Are the white overreacting to immigration ?



Jul 21, 2022
Is immigration as much of an issue as right winged folks seems to make it seems like.
They blame everything on immigrants, that their country is shit because of brown people.
But is it really their fault ?
Is immigration as much of an issue as right winged folks seems to make it seems like.
They blame everything on immigrants, that their country is shit because of brown people.
But is it really their fault ?
what country?
This question can't be answered with a simple yes or no
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what country?
The western societies currently melting down.
The uk per example has riots advocating for mass deportation of brown people.
Racism is on the rise.
The western societies currently melting down.
The uk per example has riots advocating for mass deportation of brown people.
Racism is on the rise.
Immigrations impact on Euro countries is way worse than it is on America so their riots are justified.
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Immigrations impact on Euro countries is way worse than it is on America so their riots are justified.
America is probably culturally more diverse i guess.
Is immigration as much of an issue as right winged folks seems to make it seems like.
They blame everything on immigrants, that their country is shit because of brown people.
But is it really their fault ?
Nah they just want more votes. It is hard to disagree with the shit they are saying but it wont work in the end. But stupid people will definately vote for them
Immigration really has very little to do with why white people are so angry.

It’s a useful scapegoat. The real issue is the west is being increasingly economically less and less dominant over the globe.

Immigration is a symptom of a problem not the root cause.

immigration is no good
Nah they just want more votes. It is hard to disagree with the shit they are saying but it wont work in the end. But stupid people will definately vote for them
Whats the issue then ?
Is immigration as much of an issue as right winged folks seems to make it seems like.
They blame everything on immigrants, that their country is shit because of brown people.
But is it really their fault ?
Yes, thats just how brown black and all the color of the rainbow people are, they cannot assimilate with the white population and never will be. There is no reason we should extend our hand to a population who comes to us illegally and spreads their own barbaric ideas and religions within the borders of the country. Time and time again we see how they are violent, barbaric, disrespectful to their host countries and traditions.
Yes, thats just how brown black and all the color of the rainbow people are, they cannot assimilate with the white population and never will be. There is no reason we should extend our hand to a population who comes to us illegally and spreads their own barbaric ideas and religions within the borders of the country. Time and time again we see how they are violent, barbaric, disrespectful to their host countries and traditions.

Half of Europe is making it easier to immigrate there. Your governments are in desperate need of immigration.
Yes, thats just how brown black and all the color of the rainbow people are, they cannot assimilate with the white population and never will be. There is no reason we should extend our hand to a population who comes to us illegally and spreads their own barbaric ideas and religions within the borders of the country. Time and time again we see how they are violent, barbaric, disrespectful to their host countries and traditions.
I get your point but i dont think its as much of an issue as some people seem to think if your police is not retarded. If you let people do crimes they will do it but if you dont, they wont do it.

Half of Europe is making it easier to immigrate there. Your governments are in desperate need of immigration.
are u brown ? Whats your experience with the west?
Is immigration as much of an issue as right winged folks seems to make it seems like.
They blame everything on immigrants, that their country is shit because of brown people.
But is it really their fault ?
yes and no. their society is becoming shitty, but the solution isnt sperging out and subsequently being swatted down by liberal politics. If they attempt to change things back, they will fail regardless due to the fact that the jews in control want immigration to dilute culture and are too powerful. Instead, the push should be to forcefully encourage assimilation, which will inevitably drive niggers back as the ball is in the court of the bongs. If the immigrants fail to assimilate, its not the fault of the brits. Westoids, being sloppy and dumb, fail to apply the proper pressure to immigrants in the form of cultural longhousing.
I get your point but i dont think its as much of an issue as some people seem to think if your police is not retarded. If you let people do crimes they will do it but if you dont, they wont do it.
If the state promotes this type of immigration so will all of its agencies. The police will be forced to cooperate with the incoming illegal immigration and take less drastic action against those individuals. To create a police state to combat illegal immigrantion doesnt target its actual causes and is simply a bandaid to a bullet wound. If immigration necessitates the police force to enforce stronger action against migrants and individuals within the country than the issue is migration itself and the people who come into the country to cause this type of havoc. Strike at the root cause of the problem is always the best mediator to said problem.
yes and no. their society is becoming shitty, but the solution isnt sperging out and subsequently being swatted down by liberal politics. If they attempt to change things back, they will fail regardless due to the fact that the jews in control want immigration to dilute culture and are too powerful. Instead, the push should be to forcefully encourage assimilation, which will inevitably drive niggers back as the ball is in the court of the bongs. If the immigrants fail to assimilate, its not the fault of the brits. Westoids, being sloppy and dumb, fail to apply the proper pressure to immigrants in the form of cultural longhousing.
I believe we should stop multiculturalism and just bring immigrants who wants to flee their country instead of bringing their home country into their new home.
Having multiples cultures cohexist is not possible, but immigrants who believe in the same cultures and values, nothing wrong with them.
I believe we should stop multiculturalism and just bring immigrants who wants to flee their country instead of bringing their home country into their new home.
Having multiples cultures cohexist is not possible, but immigrants who believe in the same cultures and values, nothing wrong with them.
I'd have to agree, but alas jews are targetting the culture, the only way to fight back is to prove the worth of brit culture itself.

