

Feb 19, 2024

IMG 3706

Walked past a young teen couple at a restaurant. The foid was wrapping her arms around him, giving him head rubs and kissing him all over his face. Oh and the look she had on her face. She was looking at him with pure love. He was everything to her in that moment of pure bliss for them.
I involuntarily clenched my fist due to the anger/ despair I felt. If fucking killed me. I would decapitate a million Nigerian infants to have a girl like that even look at me like i’m human.
They’re sitting in front of some oldcels who I assume are the parents.
JFL I’m pretty sure my parents never even saw me casually talking to a girl.

In the famous words of ER (PBUH)

"A beautiful environment is the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone."

I just fucking can’t. This is the last time i’m solo travelling. Last year I did it and it was fun because I actually got some success with 2 foids without trying, this year i’m actually approaching and being ignored by landwhales.

Fuck this, think i’ll just call it quits on my vacation and book a flight home. I’ll save money that way. I’m a subanimal piece of shit made for rotting in my basement. There’s no ascension for me. All there will be is my upcoming suicide.
IMG 3707

I wish genocide on all normies and whores. If it was up to me every single foid would be raped and killed by 2PSL sewer dwelling curries. That includes my family members.
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  • JFL
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: greywind, Costcosuperstore, 5'7 zoomer and 12 others
you're a pussy
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, tombradylover, 5'7 zoomer and 7 others

View attachment 3043865
Walked past a young teen couple at a restaurant. The foid was wrapping her arms around him, giving him head rubs and kissing him all over his face. Oh and the look she had on her face. She was looking at him with pure love. He was everything to her in that moment of pure bliss for them.
I involuntarily closed my fist due to the anger/ despair I felt. If fucking killed me. I would decapitate a million Nigerian infants to have a girl like that even look at me like i’m human.
They’re sitting in front of some oldcels who I assume are the parents.
JFL I’m pretty sure my parents never even saw me casually talking to a girl.

In the famous words of ER (PBUH)

"A beautiful environment is the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone."

I just fucking can’t. This is the last time i’m solo travelling. Last year I did it and it was fun because I actually got some success with 2 foids without trying, this year i’m actually approaching and being ignored by landwhales.

Fuck this, think i’ll just call it quits on my vacation and book a flight home. I’ll save money that way. I’m a subanimal piece of shit made for rotting in my basement. There’s no ascension for me. All there will be is my upcoming suicide.
View attachment 3043875
I wish genocide on all normies and whores. If it was up to me every single foid would be raped and killed by 2PSL sewer dwelling curries. That includes my family members.
Yikes, sweetie.
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, 5'7 zoomer, Clqs and 3 others
i feel u nigga
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_, greywind, Costcosuperstore and 3 others
you're a pussy
I basically approached for the first time properly yesterday, went up and danced with girls, tried talking to them in smoking area. I felt I looked the best I did in a while etc. all that resulted in not a single ioi.

I don’t understand how some days I can just sit in a corner and be approached and get told i’m good looking and other nights I will actually go out of my way to try and foids treat me like I have shit coming out of my mouth.
This is some kind of simulation, it has to be. None of this is real. What kind of sick fucking test by some higher power am I being tortured with?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, BrutalMogger, Rea and 1 other person
dw bhai you'll get there one day
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
Yikes, sweetie.
How the fuck do you live in EE? I never see this kind of shit back home but here it seems like everyone is dating. Hard to believe how shit the birth rates are honestly when every single male/ female pair is holding hands/ hugging/ kissing.
I’ve got to be the only incel here otherwise there would be daily ERs in Żabka.

dw bhai you'll get there one day
I’m 23. It’s over. I’ll go back to my basement and cope for a bit and then rope.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, BrutalMogger, glizzygnasher68 and 2 others
@ascension over for u bud
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger, ascension and Zelenskyiv
How the fuck do you live in EE? I never see this kind of shit back home but here it seems like everyone is dating. Hard to believe how shit the birth rates are honestly when every single male/ female pair is holding hands/ hugging/ kissing.
Absolutely unfazed by that. I'm more concerned about being spawnkilled and being a framelet/manlet aka sub josh mcgregor. Hopefully, I'll be able to move to muttmerica soon enough.
I’ve got to be the only incel here otherwise there would be daily ERs in Żabka.
Plenty of them here as well.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
Absolutely unfazed by that. I'm more concerned about being spawnkilled and being a framelet/manlet aka sub josh mcgregor. Hopefully, I'll be able to move to muttmerica soon enough.

