DMT is really powerful
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dmt can be produced naturally in the pineal gland there are videos about it on youtube
usually in a bad trip chances are nothing of that sort will happen but you should be mentally prepared for a bad trip because other bad things happen and people become mentally ill sometimes, DMT is really powerful
bro what you just described is bad acid trip not dmt jfl
i took dmt once it lasts like 20 minutes you are kinda disabled during that, no hallucinations, way stronger visuals than on acid

dmt not this strong as people say

if really want something strong then crack or dope but you are prolly aware of consequences
In most circumstances it's a really, really bad idea. don't try psychedelics, just keep life simple.
Yes that is true, all pyschadelics open up ur gateway to entities good or bad, but for ones to latch onto you and use you for energy, u have to be a low vibrational being, if ur very high vibration and just a happy loving person, they can’t feed off ur negativity

You unironically need to be a negative emotion/depressed riddled normie who’s only purpose of using the psychedelics was to have fun and not necessarily for self betterment, because they indeed will be fucked by archons/bad entities even far after taking it, as the portal has been opened and made is very easy for these entities to attach themselves to their energetic field for feeding off of them, and can potentially lead the person into insanity/schizophrenia because at that point, this entity can keep cycling negative thoughts in their mind and the person thinks it’s their genuine thoughts but it’s not, most schizophrenics are people who are manipulated by these entities and came in thru childhood trauma or messing with very very hard drugs like meth, cocaine etc that brings their vibration extremely low because of the lifestyle and mind state that is associated with it,

I think dmt is a big no no compared to other psychadelics because of its strength and how clear the entity interaction is

Complete myth
but this I disagree, I have a few times got natural pineal gland / dmt production phenomena happen without the use of anything
I don’t know what is entailing you to have that opinion
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but this I disagree, I have a few times got natural pineal gland / dmt production phenomena happen without the use of anything
I don’t know what is entailing you to have that opinion
There is no scientific evidence that DMT is produced in the pineal gland or that our brains have enough dmt to even be relevant.
some members never recovered from a bad experience, and are now left to live in an ethereal purgatory, stuck between their physical self, with one part of them permanently lost in Outer Space
Where can I read more about this jfl
tripping on DXM in 2017 was a huge psychological trauma for me.
I can't even smoke weed or get drunk because I'm too afraid of experiencing partially depersonalization
What does this even MEAN bro
What does this even MEAN bro

Don't mix up the bags bro, happened to me once, because tubs for both compounds were the exact same a (size and color) so I took the wrong substance.
Regular LSD user here.

Don't buy into that "soul searching", "life changing", "spiritual" bullshit. It'll just turn you into a hippie freak.
Psychedelics are powerful substances yes, but they're not like the Mario mushrooms where you just eat one and power up, no. They're drugs, just as heroin and weed are drugs, their effects are just different.
They won't make your life better, they won't cure your depression, anyone who's claiming that a fucking drug fixed they social anxiety or whatever doesn't get the point of drugs, having fun. If you wanna fix yourself, do it while sober.
DMT is a fun thing to do if you like weird intense stuff, never tried myself but looks promising.
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Regular LSD user here.

Don't buy into that "soul searching", "life changing", "spiritual" bullshit. It'll just turn you into a hippie freak.
Psychedelics are powerful substances yes, but they're not like the Mario mushrooms where you just eat one and power up, no. They're drugs, just as heroin and weed are drugs, their effects are just different.
They won't make your life better, they won't cure your depression, anyone who's claiming that a fucking drug fixed they social anxiety or whatever doesn't get the point of drugs, having fun. If you wanna fix yourself, do it while sober.
DMT is a fun thing to do if you like weird intense stuff, never tried myself but looks promising.
You hardly take DMT "for fun though.
You hardly take DMT "for fun though.

then it's not worth it.
not gonna waste time freaking out just for the sake of freaking out.
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then it's not worth it.
not gonna waste time freaking out just for the sake of freaking out.
Could really well be fun actually.

Thing is, you never know before doing it, what you're gonna get.

Which is already fun in and out of itself, the unpredictable nature of it, without even having to trip.

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