As much as i hate to admit it in non white countries race plays a huge advantage



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
Know everyone on this forum agrees JBW as a concept exists I disagree on the reasons why i personally think it's mainly cause of western imperialism mainly due to the reason that colonized views of whites were quite shocking in fact it was comical how much white people were mocked in some texts for instance (source below) that being said we can all agree that JBW exists it's physically better to look whiter it's unfair it's cruel but hey it just is what it is.

>>Like other civilizations, the ancient Han Chinese regarded other groups they came into contact with as barbarians. They were especially taken aback by the odd appearance of one group, the Yuehzi, because of their hairy, white, ruddy skin and their prominent noses, which the Chinese likened to those of monkeys.


The Han Chinese applied the term “Hu” to barbarians like the Yuehzi who had “deep eye sockets, prominent noses, and beards.” But they did not apply it to the Qiang, another barbarian group, who had a Mongoloid appearance and among whom some of the Yuezhi lived. Both groups were denigrated as uncivilized and inferior to the Chinese, but the Qiang were deemed to belong to the same racial stock, whereas the Yuezhi were viewed as being part of a very different stock, not only barbarian but ugly and monkey-like to boot.>>

Know that is said that preface i wanted to say fret not not all hope is lost you can do lots to whiten your phenotype.

1 You can extract 4 premolars this fixes the bimaxillary protrusion look.

2 White people have way thinner fat pads it's why most of there faces look thin as bone you can get Bucca fat removal to fix this pm @Chadlite Rutherford for advice.

3 Hair colour white people typically have brown hair you can dye your hair to that color it feels fake but who cares really.

4 Eye color you have a few options you can either get stroma for eye lightening or you can get baby blue contact lenses the real kind.

5 Skin lightening use either glucosmine or any other prouct here is 1

6 White people have taller and narrower vertical maxillas and jaws what could be done to fix this ? well assuming your mid face is not already giga long you can get CW rotation on both the jaws and philtrum region to give a more europoid look.

7 Rhino plasticity this is well known that racial phenotypes have different noses you can get an ethnic rhino plasticity to europeanize your phenotype.

8 Your lips white people typically have darker lips you can just keep getting lip reduction till it becomes thinner.

9 Your chin you can get genioplasticity you can get a lot of lengthening.

10 Cheek bone reduction Europeans have a less off a projecting cheek bone you need cheek bone reduction basically.

11 If your asian you may need a lefort 2 .

12/13 the last 2 parts are a projecting browridge and where the browridge is placed either it's high set or low set typically euros are more low set.

@RealSurgerymax could you fill out any more missing pieces.


The main reason i made this thread is because while most won't like to admit it a painful truth is known being white is beneficial in this world so you got to play with that for any 1 actually serious in this en-devour i congratulate you
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Not a single word. All noodlewhores are my exclusive property. Have a wonderful day.

asians need lefort 3 not 2
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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If u arent white. U gotta play it rough. Good thread. Dont know why not a lot of people call you out for being high IQ
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JFL at trying to be another race you're not. Have fun living a lie and "whitening" your pheno. This is all cope that'll leave you looking like MJ.
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shitskin seething hard
  • JFL
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JFL at trying to be another race you're not. Have fun living a lie and "whitening" your pheno. This is all cope that'll leave you looking like MJ.

Again just cause you can't imagine it doesn't make it impossible you dumb fuck
Yes this is true.. Ethnic are slaying so hard here...
the face cream you linked looks like cope hydroquinone is the only shit that works
the face cream you linked looks like cope hydroquinone is the only shit that works

Could you show me some before and afters ?
Asians wanted to whiten their skin even before white people it goes back a long time through their history. Other races though do just want to be white, you should see some of the skin whitening comercials they have in india.
Asians wanted to whiten their skin even before white people it goes back a long time through their history. Other races though do just want to be white, you should see some of the skin whitening comercials they have in india.

Not the really the point of this thread tbqh
Could you show me some before and afters ?
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so i can slay latina in south america easily
yea i knew that already
  • Ugh..
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I think its definitely possible to become more attractive by getting more european typical features, but this idea of trying to look white would probably not result in a good face. You need some sort of harmony, I dont know exactly how important harmony is but obviously, if you have a bunch of mismatched features, some of which look extremely out of place on your face, then you will not be attractive. Trying to add white features will never work, you need to add features that will be attractive with the rest of your face taken into account. You can never look white if you are not white. Its like trying to make your pickup truck look like a lamborghini with a few cosmetic changes.

Of course, attractive features are usually going to look more white/european, but I just cant see it working to say “europeans have zygos this size and shape, a maxilla with these dimensions, I’m going to get surgery to have those dimensions”
This is just impractical
this is just cope imo it's just about soft features at then end of the day to look white or not
being gl > race but i will agree with you that white features are deemed more attractive
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Again just cause you can't imagine it doesn't make it impossible you dumb fuck
Wow, very hostile. I didn't even say anything offensive to you.

But ok, I'll take it. Can you show me examples of a curry who whitened their skin so much that you can't even tell they're curries anymore and that they're actually some Nordic dudes?

