Asians are the most masculine race



Lowest smv in the world
Oct 29, 2022
Asian men ARE masculine, the notion of Asian men being effeminate is FALSE


**People may think I'm trolling when they see the title, but I assure you, I am not. Asian men are not effeminate, that is very far from the truth. Those of you who have seen my previous posts may already know why that is, but due to the influx of new members of the past year and the fact I want to compile my posts together into one cohesive piece.**

# Foreword

Note, **if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.** The purpose of this post is to dispel the myth of the "effeminate asian male" and to continue to awaken other Asian men to the truth. If you have any AM friends in real life who are suffering due to this myth, please send them this post.

# Evidence 1: Testosterone Levels

As we know, Testosterone is an integral part of being "hormonally male". Anyone who says being "hyper masculine" or being "masculine" has nothing to do with testosterone are lying. Male features are directly impacted by testosterone.

We have some of the highest if not highest testosterone levels, will go in depth into providing proof to back up my evidence. **We have some of the highest total testosterone levels, bioavailable and free testosterone.**

# Evidence 2: Facial structure

Asians belong to the "Robust" category of species, allowing us to develop objectively more rugged and masculine features. We have the broadest faces, highest forward growth, larger jaws, broad noses, hunter eyes and chins. These are all objectively facially masculine traits.

[**We objectively, have the most masculine facial features.**

# Evidence 3: Penile length/girth

The whole "BBC" or "small asian cock" myths are both unfounded. The averages and statistics prove that significant gaps regarding erect length and girth do not exist as an average. Outliers do exist, but porn is not an accurate source of information

**Human penis size disparities are not as significant as porn and the media tells you.**

# Evidence 4: We are built for Strength & Power

We have some of the highest genetic potential for Strength and power, unlike what some people may believe. Chinese and DPRK weightlifters regularly turn heads, the science behind it is quite simple.

**Asians are biologically hardwired for strength and power.**

# Evidence 5: Robustness

This circles back to Evidence 2, but I wanted to expand on the "Robustness" point I made previously. Due to us being of the "Robust" cline, Asians have an advantage when it comes to swimming, wrestling and weightlifting. Wrestling and weightlifting are typically considered to be "Masculine sports"

[ **Asians are biologically advantaged for wrestling, weightlifting and swimming.**

# Evidence 6: Even Western Media subconsciously acknowledges this fact

If you look in Western animation, plenty of the more masculine characters (Batman, Superman, Shazam) have typical Asiatic features.

**Western animation moguls knows that Asian men are hyper masculine.**

# Evidence 7: Low body hair =/= low dihydrotestosterone

Some people may believe having low dihydrotestosterone causes lack of facial hair growth, this is far from the truth. In fact, having a thick head of hair is typically seen as more attractive. So why is that the races that grow thick beards always bald so quickly?

**Lack of facial hair has got nothing to do with masculinity.**


**In this section, I will be answering the potential counter points, arguments and questions people may leave. To avoid them being in the comments and starting a flame war.**

# #1 Why are you so obsessed/Stop appeasing white men!/You're just insecure

First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with dispelling myths and lies with facts. Sure, I'm obsessed with this concept of "Asian men being hyper masculine", because I want to dispel the myths about it. Conversely, I could turn around and argue and say you're "obsessed" with asian activism. Try and apply your own standards to yourself, thanks.

Secondly, how am I appeasing white men? In every single evidence point, it claims we are better at certain things than caucasians. If I was trying to appease white men, I would be out right praising them. I am not, I am not singing their praises. I am singing our praises. Not sure how the two are the same.

Thirdly, the point of this post IS to dispel insecurity. If you are secure in your masculinity, good for you! But other people aren't, this post is for them. If you can't stand the idea of other asian men being secure, there's some serious soul searching you're going to have to do.

# #2 How did you compile all this evidence?

Me and a bunch of friends (who shall remain unnamed), collaborated with me to research these topics. With the Coronavirus attacks, that was the last straw for me. I flung myself head first into trying to find ways to help other Asian men. These are the fruits of my friends and my labour, over a solid year of research.

# #3 What is the point of all of this?

To dispel myths against asian men and reveal the truth of the matter. I refuse to stand by and continue having my brothers and myself being slandered by lies. Especially when those lies lead to destructive self hating behaviour that I myself, was once guilty of.

