Are humans naturally right wing?



Dec 14, 2018
Where do most of the users here fit on the political spectrum. Left, middle or right wing?
Politics is cope for uglies.
No law will fix your bones.
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I am becomming more left wing
It’s much easier to argue for a right wing agenda so most retard teenagers side with it. But, at the same time, feminism and this lgbtq shit is actually harmful.

I don’t think it has anything to do with genes actually.
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It’s much easier to argue for a right wing agenda so most retard teenagers side with it. But, at the same time, feminism and this lgbtq shit is actually harmful.

I don’t think it has anything to do with genes actually.
WHAT! Most teenagers are leftwing.
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I'm against feminism and general degeneracy (such as gays, trannies etc.) so if that makes me right wing then so be it.
I dunno you tell me:


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No why the fuck would the natural state be pro inequality, religion, and racism to name a few?
No why the fuck would the natural state be pro inequality, religion, and racism to name a few?
We have natural prejudice that society teaches us to ignore. Society tells our children that they are all equal, so they believe it, however if they looked on their own they would see that we are not all equal.
Depends on the context and your social standing tbh. It's naive to classify an individual on the political spectrum according to one or two of his povs. For example, if you're low class economically, you'd probably prefer to live in welfare state that emphasizes class equality. However, it doesn't mean that you can't be against feminism / multiculturalism. So which wing are you exactly? I'd say most people can be left in some aspects and ring in others.
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It’s much easier to argue for a right wing agenda so most retard teenagers side with it. But, at the same time, feminism and this lgbtq shit is actually harmful.

I don’t think it has anything to do with genes actually.
Cope. Most are left.
No why the fuck would the natural state be pro inequality, religion, and racism to name a few?
Because the natural state revolves around survival. Diversity or tolerance is not a strength or conducive to a tribe or society's well being, its a threat to it. You've been fed liberal lies I think.
I'm a neocon/libertarian but politics is cope.
Because the natural state revolves around survival. Diversity or tolerance is not a strength or conducive to a tribe or society's well being, its a threat to it. You've been fed liberal lies I think.
Did you really just say diversity doesn't help with survival? Go read some basic evolutionary theories. However, on the flip side people are suspicious of different people because we see that as a threat until we can find if they are or are not. I haven't been fed lies. You just can't step into the next step of our evolution - thinking beyond urges and emotions like jealousy or hate. These things don't benefit us anymore. Right wingers just like to keep things like those around because it helps your skewed balance of power. As soon as you see the west decline you scream things are unfair to you. When you see your women with other guys you cry about the size of your dicks. Tax cuts, climate change, and endless are the results of your endless amount of competition. Let competition be fun and make everyone better. Not steal from others and claim its fair.
Did you really just say diversity doesn't help with survival? Go read some basic evolutionary theories. However, on the flip side people are suspicious of different people because we see that as a threat until we can find if they are or are not. I haven't been fed lies. You just can't step into the next step of our evolution - thinking beyond urges and emotions like jealousy or hate. These things don't benefit us anymore. Right wingers just like to keep things like those around because it helps your skewed balance of power. As soon as you see the west decline you scream things are unfair to you. When you see your women with other guys you cry about the size of your dicks. Tax cuts, climate change, and endless are the results of your endless amount of competition. Let competition be fun and make everyone better. Not steal from others and claim its fair.
Pack your bags and get out of here. Reddit is just down the hall and to the left
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there is no politics for you face
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Pack your bags and get out of here. Reddit is just down the hall and to the left
You're right. I should just eat a 100oz steak with an american flag bandana on while shooting my AR in the air on top of a jacked up F350.

Another dude trying to bring up politics with no actual facts or attempts to debunk my points.
You're right. I should just eat a 100oz steak with an american flag bandana on while shooting my AR in the air on top of a jacked up F350.

Another dude trying to bring up politics with no actual facts or attempts to debunk my points.
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Inb4 this thread turns into complete shit
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Economically left wing
Socially center right
Did you really just say diversity doesn't help with survival? Go read some basic evolutionary theories. However, on the flip side people are suspicious of different people because we see that as a threat until we can find if they are or are not. I haven't been fed lies. You just can't step into the next step of our evolution - thinking beyond urges and emotions like jealousy or hate. These things don't benefit us anymore. Right wingers just like to keep things like those around because it helps your skewed balance of power. As soon as you see the west decline you scream things are unfair to you. When you see your women with other guys you cry about the size of your dicks. Tax cuts, climate change, and endless are the results of your endless amount of competition. Let competition be fun and make everyone better. Not steal from others and claim its fair.
Pure soy.
You're what we would call a "chad"
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No why the fuck would the natural state be pro inequality, religion, and racism to name a few?
Because we have tribal culture and those that are perceived as different to ya are considered enemies.

