Are You Depressed? You Can Come Out Of It.

Deleted member 11748

Deleted member 11748

quapa sleyer
Jan 6, 2021
Dear Friend, Are you feeling sad always? Are you feeling left alone and rejected? You are not alone. More than 100 million people in the world go through what you are going through in life. Most of us go through this situation at least once in their life.

We live in a high-stress situation in our life. Our hearts get depressed because of financial debt or any of the life-changing experiences such as loss of a job, divorce, relationship issues, sickness, or even loss of a loved one. Many go through a period of stress during these situations. But most of them can come out of it and continue life beyond. If a person cannot come out of the situation, then continuous negative thoughts will start affecting the mental and physical ability to live a quality life.

Well, life has its own difficulties. Nobody’s life is without problem. Everybody has burdens of life and worry about the future. How to overcome it? We are not counselors or doctors. But we offer a prayer for everyone who is willing to believe in God. At the end of this message, we are going to pray together. Let’s go through some principles from the Bible before we pray together.

How can we come out of depressing and negative thoughts?

Be Connected With God:​

God created us. We lose our purpose when we move away from the creator. Our life loses its meaning when God is not with us. To find the purpose our life, we need to move back to the creator. He alone can provide meaning and purpose to our life. You might think there is no solution right now for the problem you are going through. But God can open the ways for you.

Spending time with God by reading His scripture and praying to Him is our lifeline for peace and happiness. It helps us to know what God wants us to do. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest“. We are the child of most high God. He wants to fill our lives with peace. Jesus wants to heal all the broken pieces of our hearts. Are we ready to run to the arms of Jesus today? Jesus is waiting for everyone like a father who waits for His children to return to Him. You can read here to know how to reconcile with Jesus by asking forgiveness for past mistakes. Jesus Wants to Forgive the Past

Live By Faith And Not By Sight:​

Living our life by faith is easier said than done. When the situation is not positive and the odds are totally against us how can we put our faith in the unseen God? Friend, start with small things. The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is Good“. We need to start somewhere. As you learn to trust Him and taste His goodness, you will never go away to another source. You can start your journey right now. Right at the place where you are. Do not look at your situation, but look at the God who is bigger than the situation. God can surely hold your hands and take you through the difficult situation you face right now. Do not get discouraged by looking at the storm.

Be Connected With People You Love:​

Independent of the situation, we need to be connected with our friends and relatives. Do not shut them off because of the personal situation. It will be difficult to share, for example, the loss of a job with close friends. It might create identity issues. But let that not stop us from connecting with friends. We all are social animals. We need to connect with people, and our relationship should stay healthy in order to survive in life. Jesus can heal your marriage relationship.

Overcome The Fear Of The Future:​

Dear friend, one of the main ways through which the enemy attacks our mind is by creating fear. The fear can enter our minds without reason. When we do not place the future in the most trusted hands of God the enemy Satan will toy with our emotions to create fear about the future. God says, “Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God. I Will Strengthen You And Help You; I Will Uphold You With My Righteous Right Hand”. We have indirect control over our future when we trust and place the future in God’s hands. The Bible says, “If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone”.

God knows how to take care of the future. He knows how to protect us from harm. Do not worry.

May God Heal The Heart​

Did anybody hurt you in the past either through words or actions? It’s time to forgive them. Forgiving others is not a simple task. Forgiveness is an attribute of God. Hence God can help us forgive those who caused hurt in our past life. Some of you might have gone through deep disappointments or even losses. The person who had hurt you might have been your close friend or relative or even a family member. Forgiving your past will give you great freedom over the deep negative emotions. But forgiving the past is not always easy. Jesus taught us this prayer as a sample prayer, “forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us“. It is difficult. But God will help us.

Dear Friend, you can overcome depression. Everyone goes through it and is part of human emotion. Even great men like Elijah when through depression.

God wants to help you today. Surrender your life to Him. He will make it fresh. Place your hand on your heart and believe Jesus can heal you. We are going to pray together. Jesus is going to heal you. Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus, You know the nagging thoughts that make me feel sad. Please help me come out of it. I want to live a life of freedom. Please forgive all the mistakes I have done. Wash me with your precious blood. Thanks for dying on the cross for my mistakes. Thank you for loving me. Captivate my thoughts. Take away all the negative thoughts from my mind. I want to be your child.

I don’t want to get stuck in depression. Help me forgive others. I can not do it myself. I need your help. Please fill my life with peace and joy. I want to relax in your presence by filling my heart with your wonderful promises. Help me come out of the depression. Heal my heart. Please lead me. Hold my hand and walk with me. Forgive my past mistakes. Wash my heart and make me new. I do not want to do the same mistakes I have done before. Be my God and take me through these hard times. Guide me. Thank you for healing me right now. I believe I am healed by your precious name. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.
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Praying is the best form of looksmaxxing. I've been praying for god to give me a gf for the past year and he turned me from a 5'4 permavirgin to a 6'5 7.768psl jb slayer. Not only am i fucking my oneitis but im also smashing on average 2 different jbs on a daily basis. God is good
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