# #4 How do I help dispel the myths against Asian men?

Simple, practice what you preach. Work out, eat well, live healthily, don't be a pussy, stand up for other asian men. More importantly, HELP OTHER ASIAN MEN. Not every other asian man is on azn identity or aware/active in Asian activism. HELP THEM! HELP YOUR BROTHERS! It doesn't have to be providing them the science or the facts behind it, it can be simple as helping them eat right, encouraging them to be physically active.

# #5 This seems like psuedo science/bro science to me

I am uncertain how using sources like pubmed is "psuedo science". The studies I've chosen were not only performned on Asians but on other ethnicities/races as well. The prevelance of genes being useful for strength/power etc, are real. Don't bash it, have an open mind.

Bro science is anectodal, this isn't. The evidence is backed by statistics and research data, I am not pulling random claims out of the air and dumping them. I used evidence performned by both Asian and Non Asian researchers, don't bash it before you read it, have an open mind.



There you have it, so far this is all the evidence that I have compiled and feel that should be released to the public (as of now). There is more evidence under way and certain pieces of evidence we are still deliberating on whether we should release or not.

**If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.**
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Samsonpilled, justropemaxbro, HardknockLife and 6 others
Not a single word was read chink
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: Beastchodecode, Deleted member 27511, shogrim and 12 others
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23564 and rand anon
  • +1
Reactions: BongMog, Deleted member 27511, Deleted member 23564 and 2 others
Ok that’s fine don’t bother if I don’t care? Who? Who asked?
Didn’t ask for your long essay
Chinks and gooks have 0 testosterone
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 23564, Ukcel1388, CopeMoreCumskins. and 2 others
It’s not about the testosterone levels. It’s about the prenatal testosterone, androgen receptor density and sensitivity(CAG repeats) that causes androgenic features. Asians are subhuman in all of this.
  • +1
Reactions: Beastchodecode, Deleted member 27511, gribsufer1 and 1 other person
Not. A. Fucking. Word, subhuman.
  • +1
Reactions: Ukcel1388, Deleted member 2268 and rand anon
Dnrd but in Hawaii Asians bully and beat tf out of whites and blacks regularly lmao. Mixed Asians from here go to the UFC and dominate. Also Asians are at the top in Olympic medals especially weightlifting, and are only winning more and more in comparison to the other top countries
Asian men ARE masculine, the notion of Asian men being effeminate is FALSE


**People may think I'm trolling when they see the title, but I assure you, I am not. Asian men are not effeminate, that is very far from the truth. Those of you who have seen my previous posts may already know why that is, but due to the influx of new members of the past year and the fact I want to compile my posts together into one cohesive piece.**

# Foreword

Note, **if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.** The purpose of this post is to dispel the myth of the "effeminate asian male" and to continue to awaken other Asian men to the truth. If you have any AM friends in real life who are suffering due to this myth, please send them this post.

# Evidence 1: Testosterone Levels

As we know, Testosterone is an integral part of being "hormonally male". Anyone who says being "hyper masculine" or being "masculine" has nothing to do with testosterone are lying. Male features are directly impacted by testosterone.

We have some of the highest if not highest testosterone levels, will go in depth into providing proof to back up my evidence. **We have some of the highest total testosterone levels, bioavailable and free testosterone.**

# Evidence 2: Facial structure

Asians belong to the "Robust" category of species, allowing us to develop objectively more rugged and masculine features. We have the broadest faces, highest forward growth, larger jaws, broad noses, hunter eyes and chins. These are all objectively facially masculine traits.

[**We objectively, have the most masculine facial features.**

# Evidence 3: Penile length/girth

The whole "BBC" or "small asian cock" myths are both unfounded. The averages and statistics prove that significant gaps regarding erect length and girth do not exist as an average. Outliers do exist, but porn is not an accurate source of information

**Human penis size disparities are not as significant as porn and the media tells you.**

# Evidence 4: We are built for Strength & Power

We have some of the highest genetic potential for Strength and power, unlike what some people may believe. Chinese and DPRK weightlifters regularly turn heads, the science behind it is quite simple.

**Asians are biologically hardwired for strength and power.**

# Evidence 5: Robustness

This circles back to Evidence 2, but I wanted to expand on the "Robustness" point I made previously. Due to us being of the "Robust" cline, Asians have an advantage when it comes to swimming, wrestling and weightlifting. Wrestling and weightlifting are typically considered to be "Masculine sports"

[ **Asians are biologically advantaged for wrestling, weightlifting and swimming.**

# Evidence 6: Even Western Media subconsciously acknowledges this fact

If you look in Western animation, plenty of the more masculine characters (Batman, Superman, Shazam) have typical Asiatic features.