Children are found to prefer kids of their own race from birth.
Oh man look another high IQ poster debunking my points.
What points?
That you drink soy from a straw out of your own head back into yourself,repeating a never ending cycle of soy drinking?
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Because we have tribal culture and those that are perceived as different to ya are considered enemies.

Children are found to prefer kids of their own race from birth.
Looksmax poster: I have a high IQ.

Also looksmax poster: Y I say ni. Yois skin e diffenet, yois cultua diffenet. I kaint undastan hi wheizz gon get alon.
What points?
That you drink soy from a straw out of your own head back into yourself,repeating a never ending cycle of soy drinking?
Sounds time, energy, and fiscally efficient.
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Not directly, but females are naturally left leaning and cucks follow them because they think it will increase their chances with them. As adolf hitler said, first you convince the women, then the kids and the men will follow. That's why women shouldn't be part of politics.
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On one hand leftists annoy me, on the other hand I really wish they would implement that 70% tax above 10m.
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More like estranged low status ugly bois on the internet are more likely to be (often times radical) right wing, mostly because they can use the at least im not insert minority here to make them selves feel better. It's similar thinking to religious zealots, like i might be low status subhuman, but at least (imaginary) god knows im great and im not some heathen.
Politics is cope for uglies.
No law will fix your bones.
Truer words have never been said.
More like estranged low status ugly bois on the internet are more likely to be (often times radical) right wing, mostly because they can use the at least im not insert minority here to make them selves feel better. It's similar thinking to religious zealots, like i might be low status subhuman, but at least (imaginary) god knows im great and im not some heathen.

Truer words have never been said.

though atheism is just self absorbed arrogance at its highest level ideologically and though blind hatred is stupid, the evidence of history proves jews being kicked out of countries over just slightly a hundred times should be alarming to anyone, regardless of the protocols are a forgery or not. Hegel was correct in the sense we cycle and recycle ideas through life, and it's like picking the hardest lock in the hardest stealth game at the highest difficulty level, and we've been picking that lock to find the perfect balance/correct combination since the dawn of time. We have yet to achieve that to open the door from the brave new world to the perfect world, and I don't think humans are capable of that, only The Almighty is. Maybe the perfect world exists in the afterlife after we die. We tried. We're not succeeding.
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I'm not a political expert man but I think the reason many people consider themselves right wing rather than left is because left wing generally supports things like transgenders and gays.
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I'm not a political expert man but I think the reason many people consider themselves right wing rather than left is because left wing supports things like trannies and gays.
based 14 year oldcel
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I'm not a political expert man but I think the reason many people consider themselves right wing rather than left is because left wing generally supports things like transgenders and gays.

Thats because you're a cavemancel
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Incels are EXTREMELY alt-right and wanting free love and for men with better personalities to have gfs is the pinnacle of the authoritarian right... if you're a moron who wants to pretend that's the case.
Men are typically more right-wing, women are typically more left-wing. Most incels are probably more likely to be right-wing on that basis alone. The right-wing in general is associated with lower IQs but dedicated members of the incelosphere are, in my experience, not low IQ. They're probably more likely to have extreme views given the prevalence of various mental health problems. I'm a Burkean myself, only one I know.
Right wing politics is the correct way imo. It places importance on looking out for ones people, emphasizes facts over feelings and is not pacifist in nature.
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Right wing politics is the correct way imo. It places importance on looking out for ones people, emphasizes facts over feelings and is not pacifist in nature.
Agree with what you're trying to say but each of those are vague statements that could apply equally to the left.
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Agree with what you're trying to say but each of those are vague statements that could apply equally to the left.
Nah, the left is all about rainbows, unicorns, fantasy land and nonsensical ideas.
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Nah, the left is all about rainbows, unicorns, fantasy land and nonsensical ideas.
Problem with the left wing is that they're usually right about every issue individually but, when taken altogether, you're left with a catastrophic ideology imo.
Nah, the left is all about rainbows, unicorns, fantasy land and nonsensical ideas.

You clearly dont know anything about the left then. Facts over feelings is such a dumb Ben Shapiro statement

I dunno you tell me:

quoting myself but I mean come on, Karl Marx + Merchantilism + Fascism/Corporatism + Religion above all.

how tf do I even make friends anymore?
Problem with the left wing is that they're usually right about every issue individually but, when taken altogether, you're left with a catastrophic ideology imo.

they're correct on economics, wrong on everything else, especially relating to social ideas.

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