Plenty of them here as well.
I hate America and hope it gets nuked but honestly same, working in SWE in even western Europe is poverty-tier
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and St.TikTokcel
I hate America and hope it gets nuked but honestly same, working in SWE in even western Europe is poverty-tier
You get the best of both worlds here.
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv

View attachment 3043865
Walked past a young teen couple at a restaurant. The foid was wrapping her arms around him, giving him head rubs and kissing him all over his face. Oh and the look she had on her face. She was looking at him with pure love. He was everything to her in that moment of pure bliss for them.
I involuntarily clenched my fist due to the anger/ despair I felt. If fucking killed me. I would decapitate a million Nigerian infants to have a girl like that even look at me like i’m human.
They’re sitting in front of some oldcels who I assume are the parents.
JFL I’m pretty sure my parents never even saw me casually talking to a girl.

In the famous words of ER (PBUH)

"A beautiful environment is the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone."

I just fucking can’t. This is the last time i’m solo travelling. Last year I did it and it was fun because I actually got some success with 2 foids without trying, this year i’m actually approaching and being ignored by landwhales.

Fuck this, think i’ll just call it quits on my vacation and book a flight home. I’ll save money that way. I’m a subanimal piece of shit made for rotting in my basement. There’s no ascension for me. All there will be is my upcoming suicide.
View attachment 3043875
I wish genocide on all normies and whores. If it was up to me every single foid would be raped and killed by 2PSL sewer dwelling curries. That includes my family members.
Brah I had 2 gfs trust me when I remoce the loving and happy emotions it was such a goddamn headache and emotional stresser fr. Im gonna be single for a while jfl
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
Brah I had 2 gfs trust me when I remoce the loving and happy emotions it was such a goddamn headache and emotional stresser fr. Im gonna be single for a while jfl
Damn, how unlucky for you... So glad i’ll never have to put up with such headaches.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Timmy
How tall are you
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
How tall are you
184cm, getting heightmogged by legit 210cm+ Anglo and Polish moggers here though lol. I’m a russiancel.
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  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
184cm, getting heightmogged by legit 210cm+ Anglo and Polish moggers here though lol
Either means you are Sub-MTN or you aren't as tall as you think you are.My slayer friends slays in clubs just purely off being tall and buff
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
184cm, getting heightmogged by legit 210cm+ Anglo and Polish moggers here though lol
wear mega lifts like Zelenskyy irl
IMG 3526

and start bonesmashing
IMG 3527
IMG 3528

That’s what this forum is all about nigga
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
Either means you are Sub-MTN or you aren't as tall as you think you are.My slayer friends slays in clubs just purely off being tall and buff
Like I said, over the years of clubbing i’ve had dozens of girls approach me and compliment me without me doing anything, even in mogger clubs. I was a high inhib low T cuck so I self sabotaged. Last year a girl took me back to her hotel and told me to get naked and we still didn’t have sex.

But basically now that I try I don’t get shit. I mean I felt like a legit 1/10, not the slightest hint of interest.
I don’t care about my height, sub 190cm = manlet. But I regularly had people complimenting my face, both foids and gays. Nothing changed but now i’m invisible. Got high ratings back on lookism too btw.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
Like I said, over the years of clubbing i’ve had dozens of girls approach me and compliment me without me doing anything, even in mogger clubs. I was a high inhib low T cuck so I self sabotaged. Last year a girl took me back to her hotel and told me to get naked and we still didn’t have sex.

But basically now that I try I don’t get shit. I mean I felt like a legit 1/10, not the slightest hint of interest.
I don’t care about my height, sub 190cm = manlet. But I regularly had people complimenting my face, both foids and gays. Nothing changed but now i’m invisible. Got high ratings back on lookism too btw.
Wtf happened at the hotel, how the fuck did u not slay
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
Wtf happened at the hotel, how the fuck did u not slay
It happened a little over a year ago.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and nigtard
Like I said, over the years of clubbing i’ve had dozens of girls approach me and compliment me without me doing anything, even in mogger clubs. I was a high inhib low T cuck so I self sabotaged. Last year a girl took me back to her hotel and told me to get naked and we still didn’t have sex.