**Western animation moguls knows that Asian men are hyper masculine.**

# Evidence 7: Low body hair =/= low dihydrotestosterone

Some people may believe having low dihydrotestosterone causes lack of facial hair growth, this is far from the truth. In fact, having a thick head of hair is typically seen as more attractive. So why is that the races that grow thick beards always bald so quickly?

**Lack of facial hair has got nothing to do with masculinity.**


**In this section, I will be answering the potential counter points, arguments and questions people may leave. To avoid them being in the comments and starting a flame war.**

# #1 Why are you so obsessed/Stop appeasing white men!/You're just insecure

First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with dispelling myths and lies with facts. Sure, I'm obsessed with this concept of "Asian men being hyper masculine", because I want to dispel the myths about it. Conversely, I could turn around and argue and say you're "obsessed" with asian activism. Try and apply your own standards to yourself, thanks.

Secondly, how am I appeasing white men? In every single evidence point, it claims we are better at certain things than caucasians. If I was trying to appease white men, I would be out right praising them. I am not, I am not singing their praises. I am singing our praises. Not sure how the two are the same.

Thirdly, the point of this post IS to dispel insecurity. If you are secure in your masculinity, good for you! But other people aren't, this post is for them. If you can't stand the idea of other asian men being secure, there's some serious soul searching you're going to have to do.

# #2 How did you compile all this evidence?

Me and a bunch of friends (who shall remain unnamed), collaborated with me to research these topics. With the Coronavirus attacks, that was the last straw for me. I flung myself head first into trying to find ways to help other Asian men. These are the fruits of my friends and my labour, over a solid year of research.

# #3 What is the point of all of this?

To dispel myths against asian men and reveal the truth of the matter. I refuse to stand by and continue having my brothers and myself being slandered by lies. Especially when those lies lead to destructive self hating behaviour that I myself, was once guilty of.

# #4 How do I help dispel the myths against Asian men?

Simple, practice what you preach. Work out, eat well, live healthily, don't be a pussy, stand up for other asian men. More importantly, HELP OTHER ASIAN MEN. Not every other asian man is on azn identity or aware/active in Asian activism. HELP THEM! HELP YOUR BROTHERS! It doesn't have to be providing them the science or the facts behind it, it can be simple as helping them eat right, encouraging them to be physically active.

# #5 This seems like psuedo science/bro science to me

I am uncertain how using sources like pubmed is "psuedo science". The studies I've chosen were not only performned on Asians but on other ethnicities/races as well. The prevelance of genes being useful for strength/power etc, are real. Don't bash it, have an open mind.

Bro science is anectodal, this isn't. The evidence is backed by statistics and research data, I am not pulling random claims out of the air and dumping them. I used evidence performned by both Asian and Non Asian researchers, don't bash it before you read it, have an open mind.



There you have it, so far this is all the evidence that I have compiled and feel that should be released to the public (as of now). There is more evidence under way and certain pieces of evidence we are still deliberating on whether we should release or not.

**If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.**
insecure asian detected
It’s not about the testosterone levels. It’s about the prenatal testosterone, androgen receptor density and sensitivity(CAG repeats) that causes androgenic features. Asians are subhuman in all of this.
You are Keyboard scientist :D
  • JFL
Reactions: CopeMoreCumskins., Esteban1997 and Deleted member 16369
Holy shit


Here is the simple fact of reality. Gooks get bullied and dominated by all other races, because of their lack of physical ability/masculinity. Again, if reality coalesced with your cope paragraph, nobody would argue. It is that simple bruv. You can type 6000000 Thesis's on this shit, it doesn't matter if reality says otherwise. If Gooks showed that they were masculine and dominant in physical aspects NOBODY would argue (in studies, anecdotal examples, and real life dynamic situations). As seen with Blacks, Meds, Whites and Some Hispanic Groups. Yes individually, there are gooks that stand out for their race, but compared to people of other races that stand out (or even average/below av people at times), they have absolutely no chance lmao. The reality is...

