Asked my Oneitis out



Resident Professor
Sep 1, 2018
So I'll keep this quick. Went to a kids Halloween party, aka no booze, hookups, shit like that.

>Be me
>Have a qt half Asian Oneitis.
>She's badass, yells at her friends if they swear near her
>Very studious, extremely smart
>Wait 1 year to ask her out
>Go to Halloween party, promise myself I'll ask her out
>Ask my Oneitis if we can talk
>Say I think she's cute and awesome, and if she wants to hang out
>Says "maybe", because she's worried about school and work
>Expected this answer, still sad that School is more attractive than I am
>Knows it's not healthy, checks phone obsessively every few minutes since last night to see if she's texted back
>Seeing her at work today (work in the same place)

Should I
a. Avoid her like the plauge and make her say something to me
b. Be friendly like before, but don't start any convos
c. Give up hope because she's banging Chad on the side anyway
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anyway I think you should apologize and say she is the most beautiful girl in the world

Apologize for what
So I'll keep this quick. Went to a kids Halloween party, aka no booze, hookups, shit like that.

>Be me
>Have a qt half Asian Oneitis.
>She's badass, yells at her friends if they swear near her
>Very studious, extremely smart
>Wait 1 year to ask her out
>Go to Halloween party, promise myself I'll ask her out
>Ask my Oneitis if we can talk
>Say I think she's cute and awesome, and if she wants to hang out
>Says "maybe", because she's worried about school and work
>Expected this answer, still sad that School is more attractive than I am
>Knows it's not healthy, checks phone obsessively every few minutes since last night to see if she's texted back
>Seeing her at work today (work in the same place)

Should I
a. Avoid her like the plauge and make her say something to me
b. Be friendly like before, but don't start any convos
c. Give up hope because she's banging Chad on the side anyway

Oooh buddy that's rough. Hate to break it to you but "Maybe, I'm busy with school/work is basically a no". Think about it, if she were into you, wouldn't she at least make the attempt to see you at least once? I've dealt with this years ago and in the end it's basically a subtle rejection from her end, especially since she seems to be very familiar with you already.

Now, with that being said, there is still a sliver of hope left, so don't commit neck rope just yet.

1. DO NOT be clingy. This = automatic death. After such a brave encounter (I'll give you props for having the balls to ask her face first), if you made a clear point about hanging out in a "non-friendzoned" way, then she definitely got the message. The worst thing you can do is continuously nagging her or starting up random "friendly" conversations. No matter how much you feel the urge to do it because "I don't want to be mean", just understand that it's the inner incel trying to take over your thoughts.

2. You don't have to completely ignore her, but I would focus on staying positive & talking to others in the meantime. What I mean by that is that if you used to talk to her randomly at school, try engaging in more conversations with people aside from her. This will obviously make her question why you aren't speaking to her as much because she obviously doesn't want to lose you as a "friend", but it makes her realize that you are a guy that other girls also enjoy talking to who is confident in himself.

3. Only have short conversations with her that are absolutely necessary. If you see her at work & she says something like "Hey how are you doing?", reply with "Oh, everything is alright", and then continue being busy. Obviously if it's only 2 of you isolated alone in a room then I'd care less about talking and more about flirting.

4. Follow up with your intentions in a couple of days. The way you asked her to "hangout sometime", isn't exactly the most straightforward and confident phrasing. A better question would have involved bringing up a date or something more flirtatious that gives a bigger clue that you don't plan on dicking around as friends much longer. So unless she messages you about wanting to "hang out" or whatever, follow up asking her what her schedule is like. You DO NOT want to dance around dates and say "idk, anytime" or "someday", that's all sugar-coated beta bullshit. You want to discuss when she's actually fucking free, and when you can pick her up & take her on a date or slide into her place. I can't tell what age you may be, but if she's prude & inexperienced then she will seem a bit hesistant/shy at first, but you have to be persistence.

5. After making your intentions clearer, make sure to become less & less available, and if it doesn't work, move on. So you've set a clear date (hopefully you mention that you're busy most days too so that you don't sound too desperate being free 24/7), now what? If she hangs-out with you, you don't want this to be a friendly interaction only, that gets you the friendzone. Flirt with her, joke around, make a move, if everything goes well, wait a couple of days without contacting her and then do it again. If she keeps making up bullshit excuses that her schoolwork is too much, or that work is too much, or that her pet turtle died, or that she's sick, cut off contact with her. Make it clear that you only see her as more than a friend, and if she doesn't feel the same way, then you're moving on without her in life. At this stage, you lookmax x100 and you'll see that there's much better women out there. Who knows, after your ultimatum she may not want to lose you and will give you a chance, otherwise don't waste your time on this.
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Oooh buddy that's rough. Hate to break it to you but "Maybe, I'm busy with school/work is basically a no". Think about it, if she were into you, wouldn't she at least make the attempt to see you at least once? I've dealt with this years ago and in the end it's basically a subtle rejection from her end, especially since she seems to be very familiar with you already.