Half of Europe is making it easier to immigrate there. Your governments are in desperate need of immigration.
Our governments are no longer populist, they simply dont care about the people of their own countries. On the road to total utilitarianism governments will profit themselves by all means wether it be globalization, authority, and suppression, in the aims of globalising europe and garnering power to a few collectives there will be a disregard for the people who are ethnically living in europe. Governments now disregard the safety of their own people, and the populations who have lived within the country for hundreds of years. Its a devastating site to see, europe has fallen to the grasps of satan who will by all means inflict these deadly wounds on europeans in order to prevent a fourth reich so to say. Europeans always had the strong will to power and rule for themselves and their own people and we are the greatest enemy of our utilitarian governments. Without ethnic europeans europe will simply become another econmic zone rather than an ethnically diverse coalition of brotherly peoples who work for the prosperity of our own.
crime is a factor

i live in new york which is a sanctuary place for illegal immigrants.
money. lots of tax dollars are going towards immigrants. to pay for them to live in 5 star hotels.
in fact nyc is planning to spend 12.3 billion dollars to house and pay for illegal immigrants
a school even shut down for a day because of a flood, so it could house immigrants. sure, it was a one day thing, but what if the flood was a week? or happens again. letting that happen isnt good.
they also can disrespect the country and commit crimes. it happens.

i have no problems with immigrants that come here legally for work. like chinese. but what i mentioned above is not good
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are u brown ? Whats your experience with the west?

I’m Indian American, so yeah.

Can’t speak about other countries, but the US is functionally racially segregated so it’s impossible for non-white immigrants to assimilate even for the ones that want to.

Assimilation is a two way street and if black and white Americans don’t want to associate with immigrants then there’s nothing you can do to assimilate. My parents def tried pretty hard to assimilate initially but concluded it was pointless to even attempt it, so they stopped.

You don’t really need to be assimilated to have socioeconomic success in the US though which is why there are so many Uber rich immigrants here who are like 0% assimiliated.

Half of Europe is making it easier to immigrate there. Your governments are in desperate need of immigration.
desperate need of skilled workers which we can draw from our own population with birthrate incentives. not rapists who sit on their asses and collect benefits 24/7 coming straight from the shores of liberia (which is mind you a majority of the immigrant population)
I'd have to agree, but alas jews are targetting the culture, the only way to fight back is to prove the worth of brit culture itself.

I’m Indian American, so yeah.

Can’t speak about other countries, but the US is functionally racially segregated so it’s impossible for non-white immigrants to assimilate even for the ones that want to.

Assimilation is a two way street and if black and white Americans don’t want to associate with immigrants then there’s nothing you can do to assimilate. My parents def tried pretty hard to assimilate initially but concluded it was pointless to even attempt it, so they stopped.

You don’t really need to be assimilated to have socioeconomic success in the US though which is why there are so many Uber rich immigrants here who are like 0% assimiliated.
How do you feel about all the indian racism on x and other platform ? Calling your kind streetshitters and shit.
I hope it hasnt affected you.
Wish you the best
desperate need of skilled workers which we can draw from our own population with birthrate incentives. not rapists who sit on their asses and collect benefits 24/7 coming straight from the shores of liberia (which is mind you a majority of the immigrant population)
Skilled workers would be retarded to move to Europe. Europe offers almost nothing to skilled workers which is why you only get unskilled.

I could move to Germany tomorrow and get citizenship in 3 years, but I’m not going to because it’d take a 125K pay cut.
White people and Indians are fucking low iq, white people invaded every country on the planet and displaced and destroyed culture everywhere.

They have no right to complain
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White people afraid of getting cucked jfl
Import the third world, become the third world

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