Blaks mog tiny white dicks



Gooks can't compete and get abused and dog stomped in Physical/Masculinity/Athletic aspects lol. Blame God. Again, if all of these lists, studies, real life GENUINE examples had asian men at the top. Nobody would be saying you are weak. Lmao. Now you could say weightlifting, but a few top level GOOK athletes literally just got popped for roids and they have a history literally bathed in cheating like rats along with russia. I'll leave it at that.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • Woah
Reactions: justropemaxbro, Deleted member 23611, Deleted member 2268 and 2 others
This is all so stupid holy shit 😂
  • JFL
Reactions: CopeMoreCumskins.
Asian men ARE masculine, the notion of Asian men being effeminate is FALSE


**People may think I'm trolling when they see the title, but I assure you, I am not. Asian men are not effeminate, that is very far from the truth. Those of you who have seen my previous posts may already know why that is, but due to the influx of new members of the past year and the fact I want to compile my posts together into one cohesive piece.**

# Foreword

Note, **if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.** The purpose of this post is to dispel the myth of the "effeminate asian male" and to continue to awaken other Asian men to the truth. If you have any AM friends in real life who are suffering due to this myth, please send them this post.

# Evidence 1: Testosterone Levels

As we know, Testosterone is an integral part of being "hormonally male". Anyone who says being "hyper masculine" or being "masculine" has nothing to do with testosterone are lying. Male features are directly impacted by testosterone.

We have some of the highest if not highest testosterone levels, will go in depth into providing proof to back up my evidence. **We have some of the highest total testosterone levels, bioavailable and free testosterone.**

# Evidence 2: Facial structure

Asians belong to the "Robust" category of species, allowing us to develop objectively more rugged and masculine features. We have the broadest faces, highest forward growth, larger jaws, broad noses, hunter eyes and chins. These are all objectively facially masculine traits.

[**We objectively, have the most masculine facial features.**

# Evidence 3: Penile length/girth

The whole "BBC" or "small asian cock" myths are both unfounded. The averages and statistics prove that significant gaps regarding erect length and girth do not exist as an average. Outliers do exist, but porn is not an accurate source of information

**Human penis size disparities are not as significant as porn and the media tells you.**

# Evidence 4: We are built for Strength & Power

We have some of the highest genetic potential for Strength and power, unlike what some people may believe. Chinese and DPRK weightlifters regularly turn heads, the science behind it is quite simple.

**Asians are biologically hardwired for strength and power.**

# Evidence 5: Robustness

This circles back to Evidence 2, but I wanted to expand on the "Robustness" point I made previously. Due to us being of the "Robust" cline, Asians have an advantage when it comes to swimming, wrestling and weightlifting. Wrestling and weightlifting are typically considered to be "Masculine sports"

[ **Asians are biologically advantaged for wrestling, weightlifting and swimming.**

# Evidence 6: Even Western Media subconsciously acknowledges this fact

If you look in Western animation, plenty of the more masculine characters (Batman, Superman, Shazam) have typical Asiatic features.

**Western animation moguls knows that Asian men are hyper masculine.**

# Evidence 7: Low body hair =/= low dihydrotestosterone

Some people may believe having low dihydrotestosterone causes lack of facial hair growth, this is far from the truth. In fact, having a thick head of hair is typically seen as more attractive. So why is that the races that grow thick beards always bald so quickly?

**Lack of facial hair has got nothing to do with masculinity.**


**In this section, I will be answering the potential counter points, arguments and questions people may leave. To avoid them being in the comments and starting a flame war.**

# #1 Why are you so obsessed/Stop appeasing white men!/You're just insecure

First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with dispelling myths and lies with facts. Sure, I'm obsessed with this concept of "Asian men being hyper masculine", because I want to dispel the myths about it. Conversely, I could turn around and argue and say you're "obsessed" with asian activism. Try and apply your own standards to yourself, thanks.

Secondly, how am I appeasing white men? In every single evidence point, it claims we are better at certain things than caucasians. If I was trying to appease white men, I would be out right praising them. I am not, I am not singing their praises. I am singing our praises. Not sure how the two are the same.

Thirdly, the point of this post IS to dispel insecurity. If you are secure in your masculinity, good for you! But other people aren't, this post is for them. If you can't stand the idea of other asian men being secure, there's some serious soul searching you're going to have to do.