But basically now that I try I don’t get shit. I mean I felt like a legit 1/10, not the slightest hint of interest.
I don’t care about my height, sub 190cm = manlet. But I regularly had people complimenting my face, both foids and gays. Nothing changed but now i’m invisible. Got high ratings back on lookism too btw.
my ioi and approach count also went down a lot after 22/23 despite looking better than ever imo

its just the age where girls stop approaching. you are too old for jbs and not gl enough for older girls

older girls only approach chad tbh. jbs approach high mtn+
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
my ioi and approach count also went down a lot after 22/23 despite looking better than ever imo

its just the age where girls stop approaching. you are too old for jbs and not gl enough for older girls

older girls only approach chad tbh. jbs approach high mtn+
Nah lol, I still hang out at the same clubs of teens/ early 20s and I still look 18/19.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
It happened a little over a year ago.
Should've just started kissing her, then finger her and then shit will happen.If you are still trying to slay from clubs just dumpster dive tbh, I missed out on fucking some LTB because I felt like she looked like a kid so my friend fucked her instead.I still regret but you have to move on.Just drink like 10 vodka cokes and approaching will be easy
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger and Zelenskyiv
Should've just started kissing her, then finger her and then shit will happen.If you are still trying to slay from clubs just dumpster dive tbh, I missed out on fucking some LTB because I felt like she looked like a kid so my friend fucked her instead.I still regret but you have to move on.Just drink like 10 vodka cokes and approaching will be easy
I did that yesterday. Even the lowliest LTB looked at me like i’m garbage. I never felt so invisible in my life.
The girl from the thread basically eyefucked me as soon as I came in.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
I did that yesterday. Even the lowliest LTB looked at me like i’m garbage. I never felt so invisible in my life.
The girl from the thread basically eyefucked me as soon as I came in.
Yeah its over then,you need to start clubbing in a small town where the competition isn't that high.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
Yeah its over then,you need to start clubbing in a small town where the competition isn't that high.
Had good experiences in big cities too. Even when there’s lots of moggers around, I still see mostly MTNs and HTNs making out anyway. And in small towns clubs are shit so idgaf. I’m simply a repulsive outcast.

wear mega lifts like Zelenskyy irl
View attachment 3043930
and start bonesmashing
View attachment 3043934View attachment 3043935
That’s what this forum is all about nigga
Memes aside, there’s all kinds of couples everywhere. Blackpill is such a horseshit cope. There’s someone out there for everyone except for me. I’m meant to die alone.
  • +1
Reactions: BrutalMogger
ngl your integrity is weak if you cannot accept inceldom.
  • JFL
Reactions: Zelenskyiv

View attachment 3043865
Walked past a young teen couple at a restaurant. The foid was wrapping her arms around him, giving him head rubs and kissing him all over his face. Oh and the look she had on her face. She was looking at him with pure love. He was everything to her in that moment of pure bliss for them.
I involuntarily clenched my fist due to the anger/ despair I felt. If fucking killed me. I would decapitate a million Nigerian infants to have a girl like that even look at me like i’m human.
They’re sitting in front of some oldcels who I assume are the parents.
JFL I’m pretty sure my parents never even saw me casually talking to a girl.

In the famous words of ER (PBUH)

"A beautiful environment is the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone."

I just fucking can’t. This is the last time i’m solo travelling. Last year I did it and it was fun because I actually got some success with 2 foids without trying, this year i’m actually approaching and being ignored by landwhales.

Fuck this, think i’ll just call it quits on my vacation and book a flight home. I’ll save money that way. I’m a subanimal piece of shit made for rotting in my basement. There’s no ascension for me. All there will be is my upcoming suicide.
View attachment 3043875
I wish genocide on all normies and whores. If it was up to me every single foid would be raped and killed by 2PSL sewer dwelling curries. That includes my family members.
What you're talking about is not ascension by the way, it's slaying.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Zelenskyiv
ascension = looking better than you did
No it doesn’t lol. Ascension = escaping inceldom = having sex. And lets be honest average sex-haver is a boneless MTN.
  • +1
Reactions: descension
No it doesn’t lol. Ascension = escaping inceldom = having sex. And lets be honest average sex-haver is a boneless MTN.
Idk I might be wrong but ascending is looking better actively imo
exctly what i experienced when travelling to europe XD. Couples in nightlife and say a htn squeeze his girlfriends cheeks and kiss her while walking. Suifuel and wanted to jump off into a canal. Mogged me to gandy heaven.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Zelenskyiv
exctly what i experienced when travelling to europe XD. Couples in nightlife and say a htn squeeze his girlfriends cheeks and kiss her while walking. Suifuel and wanted to jump off into a canal. Mogged me to gandy heaven.
Death to whores
  • +1
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
Had good experiences in big cities too. Even when there’s lots of moggers around, I still see mostly MTNs and HTNs making out anyway. And in small towns clubs are shit so idgaf. I’m simply a repulsive outcast.

Memes aside, there’s all kinds of couples everywhere. Blackpill is such a horseshit cope. There’s someone out there for everyone except for me. I’m meant to die alone.
what you look like bro

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