Stop being an idiot. You can't change race. You'd need a different maxilla, different facial features, different bone structure, so on and so forth. Let's say if you were on the pursuit of changing your race and you really wanted it badly, you'll still look like shit because you won't have any harmony.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: reptiles
Wow, very hostile. I didn't even say anything offensive to you.

But ok, I'll take it. Can you show me examples of a curry who whitened their skin so much that you can't even tell they're curries anymore and that they're actually some Nordic dudes?

Stop being an idiot. You can't change race. You'd need a different maxilla, different facial features, different bone structure, so on and so forth. Let's say if you were on the pursuit of changing your race and you really wanted it badly, you'll still look like shit because you won't have any harmony.

I never said youll look white but you can get to tajikstani or an indo european passing person as indians are primarily caucasoid you could easily get to a skull that fits will within the caucasian radar
white people typically have darker lips
I this an error?
well you missed one unfixable trait in order to be white passing, which I have. long dark eyelashes which in combination with dark eyebrows and dark eyes makes you look super ethnic even if you have white skin like myself. You can't do anything to shorten or lighten your eyelashes permanently and neither you can make your eyebrows more white passing especially if you are someone who gets a unibrow and is super hairy on that area(not speaking of myself). I don't think eye contacts is a viable solution either since you can't wear them 24/7.
You are a part of the problem yuck
why would u recommend whitening skin products from wish JFL at you man

use 1)hydroquione 2)kojic acid
I never said youll look white but you can get to tajikstani or an indo european passing person as indians are primarily caucasoid you could easily get to a skull that fits will within the caucasian radar
Fair enough then.
  • +1
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I think its definitely possible to become more attractive by getting more european typical features, but this idea of trying to look white would probably not result in a good face. You need some sort of harmony, I dont know exactly how important harmony is but obviously, if you have a bunch of mismatched features, some of which look extremely out of place on your face, then you will not be attractive. Trying to add white features will never work, you need to add features that will be attractive with the rest of your face taken into account. You can never look white if you are not white. Its like trying to make your pickup truck look like a lamborghini with a few cosmetic changes.

Of course, attractive features are usually going to look more white/european, but I just cant see it working to say “europeans have zygos this size and shape, a maxilla with these dimensions, I’m going to get surgery to have those dimensions”
I would argue ethnic features destroy harmony like for example big ethnic nose. ethnic features tend to be less harmonious than white features.
  • +1
Reactions: reptiles and SkinjobCatastrophe
I would argue ethnic features destroy harmony like for example big ethnic nose. ethnic features tend to be less harmonious than white features.

This is true ngl like the bug eye look with the curries
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I would argue ethnic features destroy harmony like for example big ethnic nose. ethnic features tend to be less harmonious than white features.
That is true, and the nose is a good example of how some ethnics have features that give them bad harmony. But for example imagine a chinese man, with his chinese typical nose removed and instead they put a white typical nose on him. It wouldnt look right. Or imagine a black man with straight brown hair and a prominent browridge. He would look like a nutjob cartoon character.
  • +1
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That is true, and the nose is a good example of how some ethnics have features that give them bad harmony. But for example imagine a chinese man, with his chinese typical nose removed and instead they put a white typical nose on him. It wouldnt look right. Or imagine a black man with straight brown hair and a prominent browridge. He would look like a nutjob cartoon character.

Thats a ridiclous cope asian noses are literally puke infested cancer tier ngl its flat as fuck if you gave the person a more angulated nasal sill the results will look beautiful
  • +1
Reactions: sandcelmuttcel and SkinjobCatastrophe
Good observations OP.
Glucosamine is for what? And how do u reccomend taking it?
Thats a ridiclous cope asian noses are literally puke infested cancer tier ngl its flat as fuck if you gave the person a more angulated nasal sill the results will look beautiful
You are right, the attractive asians like models and movie stars have more projected angled noses, but they dont have white typical noses. Their noses still look harmonious with their face. If a chinese man wanted a rhino he could get a nose that looks like henry cavills nose but I just cant imagine it would look right. It seems that it would be better to make the nose more like a european’s nose, but still with asian features
  • +1
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You are right, the attractive asians like models and movie stars have more projected angled noses, but they dont have white typical noses. Their noses still look harmonious with their face. If a chinese man wanted a rhino he could get a nose that looks like henry cavills nose but I just cant imagine it would look right. It seems that it would be better to make the nose more like a european’s nose, but still with asian features

