Are native american the best looking ethnicity?



Mar 30, 2024
I think they are easily
  • JFL
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They're the most robust facially for sure
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They have big cheekbones but that doesn't make them good looking. Name a single high psl Native American. Most of them look like shit tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Definitely up there for sure. Native North American phenotypes have basically been bred out though, most real Native American looking people are in South America.
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Reactions: Richard Cheese, wishIwasSalludon and Alucard69
They have big cheekbones but that doesn't make them good looking. Name a single high psl Native American. Most of them look like shit tbh
Richard ramirez
Pacific Islanders are probably the most robust people on the planet. I’ve met guys from there, absolute moggers, and I’ve seen Hawaiian, Guam, Maori girls on Hinge recently… a lot of them are fat, but two of them had absolutely perfect faces, better jaws and maxillas than O’Pry. I should’ve taken screenshots.

Scandinavians and Pacific Islanders, I think there’s some correlation between seafood heavy diets and looking good.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and Alucard69
White people
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  • JFL
Reactions: jisko32, Hetman Vilkas and wishIwasSalludon
Im American so yeah theyre chads
  • +1
Reactions: Alucard69
Pacific Islanders are probably the most robust people on the planet. I’ve met guys from there, absolute moggers, and I’ve seen Hawaiian, Guam, Maori girls on Hinge recently… a lot of them are fat, but two of them had absolutely perfect faces, better jaws and maxillas than O’Pry. I should’ve taken screenshots.

Scandinavians and Pacific Islanders, I think there’s some correlation between seafood heavy diets and looking good.
My ancestors ate only seafood for years and we look like trash
  • So Sad
Reactions: MaghrebGator
They're robust alongside with Aboriginals, still look kinda ugly.
You should be able to tell from his last name alone that he wasn't a Native. Name a single one
Found this random on tiktok, looks like RR aswell lol..


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Reactions: PeiFan94
Irl most of them look like this, they ain't even robust
Sepultura   Roots

  • +1
Reactions: Hetman Vilkas
They have big cheekbones but that doesn't make them good looking. Name a single high psl Native American. Most of them look like shit tbh
You can’t name many Native Americans in general
  • +1
Reactions: bluemcdonalds
Pacific Islanders are probably the most robust people on the planet. I’ve met guys from there, absolute moggers, and I’ve seen Hawaiian, Guam, Maori girls on Hinge recently… a lot of them are fat, but two of them had absolutely perfect faces, better jaws and maxillas than O’Pry. I should’ve taken screenshots.

Scandinavians and Pacific Islanders, I think there’s some correlation between seafood heavy diets and looking good.
Real they’re robust af
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That's just my opinion, it's so unique and rare for anyone to have those types of cheekbones and overall bones. Now imagine a whole race of them. Also the long hair and raw nature grounded culture just add to it. Also what's the best looking ethnicity in your opinion then?
it's so unique and rare for anyone to have those types of cheekbones and overall
Many moggers among them, depends heavily on the tribe tho. And they’ve almost completely been bred out very few pure natives exist, it’s over
  • +1
Reactions: Alucard69
That's just my opinion, it's so unique and rare for anyone to have those types of cheekbones and overall bones. Now imagine a whole race of them. Also the long hair and raw nature grounded culture just add to it. Also what's the best looking ethnicity in your opinion then?
Getting a native, Samoan/Pacific Islander woman could be how u save ur bloodline
they mog hard imo

definitely around the top of my list tbh

1235093 80tn

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  • +1
Reactions: Alucard69 and wishIwasSalludon
Looks like shit! Cheekbones alone don't make someone good looking
Most audience is females thirsting after him btw, just go watch his tiktok page if you wanna see. I came across his live with 6k viewers, all women spamming. Also he's an oldcel likely
Inuits have the best features among most of the Native American groups imo
Most audience is females thirsting after him btw, just go watch his tiktok page if you wanna see. I came across his live with 6k viewers, all women spamming. Also he's an oldcel likely
There are a million boneless pretty boys on tiktok with countless foids drooling over them. The validation of women doesn't make much difference to me, I can tell he's not good looking by staring at his face
There are a million boneless pretty boys on tiktok with countless foids drooling over them. The validation of women doesn't make much difference to me, I can tell he's not good looking by staring at his face
Who do you find good looking then, give some examples, if women nor men think like you, It's just your personal opinion and doesn't mean anything lmao
Who do you find good looking then, give some examples, if women nor men think like you, It's just your personal opinion and doesn't mean anything lmao
All the classic PSLers are fine examples. Chico, Gandy, Hexum, blah blah blah we all know the names by heart. If Native Americans are so good looking why isn't there a single Native PSL god? People may say Ramirez, but he's mixed so that's ridiculous (like calling an Indian who's mixed with nords an Indian PSL god lmao). The best looking native Americans I've seen have been chadlite, and that's being kinda generous. You can estimate the pool of super attractive people in the world because they tend to be incredibly successful. If there was a PSL god native, we would know about them. There isn't.
if we're going by cheekbones mongolians win.


