Are your parents rich?

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
My parents have always been financially well-off yet they never gave me much pocket money when I was a teen, which contributed a lot to my social retardedness. They thought I should only get what I deserved. Well I never expected to go out in luxurious clothes / limousine but I didn't even get enough money to hang out with my schoolmates. They laughed about me being broke while I was not in reality, it was only because of my stupid parents that I had to suffer.

My parents also never cared about my looks nor about my mental health, and never invested their money in that. They never got me proper medication against acne, never gave me money for styling / haircut. They only sent me to expensive private schools without me saying anything. If I didn't get good scores then it was me the ungrateful.

I was brought up to suppress my needs and desires. That certainly led to my constant depression, making me ignore my looks so long till it was deteriorated. Now I'm on my way of recovery, but some damages they've done to me are simply irreparable.
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Im very similar case to you. My parents are well off but both socially retarded kinda. They were way too strict about some stuff like grades while way too lose about others that stunted my social development. They're sorta rich but never really gave me money to play around with and just got me what they thought I wanted instead of what I really needed
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not rich but top 20% in income
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They give me money but that's all they are good for
Above average i'd say.
I don't think there are rich people here because rich people can afford surgeries and they already have money and status.
Im very similar case to you. My parents are well off but both socially retarded kinda. They were way too strict about some stuff like grades while way too lose about others that stunted my social development. They're sorta rich but never really gave me money to play around with and just got me what they thought I wanted instead of what I really needed
Relatable. I've never been a Chad but if they had care about my mental health / social development I would have lived much more happily, and probably looked better too. Besides, dating standards were that unrealistically high in my formative years, so I would've probably had much more sexual success if it was not because of them.
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Relatable. I've never been a Chad but if they had care about my mental health / social development I would have lived much more happily, and probably looked better too. Besides, dating standards were that unrealistically high in my formative years, so I would've probably had much more sexual success if it was not because of them.
sucks that the most important part of your development is out of your hands.
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Quite the contrary :feelsbadman:
Yes feelsgoodman.

However i decided to earn all my lookmaxing money by mself. Cant ask my parents money for plastic.
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Yes feelsgoodman.

However i decided to earn all my lookmaxing money by mself. Cant ask my parents money for plastic.
How old are you?

Btw do you know any parents who are willing to finance their kids in surgeries? As far as I know most parents would only do it for daughters.
How old are you?

Btw do you know any parents who are willing to finance their kids in surgeries? As far as I know most parents would only do it for daughters.
I am 22. My best friend is super mega rich. His dad is the top 1 plastic surgeon in my country. He paid 10k$ for his rhino. Legit feel disgusting at taking this much cash.
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My parents have always been financially well-off yet they never gave me much pocket money when I was a teen, which contributed a lot to my social retardedness. They thought I should only get what I deserved. Well I never expected to go out in luxurious clothes / limousine but I didn't even get enough money to hang out with my schoolmates. They laughed about me being broke while I was not in reality, it was only because of my stupid parents that I had to suffer.

My parents also never cared about my looks nor about my mental health, and never invested their money in that. They never got me proper medication against acne, never gave me money for styling / haircut. They only sent me to expensive private schools without me saying anything. If I didn't get good scores then it was me the ungrateful.

I was brought up to suppress my needs and desires. That certainly led to my constant depression, making me ignore my looks so long till it was deteriorated. Now I'm on my way of recovery, but some damages they've done to me are simply irreparable.
jokes on them, their offspring is on an incel website
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  • JFL
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My grandma raised me for most of my early childhood, had me playing chess and using a computer before I could walk; I appreciate it, but I would've preferred to have been able to develop my social skills more than my IQ back when my brainw as still plastic enough to gid gud at either of them.
I was homeless 5 times before I tturned 18,turned 18 and left those fat fucks but just moved back a 6months ago after living with my brother for the past 4 years.

I was the poorest kid and school and everyone made fun of me for that and my acne riddin face

Didn't have a phone till I was 16-17.(0 contacts in it.)

All the rich guys itt are getting the acid.
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Didn't have a phone till I was 16-17.
LOL same. They didn't give me a phone when I was in middle school. Once there was some activity that ended up being canceled, all the boys except me got the information via SMS. When I arrived there the girls laughed at me "are you still a guy?". JFL.
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LOL same. They didn't give me a phone when I was in middle school. Once there was some activity that ended up being canceled, all the boys except me got the information via SMS. When I arrived there the girls laughed at me "are you still a guy?". JFL.
Slayer 100 girls all for yourself.
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  • JFL
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Not really. I think we could be but my parents just have horrible money management which leaves us living paycheck to paycheck. Most of my clothes are pretty shit tbh so I try to wear the simplest thing to get me thru the day so cant really fashionmaxx
Fairly, but I'm becoming wealthy through work
middle class
Mine are, but they give zero shits about my looks, I can't blame them, tbh.
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Yes, my parents are top 1% income and help me with what they deem except able. I currently have 600 dollars to spend on whatever I want and 5,000 that they control.
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Yes, my parents are top 1% income and help me with what they deem except able. I currently have 600 dollars to spend on whatever I want and 5,000 that they control.
Lucky you
Moderately well off. Too stingy to help me out and I live in my own house on the skids.
They'd be better off paying for my surgery than college. But if I told them I want surgery they would think I'm crazy and sign me up for therapy. Gosh I just wish they were honest and could admit their son is ugly and surgery would help. Also they don't tell me I look retarded. I dress like a middle schooler, they say nothing. I've gone long periods of time trying to grow a 'beard' and it was embarassing but they never had the NUTS to tell me I looked disgusting.
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Why do you keep saying that. And within 5 seconds of my post lol
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Yes upper middle class tbh.

And same I pay for almost everything. Even as a teen I had to pay for all my shit.

Jfl @ knowing if your Dad gave you $50k (literally 2% of his assets) you could become a chadlite in 1 year.
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:feelshaha: my dad never finished high school :feelshaha:
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Yes upper middle class tbh.

And same I pay for almost everything. Even as a teen I had to pay for all my shit.

Jfl @ knowing if your Dad gave you $50k (literally 2% of his assets) you could become a chadlite in 1 year.
Would you feel good taking so much from your parents? for a thing like ascension
Would you feel good taking so much from your parents? for a thing like ascension
I'd feel like a loser if I asked for any money so I don't do it.
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