Now, with that being said, there is still a sliver of hope left, so don't commit neck rope just yet.

1. DO NOT be clingy. This = automatic death. After such a brave encounter (I'll give you props for having the balls to ask her face first), if you made a clear point about hanging out in a "non-friendzoned" way, then she definitely got the message. The worst thing you can do is continuously nagging her or starting up random "friendly" conversations. No matter how much you feel the urge to do it because "I don't want to be mean", just understand that it's the inner incel trying to take over your thoughts.

2. You don't have to completely ignore her, but I would focus on staying positive & talking to others in the meantime. What I mean by that is that if you used to talk to her randomly at school, try engaging in more conversations with people aside from her. This will obviously make her question why you aren't speaking to her as much because she obviously doesn't want to lose you as a "friend", but it makes her realize that you are a guy that other girls also enjoy talking to who is confident in himself.

3. Only have short conversations with her that are absolutely necessary. If you see her at work & she says something like "Hey how are you doing?", reply with "Oh, everything is alright", and then continue being busy. Obviously if it's only 2 of you isolated alone in a room then I'd care less about talking and more about flirting.

4. Follow up with your intentions in a couple of days. The way you asked her to "hangout sometime", isn't exactly the most straightforward and confident phrasing. A better question would have involved bringing up a date or something more flirtatious that gives a bigger clue that you don't plan on dicking around as friends much longer. So unless she messages you about wanting to "hang out" or whatever, follow up asking her what her schedule is like. You DO NOT want to dance around dates and say "idk, anytime" or "someday", that's all sugar-coated beta bullshit. You want to discuss when she's actually fucking free, and when you can pick her up & take her on a date or slide into her place. I can't tell what age you may be, but if she's prude & inexperienced then she will seem a bit hesistant/shy at first, but you have to be persistence.

5. After making your intentions clearer, make sure to become less & less available, and if it doesn't work, move on. So you've set a clear date (hopefully you mention that you're busy most days too so that you don't sound too desperate being free 24/7), now what? If she hangs-out with you, you don't want this to be a friendly interaction only, that gets you the friendzone. Flirt with her, joke around, make a move, if everything goes well, wait a couple of days without contacting her and then do it again. If she keeps making up bullshit excuses that her schoolwork is too much, or that work is too much, or that her pet turtle died, or that she's sick, cut off contact with her. Make it clear that you only see her as more than a friend, and if she doesn't feel the same way, then you're moving on without her in life. At this stage, you lookmax x100 and you'll see that there's much better women out there. Who knows, after your ultimatum she may not want to lose you and will give you a chance, otherwise don't waste your time on this.

I didn't expect to get actual advice, but yeah, you're 100% correct
  • +1
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Oooh buddy that's rough. Hate to break it to you but "Maybe, I'm busy with school/work is basically a no". Think about it, if she were into you, wouldn't she at least make the attempt to see you at least once? I've dealt with this years ago and in the end it's basically a subtle rejection from her end, especially since she seems to be very familiar with you already.

Now, with that being said, there is still a sliver of hope left, so don't commit neck rope just yet.

1. DO NOT be clingy. This = automatic death. After such a brave encounter (I'll give you props for having the balls to ask her face first), if you made a clear point about hanging out in a "non-friendzoned" way, then she definitely got the message. The worst thing you can do is continuously nagging her or starting up random "friendly" conversations. No matter how much you feel the urge to do it because "I don't want to be mean", just understand that it's the inner incel trying to take over your thoughts.

2. You don't have to completely ignore her, but I would focus on staying positive & talking to others in the meantime. What I mean by that is that if you used to talk to her randomly at school, try engaging in more conversations with people aside from her. This will obviously make her question why you aren't speaking to her as much because she obviously doesn't want to lose you as a "friend", but it makes her realize that you are a guy that other girls also enjoy talking to who is confident in himself.

3. Only have short conversations with her that are absolutely necessary. If you see her at work & she says something like "Hey how are you doing?", reply with "Oh, everything is alright", and then continue being busy. Obviously if it's only 2 of you isolated alone in a room then I'd care less about talking and more about flirting.

4. Follow up with your intentions in a couple of days. The way you asked her to "hangout sometime", isn't exactly the most straightforward and confident phrasing. A better question would have involved bringing up a date or something more flirtatious that gives a bigger clue that you don't plan on dicking around as friends much longer. So unless she messages you about wanting to "hang out" or whatever, follow up asking her what her schedule is like. You DO NOT want to dance around dates and say "idk, anytime" or "someday", that's all sugar-coated beta bullshit. You want to discuss when she's actually fucking free, and when you can pick her up & take her on a date or slide into her place. I can't tell what age you may be, but if she's prude & inexperienced then she will seem a bit hesistant/shy at first, but you have to be persistence.