but they're also ugly as sin.
All the classic PSLers are fine examples. Chico, Gandy, Hexum, blah blah blah we all know the names by heart. If Native Americans are so good looking why isn't there a single Native PSL god? People may say Ramirez, but he's mixed so that's ridiculous (like calling an Indian who's mixed with nords an Indian PSL god lmao). The best looking native Americans I've seen have been chadlite, and that's being kinda generous. You can estimate the pool of super attractive people in the world because they tend to be incredibly successful. If there was a PSL god native, we would know about them. There isn't.
Lol there are about 5 native americans left, yet there are so many bonemogger chad native americans, depends on tribe probably, but the mogger tribes absolutely eviscerate white populations.
Even these (idk if it's 2 ppl tbh) guys mog insanely hard too, mogs even "PSL God chico" in appeal excluding JBs. But you think these niggas are unattractive tells me enough lmao. Literally every woman would become wet from the sight of these high T natives. But you dont care about muh "women" or anything, you probably wouldn't care if they scored over 80% harmony and had objectively good features, so there's no point tbh.

Also yeah mixing with natives gives even better results, and best looking ones are atleast a bit mixed (RR with 50% for example)
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No I am willing to die on this hill
again coping hard
All the classic PSLers are fine examples. Chico, Gandy, Hexum, blah blah blah we all know the names by heart. If Native Americans are so good looking why isn't there a single Native PSL god? People may say Ramirez, but he's mixed so that's ridiculous (like calling an Indian who's mixed with nords an Indian PSL god lmao). The best looking native Americans I've seen have been chadlite, and that's being kinda generous. You can estimate the pool of super attractive people in the world because they tend to be incredibly successful. If there was a PSL god native, we would know about them. There isn't.
negative iq

people know about the current psl gods because they were the models that made it big. marketing is literally most of it. people underrate how powerful the status halo effect is. ive seen people that mog them irl.
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  • +1
Reactions: Alucard69
Lol there are about 5 native americans left, yet there are so many bonemogger chad native americans, depends on tribe probably, but the mogger tribes absolutely eviscerate white populations.

Even these (idk if it's 2 ppl tbh) guys mog insanely hard too, mogs even "PSL God chico" in appeal excluding JBs. But you think these niggas are unattractive tells me enough lmao. Literally every woman would become wet from the sight of these high T natives. But you dont care about muh "women" or anything, you probably wouldn't care if they scored over 80% harmony and had objectively good features, so there's no point tbh.

Also yeah mixing with natives gives even better results, and best looking ones are atleast a bit mixed (RR with 50% for example)
According to Google there are about 60 million left, equivalent to the population of the United Kingdom. Good looking Brits are all over Hollywood, where are all these gigachad Natives and why haven't we heard about them?

They have big cheekbones, yeah. If that's all PSL is, then there's no point for this forum existing. Asians have big cheekbones too. That doesn't make them good looking.

You think these two random handsome Squidwards mog Chico in appeal lol maybe we should do a poll.
again coping hard

negative iq

people know about the current psl gods because they were the models that made it big. marketing is literally most of it. people underrate how powerful the status halo effect is. ive seen people that mog them irl.
There's no way to communicate without common examples lol. If someone asks me who I think is good looking and I talk about people I know in real life or niche celebrities no one has ever heard of, you'd have no idea what I'm talking about. I gave the examples of these recognized PSL gods because they're the standard of male beauty on this forum. Take a moment to rub those brain cells together before you @ me with this retarded shit again

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