Aromasin worth it at 15?


Deleted member 6892

May 10, 2020
Want to take 6.25 mg Aromasin ED, will it fuck up my hormones and endocrine system?
Whats the purpose
Prevent the closure of growth plates and get a more masculine face.
Sounds reasonable...check first if they are open at also if want to grow you need to take hgh too

About the masculine face, it will come nevertheless your still a baby in my eyes 😅
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If your starting height is under 5'10 yes otherwise no
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If your starting height is under 5'10 yes otherwise no
I'm 5'10 rn at 15. Want to be 6'5 but obviously impossible unless strike's stack works.
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good luck growing 16cm lol
Yeah that's why I'm saying it's likely impossible but if tumormaxxing works I'm gonna grow inch every month + I have relatively early puberty. My predicted height is 6'1 so a more realistic goal might be 6'3.
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I'm 5'10 rn at 15. Want to be 6'5 but obviously impossible unless strike's stack works.
If under Tanner's stage 4 fuck yes it'll definitely work, ascend into a tall chad asap
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So is there any point combining aromasin with your stack or no?
no, again what u are looking to prevent is growth plate cessation, not epiphyseal fusion
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no, again what u are looking to prevent is growth plate cessation, not epiphyseal fusion
I'm not going to take it purely for height as you said the growth plates never truly close. I'm mostly planning to take it to achieve a more masculine face + bigger dick but it's most likely cope yeah.
You are scared of using Aromasin at 15 and Iam here looking to order prohormones and sarms at the same age JFL
You are scared of using Aromasin at 15 and Iam here looking to order prohormones and sarms at the same age JFL
I'm not scared of it I just want to know the effects. Plus you're 5'6 so obviously you're much more desperate. Which prohormes and sarms are you using?
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I'm not scared of it I just want to know the effects. Plus you're 5'6 so obviously you're much more desperate. Which prohormes and sarms are you using?
Iam not using anything at the moment,but I will order LGD-4033 or Rad-140 soon
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I'm not going to take it purely for height as you said the growth plates never truly close. I'm mostly planning to take it to achieve a more masculine face + bigger dick but it's most likely cope yeah.
mesenchymal stem cells remain in the bone marrow even after epiphyseal fusion, there is increasing DNA methylation to reactivate your growth plate since it causes chondrocyte differentiation anyway from Mesynchymeal stem cell factors, chondrogenic and osteosarcoma is a good example of this going wrong as the MSC's still differentiate into chondrocytes and proliferate outside of the tibia but it is done so in a horizontal way which is a cancer instead of longitudinal way, BMP-7 is very useful for getting some of these inactive MSC's to differentiate into chondrocytes again even after fusion forcing growth, activating the pi3k pathway forces chondrocyte hypertrophy so it will force your bone length to become longer even after fusion too, anyway key factor here is DNA methylation, if you have that under control you will age slower and grow as much and long as you want but the problem is how will you stop your growth, it could theoretically go forever but it doesn't since the pituitary giants die, epigenetic defects like sotos syndrome, weaver syndrome and DMNT3A overgrowth syndrome known causes of gigantism too.
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Iam not using anything at the moment,but I will order LGD-4033 or Rad-140 soon
Did you try the DNA methylation stack?
mesenchymal stem cells remain in the bone marrow even after epiphyseal fusion, there is increasing DNA methylation to reactivate your growth plate since it causes chondrocyte differentiation anyway from Mesynchymeal stem cell factors, chondrogenic and osteosarcoma is a good example of this going wrong as the MSC's still differentiate into chondrocytes and proliferate outside of the tibia but it is done so in a horizontal way which is a cancer instead of longitudinal way, BMP-7 is very useful for getting some of these inactive MSC's to differentiate into chondrocytes again even after fusion forcing growth, activating the pi3k pathway forces chondrocyte hypertrophy so it will force your bone length to become longer even after fusion too, anyway key factor here is DNA methylation, if you have that under control you will age slower and grow as much and long as you want but the problem is how will you stop your growth, it could theoretically go forever but it doesn't since the pituitary giants die, epigenetic defects like sotos syndrome, weaver syndrome and DMNT3A overgrowth syndrome known causes of gigantism too.
Definitely. You already provided the examples of Adam Rainer and that woman who grew after 27. Going close to a tumor but not quite getting it should work in theory and be much more effective than HGH, which most of us have enough of.
Yeah that's why I'm saying it's likely impossible but if tumormaxxing works I'm gonna grow inch every month + I have relatively early puberty. My predicted height is 6'1 so a more realistic goal might be 6'3.
Relative late one*.
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mesenchymal stem cells remain in the bone marrow even after epiphyseal fusion, there is increasing DNA methylation to reactivate your growth plate since it causes chondrocyte differentiation anyway from Mesynchymeal stem cell factors, chondrogenic and osteosarcoma is a good example of this going wrong as the MSC's still differentiate into chondrocytes and proliferate outside of the tibia but it is done so in a horizontal way which is a cancer instead of longitudinal way, BMP-7 is very useful for getting some of these inactive MSC's to differentiate into chondrocytes again even after fusion forcing growth, activating the pi3k pathway forces chondrocyte hypertrophy so it will force your bone length to become longer even after fusion too, anyway key factor here is DNA methylation, if you have that under control you will age slower and grow as much and long as you want but the problem is how will you stop your growth, it could theoretically go forever but it doesn't since the pituitary giants die, epigenetic defects like sotos syndrome, weaver syndrome and DMNT3A overgrowth syndrome known causes of gigantism too.
always wondered why everyone considered you an expert on growth, now i know lol.

Anyway, aromasin is the only ai (that im aware of)which will destroy your ability to aromatization constantly. This is in some ways good, because you wont experience heightened e afterwards like with letrozole, but you do need e for to inhibit osteoblasts, meaning to protect bone. I do recommend aromasin, just lower the dose buddy
always wondered why everyone considered you an expert on growth, now i know lol.

Anyway, aromasin is the only ai (that im aware of)which will destroy your ability to aromatization constantly. This is in some ways good, because you wont experience heightened e afterwards like with letrozole, but you do need e for to inhibit osteoblasts, meaning to protect bone. I do recommend aromasin, just lower the dose buddy
Is 6.5 mg ED good?

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