# #2 How did you compile all this evidence?

Me and a bunch of friends (who shall remain unnamed), collaborated with me to research these topics. With the Coronavirus attacks, that was the last straw for me. I flung myself head first into trying to find ways to help other Asian men. These are the fruits of my friends and my labour, over a solid year of research.

# #3 What is the point of all of this?

To dispel myths against asian men and reveal the truth of the matter. I refuse to stand by and continue having my brothers and myself being slandered by lies. Especially when those lies lead to destructive self hating behaviour that I myself, was once guilty of.

# #4 How do I help dispel the myths against Asian men?

Simple, practice what you preach. Work out, eat well, live healthily, don't be a pussy, stand up for other asian men. More importantly, HELP OTHER ASIAN MEN. Not every other asian man is on azn identity or aware/active in Asian activism. HELP THEM! HELP YOUR BROTHERS! It doesn't have to be providing them the science or the facts behind it, it can be simple as helping them eat right, encouraging them to be physically active.

# #5 This seems like psuedo science/bro science to me

I am uncertain how using sources like pubmed is "psuedo science". The studies I've chosen were not only performned on Asians but on other ethnicities/races as well. The prevelance of genes being useful for strength/power etc, are real. Don't bash it, have an open mind.

Bro science is anectodal, this isn't. The evidence is backed by statistics and research data, I am not pulling random claims out of the air and dumping them. I used evidence performned by both Asian and Non Asian researchers, don't bash it before you read it, have an open mind.



There you have it, so far this is all the evidence that I have compiled and feel that should be released to the public (as of now). There is more evidence under way and certain pieces of evidence we are still deliberating on whether we should release or not.

**If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.**
all of those bad things about asian men are certainly true with lots of evidence, and you provided no evidence to disprove it, however im happy to listen if you provide evidence

only thing i would say are east asians arent as low smv as ppl make out

still have lightish skin, not that short

so get mogged by whites and taller latino countries, but east asians come next tbh.. mogging everyone else

and that was proven in this study-
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24444
Dnrd + clearly not
  • JFL
Reactions: TheRenaissanceMan
Some sfcel has probably already debunked all these points
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24444
all of those bad things about asian men are certainly true with lots of evidence, and you provided no evidence to disprove it, however im happy to listen if you provide evidence

only thing i would say are east asians arent as low smv as ppl make out

still have lightish skin, not that short

so get mogged by whites and taller latino countries, but east asians come next tbh.. mogging everyone else

and that was proven in this study-
We asians have shitty paranasal area and shitty nose, gladly I dodged a bullet and didn’t get splanty eyes. Imagine having this + brown skin, sea pheno is probably even worse than curries
We asians have shitty paranasal area and shitty nose, gladly I dodged a bullet and didn’t get splanty eyes. Imagine having this + brown skin, sea pheno is probably even worse than curries
Nah your all the same lol. Zero appeal
Asian men ARE masculine, the notion of Asian men being effeminate is FALSE


**People may think I'm trolling when they see the title, but I assure you, I am not. Asian men are not effeminate, that is very far from the truth. Those of you who have seen my previous posts may already know why that is, but due to the influx of new members of the past year and the fact I want to compile my posts together into one cohesive piece.**

# Foreword

Note, **if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.** The purpose of this post is to dispel the myth of the "effeminate asian male" and to continue to awaken other Asian men to the truth. If you have any AM friends in real life who are suffering due to this myth, please send them this post.

# Evidence 1: Testosterone Levels

As we know, Testosterone is an integral part of being "hormonally male". Anyone who says being "hyper masculine" or being "masculine" has nothing to do with testosterone are lying. Male features are directly impacted by testosterone.

We have some of the highest if not highest testosterone levels, will go in depth into providing proof to back up my evidence. **We have some of the highest total testosterone levels, bioavailable and free testosterone.**

# Evidence 2: Facial structure

Asians belong to the "Robust" category of species, allowing us to develop objectively more rugged and masculine features. We have the broadest faces, highest forward growth, larger jaws, broad noses, hunter eyes and chins. These are all objectively facially masculine traits.

[**We objectively, have the most masculine facial features.**

# Evidence 3: Penile length/girth

The whole "BBC" or "small asian cock" myths are both unfounded. The averages and statistics prove that significant gaps regarding erect length and girth do not exist as an average. Outliers do exist, but porn is not an accurate source of information

**Human penis size disparities are not as significant as porn and the media tells you.**

# Evidence 4: We are built for Strength & Power

We have some of the highest genetic potential for Strength and power, unlike what some people may believe. Chinese and DPRK weightlifters regularly turn heads, the science behind it is quite simple.