5. After making your intentions clearer, make sure to become less & less available, and if it doesn't work, move on. So you've set a clear date (hopefully you mention that you're busy most days too so that you don't sound too desperate being free 24/7), now what? If she hangs-out with you, you don't want this to be a friendly interaction only, that gets you the friendzone. Flirt with her, joke around, make a move, if everything goes well, wait a couple of days without contacting her and then do it again. If she keeps making up bullshit excuses that her schoolwork is too much, or that work is too much, or that her pet turtle died, or that she's sick, cut off contact with her. Make it clear that you only see her as more than a friend, and if she doesn't feel the same way, then you're moving on without her in life. At this stage, you lookmax x100 and you'll see that there's much better women out there. Who knows, after your ultimatum she may not want to lose you and will give you a chance, otherwise don't waste your time on this.
:feelswow: this user is someone we needed, but didn't deserve
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That's what I was leaning towards, wanted to be sure

Listen you fucking kid. I'm a Navy Seal, and I will not apologize for my 8 inch wrists and being 6'5" 225lbs
Good luck buddy. I had the worst cringe with my oneitis, literally begged her, JFL.
Good luck buddy. I had the worst cringe with my oneitis, literally begged her, JFL.

Can't help who you love. She's literally the most unavailable person I know, it's not even funny bro.
I’d say don’t initiate any conversation with her. Let her do the talking because after the “maybe” if you keep pushing things you’ll turn into a orbiter for her. Just keep to yourself and pursue other women in the meantime.
Just need to ingrain in your brain the fact there is no such thing as “the one” that’s all horseshit, a myth. You can make it work with any female you’re attracted to. She’s just another female, nothing more or less. So get yourself out there pursuing as many as you can.
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I’d say don’t initiate any conversation with her. Let her do the talking because after the “maybe” if you keep pushing things you’ll turn into a orbiter for her. Just keep to yourself and pursue other women in the meantime.
Just need to ingrain in your brain the fact there is no such thing as “the one” that’s all horseshit, a myth. You can make it work with any female you’re attracted to. She’s just another female, nothing more or less. So get yourself out there pursuing as many as you can.

I'm probably using that term incorrectly. It's better to say that I'm in love, which is more accurate. I'm not under the assumption that I'll only ever love her, and nobody else. That would be stupid. That being said, you don't get to choose who you fall for, which is unfortunate.
So I'll keep this quick. Went to a kids Halloween party, aka no booze, hookups, shit like that.

>Be me
>Have a qt half Asian Oneitis.
>She's badass, yells at her friends if they swear near her
>Very studious, extremely smart
>Wait 1 year to ask her out
>Go to Halloween party, promise myself I'll ask her out
>Ask my Oneitis if we can talk
>Say I think she's cute and awesome, and if she wants to hang out
>Says "maybe", because she's worried about school and work
>Expected this answer, still sad that School is more attractive than I am
>Knows it's not healthy, checks phone obsessively every few minutes since last night to see if she's texted back
>Seeing her at work today (work in the same place)

Should I
a. Avoid her like the plauge and make her say something to me
b. Be friendly like before, but don't start any convos
c. Give up hope because she's banging Chad on the side anyway
A! My oneitis said maybe, I should have cut her off at that point but I didn't, now I'm extremely fucked in head because of that bitch. She rejected you in a polite way, the most she is going to do now is use you for attention, that's exactly what happened to me.
A! My oneitis said maybe, I should have cut her off at that point but I didn't, now I'm extremely fucked in head because of that bitch. She rejected you in a polite way, the most she is going to do now is use you for attention, that's exactly what happened to me.

Yeah, I'm prepared for that.
Not planning on turning into an orbiter
At least you asked her out man which is not easy for many. I think you should act normal but don’t initiate conversation. Just act like nothing happened and you forgot about it and had a threesome last night so you don’t even remember that.

Avoiding her might make you look entitled or insecure. May be it was a shit test(Not that I believe but who knows). And remember that there are many fishes in the sea.
Can't help who you love. She's literally the most unavailable person I know, it's not even funny bro.
I think it was an obsession in my case but yeah you are right about that. It sucks.
At least you asked her out man which is not easy for many. I think you should act normal but don’t initiate conversation. Just act like nothing happened and you forgot about it and had a threesome last night so you don’t even remember that.

Avoiding her might make you look entitled or insecure. May be it was a shit test(Not that I believe but who knows). And remember that there are many fishes in the sea.

Wasn't easy for me, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack
Wasn't easy for me, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack
Once you do this enough times, it becomes much easier & less intimidating.. also alcohol always helps lmao but I don't recommend recommend always practicing under the influence.
It's over for tricksters
It's over for tricksters

It really is
Once you do this enough times, it becomes much easier & less intimidating.. also alcohol always helps lmao but I don't recommend recommend always practicing under the influence.

Not that type of party, but I get what you mean
fuck mongoloid women

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