[Atomic JB Pill] SCIENTIFIC PROOF it is normal for average healthy men to find pubescent & even prepubescent females potentially sexually arousing.

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Deleted member 13642

try osrs srs
Apr 21, 2021
In my opinion, this is the deepest blackpill about natural male sexuality that society wants to pretend doesn't exist. Men will deny it in public. Women will try to shame men who dare to express it. But at its most fundamental, society refusing to acknowledge this represents the public shaming of healthy male sexuality and the attempts of feminism to redefine what is "healthy" so that almost all men can be considered pathological. This cuts to the core of many hardcore feminist's beliefs - that men are fundamentally "wrong" in some way. That male sexuality is a crime just for existing. That "all penetrative sex is rape", etc. It is therefore important to address it.

I have always believed that scientific truth is greater than any one person's opinion. So I will review some of the primary scientific research on how normal patterns of male sexuality work relative to female age. My doing so does not represent any belief that any of this is "good" or "bad". This is simply a reflection of the objective truth. Truth has independent value. And it ought to be acknowledged.

How Norms of Male Sexuality Have Been Scientifically Studied
Scientific studies on the norms of male heterosexuality as they pertain to female age date back to the 70s. One of the primary ways this has been studied is with phallometry, which involves measuring blood flow to the penis to objectively quantify physical sexual arousal. Scientists have selected healthy average men from the population with no history of sexual aberrance, shown them pictures of females and males of all ages, and recorded their penile responses. Images of boys or men, or blank sheets of paper, are typically used for control purposes.

These studies have been done for two main purposes: (1) It is impossible to know what normal is unless you objectively study it, and (2) Defining normal patterns allows you to then recognize when someone is "not normal" ie. When the pattern differs. (Without a normal reference, you cannot define what is truly abnormal.)

How Male Arousal Varies With Female Age
The first major published study on this subject was "The Structure of Erotic Preference in the Nondeviant Male" (1970), and it's findings have since been replicated many times. In this primary study, 48 healthy young men of average age 20 enrolled in compulsory military service with no prior history of any mental or physical problems were selected and wired up for phallometry. Pictures were shown to these men of males and females of all ages, and their penile responses were recorded.

The results were as follows:

As you can see, the strongest penile response overall was to adult females, as one might expect. However, the response to adolescent females was almost exactly as strong as the response to adult females. It was in fact only barely less than the response to adult female. So these normal, average, healthy men were almost equally aroused by adolescent vs. adult females. Even more remarkable, the penile response to female children was around 60% of the response to adult women. The control response to males of all ages was very low.

The conclusion scientific researchers have drawn from this study and others is that it is therefore absolutely normal for a healthy heterosexual man to be capable of sexually arousal by adolescent females, and even to be capable of arousal to female children, though to a significantly lesser extent.

Deviant patterns would differ as follows: A true hebephile (prefers adolescents) might be difficult to distinguish from a normal man, since the response to adolescent and adult women is almost identical in healthy men. But a true hebephile would be expected to have a stronger arousal peak with adolescent females. A pedophile (prefers children) would be identifiable by having the strongest arousal peak to female children.

Thus the difference between normal and deviant men is not whether or not it is possible for them to be aroused by young females, but rather a matter of where their strongest arousal peak lies. This importantly tells us is that being capable of being aroused to any extent by a female child does not by itself make a man a pedophile, since 52-58% of healthy men experienced this. A pedophile is someone who experiences the strongest or even exclusive arousal from children, which is a different thing.

These findings have since been reproduced by many other studies. If you're interested in digging deeper into the field, the history of known research on this subject is summarized in this excerpt from a peer-reviewed journal article:
A series of studies in the 1970s and 1980s consistently showed that gynephilic men experience sexual arousal to prepubescent girls that is significantly greater than to neutral stimuli and to any age-group (i.e., prepubescent, pubescent, adult) of males. Freund and Costell (1970) first demonstrated that in terms of relative arousal (as measured by ccs of blood volume in the penis), gynephilic men showed the most increase to adult and pubescent females, the greatest decrease to all age categories of males, and arousal to prepubescent females falling between the two. Freund, McKnight, Langevin, and Cibiri (1972) assessed nondeviant gynephilic men using volumetric phallometry and again found greater penile responses to static images of nude females of all ages than to any of the male age-groups. Arousal even to the youngest girls (aged 6-8 years) was significantly greater than to males or to neutral images. Freund et al. (1972) created slides of specific body regions of the different age and gender groups, with results indicating greater arousal to the genitals and buttocks of young girls (aged 8-11 years) than to neutral slides. In a study examining nondeviant heterosexual and homosexual men, heterosexual men again showed significantly greater arousal to static nude images of all age categories of females than to male or neutral stimuli (Freund, Langevin, Cibiri, & Zajac, 1973). These patterns of arousal were replicated by both Frenzel and Lang (1989) and Blanchard, Lykins, et al. (2009). This pattern has been termed the “classical control profile” (Frenzel & Lang, 1989), such that as the female becomes increasingly developed and physically mature, penile responses increase accordingly in gynephilic men.