**Asians are biologically hardwired for strength and power.**

# Evidence 5: Robustness

This circles back to Evidence 2, but I wanted to expand on the "Robustness" point I made previously. Due to us being of the "Robust" cline, Asians have an advantage when it comes to swimming, wrestling and weightlifting. Wrestling and weightlifting are typically considered to be "Masculine sports"

[ **Asians are biologically advantaged for wrestling, weightlifting and swimming.**

# Evidence 6: Even Western Media subconsciously acknowledges this fact

If you look in Western animation, plenty of the more masculine characters (Batman, Superman, Shazam) have typical Asiatic features.

**Western animation moguls knows that Asian men are hyper masculine.**

# Evidence 7: Low body hair =/= low dihydrotestosterone

Some people may believe having low dihydrotestosterone causes lack of facial hair growth, this is far from the truth. In fact, having a thick head of hair is typically seen as more attractive. So why is that the races that grow thick beards always bald so quickly?

**Lack of facial hair has got nothing to do with masculinity.**


**In this section, I will be answering the potential counter points, arguments and questions people may leave. To avoid them being in the comments and starting a flame war.**

# #1 Why are you so obsessed/Stop appeasing white men!/You're just insecure

First and foremost, there is nothing wrong with dispelling myths and lies with facts. Sure, I'm obsessed with this concept of "Asian men being hyper masculine", because I want to dispel the myths about it. Conversely, I could turn around and argue and say you're "obsessed" with asian activism. Try and apply your own standards to yourself, thanks.

Secondly, how am I appeasing white men? In every single evidence point, it claims we are better at certain things than caucasians. If I was trying to appease white men, I would be out right praising them. I am not, I am not singing their praises. I am singing our praises. Not sure how the two are the same.

Thirdly, the point of this post IS to dispel insecurity. If you are secure in your masculinity, good for you! But other people aren't, this post is for them. If you can't stand the idea of other asian men being secure, there's some serious soul searching you're going to have to do.

# #2 How did you compile all this evidence?

Me and a bunch of friends (who shall remain unnamed), collaborated with me to research these topics. With the Coronavirus attacks, that was the last straw for me. I flung myself head first into trying to find ways to help other Asian men. These are the fruits of my friends and my labour, over a solid year of research.

# #3 What is the point of all of this?

To dispel myths against asian men and reveal the truth of the matter. I refuse to stand by and continue having my brothers and myself being slandered by lies. Especially when those lies lead to destructive self hating behaviour that I myself, was once guilty of.

# #4 How do I help dispel the myths against Asian men?

Simple, practice what you preach. Work out, eat well, live healthily, don't be a pussy, stand up for other asian men. More importantly, HELP OTHER ASIAN MEN. Not every other asian man is on azn identity or aware/active in Asian activism. HELP THEM! HELP YOUR BROTHERS! It doesn't have to be providing them the science or the facts behind it, it can be simple as helping them eat right, encouraging them to be physically active.

# #5 This seems like psuedo science/bro science to me

I am uncertain how using sources like pubmed is "psuedo science". The studies I've chosen were not only performned on Asians but on other ethnicities/races as well. The prevelance of genes being useful for strength/power etc, are real. Don't bash it, have an open mind.

Bro science is anectodal, this isn't. The evidence is backed by statistics and research data, I am not pulling random claims out of the air and dumping them. I used evidence performned by both Asian and Non Asian researchers, don't bash it before you read it, have an open mind.



There you have it, so far this is all the evidence that I have compiled and feel that should be released to the public (as of now). There is more evidence under way and certain pieces of evidence we are still deliberating on whether we should release or not.

**If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me directly.**
Cope harder gook
Highest-IQ user here.
This is biased research from the beginning. You stated that you started researching with the intention to prove Asian masculinity and help Asian men. That means you were only looking for research to prove your point rather than look at the research objectively.

That doesn’t mean that everything you said is wrong… but it seems like you started with the conclusion, and found research to back it up—when you should have started with research, and then found the conclusion.
We asians have shitty paranasal area and shitty nose, gladly I dodged a bullet and didn’t get splanty eyes. Imagine having this + brown skin, sea pheno is probably even worse than curries
they mog curries still , curries have giga ethnic noses and ears

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