I think indians are slightly fortante atleast the north indians in that craniometrically they already look caucasian so white maxing will make them. Look a lot whiter you should see albino curries
  • +1
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I think indians are slightly fortante atleast the north indians in that craniometrically they already look caucasian so white maxing will make them. Look a lot whiter you should see albino curries
That is for sure I think anyone who had a similar enough skull shape and phenotype could definitely benefit from just trying to look more white.
That is true, and the nose is a good example of how some ethnics have features that give them bad harmony. But for example imagine a chinese man, with his chinese typical nose removed and instead they put a white typical nose on him. It wouldnt look right. Or imagine a black man with straight brown hair and a prominent browridge. He would look like a nutjob cartoon character.
wait actually you are not right. Asians look better with white looking noses instead of their typical flat underprojected nose.
Unnamed 78

agreed about black hair thing but blacks with prominent browridge look more aesthetic
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@reptiles you read my comment about eyelashes thing?
wait actually you are not right. Asians look better with white looking noses instead of their typical flat underprojected nose.
View attachment 834806
agreed about black hair thing but blacks with prominent browridge look more aesthetic
View attachment 834825
In that picture the asian woman had her maxilla reshaped in additon to the nose, which gave her a more harmonious look. That black man is also a large percentage white, which would also give him a more harmonious look with white features. There are definitely some people from china or africa who would look better if you slapped on white features, but the average person would have a difficult time looking better with completely white typical features.

Even those korean singers and models and celebrities who get tons of plastic surgery usually only get features that look more white, but they dont just get a totally white looking nose. What makes people that are 1/2 asian and 1/2 white more attractive is that their entire face is more white typical, they dont look like a regular asian just with a more white typical nose or more white typical eyelids. It all comes together better than just changing a few features and making those specific features look white
  • +1
Reactions: reptiles
Know everyone on this forum agrees JBW as a concept exists I disagree on the reasons why i personally think it's mainly cause of western imperialism mainly due to the reason that colonized views of whites were quite shocking in fact it was comical how much white people were mocked in some texts for instance (source below) that being said we can all agree that JBW exists it's physically better to look whiter it's unfair it's cruel but hey it just is what it is.

>>Like other civilizations, the ancient Han Chinese regarded other groups they came into contact with as barbarians. They were especially taken aback by the odd appearance of one group, the Yuehzi, because of their hairy, white, ruddy skin and their prominent noses, which the Chinese likened to those of monkeys.


The Han Chinese applied the term “Hu” to barbarians like the Yuehzi who had “deep eye sockets, prominent noses, and beards.” But they did not apply it to the Qiang, another barbarian group, who had a Mongoloid appearance and among whom some of the Yuezhi lived. Both groups were denigrated as uncivilized and inferior to the Chinese, but the Qiang were deemed to belong to the same racial stock, whereas the Yuezhi were viewed as being part of a very different stock, not only barbarian but ugly and monkey-like to boot.>>

Know that is said that preface i wanted to say fret not not all hope is lost you can do lots to whiten your phenotype.

1 You can extract 4 premolars this fixes the bimaxillary protrusion look.

2 White people have way thinner fat pads it's why most of there faces look thin as bone you can get Bucca fat removal to fix this pm @Chadlite Rutherford for advice.

3 Hair colour white people typically have brown hair you can dye your hair to that color it feels fake but who cares really.

4 Eye color you have a few options you can either get stroma for eye lightening or you can get baby blue contact lenses the real kind.

5 Skin lightening use either glucosmine or any other prouct here is 1

6 White people have taller and narrower vertical maxillas and jaws what could be done to fix this ? well assuming your mid face is not already giga long you can get CW rotation on both the jaws and philtrum region to give a more europoid look.

7 Rhino plasticity this is well known that racial phenotypes have different noses you can get an ethnic rhino plasticity to europeanize your phenotype.

8 Your lips white people typically have darker lips you can just keep getting lip reduction till it becomes thinner.

9 Your chin you can get genioplasticity you can get a lot of lengthening.

10 Cheek bone reduction Europeans have a less off a projecting cheek bone you need cheek bone reduction basically.

11 If your asian you may need a lefort 2 .

12/13 the last 2 parts are a projecting browridge and where the browridge is placed either it's high set or low set typically euros are more low set.

@RealSurgerymax could you fill out any more missing pieces.


The main reason i made this thread is because while most won't like to admit it a painful truth is known being white is beneficial in this world so you got to play with that for any 1 actually serious in this en-devour i congratulate you
Jbw is 100% real. Somebody buy me tinder plus and in bangkok I will get 200+ likes with my own pictures. Tbh, that's conservative number too...
That's what I've got years ago when I was ugly with fakegps. Couldn't even reply to all the girls chatting me up. Not enough time physically to write back, jfl.
Sorry, for off topic of sorts.
Just a side point.
  • Woah
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In that picture the asian woman had her maxilla reshaped in additon to the nose, which gave her a more harmonious look. That black man is also a large percentage white, which would also give him a more harmonious look with white features. There are definitely some people from china or africa who would look better if you slapped on white features, but the average person would have a difficult time looking better with completely white typical features.

Even those korean singers and models and celebrities who get tons of plastic surgery usually only get features that look more white, but they dont just get a totally white looking nose. What makes people that are 1/2 asian and 1/2 white more attractive is that their entire face is more white typical, they dont look like a regular asian just with a more white typical nose or more white typical eyelids. It all comes together better than just changing a few features and making those specific features look white

Only i feel so bad for east Asians on average they have literally next to nill of any caucasian blood even the jomonese the only caucasians of asia are literally only 20 percent in the japanese though the ainu are rear exceptions they are the caucasian moggers of japan

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