Why This Is Important
Average people generally find this truth about male sexuality too distasteful to acknowledge. This is likely because with the exception of females on Tinder who have no problems with men who rape children, most of society wants to believe that pedophiles are the darkest, most horrifying creatures imaginable. If that is true, than any physical arousal that might be provoked in a man by a child or adolescent female would also be deemed horrifying and impossible to accept.

Could average people accept that normal, healthy average men are capable of being aroused by female adolescents and even children, given that science has demonstrated this is the case? Could a woman sleep at night, knowing that her husband and father of her children might have had an erection over a female child or adolescent at one time in his life? Could she accept that if this was the case, the science suggests it would have been entirely normal?

The more I have thought about it, the more I think it's important that people confront this reality. People aren't usually interested in facts or objective truths when it comes to subjects as emotionally loaded as this. But they ought to be. In particular, the lies that people tell about what is "normal" or not for male sexuality can have serious ramifications for young men. For example, I do not think in the context of this known research, it would be appropriate to tell every man who has ever had an erection from a 14 year old girl in a skimpy outfit that there is something "twisted" about him for that experience. Raising an entire generation of men to believe they are "pedophiles" or "sick" or "demented" just for being within the normal range of healthy male sexuality is simply not the right thing to do.

What kind of world are we living in if we tell ourselves that just being born a healthy heterosexual man means you ought to be ashamed? Or hate yourself? Or pretend that you see the world in a different way than you actually do?

At it's heart, I believe that society's refusal to acknowledge that this is how men naturally work is a manifestation of the growing hatred/fear of male sexuality and movement to convince men that we are "wrong" and "broken".
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How Male Age Preferences (Don't) Change With Age
Different research using online dating trends have shown that the ages of females that men find most sexually arousing don't change as men get older. Even when you are 60, you will inevitably still be jerking off (assuming you can get it up) to "barely legal" girls. You will get older, but the girls you like will never change.

This was shown in the study here. You can see that for a woman, the men that look best to her will grow older as she does

However, for men, it never changes much at all. We like 20 year olds the best all the way down:

So we can conclude:
- Most normal healthy men are capable of being aroused by female adolescents and even children, although the preferred age of women is most often around 20.
- None of this appreciably changes as a man gets older.
- Thus we are almost ALL destined to inevitably become "dirty old men", if we aren't already.
- According to science then, "Dirty old men" = Normal old men.

Age of Consent and The Law
Again, it's important to note that everything I've discussed above pertains solely to natural biology. It has nothing to do with what is moral, or correct, or ideal for anyone to act on or indulge, even mentally. I therefore still personally believe that the appropriate age of consent lies somewhere between 14 and 18, as it exists almost everywhere in the world.

If you're trying to understand AoC laws and why I would say this, it's important to understand AoC laws were not designed based on biology. AoC laws were written by parents based on what age most parents prefer to have total control over their children until. Since most parents feel it is important for them to control their children until at least they finish high school, the most common AoC for sex with adults in the west is 16-18. This has nothing to do with what ages of woman an adult man is possibly sexually aroused by. One thing simply has nothing to do with the other.

Best Personal Practices
Reflecting on this, it might then be easy to think: "If it's normal for a man to be aroused by adolescent girls, then why not download all the JB porn I can and hit on as many teenagers in public as possible? Shouldn't that then be fine?"

This, it should go without saying, would be an extremely dangerous and stupid conclusion to come to. Just because your normal healthy male biology permits you to become aroused by girls below the AoC does not mean it's a good idea to actively indulge that aspect of your sexuality, especially not in our modern world. If you a normal man, you will have peak arousal for women >18 in any case. So you should not "need" to pursue erotic stimulation from women younger than this threshold.

Furthermore, irrespective of any morality one might apply to sexualization of females <18, it is adamantly true that in almost all countries, pursuit of pornography or sex with females of these ages is incredibly illegal and can land you in a lifetime of jail. Search on Google News "arrested for child pornography" and you can see examples of all the sad men who have ruined their lives in this way. Keep in mind also that your definition of "child pornography" and the law's may be different. In many places, any picture of any girl under 18 in a "provocative" pose, whether clothed or not, can be considered child pornography.

Agencies like the FBI keep databases of hashes (fingerprints) of all images involved in legal cases with their criminal backgrounds attached. If you download random amateur porn as a matter of habit from 4chan, you may not even know that you have "child pornography" on your hard drive. But if your hard drive ever ends up in the hands of a law enforcement agency (for any reason, even if it's an error), and they run those photos through a hash recognition process, one might be identified as a 16 year old girl and all of a sudden you are a child pornographer. They will likely prosecute you, and you will likely go to jail.

Is a boner, however normal it might be in that case, really worth that? I would say no, and I hope for your own safety you would too. As a matter of personal practice, I have therefore quit websites like 4chan years ago. I have deleted all amateur porn on my computer (because one can't be certain of age with amateur porn). I only download or keep porn from professional legal websites. If you value your freedom or not being jailed as a "pedophile", I recommend you follow the same practices.

It should also go without saying that you shouldn't hit on teenage girls either. Especially if you're incel and you know they will likely be creeped out and highly likely to report you for this behavior.

We are animals, driven by animal instincts, but we have self awareness and self control. Just because our instincts tell us to do something, doesn't mean we have to. And whether an instinct is normal or not does not reflect whether or not we should act on it. But regardless of our actions, it is important to be able to recognize what is normal. And whether society wants to admit it or not, this is normal male sexuality.

(NOTE: The male preference is based off of online dating, which has the lowest age as 18. So for all we know man's natural tendencies could be having a specifice preference for even younger)
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which trannys alt is it
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Mods, ban @Ritalincel for creating an Alt
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Age of consent in Netherlands is 16, I just saw.
Women from 16-18, can look sometimes very attractive.

Any guy or woman not controlling himself with a child, should be punished. It's not within control, what one gets arroused about. But if one takes actions on it, one has to be punished than

LOL. like that Cavill dude with that Allen girl/woman. She is like 17 or 18 or something. But 100% understandeable, she is as attractive as she will ever get probs at that age.

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  • JFL
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Age of consent in Netherlands is 16, I just saw.
Women from 16-18, can look sometimes very attractive.

Any guy not controlling himself with a child, should be punished. It's not within control, what one gets arroused about. But if one takes actions on it, one has to be punished than

LOL. like that Cavill dude with that Allen girl/woman. She is like 17 or 18 or something. But 100% understandeable, she is as attractive as she will ever get probs at that age.

Age of consent in Netherlands is 16, I just saw.
Women from 16-18, can look sometimes very attractive.

Any guy or woman not controlling himself with a child, should be punished. It's not within control, what one gets arroused about. But if one takes actions on it, one has to be punished than

LOL. like that Cavill dude with that Allen girl/woman. She is like 17 or 18 or something. But 100% understandeable, she is as attractive as she will ever get probs at that age.

Screenshot 20210421 135329 Chrome
they finally made a sequel
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Age of consent in Netherlands is 16, I just saw.
Women from 16-18, can look sometimes very attractive.

Any guy or woman not controlling himself with a child, should be punished. It's not within control, what one gets arroused about. But if one takes actions on it, one has to be punished than

LOL. like that Cavill dude with that Allen girl/woman. She is like 17 or 18 or something. But 100% understandeable, she is as attractive as she will ever get probs at that age.

whats he meant to do look at that busted indian tranny?
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schizo autistic weeb coping with prime jbs when after 12 they are already used up. Fetus is ideal
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solid first post greycel. :p
Is this @personalityinkwell alt
12 year old girls get pounded into a mattress and choked and love it, while virgin incels are afraid that they saw amateur porn of a girl that might be 17 and shred their hard drives

it is completely and utterly over
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Legit. But a world where you could act on those desires (if you have them) is from a bygone century. I don't deny that some men find super JB attractive, especially after reading the thread linked bellow.

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